Read Longing for You Page 4

  “Okay, I get the strawberry part because she’s a strawberry blonde, but a Popsicle?”

  Dear God. His brother really was out of practice.

  He laughed at the thought, but the way his brother’s eyes narrowed said he didn’t share his amusement. “What do you do to a Popsicle, Jonah?”

  “You eat it.”

  “My point exactly.”

  * * *

  Cassie’s steps fell in rhythm with the funky beat coming from the stage. She moved through the sea of bodies spread around the club, not the least bit surprised to see a packed house. There was live music, and she wasn’t the only person who enjoyed such a treat.

  Most of the local clubs used DJs, but Midnight Blues was one of the few that had live performances. It’s what brought her through the door on her first visit. The atmosphere, along with the toned and tatted sex machine who served her drinks, kept her coming back.

  Mr. Sex-in-jeans was in his usual spot, behind the deep blue, marble-topped bar. The longer she gawked at him, the quicker her feet seemed to move. She peeked over her shoulder, making sure the crowd hadn’t swallowed Ally. Her friend remained close but was observing the packed dance floor.

  Just wait ‘til I drag you out there, Ally Jacobs.

  She laughed at the thought, but the guitar and drums competed in drowning out the sound. Just as well. If Ally heard her, she’d ask questions. The only sure way of getting her friend to loosen up was to supply her with alcohol. They’d come to the perfect place to accomplish that goal.

  As two barstools opened, Cassie motioned for Ally to hurry. They reached the high-back, cushioned seats before anyone else could lay claim. Ally slid across hers, but Cassie remained on her feet, waving at Mike when he noticed them.

  Damn, he looked hot tonight. From the taut t-shirt defining his toned muscles, to the jeans that hugged his ass, she couldn’t fight the heat building between her thighs. She wouldn’t ditch her friend no matter how much she wanted to fuck Mike, but once Ally went home…well, it wouldn’t be the first time she showed up at his door in the middle of the night.

  Mike smiled and nodded in their direction. He continued speaking to the customer he was tending midway down the bar. She tried to hide the smile forming on her mouth, but seeing him brought too many dirty thoughts to mind.

  “You friends with the bartender?”

  Cassie lifted the corner of her mouth and teased, “Let’s just say I come here often…and not just for the music or liquor.”

  Realization played on Ally’s face, but Cassie didn’t wait for an objection or approval. Movement across the bar gained her attention, as did Mike when he approached.

  “My evening just got better,” he confessed, taking a moment to appreciate the view she’d provided him.

  She knew he would like the top she’d worn, or rather, the way it hugged her breasts. His eyes lingered long enough to make her nipples harden. He knew the reaction he would incite. It’s why his lips crooked in a smile.

  He reached his hand to the rack above them and gazed back at her face. “The usual, darlin’?”

  “You know it, Mike.”

  His focus shifted toward Ally. “And what about you, sugar?”

  They stared awkwardly before Ally glanced in her direction. She found her voice a second later. “I’ll have the same thing she’s drinking.”

  “Manhattans it is.” Mike said nothing more. He winked at Cassie then left to make their drinks.

  Admiring his ass as he walked away, she thought about the last time she used it as leverage to keep him buried inside her. She’d been so busy with work that they hadn’t hooked up for several weeks. She was in need of a good screwing, and he would be the perfect person to accept the challenge.

  As if he’d read her thoughts, Mike turned around and offered her another smile. He held a glass in each hand while walking back to the bar. After placing them on coasters, he slid one toward Ally and the other in front of Cassie.

  She examined the glass and then him. “What do I owe you, handsome?”

  “Depends.” He crossed his arms on the bar and leaned closer. “What are you celebrating?”

  “We’re celebrating my friend’s birthday.”

  Cassie tipped her head in Ally’s direction, but Mike only spared her a quick glance. “Well, this round’s free. I’ll put the rest on your tab and you can settle it before you leave… Unless you want to settle it later tonight?”

  His suggestion caused her body to warm in all the right places. She pressed her breasts against the bar and leaned even closer to his face. “In that case…” Her eyes fell to his lips, lingered, and then met his once more. “I think I’d rather settle my tab later.”

  Mike trailed his finger along the curve of her jaw as he whispered. “Then it’s a date. Don’t leave me hanging.”

  “Never have, sugar. By the way, would you set my clutch behind the bar?”

  “I always do, doll.”

  Giving her another wink, he took her purse and tucked it in a cabinet underneath the liquor counter. Then he made his way back down the bar, taking orders from other thirsty patrons. She took a few more seconds to admire the view before turning toward Ally.

  Except Ally wasn’t sitting on the stool. She was beside it, swaying her body to the music, and she wasn’t the only one. The beats and riffs filling the air had the entire club moving. Even the people sitting were bobbing their heads, rocking their shoulders, or tapping their feet.

  She wanted to do the same. It had been too long since she enjoyed a night out, and having Ally there gave her more reason to cut loose. The naughty girl inside her wanted to come out and play. She wanted to have fun, flirt, and drive Mike crazy with want. Dancing would accomplish all three, especially the latter. Her favorite bartender loved to watch her dance. All she had to do was get Ally out on the floor.

  “Want to go dance?”

  She viewed Ally’s profile and waited for her friend to turn around. When she received no reply, she crept closer. Ally was either lost in the music or she hadn’t heard a word Cassie said. The noise in the club had definitely picked up.


  Finally gaining her attention, Ally turned to face her. “Sorry,” she laughed. “I thought you were talking to Mike.”

  It was nice to see her childhood friend hadn’t lost her sense of humor. There was no malice in her tone, just good ‘ol sarcasm. She gave Ally a playful slap on the shoulder and chuckled.

  “Mike won’t show off his moves on the dance floor.”

  “Really? Then where?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  She stifled her laugh as she sipped her cocktail. Mike knew how to make her favorite drink sweet and smooth yet double the alcohol content. She didn’t know what his secret was, but no one else could make a Manhattan taste as good as his.

  Ally joined her in tipping back her glass. The contents reduced a significant amount before her friend lowered it. If she kept taking such large drinks, she’d be drunk in no time.

  As the current song came to an end, the crowd broke into applause. All the whistling and clapping didn’t die down until the drummer kicked into a new rhythm. The guitar and bass joined in a second later, and the crowd was moving once again.

  It was time to join them.

  Stepping in front of Ally, she grabbed her arm and tugged her toward the crowd. “Come on. Let’s move this party to the dance floor. I love this song.”

  While she’d never heard it or the band before tonight, the rhythm filling the club was beckoning her forward. This band really knew how to play. She’d find out their name before the evening was over and see if they were signed with a label. If not, she’d tell Tom about them. He’d take it from there. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d scouted for bands.

  Once they made it to the edge of the dance floor, she gave in to the music and shook her hips. Ally seemed more reluctant. Her ridged stance said as much, but Cassie knew how to get her to loosen up. When Ally
met her gaze, Cassie wiggled her brows in the same rhythm as her body. It caused her friend to laugh, as well as relax. Now was the time to get her moving.

  Cassie dipped her hips and shook them harder. She reached for Ally’s hands and pulled her close. Both began bouncing their bodies to the beats the drummer delivered. It wasn’t long before a slew of male bystanders were focused on them. The sudden influx of attention seemed to unsettle Ally. She peered around at the unfamiliar faces before looking back.

  “Expect to get some attention while we’re here, especially when we get out there.” Cassie stretched her finger toward the center of the floor where a few other single ladies were dancing. “Guys love seeing two sexy chicks shaking their asses on the dance floor. And this song is hot…almost as hot as us.”

  Ally fought to hide her smile. She stared at the crowd once more, like she wanted to object to the idea of joining them. Then she closed her eyes. Her body began swaying, but once a few guitar riffs filled the air, she shook her hips as hard as Cassie.

  Finally. Shit’s about to get real…


  The steady beats pouring from the drums pulsated through Cassie’s body. She focused on the sound while swaying her shoulders and rolling her hips. The deep, taunting tone of the bass drove her to accentuate those movements. She wanted to get lost in the melody, wanted to take each note and hang on to it forever.

  Music spoke to her. It moved her soul so deeply that nothing else could compare. She’d felt the same since childhood. It’s why landing the PA position with Tom was like winning the lottery. Having witnessed many albums come to life, she knew she was at the heart of the industry.

  Licks and riffs from the lead guitar mixed with the bass and drums. The increased tempo provoked another round of sexy moves between her and Ally. She laughed to herself at the thought. Getting her friend onto the dance floor took a lot of effort on Cassie’s part, but her determination won out in the end.

  They’d spent the last few minutes in the center of the crowd, back-to-back, rocking their hips and dropping low. She’d lost count of how many people were gawking in their direction. Some admired. Some envied. Some lusted. Yet the only pair she cared to see belonged to the one man she couldn’t find.


  The wall of bodies spread around the club made it difficult to see. There was no sign of him, just hungry eyes of other men waiting to see what she and Ally would do next.

  This place could get rowdy crowds every now and then, and the current band had this place on fire. It never failed for some college chick turning twenty-one to get drunk and show her tits. If these guys thought she and Ally would do the same, they’d lost their minds.

  Still, there was always the hope that someone new would come around.

  While she and Mike weren’t exclusive, she hadn’t noticed anyone else interesting. Not yet. But the old adage about the night being young was true, and she’d only had one drink. Out of all the times she’d been to this club in the last year, she’d never seen it this crowded. The chance of finding someone new was pretty good.

  Come to think of it, she hadn’t been with anyone but Mike since she and Aaron split. It was easier that way. Her work load wouldn’t allow for much social time, short of parties she attended with Tom. She refused to mix her career with her social life.

  Guess she shouldn’t complain. Mike was an awesome lover. He knew how to make her body come to life, and even though she liked their casual relationship, part of her wanted something new, something different.

  Once she pushed the thoughts aside, the warmth of Ally’s back faded from hers. She turned to check on her friend, worrying some jerk had pulled her away. A wave of relief fluttered her heart when she noticed there was only a foot of space separating them. Ally was caught up in the music. Her flawless moves proved that whatever caused her earlier hesitation had disappeared.

  Good. She deserved to have some fun, especially after an awkward dinner with her mother. The details Ally gave her on their way to Midnight Blues increased Cassie’s suspicion that Paula was drinking again. God, she hoped she was wrong.

  She had little time to give it thought when she spotted Mike at the edge of the dance floor. His eyes were locked on her as he stood there, arms crossed, a hint of a smile on his lips.

  Damn, he was sexy, even in a plain white t-shirt and faded blue jeans. She knew what those clothes covered, knew every detail of his body, the way it looked like Bernini himself had sculpted it.

  The more he raked over her body, the hotter it grew. If he kept staring at her that way, it would be a long night. She wanted him, wanted to feel his lips all over her. Images ran through her mind, and each left her breathless because she knew what would happen later. He’d start with her mouth and work his way down to her thighs. Then he’d plunge his tongue so deep inside her, she’d buck against his mouth until she came.

  At least the first time.

  As she fantasized about screwing him, it took her a moment to realize that he’d shifted his attention toward Ally, and then the stage. His smile faded, brows pinched, and if he narrowed his lids any further, they’d shut.

  It wasn’t until he worked his way into the crowd that she slowed her movements. Mike had never danced with her or gave her the impression that he would. Sure, he’d stood at the edge of the dance floor and observed her many times, but he always went back to the bar.

  He reached her in a matter of seconds and moved close enough that she had to step back. “Hey, handsome. Finally decide to join me?”

  “You know I don’t dance, sugar.”

  “Then why’d you come out here?”

  Shifting his gaze to the stage again, he pressed his lips tighter. Something was on his mind, something so important he couldn’t wait until she was finished. Why else would he enter the one place she’d never seen him? Whatever it was, he needed to say it and be done. She hated the suspense.

  He finally leaned forward near her ear, clearing his throat as he said, “I made you and your friend another drink.”

  “Thanks,” she yelled, hoping he could hear her over the music. “We’ll get it when this song ends.”

  His answer wasn’t what she expected, nor did she believe it was the truth. He wouldn’t walk into the throng of bodies just to tell her he made drinks. That’s what the waitresses were for. Add the fact that his body was rigid, and she was convinced he was lying.

  Instead of acknowledging what she said, he remained in front of her, glaring. It grew awkward, and a wall of tension formed. She didn’t want to be rude by asking what his problem was, but she didn’t like the strange vibes he emitted.

  “Is there something else on your mind?”

  “I just wanted to remind you that you agreed to settle your tab later. If you’ve changed your mind, you can settle when you’re ready.”

  What the hell?

  “Okay…” She drew out the word, allowing herself enough time to decipher his weird behavior. He knew she was well aware of their arrangement. He’d buy her drinks if she came back to his place. They’d stuck to the agreement since they began screwing on a regular basis. Why did he feel the sudden need to remind her?

  “That’s always been our agreement, Mike.” She yelled louder, wishing he would get to the point. It was hot, people were bumping into them, and he was killing the groove. “Why don’t you tell me what this is really about?”

  He shrugged. “Like I said, it’s just a reminder. I’m guessing you’ll be hooking up with the band tonight, so—”

  “What in the hell are you talking about? Who said I was hooking up with the band?”

  “No one.” His voice went softer. If his mouth weren’t so close, she wouldn’t have heard him. “When you’ve been a bartender for a while, you learn to read people. My instincts are keen, but I didn’t need them tonight. Your friend gave it away. That’s one hell of a show she’s giving the guitarist.”

  Unsure if she’d heard him correctly, Cassie spun around in time to ca
tch the last of Ally’s sultry dance. But just as quickly as she discovered her friend’s daring moves, they ceased. Ally’s profile revealed parted lips, and she was ogling the stage.

  Cassie looked in the same direction, taking in the multicolored lighting, amps, and the band. The singer was facing his bass guitarist. Neither of the two held Ally’s attention, but the lead guitarist did. The way he was smiling said she held his as well.

  So her friend was flirting with a musician. Big deal. Ally was single. It didn’t give Mike the right to judge her or insinuate that Cassie was bailing on their evening. She turned to tell him as much…and then something clicked. She did a double take of the stage, where the guitarist stood.

  It can’t be…

  The prickly sensation of realization spread over her body. It wasn’t just some random guitarist flirting with Ally. It was one they both knew well. Too well.

  Jonah McCabe.

  Did Ally realize it was—

  As soon as the question formed in her thoughts, a blur of sandy hair and blue jeans rushed past. She shifted her eyes in the same direction, somewhat surprised to see Ally pushing her way through the packed floor. When she broke free, she hurried toward the rest rooms.

  Was this really happening?

  Concerned with Ally’s reaction to seeing Jonah, she wanted to follow her friend but glared toward Mike once more. She was tempted to explain what they’d witnessed. Then maybe he’d feel every bit the ass he’d made of himself.

  If she wanted to give in to that temptation, she’d have to go to the bar because he was headed in that direction.


  She’d never thought of him in that manner, but he’d never shown his jealous side until a moment ago. It was a side she didn’t fancy to see again. She’d tell him as much once she checked on Ally. Seeing Jonah had to mess with her friend’s mind, especially after Cassie swore he didn’t live in the area. She hoped Ally wouldn’t assume she’d lied.

  Working her way through the crowd, she peeked at the stage. Jonah didn’t notice her. He was too busy staring in the direction she was heading, the same direction where Ally had disappeared from his sight.