Read Love, Lust & a Millionaire Page 7

  “Are you feeling better?”

  “I am. Much better. Thank you again for last night.”

  He gave me a smile as I walked ahead of him and down the stairs to the kitchen. I poured a cup of coffee and stopped dead in my tracks when I walked into the dining room for breakfast and saw Laurel and Liam sitting there.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” Liam smiled at me.

  Shit. I looked like total shit.

  “Good morning.” I held up my coffee cup.

  Laurel glared at me as I sat down, taking note of my morning look.

  “Please excuse my appearance, but we all can’t look as gorgeous as you in the morning, Laurel.” I smirked.

  Liam let out a light laugh and Oliver looked over at me. I could tell he was holding back the laughter.

  “I think you look pretty, Delilah,” Sophie said as she shot a look at Laurel.

  “Little girl, that look you just gave me wasn’t very nice. I suggest you learn some manners.”

  Oliver placed his hand on Laurel’s arm. “That’s enough, Laurel.”

  She huffed and pierced her fruit with her fork. I looked over at Liam, who was sporting a wide grin across his face. I lightly kicked him from underneath the table and he began to laugh.

  “May I ask what is so funny?” Laurel said.

  “I was just thinking about something. Relax, Laurel.”

  “Why don’t you share it with the rest of us?” she asked in irritation.

  “I can’t. There’s a child present.”

  “Okay, that’s enough, you two,” Oliver spoke. “Just finish your breakfast, Liam, so we can get out of here. Sophie, when I get home later, I have something I need to talk to you about.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” She smiled as she ate her eggs.

  Liam and Oliver left, leaving me at the table with Laurel and Sophie. Talk about an uncomfortable situation. I got up and took my plate into the kitchen. Sophie took her medication and then went upstairs to paint. As I was pouring myself another cup of coffee, Laurel walked in.

  “I know what you’re up to.”

  “And what would that be?” I asked as I cocked my head.

  “You’re turning Sophie against me and I don’t appreciate it.”

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about, Laurel.”

  She stepped closer and Clara looked at me. “Back off, Delilah. You may be the nanny, but that’s all you are. Remember your place.” She turned and the clicking of her heels on the floor made me cringe. As soon as she left the house, Clara and I busted out into laughter.

  “Do you believe that bitch?” I asked.

  “She’s crazy. Don’t let her scare you, Delilah.”

  “Scare me? Oh no, Clara. I can take her down in an instant.”

  I went upstairs to check on Sophie, who was sitting at her easel, painting.

  “I’m going to take a shower, Soph.”

  “Okay. I’ll be here, painting my picture.”

  “I can’t wait to see it.”

  I blew her a kiss and went back to my room. I heard my phone ding. There was a text message from Liam.

  “You’re killing me with Laurel. Keep up the good work. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks. I try.”

  Chapter 15


  As I was sitting behind my desk, going over a proposal for an upcoming multi-million-dollar deal, my office door opened and Laurel walked in.

  “Oliver, I’ve fired the band and they’re pissed. They won’t give the deposit back.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Let them keep it for the inconvenience,” I spoke as I stared at the computer.

  She walked over to my chair and ran her finger along my shoulder for a moment before planting herself in my lap.

  “Why don’t we have a little office fuck?” She smiled as she unbuttoned her shirt and softly kissed my neck.

  “Laurel, I—”

  “Shh, baby.” She placed two fingers over my lips. “I’m already wet and ready for you.” Her lips brushed against mine as I cupped the back of her neck and forcefully kissed her.

  My hand traveled to her breast as I pulled the cup to her bra down and took her hardened nipple between my fingers. She moaned as she got up from my lap and undid my pants, forcing her hand down the front of my underwear.

  “What’s going on, Oliver? You’re not even semi-hard,” she spewed.

  “I’m sorry, Laurel. I’ve got a lot on my mind with this deal.”

  She stood up and buttoned her shirt. “Are you sure that’s all it is?” She walked out of the office angrily and slammed the door behind her.

  I rolled my eyes as I buttoned my pants. I didn’t have time to deal with her right now. I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to Delilah.

  “How’s Sophie feeling?”

  “She’s feeling better. She’s been painting all day.”

  “Good to hear. I’ll be home in a while to talk to her about Vermont.”

  “Okay. See you soon.”

  As I set down my phone, Liam walked in.

  “I just saw Laurel in the lobby and she looked pissed as hell. What did you do to her? I’m sure whatever it was, she deserved it.” He smiled.

  I sighed. “Nothing. She’s overreacting as usual. Did you need something?”

  “I talked to McAllister just a few minutes ago and he’s ready to sign the deal for the sale of the building over on 77th. I got the price down like you wanted. We’ll make a fortune off this building once it’s restored.”

  “Ah, good.” I smiled. “Best news I’ve heard all day. I told Delilah about Elaine last night.”

  “What? Why?”

  I shrugged. “We were out on the patio, talking, and she asked. I don’t know; it just felt right telling her.”

  Liam slowly nodded his head. “I see. Keep denying those feelings of yours, big brother. I gotta run. I’m meeting Isabelle for dinner. Keep your fingers crossed that I get lucky tonight.” He winked before walking out of my office.

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Shutting down my computer and placing the file in my briefcase, I left the office and headed home.



  I was on the phone talking to Jenny when Oliver walked in the living room.

  “Let me call you back later. Oliver just walked in.” Click. “Hey.”

  “Hi. You didn’t have to hang up on my account.” He gently smiled.

  “It’s fine. It was only Jenny.”

  “How come you haven’t had her over yet?”

  I twisted my face and cocked my head. “I don’t know. Maybe because I work here.”

  “It’s your home too, Delilah, and if you want to have your friends over, it’s fine with me.”

  “Oh, in that case, can she come over tonight?”

  “Of course she can. Now, let’s go talk to Sophie.”

  I sent a quick text message to Jenny as we walked up the stairs.

  “Come over tonight! I’m dying for you to meet Oliver.”

  “Sounds fun. What time?”

  “How’s seven?”

  “I’ll be there. Text me your address.”

  We walked into Sophie’s room and I abruptly stopped when I saw her painting. I gulped. It was a painting of me in what looked like Central Park.

  “Daddy!” she exclaimed as she hugged him.

  “Hi, baby. Is that your painting?” he asked her as he turned and looked at me.

  “Yeah. Do you like it? It’s Delilah in the park,” she said with excitement.

  “Sophie, it’s beautiful. Where did you learn to paint like that?”

  “I don’t know. I just know how. Delilah, do you like it?” She was beaming from ear to ear.

  “I love it, sunshine.” Tears started to fill my eyes. I couldn’t believe she’d painted that.

  “Look, you’re holding your guitar. I can do a better guitar with more practice.”

  “It’s beautiful, Sophie.” I reached down and gave her a big

  Oliver sat down on the bed and asked Sophie to join him.

  “Your Aunt Kelsey called and she would like you to come visit her and Uncle Matt at their farm in Vermont for a couple of weeks. How do you feel about that?”

  “I remember going there once. They have horses and chickens and goats.”

  “Yes, they do. You can go horseback riding. I would drive you there and Aunt Kelsey said she’d drive you back home. But you’d be staying with them for a couple of weeks. They miss you.”

  “Okay. I miss them too. Can I bring my paints?”

  He put his arm around her and squeezed her tight, kissing her on the top of her head. “Of course you can bring your paints.”

  “You’re driving me?” she asked.


  “Can Delilah come with us?”

  Oliver looked up at me. “Sure. If she wants to.”

  “I’d love to drive with you to Vermont, Sophie.” I smiled as I knelt down in front of her and took her hands.

  “When am I going?”

  “Once your ear infection clears up and you’re feeling one hundred percent better.”

  “Okay. Can I get back to painting now? I have to add a few things.”

  Oliver and I both laughed. “Sure, sweetheart. We’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”

  I stared at the painting as I walked out of the room. I’d never seen anything like it before. Once we left the room, I grabbed Oliver’s arm.

  “That’s not normal.”

  He looked down at my hand on his arm and then up at me with a grin. “I know.”

  “Oh, sorry.” I let go of his arm.

  “I think once Sophie gets back from Vermont, we should have her IQ tested.”

  “Good idea. Oh, by the way, my friend, Jenny, will be coming over around seven.”

  “Good. I can’t wait to meet her.” He smiled as he walked into his office.

  Chapter 16

  “Well, hello there, Miss Fancypants.” Jenny smiled as she stepped into the foyer. “Look at this palace you’re living in. Far cry from our Chicago days.”

  “No kidding.” I laughed.

  I showed her around the first level and then took her upstairs to the living room, where Sophie was watching TV.

  “Hey, Sophie. How are you feeling?”

  “Hi, Jenny. I’m feeling better.”

  I led Jenny to Oliver’s office, where he had been since he came home.

  “Oliver, this is my friend, Jenny. Jenny, this is Oliver Wyatt.”

  Oliver got up from his desk and walked over to where we were standing, extending his hand out to her.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Jenny.”

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you too.”

  “Clara just informed me that dinner is ready. Shall we head downstairs?”

  We walked out of his office and he walked over to the couch and took Sophie’s hand. “Come on, sweetheart. It’s time for dinner and then off to bed for you.”

  “Can I show Jenny my painting after dinner?”

  “Of course you can. She’d love to see it.” I smiled.

  After finishing up dinner, I took Jenny up to Sophie’s room to see her painting.

  “That’s beautiful, Sophie. Wow. You’re very talented.” Jenny turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.

  As Sophie was showing Jenny her books, Oliver walked into the room.

  “You go spend time with Jenny. I’ll get Sophie ready for bed.”

  “Are you sure? It’s no problem. I can do it.”

  “Go.” He smiled.

  I gave Sophie a kiss goodnight. “Don’t forget to say your prayers before you go to sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Good night, Delilah. Good night, Jenny.”

  We walked out of her room and down to the living room. “Seriously, Delilah. What’s up with Sophie? What child can paint like that at five years old? I can’t even draw stick people.” She frowned.

  I sighed. “I know. Oliver and I are blown away. After she gets back from Vermont, we’re taking her to have her IQ tested. I think she’s like a genius or something.”

  We grabbed a couple of wine glasses and the bottle of wine that was left over from dinner and sat outside on the patio.

  “So while Sophie’s in Vermont, you’ll be here alone with Mr. Sexpot?”

  “Yeah. I guess I will be,” I spoke as I raised my eyebrow. “It’ll be good because then I can go out every night and play my music.”

  “That’s a plus. Or maybe you can stay in and get some action.” She winked.

  I shook my head as I let out a light laugh. “There will be no action. He’s my boss. But I do need to get laid. I’ve been thinking way too much about sex lately. Especially when he’s around.”

  “Then give in to the temptation and fuck him. Get it out of your system.”

  “Yeah, right. I’m pretty sure that once you fuck Oliver Wyatt, there is no getting him out of your system.”

  She laughed. “I think you’re right.”

  After talking for a couple more hours and a couple glasses of wine, she went home because she had an early class in the morning.

  “Give Stephen a big kiss from me.” I smiled as I hugged her goodbye.

  I shut the door, grabbed my guitar, which I had left in the living room, and took it outside on the patio, shutting the door behind me. A few moments later, as I was playing the strings, the door opened and Oliver walked out onto the patio.

  “It’s late. Aren’t you tired?”

  “Yeah. I am. I just wanted to play for a bit.”

  “I like Jenny. She’s nice and seems to have a good head on her shoulders.”

  “Thanks. She’s the best.”

  “Well, good night. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As he started to walk away, I lightly grabbed his hand. He turned around with a startled look on his face.

  “I just wanted to thank you for letting Jenny come over.”

  He wrapped his fingers around mine. I didn’t expect that and my body caught fire.

  “You’re welcome. Like I said before, your friends are always welcome here. It’s your home too.” He softly smiled.

  “Oliver, I—”

  “Sweet dreams, Delilah.” He let go of my hand and walked back inside the house, leaving me blown away by his touch.


  A couple of days had passed and Sophie was feeling much better. As we were sitting at the piano together, pressing some keys, I had an idea.

  “Wanna dance, sugar plum?”

  “Yes! I love to dance!” she said with a wide grin.

  I got up from the piano and set my iPhone in the docking station that sat below the TV. I pressed play on “Love Today” by Mika, one of my favorite dance songs. I looked at Sophie and held out my hand. We started dancing to the beat of the music around the room. As we were laughing, singing, and jumping around, suddenly, Liam joined us and grabbed my hand, twirling me around and pulling me close to him. He let go of me and grabbed Sophie, dancing around with her in his arms. I looked across the room. Oliver was leaned up against the wall with his arms folded, smiling at us. Next to him was Cruella, shaking her head in disgust as if we were doing something wrong. As soon as the song ended, Liam gave Sophie a kiss and put her down.

  “That was one hell of a dance.” He smiled at me.

  Sophie giggled and ran up to hug Oliver. “You were amazing, princess. I love your moves.”

  “Why didn’t you dance with us, Daddy? Uncle Liam did.”

  “That’s because your Uncle Liam is way cooler than your daddy.” Liam smiled.

  “Don’t kid yourself,” Laurel said as she rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, come on, Laurel. You know you want this big, bad—”

  “Ahem,” Oliver said as he looked at Sophie.

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “In your dreams, Liam.” She shot him a dirty look.

  “You mean in my nightmare.
Because that’s exactly what it would be.”

  “Okay, that’s enough!” Oliver shouted. “You two get in my office now. We have to discuss the fundraiser.”

  Laurel and Oliver walked away and I high-fived Liam. He strutted to Oliver’s office with a grin on his face. A while later, as I was in the kitchen making a cup of coffee, the three of them came down the stairs.

  “Make sure to save me a dance at the fundraiser Saturday night.” Liam winked.

  “I sure will.”

  “Come on, Oliver. Let’s go,” Cruella commanded in her wicked tone.

  “I’ll be going out this evening. If anything comes up with Sophie, don’t hesitate to call.”

  “Everything will be fine. Have fun.” I smiled. A fake smile. The smile that showed I was happy on the outside but sad on the inside.

  I didn’t want him to go out. I liked him being home. Even if he stayed locked up in his office, at least he was here. Watching Oliver Wyatt walk away with Laurel sparked a jealousy inside of me. A jealousy that shouldn’t have been there. I was starting to feel lonely.

  I went upstairs, helped Sophie get ready for bed, looked through her Monet book with her, and then sang her to sleep. When I entered my bedroom and closed the door, I decided to get in my pajamas and lie across the bed to watch a movie. Maybe watching The Notebook wasn’t such a good idea. I sighed as I heard raised voices coming from downstairs. I quietly opened my door and stood at the top of the stairs while Laurel and Oliver argued.

  “You can’t stand there and tell me it’s nothing else. We haven’t had sex in what seems like forever.”

  “Is this why you followed me home, Laurel? We finished this discussion back at your place!”

  “No we didn’t. You walked out and left me standing there without any of my questions being answered. You obviously have a problem, Oliver. Maybe you should see a doctor.”

  “A doctor? Are you fucking out of your mind? I told you that I’ve been under a lot of stress lately with this deal. If it falls through, I’ll lose millions. I’m sorry that I’m not up to performing for you.”

  “Bullshit! This all started when that nanny you hired moved in.”

  I covered my mouth with my hand. I couldn’t believe I was listening to this.

  “Jesus Christ, Laurel. Do you hear yourself? Why the hell would I be interested in her? She’s Sophie’s nanny and that’s it. Are you jealous of Delilah or something?”