Read Longing for You Page 5

  * * *

  The ladies’ room door closed behind Cassie, blocking out the new song the band was playing. She scanned the stalls on the back wall once she noticed the vanity vacant. All doors were ajar, except the one on the furthest end, and the open-toed heels underneath resembled Ally’s. Still, she needed to make sure.

  Taking cautious steps, she moved closer to the stall “Ally? You in here?”


  Relieved to know it was her friend on the other side, she grabbed the handle and shook the door. “Hey. Are you okay?”

  A grunt echoed as Ally replied, “Having the time of my life.”

  The shaky sound of her voice contradicted her words. Poor thing. As if running into the man that broke her heart wasn’t bad enough, according to Mike, she’d given Jonah ‘one hell of a show’.


  There was no way to diffuse the situation. Not without bringing up the very thing that sent Ally rushing from the dance floor into the ladies’ room. No matter how much she wanted to keep her best friend in good spirits, she knew Ally would shed some tears before the night was over.

  “I saw what happened. Actually, Mike noticed something was going on first. By the time I tuned in, you’d stopped dancing.”

  She pulled on the door again, jiggling it until the sound of the lock sliding open filled the air. The door swung wider and a set of eyes pierced her. So far, they contained no tears, but it brought Cassie little relief. No show of emotions meant one thing. Ally was in shock.

  It would be much better to deal with tears. Heartache she could comfort; denial…not so much. The sooner her friend released the emotions she kept at bay, the quicker she would move past what happened.

  “Ally, I’m so sorry. I had no idea Jonah would be here. I didn’t know he was still around these parts. I heard he’d left for L.A.”

  Her friend waved off the apology and moved toward the vanity. A quick glance at her reflection had her avoiding the mirror. “It’s okay, Cass. I know you wouldn’t do this to me on purpose. I’m sorry I’m ruining our night.”

  “You’re not ruining my night. I’ve had a blast, but if it has to end, then so be it. There will be plenty more.”

  Ally nodded and twisted the sink handles. She cupped her hands under the running water, splashing it on her face. It was this very reason that Cassie swore off love. She hated seeing her friend so upset.

  Joining her near the sink, she patted Ally’s back as they both gazed in the mirror. It would be best to get her home, away from the possible situation that could develop if she and Jonah came face-to-face.

  While she wasn’t sure if he’d actually approach Ally, the way he watched her walk away said the probability was good. That conversation had a fifty-fifty shot at going well or being a complete disaster.

  “Listen,” she began as she squeezed her friend’s shoulder. “Take a few minutes to compose yourself. I’ll go pay for our drinks and call a cab. Neither of us should drive. Mike’s Manhattans are extra potent. Meet me at the bar in five minutes and we’ll get out of here.”

  “Sounds good,” Ally replied. She turned off the faucet before turning back to face Cassie. “But at least let me pay for the drinks.”

  Yeah right.

  “No way,” Cassie answered, shaking her head vigorously. “It’s my treat. Welcome home, Ally.”

  A few drinks and an escape route was hardly the welcome home present she wanted to give her friend. At least she’d be able to give Ally her birthday present tomorrow, but it wouldn’t make her feel better tonight.

  Hell, it may not help tomorrow.

  As Ally swiped the edge of the vanity, she let out a sigh. “I shouldn’t be this upset.”

  “Yeah, you should. I know what Jonah meant to you, Ally. You should have told him the truth before you left.”

  “I tried. He didn’t want to hear it. Not when he had plans to leave.”

  For fuck’s sake, did she really still believe that shit?

  She clutched Ally’s shoulder again and shook her gently. “He wouldn’t have left had he known how—”

  “Don’t go there, Cassie.” Ally yelled the words. She freed herself from Cassie’s grip and stared inside the mirror again.

  They’d never yelled at each other in all the years they’d known one another. No way was she going to allow Ally to get away with it this time. “Oh, I’m going there, and then back again.” She tapped her friend’s shoulder until they exchanged glances. “If he had known, you wouldn’t be hiding out in the women’s bathroom right now. You and Jonah would be happily married, raising a family, and enjoying life.”

  “Whatever, Cass. Jonah would have grown restless with me. Music meant that much to him. His brother would have called with promises of fame and fortune. He would have left.”

  While she didn’t doubt that Ally was right about Theo tempting Jonah, hearing Ally’s reasoning proved that she didn’t know him as well as she thought. Guess it took someone on the outside to see the bigger picture.

  “You didn’t see the way he looked at you over the years.”

  She wanted to continue, but Ally huffed and eased away from the counter. “Your theory is flawed. If he cared about me in the least, he wouldn’t have avoided my kiss.”

  Dear God. She wished she’d captured all the times Ally and Jonah spent together on film. Then she could play the video and prove to her friend that the way she assumed Jonah felt wasn’t accurate.

  Before she could say much more, the ladies’ room door reopened. She didn’t bother to see who entered, nor had Ally, but the sound of giggling was more than enough to annoy her.

  Once she heard stall doors closing and locks sliding into place, she met Ally’s eyes. There was no reason to discuss this topic now that their privacy had vanished. She wouldn’t waste another second debating the past with someone who was blind to it. Besides, Ally was stressed. She couldn’t think rationally until she had time to process what had happened.

  Forcing a smile onto her lips, she gave Ally a curt nod and stepped back. “We can argue the point another time. I’m going to pay for our drinks and get our cab. See you in a few.”

  With that, she turned and walked out the door, refusing to give her friend a chance to object. If they were going to leave before Jonah had a chance to find Ally, then she had to pay for the drinks that Mike said he’d made. There wouldn’t be time to settle the tab later. After the shock and awe of the evening, Ally could use a friend.

  Strangely enough, Cassie could too. Her friend wasn’t the only person thrown off guard tonight. Now she had to face the man who pissed her off, and she had to do it without making a scene.

  This should be fun.

  The more she thought about speaking to Mike, the harder she gritted her teeth. Damn Irish ancestry. It gave her one hell of a temper. She kept it in control most of the time, but this had been a day from hell. Mike’s behavior was her breaking point.

  Music blared through the building, but each guitar chord served as a reminder to who was creating them. Poor Jonah. She’d loved to know what went through his mind when he saw Ally. Judging by the smile he’d worn, it had to be good. Then Ally turned away and disappointment covered his face.

  As she came to a stop at the end of the hall, she swept the thoughts aside. Though part of her wanted to stay and talk to Jonah, Ally came first. Her friend was ready to go home.

  It was time to deal with Mike.

  If his instincts were as keen as he said, then he’d choose his words wisely when they spoke. If not, he’d be getting more than an ass chewing for his behavior. He’d get to see a side of Cassie few people saw.

  He’d see the side that made the devil shake in his boots.


  The gritty sound of the guitar remained in Cassie’s thoughts as she moved toward the bar. Uncertainty beat in her heart, uncertainty over how many songs the band would perform before they were finished. She couldn’t count on them playing another one when the current
song ended. Even with a long set, they’d need a break at some point.

  That thought kept her focused on her task, but it didn’t erase her other concerns. She hated conflict, did her best to avoid it until it came down to defending herself. The last person she expected to judge her was Mike, but if he wanted to dish her more attitude, she’d sling it right back.

  Each step brought her closer to her impending conversation. She worked her way between the other patrons standing around with drinks in their hands. No stools sat vacant, which explained the hasty movements of the two men behind the bar top.

  Wedging herself between two parted stools, she observed the other bartender. She’d been so engrossed with Mike when she arrived that she hadn’t noticed Jimmy working. Seeing him brought a smile to her face. Maybe she wouldn’t have to deal with Mike after all. Anything she could do to avoid the conflict would be the best solution. Jimmy would make that possible.

  It was hard to believe he and Mike were best friends when their personalities were exact opposites. Where Mike was a free spirit who lived life moment by moment with no regard to the future, Jimmy was grounded. She admired that about him, admired the fact that he went to school during the day and worked at the club in the evenings.

  Ambitious men were sexy as hell and Jimmy had that drive. In another year, he’d earn his graduate degree in education. She didn’t doubt he’d land a job right away, or that he’d make a great husband for the lucky lady who won his heart.

  She examined his body, admiring broad shoulders, defined arms, and a firm ass. Hell yeah he’d make a good husband…for someone who wanted to settle down. There was no woman in her right mind that would refuse waking up everyday next to a body like his.

  He must have sensed her staring because he turned in her direction. A smile formed on his plump lips before he walked back to a customer and set a beer bottle in front of him.

  Once the customer paid and Jimmy returned his change, a few long strides brought him down the bar to the spot where Cassie stood. She couldn’t resist tugging her lips upward. Neither could he.

  “Hey, you,” he laughed. His arms folded across the bar as he leaned closer.

  “Hey, Jimmy. You look great, as usual.”

  “Me?” He slapped the bar top and gave her a hearty laugh. “Have you peeked in the mirror lately, Red? No one told me the most beautiful women in the world would be here tonight.”

  “Seriously? Where is she?”

  Cassie feigned surprise long enough to get him to chuckle. It was just like Jimmy to say something flattering, but unlike most people, his compliments held weight. He wasn’t one to say things just for the sake of saying them. Whatever words came out of his mouth, he believed to be true. Not that she agreed with what he was saying about her, but it sure felt good to hear it.

  “Woman, don’t pretend I’m talking about someone else. You know you’re gorgeous. Ain’t no other woman made my boy lose his mind. He’s ate up with you. You know that, right?”

  She rolled her eyes. Jimmy saw the best in people, including Mike. She didn’t doubt that he wanted his friend to settle down and make something of his life, but wishful thinking didn’t change a person. Mike had no problem living a bachelor’s life. He’d expressed as much on several occasions, but she didn’t mind. It was his detachment from deep emotions that kept her coming back.

  They were fuck buddies, nothing more.

  When the guitar solo in the background gave way to the final chorus, it served as a reminder that time continued ticking away. As much as she enjoyed Jimmy’s company, she couldn’t stay and talk. She had a friend that needed her.

  “Listen, I’d love to sit here and chat all night, but I really need to—”

  “I know, I know.” He rose off the bar and waved his hands in surrender. “I’m not the man you want. Give me a sec to get Mike.”

  Before she could object, Jimmy was moving away from the bar. He and Mike met at the counter near the vast collection of liquor bottles. It didn’t take Jimmy long to whisper in his ear or for Mike to look over his shoulder. He didn’t stare but a second or two, but it was long enough to reveal his confliction.

  Jimmy whispered something else and then grabbed the beer bottle Mike held. He winked in her direction as he proceeded to another customer. Mike stood there, obviously wanting to avoid her.

  Damn him. He was wasting time.

  The Budweiser clock above him revealed the time. 9:01. Great. She’d already wasted a minute. Ally would be meeting her in four more, and the song playing in the background was halfway over.

  She cleared her throat in preparation to call for Mike, but he turned in her direction before any sound escaped. He pushed off the counter he’d been leaning against and walked over to the spot Jimmy had occupied. His fingers curled around the edge of the bar top once he reached it.

  “Hey,” he mumbled.


  The awkwardness that transpired earlier returned, leaving her at a loss for words. While she didn’t want to be a bitch, she wouldn’t submit to the same treatment he’d given her on the dance floor. They might sleep together on occasion, but she wasn’t his girlfriend and he didn’t need to react to situations as if she were.

  She parted her lips to speak when she noticed the tension in his shoulder release. “What can I do for you, darlin’?”

  “I’m here to pay my tab.”

  Her answer wasn’t the one he was expecting. She knew it the moment the skin between his brows bunched and he cocked his head to the side. His reaction had her clenching her teeth. She didn’t want to argue. It wouldn’t get her out of the bar any quicker.

  Mike shook his head and chuckled. “And I was starting to think I was wrong about my assumptions this evening.”

  That was it.

  “Think what you want, Mike. I can’t stop that. I’d explain what you actually witnessed this evening, but I don’t have time. May I please pay my tab so I can leave?”

  Nodding as he averted his gaze, Mike walked over toward the register and grabbed a stack of papers lying beside it. He sorted through four before pulling one loose. Soon after, he walked back.

  She waited for him to tell her the total, but he stood there staring at the slip of paper. It remained between his thumb and fingers when he finally lowered his hand back to his side. Remorse burned in his eyes as they locked with hers.

  “If I’m in the wrong, I want to know. What exactly did I witness?”

  Biting the inside of her jaw, she glanced behind her, making sure Ally wasn’t close by. Her friend wouldn’t want her talking about this, nor would Cassie if the roles were reversed. As angry as Mike had made her, she wasn’t sure if he deserved the truth.

  Of course, not telling him would give him a reason to doubt her. He’d believe his assumptions were right. No way would she give him undue satisfaction. He needed to be set straight and she needed to be on her way. It wouldn’t get her an apology, but knowing his guilt was eating at him served the same purpose.

  “What you witnessed was a six-year-old scar reopening. The guy my friend was flirting with is the man who broke her heart. She didn’t recognize him at first. Neither did I. He has changed quite a bit.”

  As the final notes of the song rang through the air, Mike peered toward the stage, most likely at Jonah. He didn’t know the McCabes or the history Ally and Jonah shared. Still, something about the way he worked his lips said he was doing more than processing everything she’d told him. Exactly what, she didn’t know, nor would she find out until they spoke again in private.

  “Listen, I need to get my friend home. She isn’t feeling well. What do I owe you for the drinks?”

  “Nothing, sugar.” He refocused on her. “It’s on the house.”


  The crowd broke into applause, but Cassie’s plea wasn’t silenced by the noise. Mike pressed his finger to her lips and leaned closer. All the jealousy she’d sensed in him before had vanished. In fact, the desire he normally held fo
r her showed in the way he trailed his finger across her lips. Then he did the one thing she wasn’t expecting.

  He kissed her.

  It wasn’t just a peck, either. It was a good kiss. A full on, lip sweeping, panty-drenching kiss that left her speechless when he eased away. He’d never been so bold to do such a thing. The owner frowned upon the bartenders fraternizing with customers while working. Mike would be reprimanded if his boss found out.

  He didn’t appear the least bit concerned. His mouth lingered close enough that the scent of his cinnamon gum filled her nose. “No arguing, doll. I’m not charging you for the drinks. It’s the least I can do for being an ass. Go get your friend. I’ll call for a cab.”

  Cassie didn’t respond. She couldn’t. Her mind continued spinning with confusion. Mike had flipped a one-eighty, going from a testosterone-fueled jerk that thought the worst, to a guy who’d risked his job just to kiss her. The craziest part of it all—she’d seen neither side of him before.

  What had changed?

  “You okay?” Mike’s voice cut through the questions tumbling in her mind, but she didn’t answer, only nodded. He smiled at her response as his eyes lowered to her lips. “If your plans end up changing, you know where to find me.”

  She held her breath when Mike moved in for another kiss, this one being rougher than the last. It filled her with a rush of excitement. While she didn’t approve of his jealous behavior, she didn’t mind the part of him that wanted to control her body.

  As much as the thought made her heat with desire, reality came flooding back. She turned toward the once crowded dance floor and blinked in disbelief. The music had come to an end, and the band, as well as Jonah, were nowhere in sight.

  * * *

  Cassie scurried across the bar, in the direction of the restrooms. Of all the idiotic things she could do, getting sidetracked shouldn’t have been one of them. She knew what was at stake, yet the feel of Mike’s lips on hers took her by surprise.