Read Love Endures, Phoenix (Love Endures, #1) Page 6


  I lay in my bathtub later that night, after I had Jonathan tucked in bed. Glenn kept coming to mind. Even though it hadn’t worked out with Heather, I knew it was only a matter of time before he became serious with someone.

  He was funny, thoughtful and smart. To top it off, he was strikingly handsome. It wouldn’t be long before a girl snatched him up, and what woman would be comfortable with her boyfriend going to another woman’s house every Saturday to play with her child?

  Try as I might, I couldn’t imagine my life without Glenn in it. He was my good friend and he was always there when I needed him. That was especially true for Scott’s anniversary, even though it had cost Glenn personally.

  Hot tears ran down my face, realizing I’d grown to depend on him.

  I couldn’t let Glenn sacrifice for Jonathan and me anymore. It wasn’t fair to him and would only end up hurting both of us. The day he came to introduce his next girlfriend, I wanted to be able to smile and greet her with a full heart. Glenn deserved that much after all he had done for us.

  The only way I could do that would be to start building my life without him. A welcomed opportunity came when one of my neighbors, Jenny, stopped by in need of my help.

  “Beth, I really hate to bother you, but my mother was just rushed to the hospital. Could you watch Grace for a few hours?”

  I looked down at the little four-year, with pajamas and bedhead. “Not a problem. It would be fun for Jonathan and me.”

  Jenny let out an exhale of relief. She handed over a bag of supplies and gave Grace a quick peck on the cheek. “Be good for Mrs. Reiner, okay sweetie?”

  Grace tried to grab her leg, but Jenny was too quick. The little girl’s eyes got round and teary. I could tell she was about to let out a howl, so I distracted her. “This is my little boy, Jonathan. He loves to play with big kids like you. Hey little man, why don’t you show Grace your favorite toy?” I put Jonathan on the ground and he crawled over to a big stuffed Brontosaurus. He made growling sounds as he tried to walk it over to her. Grace smiled and ran over to him.

  While they were playing, I started gathering some of my old teaching stuff so I could entertain her for the day. I was actually excited. It has been so long since I had worked with other children. Looking at Jonathan, I could see he was enjoying Grace’s company as much as I was.

  We spent the day reviewing the alphabet using play dough, making paper bag puppets, and reading tons of picture books. I had so much fun, I told my neighbor when she returned that I would be happy to do it again.

  Word quickly got around and I was approached by two other mothers who were looking for a Mom’s Day Out once a week. It was a win-win for all of us. Jonathan enjoyed having the other children over and I loved planning different themes for each session.

  The next week, four children showed up at my doorstep on Thursday. I had a wonderful day planned out for us. It started with a picture book about Noah’s Ark. After I read the story the children glued a wooden ark out of popsicle sticks. I had cut out a ton of different animals so the kids could glue them onto the boat. It was hilarious to see where the children placed the animals and I knew their parents would get a kick out of it.

  While the arks were drying, I taught them an alphabet song with animals and we acted out each letter’s animal. There was so much laughter ringing throughout the little house I wanted to preserve it. I decided right then and there to save the money I was making from the Mom’s Day Out to buy a camcorder.

  For lunch we made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I used cookie cutters to make animal-shaped sandwiches. The kids loved it. One little boy, James, stuffed the monkey in his mouth and begged, “More, more!” with his mouth full.

  “What do you want, sweetie?” I asked teasingly.

  He jumped up and down. “More.”

  “You want to sing the song again?”

  He shook his head. “No, more.”

  I couldn’t help having a little fun. “You want to make another Noah’s ark?”

  James ran around in circles, pointing to his mouth. “More!”

  I pointed to the peanut butter. “Is that what you want?”

  James broke out in an all-out grin. “Momkee!”

  I made him another sandwich and laughed as he ate the monkey’s head with gusto. I’d forgotten how much fun it was working with children. We ended the day making tiny peapod boats to represent Noah’s ark and played with them in a plastic pool out in my backyard. Jonathan didn’t join in much. He seemed to prefer observing the older children. I knew he would learn a lot by watching them and I was thrilled to be teaching again. I said a quick prayer to God, “Thank you for bringing me this opportunity. I feel so blessed!”

  When Glenn came on Saturday, he came across a withered peapod on the rug. I explained what it was and he smiled at me. “That sounds like a lot of fun, Beth.”

  “It was. I still have extra peapods in the fridge if you want to make one.”

  “Did Jonathan enjoy it?”


  “Well, I’ve got to see it. Give me the peapods and toothpicks.”

  After I gave them the needed supplies, I turned on the water in the bathtub and got Jonathan undressed. When the water was deep enough I placed him in the tub and began splashing him lightly. Jonathan squealed with pleasure. Glenn soon joined us with an army of peapod boats. He put them all in the water and Jonathan began slapping the water to get them to move. He squealed again when one of the boats sank.

  “You sure are a fun mother,” Glenn praised.

  I smiled shyly. “Thanks. I actually think you are more fun than me. Jonathan gets so excited when he sees you.”

  “The little guy and I do have a great time together, but I can tell he misses his mommy when we go out.”

  I looked at him gratefully. “We’re lucky to have you come every Saturday and it’s been wonderful. But, Glenn, don’t feel you have to give up your life for us.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “What? Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  I shook my head. “Not at all. I just want you to be happy.”

  “I am doing what I want. Don’t worry about it.” Glenn looked directly into my eyes. “You are not the reason Heather and I broke up. You can let go of that guilt.”

  I chuckled nervously. He was far too perceptive.

  “Beth, I’m glad to see you’re teaching again, even if it’s only once a week. Teaching is in your blood. You have a natural talent.”

  I blushed at Glenn’s compliment. “It does feel good to be working with kids again.” I searched his blue eyes, wanting to understand him. “Why are you so kind?” I put my hand on his shoulder. “I don’t deserve it, but thank you.” I felt him stiffen under my touch. I took my hand away, realizing I was only causing him discomfort.

  Glenn bent over the tub and splashed the water wildly. “Watch out Jonathan. There’s a big storm brewing.” My son joined in with the splashing and giggled.

  I got up and quietly walked out of the bathroom, wanting them to spend time alone together. I hesitated for a moment at the doorway, looking back at the two of them playing. Little did I know he was right—there was a storm building—not that I saw it coming.


  Books Michelle has written:

  Phoenix Series

  Phoenix Rising #1

  Phoenix Takes Flight #2

  Phoenix Soars #3

  Phoenix Burns Bright #4

  Love Endures Series

  Love Endures, Phoenix #1

  Enjoy life by embracing the sadness as well as the happiness. It’s all a part of being on this earth. ~ Mrs. Pinkerton

  About the Author Michelle Stephens:


  Michelle lives by the beautiful Rockies with her husband and three children. She grew up in the 80’s and still has fondness for that era. She was a schoolteacher for many years, but always dreamed of writing.

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