Read Love Locked Down Page 3

  “ Yes you do. Leave.” I said nodding at Tamera who quickly scurried away.

  “ So Tamera says you need eight thousand for school.”

  Dana sat there momentarily shocked. Damn she knew they were going to discuss the issue but she at least thought Tamera would ease them into the conversation. Ol' boy just jumped right into it. Straight no chaser. Which was to be respected but it still left me feeling like a grimy beggin' ass bitch for some reason.

  “ Terrence let me apologize. I did not know this was the reason she asked me to come here with her today. I'm as surprised as you are. I would never ask you for any money. We don't even know each other. So don't even give that a thought okay. I'm here and it's just nice to meet you. Tamera talks about you all the time.” Dana said smiling.

  Nice to know she's not trying to hit me up for some cash off the rip,I thought unable to take my eyes off her. She had the silkiest golden brown skin. Had me wanting to reach out and touch her ass for real. Damn,these next few months need to fly by. Got me in here lusting after a female I don't even know.

  “ So if you don't get the money what are you going to do? And if you don't mind my asking,from what Tamera said y'all should be graduating together which is soon. How have you paid for your classes all along and why all of a sudden you out of cash?”

  Dana sighed and rubbed her forehead. The mere mention of her situation made her head ache.

  “ You know what Terrence at the end of the day, this is my education on the line. No one is responsible for it but me. It's just very hurtful to me right now because all the rest of my school bills have been paid from money I received from my mom's insurance policy when she passed away. It wasn't some huge windfall but it was enough to cover all but this last year. I do work and pay my part of the rent with my roommate but I only bring in enough to cover rent,food and the subway back and forth to class. My dad promised to pay this for me,that is until his new girlfriend. Who's young enough to be my damn older sister stepped on the scene. He didn't even give me enough time to prepare, to get student loans or anything. I could have taken care of this had I known. But he just sprung it on me with no warning.”

  I looked at her intently as she spoke. I could tell she was getting emotional and trying to keep herself from crying. It did something to me on the inside. She didn't seem to be greedy or spoiled,she was working to to make it. I could respect that. Hell my own sister wasn't even trying to do any of that. Not once in all these years had Tamera even offered to get a part-time job to contribute to anything. She was in for a rude awakening though.

  “ Look Dana. I don't give money to people . I just don't do loans. I never loan money to friends and only two family members of mine can get a dime out of me. You never know when you're going to get it back. You have to go looking for them all that bullshit. I just ain't the type of man who has time for that kinda shit. I'll give money to my wife though.

  “ Oh I didn't know you were married. Tamera never mentioned it.” Dana's heart sank a little in her chest and she didn't know why. This man is a jailbird. There was no logical reason at all she should care whether he was married or not.

  “ I'm not married. Marry me and you'll get your school money. It's a huge step but I have some things I need that maybe you can help me with. You know the whole fair exchange is no robbery type shit.”

  “ Marry you? Are you serious?” Dana exclaimed her head jerking back in shock. I mean the brother is fine but it ain't that damn serious.

  “ I'm very serious. I wont give my money to a stranger....but I will give it to my wife. And before you go jumping to any conclusions due to how my present situation may seem. You could have a worse husband than me. Believe that.” I said holding in a laugh as I watched her expression change from pure shock to anger. I think I detected a bit of disdain as well. Was it for me? Or my current situation. I couldn't quite call it. Shit it was crazy. But I need something out of this deal too.

  “ I could do worse than a husband locked up? How so? I don't understand. What do you want from me? Look I don't know how hard up you think I am...but I ain't stuffing no dope up my pussy and hopping on a plane,train or even riding in an automobile crossing state lines for no damn body. Negro you got me fucked all the way up.”

  “ I want you to be Mrs. Terrence Hill. You'll come see me,we'll talk, you know chop it up a bit when I call you. Send me some sweet letters and cards. You know all that type of shit. We'll see how it goes. I definitely ain't trying to put no dope up your pussy baby. I may try and put something else up there,but it damn sure ain't no dope. I will say this, from what I've been told it might make you feel like a crackhead. Time will tell I guess.”

  I watched as Dana visibly blushed and squirmed at my last comment. I wanted to laugh but she was talking crazy so I had to shut her ass up. I can tell she ain't fuckin' no one, at least not right now or she wouldn't be so embarrassed,I thought to myself.

  “ You're not funny.” Dana said running her shaking hand through her hair.

  “ Come on...I'm kinda funny.” I said laughing.

  “ No, you're not. Terrence I don't know what type of shit you mean. I take marriage seriously. I'm not even thinking about marriage at all but I know it's not a joke. Something to be played with. When you exchange vows with someone you're supposed to mean them. Granted my dad has lost his damn mind now but my parents had a happy loving marriage until the day my mother passed away.” Dana hissed leaning towards me over the table,her fists balled tightly.

  “ You need to relax. Breath ma. We can be as serious as you like Dana. I'm locked up but you'll be taken care of. Don't you worry about that. I really can't explain it to you right now but I need a friend right now. A best-friend . My best-friend may as well be my wife. Think about it,doesn't every marriage vow apply to friendship as well?”

  “ So you want to buy my friendship? I can be your friend Terrence we don't need to get married for that. Tamera asked you to loan me the money but you don't have to give that a second thought. I'll be okay. If I have to wait to graduate, that's just what I'll have to do. Nothing is going to prevent me from achieving every goal I have set for myself. ”

  “ I know I don't have to do anything. This is your last semester though right? You should graduate on time. You've worked hard for it. Tamera told me about all the opportunities you have lined up for when you graduate this year....those may not be there for you if you have to wait. So this is the deal Dana. Take it or leave it. Oh and keep it between us. I don't want Tamera to know about it. All she needs to know is I lent you the money.” I said leaning back in my chair looking at her.

  “ You're really pretty. I could do worse I guess. Are you all black or mixed? Are those contacts?”I asked.

  “ Hell if I decide to do this, I'm the one who can't do worse. My husband is already in jail. I'm all black and no I don't wear contacts... nosy!”

  I laughed “ You get asked that all the time I take it?”

  “ All the time. It gets on my nerves.”

  “ Sorry, I wanted to know. If you want to know something you have to ask right?” I asked laughing.

  “ Are you in here messing around with men? You ain't got no boyfriend in here do you?”

  “What? Hell no. Ain't no Oz shit jumping off over this way. I'm no down-low brotha I swear to you.” I said.

  Dana rolled her eyes at him “ If you wanna know you have to ask...right?”

  “ Oh you worried about who your man is sleeping with ? You don't want your husband bringing you home none of that dirty dick....,”

  “ I don't want to lie to Tamera.” Dana said her voice slow and thoughtful.

  “ It's not like I want you to lie forever. I just don't want her all in my...our business. Think about it if you need too but make sure you don't take too long. If you say yes I'll start the paperwork and you'll have to do a few things to get everything in motion.”

  “This is a lot to take in Terrence. I really don't know about this. I just laid eyes on you today.” Dana
said apprehensively. I mean damn...if you want to lend me the money do it but marriage? What could he stand to gain from being married to me? I've never once heard Tamera mention any money problems and if I'm not mistaken he's paying all of her and their mothers bills,as well as her tuition if I'm not mistaken?

  “ Terrence you do realize I don't bring anything to the table but myself.”

  “ That's all I need right now Ma. Look I know it's a lot for you to think about. If you want the money those are my terms so think about it. Tamera can tell you how we can get in contact with each other but keep in mind we wont be discussing any of this on the phone okay? They listen to these phone calls,read our letters so if you want to talk to me again,your name is already on the list. Just come see me.....I'll be here. Ya man ain’t got nowhere to go right now.” I said laughing.

  * * * *

  7. Sister-in-law


  The remainder of the visit was spent with Tamera and Terrence laughing and joking with one another. You could clearly see they shared what appeared to be a tight bond with one another. Why would he want me to keep our arrangement from Tamera? If I decided to go through with it. Tamera seemed privy to everything else concerning him. Or was she? I thought to myself.

  During the drive back home Tamera and I were unusually quiet. Each of us wrapped up in our own thoughts about the visit.

  Tamera was upset with herself for imposing on Terrence on her friends behalf when he already did so much. When she'd come back to the table after Terrence and Dana spoke, you could have heard a rat piss on cotton it was so quiet. Tamera began to think Terrence was mad at her before his personality returned to normal and they began laughing and joking as usual. That will be the last time I stick my neck out for someone else. My black ass ain't going to bat for no one ever again. I'm lucky he's paying all my bills right now. Hopefully I can get him to keep it up once I move to Manhattan. I need to start looking for another room-mate since Dana may not be able to move. Or maybe if I act pitiful enough,Terrence will get me a place all by myself, Tamera thought as she carefully maneuvered the icy roads during the drive back home.

  I was caught up in a more complex dilemma.

  Do I take a chance and marry Terrence so I can pay the remainder of my school tuition? Or risk not even being able to make the amount I need to pay the school even if I do take the semester off ?It's not like I have full-time employment anyways. Not to mention all the opportunities I'd have to pass up because I don't have my degree on time. The internship opportunities presented to me were contingent on my having a degree. One thing for sure, I'm not going to keep it from Tamera!

  “ Tamera,your brother said he'd help me with my tuition.” I said carefully not sure what her reaction would be.

  “ WHAT! Oh my God really? I knew he'd help. He lit into me for asking him about it but I knew he'd help.” Tamera said practically jumping in her seat,her face screwed up.

  “ Terrence said he'd lend me the money if I married him. That's the only way I'm getting the money.” I added.

  Tamera swerved on the road she was so stunned.

  “ Be careful!” I screamed.

  “ What do you mean if you marry him? Huh?” Tamera asked more confused than ever.

  “That's what he said. The only way he'll lend me the money is if we're married. He said he wouldn't give money to a stranger but he'd give it to his wife. That there were things he needed from me. I also wasn't supposed to tell you about it for some reason. I had too. Who else am I supposed to talk to this about. What should I do? I mean I don't know what he wants from me out of this deal?” I said throwing my hands up in frustration.

  “ Shit! I honestly don't know Dana. Now prison aside...,” Tamera said cutting her eyes at me as she quickly took her eyes off the road .

  “ brother ain't a bad catch. All kinds of women throw themselves at him all the time but he's super picky. He was seeing this girl Camyrn when he got locked up but she wanted way more than he did out the relationship so he ended it with her. Mind you she was ride or die. Willing to do this time with him but from what he told me, he let her know it was over. He said something about not wanting to waste her time while he was locked up especially since he wasn't feeling her like that. She was pissed. Camyrn blew my damn phone up for about four months. She was going up to see him after he told her not to and he wouldn't have the visits with her. Terrence ended up taking her name off the list after she tried it twice. I think she liked my brothers money and the lifestyle he was living more than anything.”Tamera said shrugging.

  “ Why marriage though Tamera? What's the benefit for him with us being married? I don't get it?”

  “ Look all I know is brother may be locked up but he's not stupid by any means. Who knows? Maybe he wants to keep track of you to make sure you pay him back? I mean if you take the money you do plan on paying him back right?”

  “ Of course!”

  “ Well if that's the case I think you could do worse in a husband than my brother locked up or not. He's going to be out soon you know. Maybe it's just until the loan is paid back? At any rate. You have a LOT to lose if you don't take this money Dana. Everything we planned for is down the drain unless you stay on schedule! All the internships you have waiting for you are gone if you don't graduate on time. Who knows it those will be offered to you again. I'd be too embarrassed to show my face if I had to walk into Parsons and turn down that internship in Manhattan. You know if you can't take it you have to let them know in writing the paperwork says. I know Lucy Charles is dying to snag that from you! Who knows if you'll even be able to make the money by next semester? What then? It's not like you even have a full-time job to even start making what you need. If it were me I'd do it. Being my sister-in-law wouldn't be that bad would it?” Tamera said primping her lips trying to look as if she was offended.

  “ Girl I don't know about all this. I'm going to visit him again. I just need to know what does he get out of us being married? I know what I get. My tuition paid. But he's not getting anything out of the deal by me being his wife. I mean not that I don't think I'll be a good wife some day, but I'd like us to be in love ! I want my husband to actually care about me. To love me....fuck to not be in jail or have a criminal record for Gods sake! Then once I pay him back I'll be a divorcee. I have to walk around saying my marriage didn't work. Then if I say it was for money, how the hell does that make me look?Ugh. The whole think just sounds so shady.” I said

  “ I have no idea. Yeah take your ass back up there so y'all can straighten this out. I hope you do it though. I hate for you not to graduate on time. I think I'm going to stay all the way out of this. He's my brother and you're my friend. I already know until you two settle what you're going to do I don't want any part of this.” Tamera said looking at her quickly and turning her eyes back to the road. We drove the remainder of the way home in silence. Each of us caught up in our own thoughts about what had just transpired.

  * * * *

  8. Conjugal Visit


  Present Day

  I heard a knock on the door and was jarred out of my daydream about how I ended up married to Terrence Hill and was now standing in the family quarters waiting to be alone with my husband for the first time. Completely alone.

  “ Mrs. Hill, your husband should be here in about five minutes.” the guard said leaning through the doorway.

  “ Thank you.” I said nervously looking around. The mobile home was shabby as hell but what did I expect? The Hilton? It was the prison system. I had gone over the approved list of items I could bring in for our weekend visit. I wasn't able to bring my own food in but Terrence was able to submit a list for us. As long as he had the money on his books everything on our list was supposed to be waiting for us so we could cook our meals together. I guess they were trying to make sure I wasn't smuggling in any type of contraband in the groceries. I packed all the personal items and toiletries I would need to bring with me making sure to find the n
icest bras and panties I could.

  What the hell did I even bring this shit for? We're not even going to have sex. What am I even doing here? I thought to myself wondering if it was too late for me to cancel this entire visit. The whole situation was just ridiculous. I married a nigga in jail? Conjugal visits? This is not what my life is supposed to be. Lord have Mercy! If my poor mama is looking down watching this mess right here, I know damn well she's ashamed of me.

  I'd also lugged in an entire bedroom set along with pillows. All of which had to be searched by hand and ran through the scanner. The strip search was so beyond humiliating I didn't know if I'd be able to go through it again. Those horny ass guards were touching and feeling all on my panties and bras. Fuck that. I'm not going to ever go through this again. Terrence better stay his ass out of jail if he wants to stay married to me.

  This damn sure better be a great visit despite the circumstances for me to ever go through this shit again. Prisoners were only allowed conjugal visits every few months anyways so we'd see how this one went. I heard a knock at the door.

  “ Come in” I called out nervously.

  Terrence was escorted in by the guard.

  My heart sped up at the mere sight of him.

  “ Okay you two enjoy your weekend. You've both been searched for contraband and from here on out the only things you need to do are this. Every six hours this phone...,”The guard said pointing to the phone in the kitchen “ well as the phone in the bedroom will ring. Your obligation Hill,is to answer it each and every time it rings. Do you understand?”

  “ I most certainly do.”

  “ No screwing around Hill. If you don't answer that phone each and every time it rings guards will be here with guns within minutes. The rest of your visit will be over and you wont be eligible for any other visits and I don't just mean conjugal.” the older senior corrections officer said sternly.

  “ I definitely understand Officer Richards you'll be tired of hearing my voice by the end of this visit.” Terrence said trying to contain his laughter.

  I thought seeing him like this would put me at ease but I was more nervous than ever. I'm about to actually spend two nights with my husband.