Read Love Locked Down Page 5

  “ Terrence let's just do it....,”

  “ Shhh. We're just touching right?” Terrence asked making his way down my body until his face was between my legs. My breath caught in my throat the moment I felt his tongue stroke my clit. My back arched and I let out a low moan as my hands grasped his round head. Terrence's long tongue snaked in and out of me rhythmically until my body was bucking and gyrating into his face. I couldn't imagine anything feeling better than this but I knew there was something better. I wanted to feel him deep inside of me,just as the thought took hold of me, I let out a scream as my body exploded. My eyes squeezed together and all I saw was stars.

  My eyes slowly opened to find Terrence kneeling before me. My eyes went straight to his dick. It had to have been about nine inches but it was the thickness of it that had me licking my lips nervously. No way will that fit inside of me, I thought reaching out to touch him. Just as I thought, I couldn't even wrap my fingers around it.

  “ Do you like that baby? Is it enough for you?” Terrence asked.

  “ Yes Terrence.”

  Terrence began rubbing his dick around my my pussy lips in a circular motion, I could feel myself opening up for him, my body was preparing itself to be entered by him.

  “ Hold yourself open for me.” Terrence commanded and like a solider, I did as I was told.

  I reached my hand down between my legs and shocked myself at how wet I was. I took my index finger and thumb and spread myself open for him.

  Terrence spoke to me through hooded eyes as he stared at my most intimate spot.

  “ Do you get this wet for every nigga you with Dana?”

  I just nodded my head no. Hell no other man has been there before. Granted he didn't know that but still. I had a few secrets of my own I was keeping from my husband.

  “ You better not Dana. This shop is closed do you hear me?” Terrence said sliding the head of his dick over my slick clit. “ All this belongs to me now, do you understand?”

  I moaned out a yes.

  Terrence's dick never once eased up on it's slow assault of my clit.

  “ You do know that if I ever get wind of you letting another nigga even think he can get a taste of this pussy we gon' have a problem right?”

  “ YES!” I screamed out as another orgasm hit me.

  Terrence and I went on this way for the next two hours, he never let me do more than touch him every now and then. It was frustrating to me because all I wanted to do is please him and all it seemed he wanted to do was please me. Terrence insisted our first time together was not going to be at Samson State penitentiary, but he was willing to bend the rules to please me.

  * * * *

  11. Caught Up In The Rapture


  I wrapped my large fuzzy robe around my body and slid my feet inside my slippers. I couldn't have wiped the smile from my face if I'd wanted too. I don't know when the hell it happened and I'd damn sure tried to prevent it but I was in love with my husband. Without a doubt. All I wanted to do this weekend is take care of him. I wanted to pamper him so that when I was gone I'd be as deeply embedded in his mind as he was in mine. I looked on the kitchen counter and saw a piece of paper. I was happy to see it was the grocery checklist I'd submitted when we'd set up our weekend visit. During each conjugal visit prisoners had two choices,they could have meals sent down from the prison kitchen, a guest meal would be sent for an additional fee. There was also a choice to for a hefty fee of course, submit a grocery list so that you could prepare the meals yourself. Without a doubt I had chose that option. Besides I knew without asking Terrence would want a break from the lousy prison food he'd been eating. During our short time together, I already knew Terrence kept plenty of money on his books so that he could buy food and snacks offered in the commissary. Terrence provided me with more than enough money to take care of anything we needed. So I'd paid two hundred and fifty dollars for our weekend groceries. During our phone calls I'd pried his favorite foods out of him so I'd know what to put on the list. Tamera had even given me the recipe for her baked ziti and Italian sausage recipe which apparently was one of his favorite dishes. I'd even given the recipe a practice run at home just to make sure I didn't mess it up. I wasn't a bad cook but a lot of my meals were eaten out due to being so busy studying,sewing, working and sleeping. Lucky for me Tamera loved to cook or I'd never have a home cooked meal.

  I finished up in the kitchen, damn it's already eleven. Two hours already gone from my time with my husband.

  Terrence walked into the kitchen, “ You need any help?”

  I turned and was speechless. I'd imagined him a million times dressed in actual clothes and I already knew he was fine but DAMN! All I'd brought him were jeans,t-shirts and sweat pants. I couldn't imagine him needing anything more than that during the weekend. After all it wasn't as if we'd be leaving the trailer to do anything but those small changes made a world of difference in how Terrence looked. He smelled delicious and his chocolate skin glistened. His entire demeanor seemed to have changed. Lord have mercy this nigga know he's fine as hell.

  Terrence laughed at the expression on my face.

  “ Oh don't get it twisted baby. Your husband is fine. Don't let the orange jumpsuit fool you.”

  I recovered quickly, “ You ain't cute.” I said rolling my eyes and turning my back to him. Shit I had to catch my damn breath!

  “And don't you play. Your wife is fine too shit...,”

  “ I know she is or she wouldn't be my wife. What do I look like giving up my money and my name to some ugly ass friend of my sisters? Nah,it wouldn't have gone down like that baby.” Terrence said smiling.

  “ How is Tamera?” Terrence asked sitting down at the table.

  “ She's good. We're coming together next weekend to see you.”

  “Okay, I miss her. I'm still mad you told her.”

  “ Don't start Terrence. Tamera is like a sister to me. How would it look for me to lie to her? Tamera was cool about it. She hasn't even really asked about what's going on between us actually. I know she misses you too. Umm,Terrence I think she's in touch with your mom...,”

  “ I don't want to talk about my mom Dana.”

  “ Terrence she's your mom. At some point you need to talk to her don't you think? Besides, how many times over the last few months have you told me one of the main things you wanted between us was honesty,trust and communication? But the first real issue that comes up you wanna cut me off? That's not right. I tell you everything. Even when I don't want to you get it out of me.” I said crossing my arms.

  “ Sit down Dana. Look I know how it may sound being that she is my mother and believe me, I don't blame anyone for the position I'm in or the things I've done. I had to grow up at an early age to do the things my mom acted liked she couldn't do. The only way I'm going to be willing to get on speaking terms with my mom is for her to get her shit together and to not need me. Trust me when I say, as a son I've paid my dues and I'm not doing it anymore.

  The only reason she's probably in touch with Tamera so much right now is because she knows Tamera has access to some of my money and she needs some. Period. I told her when I was going through all my court shit to start preparing to take care of herself. That was an entire year before I got locked up Dana.”

  I could see pain and frustration all over his face just discussing the matter with me.

  “I don't mind telling you Dana because regardless of our situation you are my wife. I I need someone I can trust. Someone I can lean on too you know? I ain't never had anyone I can lean on. I've been taking care of people since I was 15. I'm ready to be selfish. I want my needs met for a change. You're not the only one who's getting something out of our marriage. I put away a nice amount of money while I was out there on those streets. Plus I already got some shit poppin' for when I get out. Am I proud of what I did to get it? No. At the same time I'm not necessarily ashamed of it either. It is, what it is as far as I'm concerned but with that being said. I made it
,it's mine and when I get out I have more than enough for us to start our life together. I've been thinking a lot about what direction I want to go when I get out. None of those things include having anyone,family or not riding on my coat-tails. Do you know what I mean? And Dana,you already broke my trust once before we got married and telling Tamera about us. Please don't do it again. I wont forgive you the next time.” Terrence said. He really hoped Dana knew he was dead ass serious about that shit too. Terrence was letting it slide since technically it was before they exchanged vows.

  * * * *

  12.Cutting Ties


  “ Terrence please don't bring that up. That was unreasonable of you to ask of me. I needed someone to talk too.”

  “ Dana, our business is between us from now on. No one else. That even includes my sister. I know that's your friend as well as my sister but I do a lot for Tamera... a lot. I've totally paid for her tuition so she has a good start in life. Once she gets her degree the rest of it is up to her. There wont be any loans or borrowing none of that. I'm actually glad she met you because before you two met she'd changed her major twice. All wasted classes paid for by me.” I said frowning. “ All I'm saying is when I'm out it's just us two.”

  Dana and I spent the remainder of the weekend in what was in every sense of the word our own personal bubble. The phone calls from the guards came as expected so that I could check in, and at ten on the dot they were knocking on the door to actually see me but otherwise we were left alone to enjoy each others company. To talk and get to know each other beyond the two hour visits that had steadily become a part of our routine the past six months.

  * * * *

  13. I Hate To Say Good-Bye


  In a weekends time, I felt like I was getting to know Terrence in ways I never had. Even having the liberty to just touch him made me feel closer to him. To hold his hands and kiss him were memories I'd carry with me until he was released. Just like I had refused to have our first kiss be on display in front of people who could care less about me...about us. We held back on completely sealing the deal as far as sex. Yes we had slipped a little the first day with the whole shower episode,hell who am I kidding? Terrence and I teased each other sexually the entire weekend. But we'd stopped ourselves before we went over the edge. I wanted him so bad I was angry with him for not giving in to me, but now I was glad he'd stuck to our original plan. Terrence insisted our first time being intimate would be in our own home and not behind the walls of Sampson State Penitentiary. I was a little shocked by that. Granted I was nervous as hell about anything happening between us, I thought for sure he'd want to. I mean what man wouldn't want sex after being locked up almost two years? I wouldn't say my little Victorias Secret stash went to waste. Terrence controlled himself but he was damn sure looking. When Sunday came we were both quiet,each of us hating to be apart now that we'd finally had the opportunity to be around each other.

  I moved about the room packing up all the items I'd brought with me to make it a comfortable visit for us. I was trying to stay strong for Terrence and not break down crying but when he walked out of the bathroom in his orange prison jumpsuit I broke down. When I'd walked into this room Friday morning I had no idea that my relationship with Terrence would change so much in three days. I walked into this shabby room unsure of my feelings of the man I'd come to know through phone conversations and short Saturday visits and I was leaving completely in love.

  I wanted my husband out of here in the worst way. Now that I'd gotten to be around him it was hard to imagine myself leaving without him. I was back to square one. Saturday visits with hundreds of other inmates. I didn't intend on breaking down into a pool of tears in front of Terrence but I couldn't help it.

  “ I don't know how I'm going to make it through the next couple months Terrence. I don't regret this weekend but I feel like it would have been easier if I hadn't been with you like this. How do I go back to not being able touch you when I want. Have dinner with you, sleep next to you?” I asked between sobs.

  “ Dana this will all be over in a less than four months just hold on a little bit longer. It could be less than that,my lawyer said there's a good chance I'll make early parole.”

  * * * *

  14. Free At Last


  3 Months Later

  I sat in my cell waiting to be escorted out of Samson State Penitentiary for good. True to his word,my lawyer had gotten three months shaved off my sentence for good behavior. It had been so touch and go, I hadn't even told anyone I was being released today. It was the way I wanted it. I didn't want anyone picking me up looking at me or just being in my space. I needed a few hours to just be alone after damn near two years of no privacy. I planned on taking a cab into the city to my place,taking a nice hot shower,shaving ordering a meal of my choice,then I was going to see my sister...and my wife.

  “ Terrence man can you do me a favor?”

  “ Depends on what the favor is man,I'm not doing anything that gets me in any trouble or around someone I don't want to be around.”

  “ Man I just need you to check on my baby mama for me. Cherise ain’t visited in damn near a month. I ain’t got no money on my books either. Can you call this number and see what's up? Tell her to get at me.” Marquise his soon to be former cellmate asked.

  “ I'll call once but that's it, I can't take up too much time calling your baby mama. Man you been in here a minute you may need to realize she may be tired. Every woman ain't built for this. I'll tell you what I can do to help you out. I'ma see about putting a couple months on the books for you . At least that's one less thing you have to worry about in here. I'll get you set up for the next four months. Hopefully you'll have some answers by then. Another thing,if you want some legit work when you get out,come holla at me. I got you.” I said standing to look around my cell impatiently.

  “ Nigga you already know I'ma get at you. This my first and last time up in this muthafucka. Man you sure about leaving me this stuff?”

  Marquise’s eyes were wide looking at the virtual goldmine I was leaving behind.

  “ Yeah man I don't need none of it. I'm walking out with the clothes on my back. If any of this stuff makes your time here more comfortable you're welcome to it.” I said stepping over to the cell door and looking at the clock. Right on time, I thought smiling watching the guards walking towards my cell.

  “ Let's go Hill!” the guard barked.

  “ Take care man. I'll make that call for you and hook your books up.”

  “ Be easy man.” Marquise said wishing like hell it was him walking out of those penitentiary doors. His time was coming though. Six more months and he planned to be out just like Hill.

  * * * *

  15. Welcome Home Mr. Hill


  “ Mr. Hill! It's good to see you.”

  “It's even better to see you.” I said greeting my doorman James as I walked into the building. Damn it was good to be out. I never thought I'd miss the smell of the city but damn it felt good to just breathe any air other than the stale contained prison air I'd grown used to. Even the smell of smog was a welcome scent. No time limits but my own, no one looking over my shoulder or having to watch my back. When I walked through the doors of my home it was if I'd never left. I'd had my lawyer hire a cleaning lady last week to come through and clean the place up and stock the refrigerator for me. I headed straight for the shower and stripped out of the clothes I'd worn home. They were going straight into the garbage. I took a long relaxing shower. By the time I was done I felt like I'd damn near washed the last two years of my life away,minus the one good thing that had come of it. My wife.

  Speaking of my wife, I guess I need to let her know I'm out. I think I'll just go up to the school and call her and Tamera once I get to the campus. I thought about calling my mom but decided to check with Tamera first to see what was going on with her lately. Better to know ahead of time when dealing with my mama.
r />   Shit. It's early so let me make this phone call to my parole officer,I thought picking up my cell phone and placing the call to the one thing tying me to the negativity of the last two years. After checking in and scheduling my appointment, I headed to my favorite barber shop and then to Parsons School of Design.

  * * * *

  16. Reunited


  “ There's something about this design that's just driving me crazy Tamera! Something about it is just off to me...maybe it's the hemline?” I said looking over my sketch book.

  “ Girl you're crazy. The dress is gorgeous just the way it is. Matter of fact I want you to make it for me. I wanna be the first one rocking it bitch!” Tamera said taking a bite of her sandwich. “So there's a party tonight over on 134th. Toya and Maria are throwing it at their place you did tell them you were going right?”

  “ Yeah, I did say I was going. I'm not leaving the house until after I talk to Terrence though. But he usually calls around seven so it's no big deal. I'll have to find something to wear though. It's just a casual get together right?” I asked taking a bite of my Cobb salad.

  “ Yep. Just throw on something casual. We haven't been out in months. We need to get loose! You been so involved in this flim-flam of a marriage with my brother, you don't even hang out no more.” Tamera said rolling her eyes at me as she took another bite of her sandwich. I wanted to slap that fuckin' sandwich out of her goddamn hands. What the hell did she mean “flim-flam”? That's my husband. My marriage. And wasn't a damn thing “ flim-flam” about it.

  “Tamera you know why I haven't been out in months. It’s because I'm your brother!”

  “ So? I mean that's more like an arrangement more than it is a marriage. It's my brother but it ain't like he's in love with your ass. He helped you out when you were in a bind. My brother just wanted to make sure you didn't make out with his money before you paid him I'm sure. Terrence is no fool. Even though he's my brother he is locked up. Surely you’re not going to lock yourself away for a marriage certificate that's no more than a technicality? I'm pretty sure my brother doesn't expect you to do that Dana.”