Read Love, Lust & a Millionaire Page 15

“I’m sorry to hear that, but adoption is good. There are many children out there that need loving parents.”

  She gave me a small smile. “I better get back to the shop. I don’t want to leave Holly there alone too long by herself.”

  We got up from our seats and walked back down to the jewelry store. “It was nice to see you again, Kristen.”

  “It was good to see you too, Oliver. I hope you find that special someone.”

  “I already have and she’s amazing. Take care and good luck with the adoption.”


  I climbed into the limo with a feeling of contentment. Now it was time to open my heart and tell Delilah how much I loved her. I just hoped she could find it within herself to forgive me and give us a chance.


  As soon as I got back to the office, I called Liam to come in.

  “What’s up, bro?”

  “Sit down. I need to talk to you.”

  “Sounds serious? Everything okay?”

  “It will be, I hope. I went to Newark and had coffee with Kristen.”

  His mouth dropped. “What? Why did you do that?”

  “I needed to know why she cheated on me.”

  “Did you get the answer you were looking for?”

  I smiled. “Yes, I did, and it’s time for me to move on. I’m going to fly to Boston to see Delilah and to make sure she’s okay.”

  “How do you know she’s in Boston?”

  “We did a little bit of texting back and forth last night and she said she couldn’t talk because her brother Braden was sleeping in the bed next to hers. She only has two brothers, so it would be Tanner that was in the accident and he’s attending college in Boston. Now, I just need to find out which hospital he’s at.”

  “They won’t give out that information,” Liam spoke.

  “Then I guess I need to pay a visit to the one person who would know.”

  “Jenny?” he asked.


  “I’ll leave tomorrow morning. I also need you to hold down the company and, if you could, please spend some time with Sophie.”

  “No worries. Your daughter and our company is in good hands.”

  “Thanks, little brother. I owe you.” I smiled.

  Chapter 32


  Braden left yesterday morning to fly back to Chicago to start his internship. I spent the day at Tanner’s bedside, talking to him and playing my guitar. His roommates and Addison stopped by to see him and sadness filled the room. There was a waiting room full of college students showing their support for him. I was touched, but not surprised. Tanner was always the popular kid and everyone loved him.

  It was now day three. I walked into his room and opened the curtains so the sun could shine in.

  “It’s a beautiful day today, Tanner. I really would like for you to see it.” I walked over to him and fluffed his pillow. “Braden starts his internship today and he’s really excited about it, but he feels really bad that he had to leave. I told him not to worry about it because I was here to take care of you just like when you were younger. Colette called last night and her flight was cancelled due to some tropical storm that’s brewing over Florida right now. She’ll be here as soon as she can get out and she sends her love. You should see the waiting room. It’s filled with all of your college friends. They’re being so supportive and want you to get better soon. I talked to the police yesterday and they’re doing everything they can to track down the person who hit you.”

  I stood over him and ran my hand down his swollen cheek. “You will recover from this. You’re not giving up because I won’t allow it.”

  I grabbed my guitar and sat down in the chair next to his bed. “I stayed up last night and learned to play your favorite song. Let me know what you think.” I began to strum and sing, “I Will Follow You into the Dark.”



  I stood in the doorway of Tanner’s room and watched the love of my life sing to her brother. The feeling that ripped through me was euphoric. I had missed her and seeing her again was like seeing her for the first time. Her voice, her heart, and her gentle soul radiated throughout the room. My insides twisted at the thought that she’d be pissed I was here. I didn’t call. I didn’t text. I just showed up because she needed me whether she believed she did or not. She had said she loved me and I knew she still did, or at least I hoped she did. This was no longer about lust. This was about love, something I deeply wanted with her. She finished her song and then got up and kissed her brother on the cheek. She looked over and an expression of shock swept over her face.



  “Oliver. What are you doing here?” I asked in shock, wondering if this was a dream.

  He stepped inside the room. Walking over to me, he stopped within inches and stared into my eyes. “I’m here because you shouldn’t have to face this alone.” He ran his thumb down my cheek and, instantly, I began to cry. I buried my hands in my face so as not to embarrass myself, because when I saw him, everything that I had held back came rushing out. He wrapped his arms around me and held my head against his chest as I uncontrollably cried.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. Let it all out. You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” He pressed his lips against the top of my head.

  The tears kept flowing and I couldn’t stop them. It felt so good to be held by him. To feel safe and wanted. I couldn’t think about the things he said. We’d discuss that later, after I finished my breakdown. Once my sobbing started to slow down, I apologized.

  “I’m sorry.” I wiped eyes.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for.” He reached over on the table, pulled a few tissues out of the box, and gently wiped the tears from my face.

  After blowing my nose, I looked over at Tanner and then back at Oliver.

  “This is my brother, Tanner.”

  “How’s he doing?”

  “He’s stable now, but he’s still in a coma. The doctors have no idea how long he’ll be like this. But he’s a fighter and he’ll pull through.”

  “Of course he will.”

  “I can’t believe you’re here. What about Sophie?”

  “Sophie is in good hands with Clara and Liam.”

  “And your business?”

  “My business can wait. Right now, making sure you’re okay is my top priority.”


  He placed his finger on my lips. “No buts. Where’s Braden?”

  “He started his internship today back in Chicago. He flew out yesterday.”

  “And your sister?”

  “She’s stuck in Florida because of a tropical storm. All flights were cancelled. She’ll be here as soon as she can get out.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I’m here. Have you eaten?”


  He pulled me into him. “Let’s go down to the cafeteria and see what they have. The food on the plane wasn’t very appetizing.”

  I let out a light laugh. “Believe me, the cafeteria isn’t any better.”

  As we ate breakfast together, we talked about Tanner. I explained everything that happened the night of his accident. Then curiosity got the best of me.

  “How did you know I was here? Wait, don’t answer that. Jenny told you, didn’t she?”

  He took a bite of his bagel and smiled. “It took a lot of persuasion, but she finally told me.”

  “What kind of persuasion?” I asked with a sly smile.

  “We can talk about that later. Where are you staying?”

  “The Holiday Inn down the street.”

  He narrowed his eyes as he looked at me. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. I can’t afford high-end hotels, Mr. Wyatt. The Holiday Inn is just fine.”

  He chuckled. “Well, it’s not for me. I’m a hotel snob and I have no shame in admitting it. Would you like to stay with me, in my suite, at the Fifteen Beacon, which is l
iterally .5 miles down from the Holiday Inn?”

  “A suite, you say?”

  “Yes. A suite. A big suite that is too big for one person. It’s the kind of suite that needs to be shared with someone special.” He smiled.

  “I’d like that.” I bit my bottom lip and I could feel myself blush.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” He reached across the table and took my hand, interlacing our fingers. “I missed you, Delilah.”

  “I missed you too.”

  As we got up from our seats, I grabbed the tray and Oliver took it from my hands and set it back down on the table. Smiling at me, he placed his hand softly on my cheek, then his lips gently brushed against mine. Heat coursed through my body and I smiled.

  “People are staring.”

  “Who cares? Let them stare. I’ve missed those beautiful lips and I’m not waiting another second to kiss them.”

  After our small and passionate kiss, we went back to Tanner’s room. As happy as I was that Oliver was here with me, I was confused by his sudden change. We spent the rest of the day by Tanner’s bedside. I played my guitar while Oliver made some phone calls.

  “Let me know when you’re ready to go to the hotel,” he spoke.

  It was already eight o’clock and I was feeling drained. “I guess I’m ready now. It feels so much later.”

  Taking my hands in his, he interlaced our fingers. “That’s because you’re exhausted.”

  We walked out of the room and down to the Holiday Inn so I could grab my things and check out. When we walked into the room, I noticed Oliver looking around.

  “It’s not that bad.” I laughed.

  “No, actually, it’s not.”

  He helped me gather my things and I shoved them in my suitcase. After doing one last check to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything, I checked out and we walked down to the Fifteen Beacon.

  “Here we are.” Oliver smiled as he opened the door.

  I walked into the room and was blown away, not only by the size, but by the beauty of it.

  “Wow. This is beautiful and it’s certainly no Holiday Inn.”

  Oliver chuckled. “No. It isn’t.”

  He set my suitcase down and I turned to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head against his chest. I wanted him. I needed him and my body craved him. He kissed the top of my head and held me tight.

  “Delilah, we need to talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk, Oliver.”

  He broke our embrace and placed his hands on each side of my face. “We can talk after I make love to you. But I want to say something first.”

  His eyes were locked on mine and I could see the passion in them.

  “I love you, Delilah. I’m in love with you and I need you.”

  My lips formed a small smile and elation rushed through my body. “I love you too and I need you more than you’ll ever know.”

  Chapter 33


  I let out a sigh of relief when I heard those words come from her. She still loved me and I was the happiest man on earth. To be loved by such a beautiful woman and soul was a gift from God, a gift that I wasn’t sure I still deserved. My fingers gripped the bottom of her shirt and I carefully lifted it over her head. She stared at me intently as I unbuttoned my shirt and slid it off my shoulders. She placed her hand on my heart and smiled.

  “You never had a heart of stone. It was just a little broken.”

  “And now, it’s fully healed again because of you.” I brushed my lips against hers and I reached around and unhooked her bra. My hands instantly latched onto her breasts as my tongue entered her mouth and met with hers. She took down my pants and ran her hand against my hard cock. I moaned with pleasure because it felt so good to be touched by her again. I needed to feel her and pleasure her. I wanted her to get lost in me and forget about everything else for a while. I unbuttoned her pants and slid them off her beautiful hips along with her panties so she was standing fully naked in front of me. She let out a soft moan as my tongue slid across the flesh of her neck and my hand made its way down. Dipping my fingers inside her and feeling how wet she was excited me even more. I turned her around and laid her face down on the bed, massaging her shoulders and back as my mouth explored every inch of her, right down to her perfect ass.

  “That feels so good,” she moaned.

  “I want you to relax, Delilah. Let me take care of you.”

  After massaging her backside for a while, I turned her over and smashed my mouth against hers before traveling to her breasts and taking each hardened nipple in my mouth. I felt like I was about to explode and my cock hadn’t even touched her yet. I spread her legs wide as I buried my head inside her thighs, flicking my tongue against her clit and dipping my fingers inside of her. Her back arched and her moans heightened. She was already about to come. Sucking her deeply and moving my fingers in and out of her sent her over the edge as her fingers tangled in my hair and she gave in to her orgasm. Her heart was racing and her skin was heated. I moved up and hovered over her, staring into her happy eyes.

  “No more condoms. I fully trust you, Delilah. I want you to know that.”

  The corners of her mouth curved up as she pulled me down and passionately kissed me as my cock rested between her legs. Grabbing hold of it, I thrust inside her and we both gasped. Her legs wrapped around me as I buried my cock deep inside of her. I wanted to stay like this forever and I was never letting her go. I moved in and out of her at a rapid pace, enjoying her warmth and the pleasure she gave me. I sat up and held on to her hips as I moved in and out, watching the gratification on her face as I fucked her. My thumb pressed on her swollen clit as she was ready to climax again. Her body tightened as she threw back her head, calling out my name as she released herself to me. I closed my eyes as I felt the wetness rush like a wave over my cock. I pulled out and flipped her over. Spreading her legs and taking hold of her ass with my hands, I moved in and out of her and the pressure built and I was about to come. Her sexy moans and her telling me to go faster and harder sent me over the edge as I pushed as deeply as I could inside her with one last thrust and filled her insides with my come. The heat between us was undeniable and coming inside of her without a condom was the best feeling in the world. Once I finished, I lowered my head and my lips pressed against her back. When I collapsed on top of her, she reached her arm back and stroked my face with her hand.

  I climbed off of her and pulled her into me. I didn’t care about cleaning up; I just wanted to hold her in my arms.

  “I love you,” I whispered to her again. Words I never thought would be so easy to say were with her.

  “I love you, Oliver.”

  We stayed wrapped up in each other for a few moments until I asked her if she would like to take a bath. I started the water and climbed in while she twisted her beautiful hair up with a clip. She climbed in and pressed her back against my chest as I wrapped my arms around her.



  Safety and comfort resided in me as I softly ran my finger around his arm.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” he spoke.

  I looked up at him as his lips lightly touched mine. “What is it?”

  “I had coffee with Kristen.”

  “Who?” I asked in confusion.

  “The girl I dated back when I was seventeen. I guess I never mentioned her name to you. I’m telling you this because I don’t ever want any secrets between us.”

  “Why did you see her?”

  “I needed to put closure on what had happened and I needed some answers. Answers I never gave her the chance to give me back then.”

  “Did you get those answers?”

  “Yes. I was already in love with you and I knew it. I just needed to put the past behind me.”

  “I’m happy and proud of you, Oliver.”

  His grip around me tightened. “You are the most special person in the world, Delilah Graham, and I’ve never felt this way a
bout anyone before, not even her. I was young, stupid, and thought I was in love, but in reality, I wasn’t and it wasn’t until you walked into my life that I discovered that. You and Sophie are the most important people in my life and I’m never going to let either one of you go. So prepare yourself because you’re mine forever.”

  “I like that idea.” I smiled as I tilted my head back and he kissed me.

  “Good, because it’s time that someone takes care of you and that’s what I intend to do. I will take care of you and make sure that your needs are fully met and fulfilled. I don’t ever want to see you unhappy or sad.”

  His hard cock pressed firmly against my back. I turned around so I was facing him and sat up, pressing down until he was deep inside of me. His sexy lips curved into a smile.

  “Wow. I didn’t expect that,” he moaned.

  “Prepare yourself to always be surprised, Mr. Wyatt.”

  The next morning, as we were getting ready to go to the hospital, my phone rang and it was a face time call from Liam.

  “Hi there.” I smiled into the phone.

  “Hey, good looking. How are you?”

  “Hi, Delilah!” Sophie appeared with a big grin on her face.

  “Hi, baby. How are you?”

  “I’m okay. How’s your brother?” she asked in her sweet voice.

  “He’s still in the hospital, but he’s going to be okay.”


  Oliver walked up behind me. “Good morning, princess.”

  “Hi, Daddy. Why are you in the same room with Delilah?”

  “Umm. Well, I just came to get her because we’re heading to the hospital now.”

  “Oh, okay. I just wanted to say hi. Uncle Liam is taking me to the museum today. I’m so excited!”

  “That’s wonderful, Sophie.”

  “Bye, Delilah. Bye, Daddy. I love you.”

  “We love you too, princess.”

  I heard Liam tell her to go get ready so they could leave. He took the phone from her hand and his face appeared on the screen.

  “So, is everything okay with the two of you?” he asked with a wide grin. “Judging from the ripped apart bed behind you, I’d say things are really good.”