Read Love, Lust & a Millionaire Page 14

  “He’s in a coma right now. I’ll let the doctor know you’re here and he’ll be in shortly.”

  I placed my hand over my mouth as I walked over to his bedside and took a seat in the chair. The loud beeps of the machines brought me back to when my mom was in the hospital dying from liver failure. I couldn’t lose Tanner. He had to be okay. I grabbed his hand and began to sob as I put my head down on the bed.

  “Excuse me, Miss Graham?”

  I looked up and saw a man in blue scrubs staring at me.


  “Hi, I’m Dr. Noor.” He extended his hand.

  I unsteadily got up from the chair and lightly shook it.

  “Tanner has sustained some pretty serious injuries. We had to go into his brain and stop some bleeding. We had to remove his spleen and his leg is broken in three places. He was barely alive when they brought him in. We did everything we could possibly do and now we have to wait and hope for the best. The next forty-eight hours are the most critical.”

  “What about his coma?”

  “He slipped into that shortly after we stopped the bleeding in his brain. We don’t know for sure how long he’ll be in it. It could be hours, days, weeks, or even months. I’m so sorry.”

  “How did this happen?”

  “We aren’t sure. But there’s a girl who’s been in the waiting room since last night if you want to talk to her.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Noor.”

  “Have faith, Miss Graham.”

  I nodded as he gave me a small, sympathetic smile and walked out of the room. A moment after he left, the nurse walked in to take Tanner’s vitals.

  “Dr. Noor said there’s a girl who’s been in the waiting room since last night.”

  “Yes. Apparently, she’s a friend of his and was there when the accident happened. If you’ll give me a moment, I’ll take you to her.”

  After she checked his vitals, I followed her to the waiting room. The distraught, brown-haired girl with the big brown eyes stood up and looked at me.

  “Delilah?” she asked.

  “Yes. I’m Delilah.”

  “I recognize you from the pictures Tanner showed me. I’m Addison.” She started to cry.

  I took her hand and we both sat down. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  “We were coming back from a party and the car got a flat tire. Tanner pulled over on the side of the road. He told me to wait in the car. He was having trouble getting the tire off, so he stood up and tried to flag a car down for some help. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car swerved and hit him.”

  “Did the car stop?”

  “He stopped a few feet ahead and then took off. I could only get part of the license plate number. I told the police everything I knew. Is he going to be okay? They won’t tell me anything because I’m not family.”

  “I don’t know if he’ll be okay. He’s in a coma right now.”

  “Oh God.” She sobbed even harder.

  “Why don’t you go home and get some rest. Thank you for everything and for staying. You can come back later and I’ll make sure the nurses let you in the room. I’m here now, so he’s not alone.”

  “Okay. But I’ll be back later.”

  “Are you his girlfriend?”

  “Not yet. I had hoped to be.”

  I softly smiled at her as I gave her a hug. “He’s going to be fine.”

  We walked out of the waiting room together and I went back to Tanner’s room. I turned my phone on to call Braden and Colette. Several text messages came through from Oliver, Liam, and Jenny.

  As I read Oliver’s text, I felt twisted. I didn’t respond to him because this wasn’t his problem. I was sure he put Liam up to finding out where I was and I wasn’t responding to him either. I waited until I composed myself before calling my other siblings. I needed to be strong, not only for their sake, but for Tanner’s as well. Braden was catching the first flight out and Colette broke down over the phone. She wouldn’t be able to fly out for a few days because she was just finishing up her summer classes. She wanted to fly out today, but I told her that Braden was on his way and to stay put until her classes were over. I was angry, so angry that this had happened to him. He didn’t deserve this. He was a great kid with a bright future. I took hold of his hand as I leaned over him.

  “You will fight, Tanner Graham. Do you understand me? You will not leave us like Mom did. You’re a fighter and now’s the time you need to give everything you got to pull out of this. You’ve always listened to me and you’re not going to stop listening now!” I sobbed.

  Chapter 30


  Still no response from Delilah and I was pissed as hell. I blew it last night with what I said. I wanted to push her away because I wanted her to see that I wasn’t a good man. I was far from it. She was such a kindhearted and selfless person and I didn’t deserve her love. Fuck, I was in love with her and I was protecting her from me. I never gave Kristen the chance to tell me why she did what she did. I was so caught up in my own misery that I never even asked. I just yelled at her and broke it off without giving her a chance to explain. Did her explanation even matter? No, it didn’t because she had hurt me in such a bad way that nothing she could have said would have made it better. Liam was right; it had been thirteen years. Thirteen years of closing myself off to another woman because of what she did. I loved Delilah and I wanted to keep her in my life. I wanted to make her mine and only mine. If I was going to make that happen, then I would have to do something I never thought I’d do and it frightened the fuck out of me. I pulled my phone from my pocket and sent Delilah another text message.

  “I’m sorry for everything. Please let me know you’re okay.”

  No response. I swallowed hard as I dialed her number and brought the phone up to my ear. It went straight to voicemail.

  “Delilah, it’s me. I’ve been texting you and you’re not responding. I need to know that you’re okay and I want to know how your brother is doing. I’m sorry for what I said the other night and we need to talk. Please call me.”

  The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I reached over, shut it off, and grabbed my phone. Still no response from Delilah. I threw my phone across the bed and got up to shower. Walking downstairs, I found Liam standing in the kitchen talking to Clara.

  “Have you heard from Delilah?” I asked my brother.

  “No. She never responded to your text either?”

  “No. Nor my calls or voice message. She has really gone and pissed me off. How am I supposed to know that she’s okay?”

  “Relax, Mr. Wyatt. She’s fine. She’s Delilah.”

  “You don’t know that, Clara.”

  “What I do know is that maybe you shouldn’t have yelled at her and made her feel bad. It’s your fault she didn’t tell you where she went. You have no one to blame but yourself. Now, excuse me. I have to prepare for Sophie’s arrival.”

  “Oh snap.” Liam smiled. “I guess she told you. What did you yell at her about?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now. Let’s get to the office so I can get back home before Sophie arrives.”

  How was I going to tell Sophie that Delilah wasn’t home? How was I going to tell my little girl that I didn’t know where she was or when she was coming back?



  I held on to Tanner’s hand as I rested my head on the edge of the bed.


  I looked up. Braden was standing in the doorway. I got up and ran to him, hugging him tight. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “How is he?” Braden asked as he slowly walked over to the bed.

  “He’s in bad shape.” I held back the tears. I couldn’t let Braden see me cry. I was the strong one to my brothers and sister. I was the glue that held the family together.

  “He’s going to pull through, right?”

  “Yeah. He’s going to pull through.” I gave a small smile as I placed my hand on his cheek.
  “Listen. My internship starts the day after tomorrow. So I’m going to have to leave in the morning. Unless you need me to stay.”

  “No. We’ll be fine. He knows you’re here now and that’s all that matters. Tell me about this internship of yours.”

  “It’s for one of the biggest finance companies in Chicago. Out of the whole program, they only choose two people to interview and I got the job. It’s an internship for the summer and then in the fall, I’ll work for them part time until I graduate and then, if I work out, they’ll bring me on full-time.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Braden. Come here.” I reached over and gave him a big hug.

  “Thanks, Delilah, but I couldn’t have done it without you. How are you? How’s that nanny job going?”

  “It’s going good. Sophie is a wonderful and smart little girl.”

  I wasn’t about to tell him about Oliver. There were things my siblings didn’t need to know.

  “Well, she’s a lucky little girl to have you looking after her. Where are you staying?”

  “Shit. Nowhere yet. I forgot to get a hotel room.”

  “What about Tanner’s apartment?” Braden asked.

  “Nah. He’s only staying there for the summer and I don’t know his roommate. That would be awkward.”

  “There’s a hotel right down the street from the hospital. Why don’t we go check it out and then bring some carryout back here?”

  “Sounds good.” I gave Tanner a kiss on his swollen cheek and told him that I’d be back soon. Braden and I walked down the street to the hotel and got a room for the night. I set my bag down but took my guitar with me. Tanner always loved it when I sang to him.



  “Daddy!” Sophie squealed as she ran into my arms.

  “Hi, baby. I’m so happy you’re home.” I spun her around. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too. Where’s Delilah?”

  Shit. I thanked Matt and Kelsey for everything and they left. I took Sophie’s bags upstairs and asked her to sit down next to me on her bed.

  “Daddy, why isn’t Delilah here?”

  “Sweetheart. Delilah’s brother was in a very bad accident and he’s in the hospital. She had to go be with him for a while.”

  “Is he okay?”

  “I’m not sure, princess. Delilah’s been very busy taking care of him, so I really haven’t spoken with her. But she told me to tell you that she loves you very much and she’s sorry she couldn’t be here, but she’ll be home as soon as she can.”

  “But I wanted to see her now,” she pouted.

  “I know, but her brother needs her. You understand that, right?”

  “Yeah.” She looked down in disappointment.

  “How about if we go out to dinner? Just me and you. Anywhere you want to go.”



  “Okay, but I don’t want to be gone too long because I want to paint.”

  I kissed her head. “I promise we won’t be.”

  The two of us had a nice dinner and Sophie told me all about the farm and the animals. She seemed really happy and sending her to Vermont had been the right decision. After dinner, she painted for a while and then asked if I’d lie in bed with her and watch Frozen. Hell, I didn’t even know what Frozen was, but I missed her and wanted to spend time with her. Halfway through the movie, she fell asleep. I turned it off, pulled the covers over her, and kissed her goodnight. After changing into my pajama bottoms, I picked up my phone. There were still no messages from Delilah. I hated the fact that I couldn’t be there for her with what she was going through. I opened my laptop and started to do some work, but I couldn’t concentrate. Shit, this was bad. I shut my laptop down and turned on the TV, something I very rarely did. I clicked on the movie section and searched for The Notebook. Once I found it, I hit play. In some ways, I felt closer to her, watching the movie she loved.

  Chapter 31


  Braden and I left the hospital around eleven o’clock. We were both exhausted and I just craved climbing into a bed and going to sleep. I had seen earlier in the day that I had a voice message from Oliver, but I didn’t listen to it. With Braden flying in and Tanner lying in the hospital bed, I just didn’t have time. Or maybe it was because I couldn’t bear to hear his voice. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and by time I came out from the bathroom, Braden was already asleep. I pressed play and, instantly, my heart hurt when I heard his voice. He wanted to talk, but I couldn’t deal with him right now. My main focus could only be my brother. He was worried and, even though he deserved to be punished for the things he said to me, I couldn’t find it in my heart to let him worry.

  “I’m okay.”

  Within seconds, his reply came through.

  “Thank God. Can I call you?”

  “No. I can’t talk. Braden is sleeping in the bed next to me and I don’t want to wake him. How’s Sophie?”

  “She’s good. She misses you, but I explained to her why you had to leave and she understood. I took her to dinner and then she made me watch Frozen with her.”

  I smiled.

  “It’s her favorite movie. I’m happy you watched it with her. I have to go. I’m exhausted.”

  “Tell me where you are and I can be there in a flash. You shouldn’t have to do this alone.”

  “I’m not alone. Braden is with me and Colette will be here in a few days. Take care, Oliver.”

  “Good night, Delilah. I miss you.”

  A tear fell from my eye when I read his last message. I missed him too and I needed him more than ever at this moment. I needed his arms around me, comforting me and telling me that everything would be okay, because that was what I’d done my whole life for everyone else and now, I just wanted someone to be there for me.



  Scott pulled up to the curb of the small jewelry store in Newark. The bells above the door rang as I opened it and stepped inside. Costume jewelry, purses, scarves, and other accessories lined the walls around the small space.

  “Can I help you?” The brunette behind the counter asked.

  I was nervous as hell. “Is Kristen here?”

  “She’s in the back. Let me go get her.” She smiled.

  I walked around, looking at the collection of necklaces and earrings.

  “Hi there, how can I help—”

  She stopped mid-sentence when I turned around and looked at her.

  “Hello, Kristen.”


  I gave her a smile.

  “Oh my God. It’s been what, thirteen years? How are you?”

  “I’m okay. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I’m doing real well. Thanks. What are you doing here?”

  She still looked the same, only a few years older. “I was hoping we could go somewhere and talk.”

  She gave me an odd look. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just need an answer to a question I’ve had for the last thirteen years.”

  “Let me grab my purse and we can go have coffee.”

  We walked down the street to the coffee shop and took a seat at a small, round table near the window. I gripped my coffee cup and swallowed hard in preparation of the conversation that was about to take place.

  “So what did you want to ask me?”

  “First of all, I want to apologize for the things I said to you that day before I left.”

  “There’s no need to apologize, Oliver. I deserved it.” She looked down and ran her finger around the rim of the coffee cup. “You had every right to say the things you did because what I did was wrong.”

  “Why did you do it, Kristen? That’s the question I’ve had all these years.”

  “We had talked so much about our future and being together forever that it scared me. We were seventeen, Oliver. We were still in high school, having fun, partying, and breaking all the rules. We thought we were invincible. What sev
enteen-year-old doesn’t think that? I wasn’t feeling good that day and Jayce saw that I was home, so he came over and one thing led to another. There was a connection between us, something that I’d felt for a while but wasn’t sure.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me that? Why didn’t you just break things off with me?”

  “I didn’t know how to. I was afraid to hurt you and I knew it was wrong. I felt guilty because I felt things with him that I didn’t feel with you. I’m sorry, Oliver.”

  As I sat there and listened to her, I fully understood every word she said. That connection. The one that pulls you in so deep, you can’t break it. The connection I had with Delilah was like nothing I’d ever had before, even with Kristen. It took me thirteen years to find that connection with someone.

  “Was that the first time you slept with him?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes. After you stormed out of my house and told me you never wanted to see me again, I wanted to run after you and tell you that you’d be okay and that one day you’d see that I wasn’t the girl for you. You are okay, right?”

  I gave her a small smile as I reached across the table and placed my hand on hers. “Yes, Kristen. I’m okay. You ended up marrying him, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah. We dated for a while, broke up, and then a year later, we got back together. We got married when I was twenty-two and we’re still going strong. How about you? I don’t see a ring on your finger.”

  “Nah. I never bothered with marriage because I hadn’t found the right girl. I do have a daughter, though. She’s five and her name is Sophie.” I pulled a picture of her up on my phone and showed her.

  “She’s beautiful, Oliver. She looks a lot like you.” She smiled.

  “Thanks. Her mother passed away a while back and she’s living with me full-time.”

  “So you’re a single daddy.”

  “Yeah. It took some getting used to at first. How about you? Do you have any kids?”

  “No. I’m not able to have any, so Jayce and I are looking into adopting.”