Read Love, Lust & a Millionaire Page 8

  “No. Why would I be jealous of someone like her?”

  “Well, you’re basically accusing me of sleeping with her.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time,” she said.

  Oh. Shit. Did he cheat on her?

  “It was one time, Laurel, and I was drunk. I apologized and you forgave me. I thought we put that behind us?”

  “The fact that it happened will always be in the back of my mind.”

  “I think you’d better go before we both say something we’re going to regret.” His voice lowered. “The fundraiser is in a couple of days and we’re both stressed out. Let’s just get through this, okay?”

  “Whatever, Oliver. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I heard the clicking of her expensive heels leaving the house.

  I went back to my room and grabbed my guitar. As I strummed the strings, I couldn’t help but feel hurt when I heard Oliver ask Laurel why the hell would he be interested in me. He was right. Why would he be interested in someone like me? He was rich, powerful, successful, and sexy as fuck. I was a poor girl from a rundown drug-dealing neighborhood in Chicago. I’d misread his signals or possible intentions. I heard a light knock on my door.

  “Come in.”

  “Hi. I heard you playing. I didn’t think you were still up. Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying.”

  “I just finished watching The Notebook and it gets me every time. No matter how many times I watch it, I still cry.”

  “I’ve never seen it.”

  “You’ve never seen The Notebook?” I asked in surprise.

  “Nope. I don’t have time to watch movies.” He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.

  “Well, that’s a shame, Mr. Wyatt, because movies are magical. I’m a movie freak.”

  “Maybe someday I’ll get around to watching it. How was Sophie tonight?”

  “She was great. You know, she hasn’t had any behavioral problems since I started living here.”

  “I’ve noticed that. We can talk more about it tomorrow. I’m exhausted and had a long day. Sleep tight, Delilah.” He walked out of the room.

  “Sweet dreams, Oliver,” I whispered.

  I set down my guitar and climbed into bed. My mind was still reeling over the argument I heard between Oliver and Laurel. I was still in shock that he had cheated on her. After what he had experienced when he was seventeen years old and the hurt and pain he felt, I couldn’t believe that he would turn around and do that to someone else. Maybe he wasn’t the man I thought he was.

  Chapter 17


  I stepped into the shower and sighed as I thought about Laurel and our fight last night. I wasn’t in any mood today to talk to her and I knew she’d be blowing up my phone soon enough. After putting on my suit and tie, I walked downstairs to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee.

  “Morning, Clara.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Wyatt.”

  “Are Delilah and Sophie up yet?”

  “We sure are.” Delilah smiled as she and Sophie walked into the kitchen.

  “Hi, Daddy.”

  “Good morning, Miss Sophie.” I picked her up and gave her a kiss.

  The three of us went and sat down in the dining room for breakfast.

  “Delilah, the fundraiser tomorrow night is black tie. Do you have a formal dress to wear?”

  She looked at me as she bit down on her bottom lip. God, was she beautiful.

  “No. Nothing formal. I’ll call Jenny later and ask her. I’m sure she has something.”

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out my credit card. “Here. Take this and go buy a new dress today.”

  “No, Oliver. I can’t.”

  “You can’t or you won’t?” I asked as I cocked my head.

  “I won’t let you buy me a dress for the fundraiser. That’s ridiculous. I can buy my own dress. Thank you.”

  “Take the card. Now,” he commanded. “It’s not up for discussion. Besides, I think Sophie needs some new clothes.” He gave her a wink.

  She giggled. “I want to go shopping with you and look at pretty grown-up dresses, Delilah.”

  She looked at Sophie and then at me with narrowed eyes. “Fine.” When she took the card from my hand, our fingers lightly touched and I felt my cock twitch. “Buy a dress, jewelry, and a pair of shoes. Remember, you’re going to be performing in front of a large crowd.”

  “Can I come, Daddy?” Sophie asked innocently.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, but this is for grownups only. Francesca is going to come and play with you tomorrow night while we’re gone.”

  “Okay. I like Francesca.” She smiled. “But not as much as you, Delilah.” She reached over and touched her hand.

  “Aw, baby. I love you.” She leaned over and touched Sophie’s nose with hers.

  Hearing her say those words to my daughter was bittersweet. Delilah was a godsend and I was happy that I’d found her. Thank you, Sophie, for acting up in the restaurant and getting her fired. I finished up breakfast and then headed to the office.


  I finally closed the multi-million-dollar deal and I was ecstatic. To celebrate, Liam and I went to the golf course.

  “Laurel told me that the band is still going to be there at the fundraiser, but they won’t play until after Delilah performs.”


  “You didn’t know?”

  “No. She didn’t tell me that. But we haven’t been getting along lately.” I swung and nailed a hole in one.

  “Damn you, Oliver.” Liam sighed. “Why haven’t you been getting along? Besides her being a bitch and all.”

  I looked over at the smirk on his face and rolled my eyes. “Let’s just say I haven’t been able to perform well in the bedroom lately. I’ve been under a lot of stress with this deal.”

  “Really? Or would a beautiful and sexy girl named Delilah have something to do with that?”

  “Now you sound like Laurel. She basically accused me of sleeping with her and then she brought up the time I slept with Avril.”

  “You know, bro, and don’t get pissed off at me for saying this, but have you told Laurel that you love her?”

  “No. You know I don’t tell anyone that besides Sophie. You know I can’t find it in my heart to love another woman after what happened with Kristen.”

  “Seriously, Oliver, why are you still with her if you don’t love her?”

  I sighed. “I don’t know.”

  “You were seventeen. Don’t you think it’s time to let that go?”

  “I did let it go, but it’s hard to trust again and I’m not sure I ever will.”

  “Well, if you want my honest opinion, I think Delilah is different from anyone else. She seems very trustworthy and I think you have strong feelings for her.”

  “I don’t have feelings for her. I just want to fuck her and I don’t want your opinion, little brother. So back off.”

  “All right. I’m backing off.”



  As Sophie and I were in the dress section of Saks Fifth Avenue, looking at the beautiful dresses, I heard a voice behind me.

  “Looking for a dress for the fundraiser?”

  “Hi, Laurel. Yes. I am.”

  “Hello there, Sophie.” She smiled at her with a fake smile.

  Sophie looked down. “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hey, Soph. Do me a favor and go look on that rack right there and see if any pretty dresses catch your eye for me.”


  I wanted her away from Laurel because I couldn’t risk her telling her that Oliver gave me his credit card.

  “I see you’ve gotten your dress.” I pointed to the white garment bag hanging over her shoulder.

  “Yes. I did.”

  “May I see it?” I asked politely.

  “No. You may not,” she said with an evil smile.

  “Alrighty then. It was nice to see you, Laurel. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some s
hopping to do.”

  “You’re not excused and I’m warning you, nanny. You better stay away from my boyfriend. Do you understand me?” she spoke through gritted teeth.

  This was getting interesting. “I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t want to know.”

  “Oh, you know damn well what I’m talking about. I see the way you look at Oliver like some schoolgirl slut who has a crush on her hot and sexy teacher. He’s mine and you better keep your hands off of him or I’ll make your life a living hell. You’re nothing but white trash from the wrong side of the tracks.”

  I swallowed hard, and if Sophie wasn’t there, I would have punched Laurel in the face already. But I needed to keep my cool and remain calm. She wasn’t worth it. She was only making herself look stupid.

  “Okay, Laurel. I fully understand what you’re saying and you have nothing to worry about with me. I’m not interested in Oliver whatsoever.”

  “You better not be.” She turned, said goodbye to Sophie, and walked away.

  “Was she being mean to you?” Sophie asked.

  “No, sweet girl. She wasn’t being mean. We were just talking. Now let’s go find a dress.”

  That would be the last time Laurel threatened me.


  Oliver was in his study when Sophie and I came home from shopping. We were gone longer than anticipated, but we had dinner and then stopped at Central Park for a while. She was anxious to get home and start painting. I lightly tapped on his office door and he told me to come in.

  “Here’s your credit card.”

  “Thank you. Did you find something to wear?” he asked with a slight smile.

  “I did. I also ran into Laurel at Saks.”

  “Oh. Everything okay?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be? She’s a lovely woman.”

  Oliver stared at me and I could tell I amused him. “I take it that she must have said something to you.”

  “Just a friendly hi.” I smiled. I wasn’t about to tell him what I really thought of her. If he couldn’t see what kind of person she was, then that was his problem and own stupidity.

  “Can I see the dress you bought?” he asked.

  “Sure you can. Tomorrow when I put it on.” I winked and walked out of his office.

  “Delilah, wait!” Oliver spoke.

  I turned around and went back to his office. “Yes.”

  “I closed that big deal today.”

  “Congratulations, Oliver. That’s wonderful.”

  “Thanks. Liam and I are going out to celebrate in a bit. Would you like to come with us? Maybe you can give Jenny a call and she and her boyfriend can meet us. We’ll go hit up a bar.”

  “What about Sophie?”

  “I’ll ask Clara to stay. She will. Especially if I give her a bonus for doing it.”

  “I really should stay home and practice some songs for tomorrow.”

  “You don’t need to practice. You’re a natural. Come with us. It’ll be fun.”

  As I stood there and stared at him, I bit down on my bottom lip, contemplating whether or not it was a good idea. But going to a bar with my friends sounded fun.

  “Laurel isn’t going?”

  He chuckled. “No. She’s busy tonight. So you and Liam both don’t have to worry about her.”

  “Okay. I’ll go. It sounds fun.”

  A wide smile splayed across his face. “Excellent. I’ll call Liam and talk to Clara.”

  “And I’ll go get ready.” I smiled as I turned and walked up to my room.

  Chapter 18

  We met Jenny and Stephen at The Pony Bar in Hell’s Kitchen. I had been here once before and really enjoyed the different beers they had.

  “Do you want a beer?” Oliver asked me as the waitress walked over to our table.

  “Sure. Whatever’s on tap is fine.” I smiled.

  Oliver took the seat next to me and Liam sat across the table next to Jenny and Stephen. As soon as the waitress brought us our drinks, I held up my glass.

  “I would like to make a toast. A big congratulations to Oliver and Liam for closing a huge deal today.”

  “Thank you.” Oliver held up his glass.

  “Here. Here!” Liam exclaimed.

  Jenny looked at me sharply from across the table. “I need to use the restroom. Are you coming with?” she asked.

  “Sure.” As I got up from my seat, I placed my hand on Oliver’s shoulder. “Place an order for the tempura green beans while I’m gone.”

  “You like those?”

  “Love them!”

  He gave me a smile and I followed Jenny to the bathroom. She grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

  “What the fuck is going on with you and Oliver?”

  “Nothing. Why?” I asked in confusion.

  “I see the way he looks at you and it’s not in an employer/employee way.”

  I looked in the mirror and dabbed some lip gloss on my lips. “You’re crazy. I ran into Laurel today at Saks. She threatened me and told me to stay away from Oliver.”

  “Did you deck her?”

  “I would have if Sophie wasn’t there.” I smiled. “I wish you could meet her so you’d know what I’m talking about.”

  “I’m sure I will someday. But Oliver Wyatt wants you. I can tell and I know you secretly want him. Shit, Delilah. I don’t know how you’ve managed not to jump in bed with him already. He’s so yummy, and that brother of his. Wow!”

  I rolled my eyes. “We better get back out there.” When I opened the bathroom door, Liam was leaning up against the wall. “Shit. Why are you standing there like that?”

  “I came to warn you. Laurel is here and she’s sitting in your seat.”

  “What the fuck? How did she know we were here? And Oliver told me she was busy tonight.”

  “Obviously, the bitch changed her plans.”

  I sighed. “Twice in one day is not cool.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “I saw her today at Saks and she threatened me. She told me that I’d better stay away from Oliver or else she’d make my life a living hell. She told me that I acted like a schoolgirl slut.” I began to laugh.

  “Are you serious? Did you tell Oliver?”

  “No, and please don’t. I can handle little Miss Cruella. She doesn’t scare me.”

  “I have no doubt you can. Go back first. I’ll join you in a few. I don’t want anyone suspecting we talked about this.”

  I placed my hand on his arm. “Thanks for the heads up, Liam.”

  “You’re welcome, Delilah.”

  “Looks like I’m finally going to get to meet that bitch.” Jenny smiled as she hooked her arm in mine.

  We walked back to the table and my stomach churned when I saw her and her arm around Oliver. I took in a deep breath to keep calm.

  “Hi, Laurel.” I smiled as I grabbed my beer that was sitting in front of her. Oliver looked at me and his eyes told me that he was sorry. She looked up at me and said hello.

  The table we were sitting at only had enough room for five people. I could have very well gotten angry and stormed out of the place, but I wasn’t about to give Laurel that grand satisfaction. Did it bother me? Of course it did. But I was here, having a good time with Jenny and Stephen. Oliver could spend the rest of the evening with Laurel for all I cared.

  “We can squeeze in a chair right here.” Liam smiled as he walked back to the table and pulled a chair up next to Oliver. “Hope you don’t mind me getting too close, big brother?” He winked at him. “Delilah, go take my seat.”

  “Thanks, Liam.”

  He flashed me his sexy smile. The waitress walked over and set down the plate of tempura green beans in the center of the table.

  “What on earth is that? It looks disgusting,” Laurel sneered.

  “Tempura green beans. It’s what we poor folks from Chicago like.” Jenny grinned as she popped one in her mouth.

  I almost lost it and busted out into laughter. I flagg
ed down the waitress and ordered another beer. Watching Laurel hang all over Oliver was nauseating. She was making sure that I knew he was her man. She reached over and placed her hand on his face.

  “Congratulations, baby, on closing your deal. Now that it’s settled, we can go back to my place and do some real celebrating later.” She kissed his lips and, instantly, I felt sick to my stomach.

  I pretended not to notice as I continued to smile, laugh, and drink my beer. I wasn’t drunk but I was a bit tipsy. Nothing I couldn’t handle. It was getting late and Oliver suggested that we leave. I gave Jenny and Stephen a hug goodbye and, as they left, Oliver touched my arm.

  “I need to take Laurel home, so Liam is going to make sure you get home.”

  I hailed a cab as he was talking to me. “No need. I’m a big girl who can take care of herself. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Oliver.”

  I got into the cab before he could say a word, and locked the door. I turned my head the other way and told the cab driver to hurry up and pull away. I didn’t know what I was feeling. I didn’t know if I felt angry, sad, or disappointed. All I knew was that I wanted to go home, go to bed, and forget this night.



  “Way to go, Oliver. I’ll be by tomorrow to pick up Delilah for the fundraiser.” Liam got into his limo and left.

  “Come on, baby. Take me home and fuck me senseless.”

  I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to Liam.

  “Call my phone, now.”

  We climbed in the back of the limo and I told Scott to drive us to Laurel’s apartment. My phone rang.

  “Yeah, Marcus,” I answered. “What?! Are you kidding me? Now? Do you see what time it is? Why didn’t you call me earlier? Fine. I’ll meet you there.”

  “What was that all about?” Laurel asked in disappointment.

  “Marcus said there’s a problem with the contract for the deal. I have to meet him now to get it straightened out before the buyers see it. Shit. I’m sorry, Laurel, but I can’t stay at your place tonight.”

  “You can come by after, can’t you?”

  “I don’t know how long I’ll be and I need to be home in the morning when Sophie wakes up. I’m sorry, darling.”