Read Longing for You Page 11

She pursed her lips, as though she were weighing her choices. He hoped she would choose to go with him, but she seemed unsure. “Is it someplace close?”

  “Yeah, it’s just above the club.” He pointed toward the ceiling. “Performers are permitted to use the area before or after a show, but it’s for the staff. J.P. said they use it for breaks or to hang out after a shift.”

  “We’re going to staff quarters?” She feigned surprise. “I feel like Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing. The only thing missing is the watermelon. Need me to carry one?”

  He couldn’t prevent the cheesy grin from overtaking his lips. “No watermelons tonight, doll, but if you want me to teach you to dance, I’m up for the challenge.”

  She bit her bottom lip and lowered her eyes over his body. Seduction came easy to Cassie, whether she realized it or not. Hell, maybe it was just the effect she had on him. It made no difference. His addiction for her grew by the second.

  “I think you’re full of yourself,” she chuckled, “but I’ll bite. Just show me the way.”

  Theo motioned for J.P. to bring them another round. He received a thumbs-up before he refocused on Cassie. “Let’s grab a drink before we go.”

  “Fine, but I’m paying for them.”

  “No way. It’s customary for a gentleman to pay for a lady’s drink.”

  Cassie burst into laughter. “I know all about southern hospitality, but the last time I checked, you were no gentleman, and I am certainly no lady.”

  If that were the case, they could skip the impending discussion and get to what he wanted. Her. But then all she would remember is the trouble-making bad boy he wanted her to forget. Deep down, this was about more than getting a chance to fuck her. This was about showing her what she’d missed—the one person who would treat her like a goddess. There was one sure way for him to accomplish just that.

  It was his turn to be the seducer.


  Theo held the door open for Cassie as she climbed the last stair and walked across the terrace. The humid air clung to his skin, making it warm and clammy, but at least it was quiet atop the roof. None of the staff were on break and the noise filtering from the bar disappeared when he closed the door and proceeded toward her.

  She studied their new surroundings as she made her way to the four-foot ledge overlooking the street. Once she pressed against it and glanced down, he slowed his stride and stared at her body. Her skirt hugged her curves, as well as her ass. Long legs stretched below to pedicured toes and high heels. And that hair…

  Fuck. What was it about those red locks of hers? His palms itched to grab a handful, jerk her head to the side, and trail his lips over her neck. He wouldn’t stop until he kissed those sexy shoulders he’d noticed under the moonlight.

  He never thought she’d be more gorgeous than she was at eighteen. Damn, he’d been wrong. The woman standing before him took his breath away.

  She affected more than that. She was to blame for the erection forming in his jeans. He forced himself to drink his beer and think about something else. Not that it worked. The only thing filling his mind were images of her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Damn her. Damn the ache that she caused. Damn the body that drove him insane.

  “It’s still hot, isn’t it?”

  He knew she was referring to the weather, even if he was thinking about her body when he answered, “Hell yes…”

  She didn’t know his thoughts, didn’t know how many times he’d mentally undressed her. If she saw his crotch, she’d get the idea that his head wasn’t where it should be, but she’d never know he was picturing it between her thighs.

  As if he’d jinxed himself, she turned from the ledge and faced him. Her eyes didn’t roam lower, but she inched closer. “So, you have me up here, all alone. Are you going to tell me why?”

  Her lips entranced him. He fought the urge to cover them with his. “Yeah, I probably should.”

  “Hmm… Should I trust you, Mr. McCabe? You did say you could help me find trouble.”

  There was something about the way she drew one brow higher that made his heart catch. She was right. He could help her find trouble, had offered to do just that, but then, she already knew he could. She witnessed plenty of his devious behavior in their younger years.

  That part of him still existed. In fact, it was screaming at him to lift her skirt and take her right here, right now. Being a bad boy came easy. It was instinct, and yet, it didn’t feel right when it came to her.

  “I’d never get you in any trouble, unless you wanted me to. If trouble is what you want, I’ll oblige you.” He leaned close, so close that if she raised her head a little higher, the lips he craved would be his for the taking. As tempting as the thought was, he remained frozen in place and lowered his voice to a whisper, “Or we can do something we should have done a long time ago.”

  “Oh?” Her breath beat against his face. “And what would that be?”

  There was a list of answers he could give her. Hell, he’d show her a few. God knows he wanted to be selfish about this and go after what he wanted. With the way she was flirting, it would be too easy. Still, it wouldn’t gain him what he wanted. She had to know what she’d missed and what she would crave after he was gone.

  He wanted her to want him.

  The only way that would happen is if he showed her a man worth wanting. She needed to see the side of him he’d never revealed—the guy with the heart—the one who put other people before himself. That was the man he wanted her to think about when she thought of him.

  If she thought of him…

  Easing his head away, he took a step back and cleared his throat. “I think it’s time you and I help right a wrong.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Her delicate laughter made him regret not kissing her. How could something so innocent make him want her this much? He’d spent years trying to forget her. All that effort was being washed away every second they were together. Why the hell was he trying to find a way to spend more time with her?

  “There are two people who should’ve been together but didn’t get the chance. You and I know the truth, and we can set the record straight.”

  She leaned her back against the ledge and observed him. “So what are you suggesting?"

  He fought hard not to stare at her. She was torturing him. The way she pressed her arms against the ledge drew his attention to her breasts. He had to stay focused.

  “Come on, Cass. Don’t tell me you didn’t sense it last night. The desire…the longing…it’s just as strong as it was six years ago. I know you want this as much as I do.”

  “I uh… I don’t know.” Her throat wobbled as she swallowed. “I didn’t think that you…I mean, I never thought you felt this way.”

  “Look, I know I wasn’t always the most sensitive guy, but I feel a lot more than you think. Not a day goes by that I don’t regret some of my choices. I know this is my fault.”

  Her face pinched with confusion. “What makes you think that?”

  “I’m the one who decked Parker Pearson and got expelled. Everything went to hell after that. Now I have a chance to fix things. I owe it to my brother and Ally.”

  Cassie’s head tilted as she drew her brows together. She parted her lips to speak but hesitated. The crease above her eyes softened, then she chuckled. “Um… You’re right. We both know how Jonah and Ally feel about each other. And yes, I did sense it last night. It was just like old times.”

  “Yeah. Nothing has changed. I thought it was just Jonah until I saw Ally. We gotta make this right.”


  “You don’t understand, Cassie. If we don’t get these two together, I’ll be in hell. Forever. Jonah will never be happy unless he’s with Ally.”

  “Believe me, I understand. Ally denies what she feels. She’s adamant about it, but it only proves she’s lying to herself. Seeing Jonah rattled her. That doesn’t happen unless you’re around someone you want but think you can’
t have.”

  He needed no explanation, knew all to well about wanting something he couldn’t have. It’s the reason he was here. If his plan worked, Jonah would reunite with Ally. Then Theo would get what he wanted.

  “So, are you in?”

  Cassie stared at him for what seemed like an eternity. She studied every corner of his face before nodding. “Yeah, I’m in. What’s the plan?”

  “We could accidentally run into each other,” he grinned, “Or we can arrange something. If you think you can persuade Ally to come—”

  “There’s no if about it. I’m confident I can convince her to meet up with you and Jonah.”

  “Sounds good, darlin’. All we need is to figure out when and where.”

  The question went unanswered. Cassie sipped her drink and gazed around the terrace. She refaced the adjacent building as she set her glass on the ledge. Perhaps she was considering their options. She knew more about the area and where would be a suitable place for them to meet. Too many years had passed for him to choose.

  After he tipped his bottle back and finished the rest of his beer, she peered at him over her shoulder. “As defensive as Ally is, this may take a few meet ups. How much time can you invest in this project?”

  “I have time. Do you?”

  She nodded. “I have a busy week at work, but my evenings are free.”

  The more she talked, the more he wanted to hear her voice. “Where do you work?”

  “Platinum Sound Recording Studio. I’m the personal assistant to the CEO.”

  Her response surprised him. She was in the business, had an understanding of how it worked and what the people were like. He wouldn’t bore her if he went on a big rant about the band, the industry, or anything else related to music. She would get it.

  “So you’re used to dealing with musicians.”

  “Yeah. You guys are so cranky sometimes. And managers…” she rolled her eyes. “Don’t get me started.”

  She was still a firecracker—red hot in so many ways, including her temper. He couldn’t help but laugh. It sounded more like a grunt, but it made her smile. “Yeah, I’ve heard there are some assholes in the business.”

  “Assholes? Don’t be so modest, Theo. Call it like you see it. They’re douchebags.” She shook her head and sighed. “At least most of the ones I’ve dealt with are, except the one I encountered on Friday. He’s new to our studio but extremely pleasant and so courteous. Nothing like the other jerk I had to deal with.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone giving you a hard time.”

  “Oh, he did. It’s not my fault that he wrote down the wrong information. He thought we should reschedule a new client because the band he manages wants to start a new album. They haven’t written the first song.” She took a long drink from her glass then set it back on the ledge. “When I didn’t budge, he threatened to have me fired.”

  “What a prick.”

  “Yeah, but my boss took care of it. It’s all good.”

  Theo couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He didn’t doubt Cassie could chew a manager up one side and down the other. She was never one to take shit from anyone, especially a guy.

  It didn’t change the fact that Theo wanted to hunt down this manager and punch him for being a blatant, disrespectful prick. Who knew? He may do just that before he left town. It wouldn’t be the first time he came to her defense.

  Before either of them could say anything else, the door to the stairwell opened. A few staff members walked out, taking what appeared to be a smoke break. Lighters sparked to life and smoke streamed through the air.

  The distraction was enough to dull the anger building inside him. Unfortunately, it also dampened Cassie’s mood. “I better get going. You have my number, so text me this week and we’ll set up something for the weekend.”

  Damn, this is not how he wanted the night to end. They had much to discuss, and texting wasn’t the same as having her here in person. Still, he had to do this right. He had to be a gentleman.

  “You don’t want to stay for another drink?”

  Her eyes said yes, but her mind wasn’t listening. “Trust me. I would love to stay and drink, but Ally wants me to go to church with her in the morning. I don’t know why. It will probably fall to the ground if I step inside.”

  He chuckled. “That makes two of us, darlin’. My horns support my halo.”

  The corners of her mouth lifted. “I like the halo. It looks good on you.” She winked and sauntered closer. “But I wouldn’t mind seeing the horns before you leave Savannah.”

  She didn’t say anything else. Neither did he. She pushed up on her toes and kissed him on the lips. It was short, sweet, and the most seductive kiss he’d ever received. He’d do more than rip off his halo and show her how bad he could be. He’d rip off her panties and fill her full of his cock.

  Fuck, this was not going to end well. He had no doubts, but it wouldn’t stop him from trying. At least he wouldn’t have to wait until the weekend to see her. Hell no. They’d cross paths much sooner than she thought.


  A shimmering coat of sheer gloss made Cassie’s lips glisten under the vanity lights. Just a few swipes of mascara then she could head to the office. It would be chaotic this week. New clients always ate away her time, but this one would be a sufficient distraction. She needed a distraction, needed something to consume her thoughts other than Theo.

  There were few moments in the last thirty-six hours that he hadn’t plagued her mind. She relived detail after detail of their last conversation, including the way she flirted. God, had she flirted. The more they talked, the more she pushed her limits. There was tension between them, something that never existed before.

  Maybe that’s why she believed he was referring to them when they were talking about giving two people the chance they never had. He’d been flirting at first, and she played along just like old times. It was all in fun, or so she thought until she realized he was serious.

  The kicker of it all—part of her wanted their conversation to be about them. It shook her to the core, even made her stammer for a response. Thank God he mentioned Jonah and Ally before she made an ass out of herself. Still, it wasn’t enough to sway her from flirting more.

  If only she’d stopped there.

  No. She had to go and kiss him, didn’t even think it through before she planted her lips on his. Good God had it been hard to walk away after that, but not because what she did set her cheeks on fire. Desperation overcame her to kiss him harder.

  What the hell had gotten into her?

  She spun away from the vanity and collected her purse off the bed. Time was up. She could mull over this later. If she didn’t leave now, she could forget grabbing coffee. She’d be lucky if she weren’t late for work.

  Rushing to the front of the house, she grabbed her keys off the hook near the door. She jumped when a series of knocks rattled its frame. If not for the distinct rapping, she would ask who it was, but instead she yelled, “It’s open.”

  The door swung wide as Cori stood in the threshold. “Good. You’re still here.”

  “Was here,” Cassie scoffed. She grabbed the knob and closed the door once Cori backed away. “Talk fast and walk faster. I’m running behind.” She fiddled with her keyless remote, barely noticing her sister while they hustled toward the car.

  “You’re always running behind. Why the rush this morning?”

  “Because we have a new client coming in today. Tom is in Atlanta and won’t be back until tomorrow, so I have to run things.”

  The car alarm chirped as they approached the driver’s door. Cassie grabbed the handle and opened it before peeking back at Cori. Except her sister wasn’t behind her. She’d hurried to the passenger door and cracked it open.

  “Can I bum eighty bucks…and a ride downtown?”

  Cassie rolled her eyes then lowered herself to the seat. Cori did the same. She closed the door and buckled her seatbelt before folding her hands over her pu
rse. “Thanks.”

  “What the hell, Cori?” Her little sister knew how to push the right buttons on the wrong day. “Why do you need eighty dollars? Didn’t you just get paid?”

  “Yeah, but try working for minimum wage and see how much money you save.”

  “If I still lived at home, I’d save plenty. You don’t even have bills yet.”

  Turning the key, Cassie started the car and shifted into reverse. They could argue about this on the way to town. The minutes were slipping away and she was no closer to getting to the office. But they would talk. No way was she giving money to Cori without a legitimate reason.

  Cori shifted in the seat. She crossed her bare legs and adjusted her shorts while grumbling, “I live with Mom and Dad three months out of the year. The other nine I live in the dorm. Normally, I have extra money, but I’m paying for my car repair.”

  “Okay. I’ll give you that much, but I know you party a lot. Hell, I’m running into you at clubs I frequent.”

  “Please. I spend money on cab fare. I always get free drinks.” Cori ogled her, then refaced the windshield and flipped her hair. “You’re not the only one who knows a bartender, sis. By the way, I finally met Mike the other night. He didn’t know he was talking to your little sister and I didn’t tell him as much. I can see why you go to Midnight Blues a lot.”

  Cassie parted her lips to chastise Cori but thought better. Her little sister wasn’t much different than she was at her age. Hell, Cassie was still living the party life. The only difference is she knew her limits. Responsibilities came first.

  “You shouldn’t do everything I do, Cori. I’m not exactly the best role model.”

  “You’re living your life the way you want. So am I.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not bumming money off people. It’s okay to have a good time, but you can’t do it every day.”

  “I’m not!” Cori’s voice rose. Her face contorted with anger, but when she refaced Cassie, it softened. “The money is for a class I want to take this summer.”

  “Why not ask Mom and Dad? They help with everything else school related.”