Read Love Online Page 11



  I got up in the morning with a sweet ache in my body. It was a reminder of what Jake and I did yesterday night. I was memorizing all the intense moments of our love making and I couldn’t help the smile on my face. I turned to the other side and was face to face with Jake. He was still asleep I like waking up next to him. I nuzzled closer to Jake and put my head in the crook of his neck. I like his unique scent and the warmth of his nearness. Jake grunted and I watched his eyelashes flutter then lift. His eyes were clouded in sleep. He hugged me closer to him and kissed my forehead.

  “Morning baby” he said in his sleepy voice.

  “Morning” I smiled, “I am going for a shower care to join?” I asked him. He nodded and got up from the bed took my hand and helped me out of bed. We went to the bathroom, Jake started the water. When we were under the shower Jake kissed me and we had a repeat of last night.

  “Shit” I said. Jake put me down on my feet and I sat down on the side of the bathtub.

  “What’s wrong?” confusion was written all over his face.

  “I don’t want to freak you out babe. But we didn’t use protection” I pointed out.

  Jake froze. He had an expression like he had seen a ghost. His face went white, I was afraid he’ll black out. He was breathing hard.

  “Jake you ok. Please say something” I was worried.

  “Shit, that can’t happen. No that didn’t happen” he murmured.

  “Jake I am clean and I am on birth control” I said.

  “Oh my god I thought I must have knocked you up. I am clean too. I am sorry I freaked out, but I have always used protection. I never forget to use one. But with you I tend to forget everything” he said with a sigh of relief.

  “You don’t want kids?” I asked.

  “Not yet. Not like this. I mean it’s still too soon for us. All this is new to me you know that. I cannot stand the thought of becoming a father” he replied.

  “I know. I can’t think of having kids this soon too”

  “So are we good?” he asked still a little bit concerned.

  “Yes Mr. Collins I saved your pretty ass”

  “Thanks a lot baby. I would have died with tension” and he kissed me.


  We had shower and went back to my apartment. Jake had to work so he went to office and Ian had to leave too. That left Sammy and me at the apartment. We had the girl talk and shared our stories about the previous night. Sammy said Ian was a surprise packet in bed kinky and aggressive. She said she loved being with Ian. I was happy for her.

  The office was busy as always on Monday. We planned that Jake’s company needs to be known in the market and for that throwing a party was the best plan to introduce them to the New York business sharks. So we had the party at the best venue “The Tonic East” and the entire important persona from business world got the invitation. I was happy I could help Jake in any way. Our team working for Jake was invited too. Sammy, Nolan, Venda, Paul and I went to the party together as a team. The party was good people were enjoying. I was looking for Jake ‘coz he was the host and he had to be at the party before everybody else.

  I noticed him talking to some guy and there was a girl standing next to him. The girl had a figure to kill for. She was looking like a model. She was wearing a gorgeous black dress and she was smiling at Jake. Both of them looked good together. I felt a pang of jealousy. What was Jake doing with a girl like me? I was nothing in comparison to her. She was amazing and I was an average looking girl with an average height of 5’7. Suddenly I was feeling self-conscious. I wanted to go to Jake, but I couldn’t move. Jake said something to the girl and went towards the door. I went behind him to talk. The girl standing with Jake came to me and said, “Where are you going?”

  “Oh, hello. I want to talk to Jake”

  “Jake doesn’t talk to girls like you”

  “Excuse me?” I was wondering the same thing a few moments back, but she was insulting me by saying this.

  “Are you hard of hearing? Jake doesn’t like talking to your type” this was crossing a line.

  “Shut up. Who the hell do you think you are? You don’t know me” I accused.

  “I know you are from the advertising company we did contract with” she said, “and I am Jake’s personal assistant”.

  Oh so she was his PA. He never said that he was coming to the party with his PA. I was so angry on him. He hasn’t told anybody about me. Why? Was he ashamed of having a girlfriend who was average looking or was working for an ad agency? Was I his dirty little secret? No that’s not my Jake he can never do that to me.

  “Look I don’t want to talk to you right now. I just want to talk to Jake for a moment” I said.

  “Hey Nichole it’s good to see you here. I was looking for you guys. Where is your team” Jake’s voice came from behind me.

  What? So he is going to act like professionals now. Wow that hurts.

  “Hello Mr. Collins. My team is here too. I wanted to thank you for giving us the project. It’s nice to work with you. But your personal assistant here was telling me that you were busy and couldn’t talk to me” I looked in her eyes. She was giving me death glares.

  “Is that so Michelle?” he asked his PA.

  “I told her you don’t have time right now and you’ll talk to her later when you’ll be free” she replied. I wanted to shout Liar on her face. But it was a party for Jake’s business and if he doesn’t want to tell people about our relation then two can play the game.

  “It’s okay Mr. Collins. I was here to thank you. I must leave now. Enjoy the party” I said in a hard voice looking in his eyes.

  “What? No, you can’t go. I mean you can’t leave like this. The party just started” he was confused.

  “Thank you, but I have some work to do. I’ll see you tomorrow in your office Sir” and with that I left him with Michelle. Jake was shouting my name but I was too mad at him to stop. I took a cab outside the venue and texted Sammy that I wasn’t feeling well so I was heading to the apartment. She said that she’ll come with me but I asked her to stay there. After a little argument she agreed. I reached the apartment and went to shower. Hot water always helps me release the tension in my body. When I came out of the bathroom Jake was sitting there on my bed. His elbows were on his knees and head in his hands. He was looking tired.

  “What are you doing here Mr. Collins?”

  “Nikki what’s wrong baby. Why are you behaving like this?” he asked with a pained expression on his face. I was starting to feel like I over reacted. I love him so much but I can’t live like this, I can’t be his secret.

  “Are you ashamed of me?” I asked in a shaky voice. Tears were starting to form behind my eyes and my throat was feeling heavy.

  Jake stood up from the bed and came to me. He cupped my face in his hands and said, “No. Oh god baby how can you even think that. I love you so much. I can never be ashamed of you. Why would you say that” I can hear the seriousness in his voice.

  “Then why did you act like that in the party?”

  “Like what?” he was confused.

  “Like you only know me professionally”

  He hugged me hard and kissed my forehead.

  “I wanted to keep you away from the pressure baby that’s it. If your boss knew that you are my girlfriend he’ll pressurize you for the business, he’ll start eating your head for the meetings and the contracts. I didn’t want to put you in any situation just because you are my girlfriend. I wanted to keep you away from this mess. I am really sorry baby. I thought you wanted the same thing ‘coz you didn’t tell anybody about us in the meeting that day”.

  I couldn’t stop the tears now. He was so thoughtful about me and what did I do? I ruined his party for him. He was thinking about my comfort and I imagined the worst.

  “I was mad at you in the meeting that’s why I didn’t tell anyone about us” I blurted out.

“I am sorry Nikki. I should have introduced you to everyone at the party. Get ready we are going back to the party and I’ll introduce everyone to my beautiful and gorgeous girlfriend”.

  “No. I don’t want to meet anybody”

  “But why?”

  “I am sorry. I thought you are ashamed of me and I was your secret. So, I came back home”

  “Nikki how can you even think that baby?” I can see the hurt on his face.

  I kissed him and said, “I am stupid and I am sorry. But Michelle said that you don’t talk to girls like me and I can’t talk to you” I told him “so I was mad at you that you didn’t tell her who I was. And I was not thinking at all” I was blabbering I know but I didn’t like the hurt expression on Jake’s face. I wanted to erase that somehow. His expression softened.

  “You don’t have to listen to Michelle Nikki. She doesn’t know me like you do. She is just my PA and you are my life. You don’t have to worry about her”.

  I smiled at that, I had to.

  “I am your life” I asked with a smile.

  “Yes you are” Jake laughed and kissed me on my forehead. Every time Jake does that it feels so intimate.

  “Now you wanna go back to the party?” Jake asked.

  “No I want to sleep”

  “Ok” Jake said and started removing his tie.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Why? I am going to sleep with my girlfriend. Do we have a problem in that?” Jake said with a naughty expression.

  “You have a party to attend Mr. Collins”

  “Party can do without me. But I cannot be without you Nikki” he said and with that we were kissing each other. I don’t know who started removing clothes first but we were lying on bed naked, attacking each other’s body with kisses and after a moment Jake was inside me, filling me completely.

  “You are on pills baby”

  “Yes. I already told you”

  “Just confirming because I don’t want anything between us now that I know how good you feel without the latex”

  “I don’t want anything between us either” and that is how we spent the night.

  I got up in the morning. Jake was still asleep, I didn’t want to wake him up. So I got up from the bed carefully and went to the bathroom. After my shower I went to the kitchen. Sammy was making coffee.

  “Morning Sammy”

  “Hey, Morning. So why you left the party yesterday?”

  “Nothing much, I was not feeling well” I lied.

  “Oh, you fine now”

  “Yes all good. How was the party?” I asked her.

  “It was good. Jake left after you too” I smiled.

  “Oh so is he here”

  “I am indeed” Jake called from behind me, “Morning baby” he came behind me and kissed my neck. Then he looked at Sammy and said “Morning Sammy”

  “Morning Jake. Coffee?” Sammy asked.

  “Yes please” he said.

  We were having breakfast when Sammy asked Jake about the girl standing with him.

  “Oh that was my personal assistant Michelle” Jake told her.


  “Why?” Jake asked.

  “Nothing I didn’t like the way she was looking at you when you left after Nikki” she said.

  “Don’t worry she is harmless” Jake said looking at me too.

  After the breakfast we got ready for the office.

  “Jake your clothes are taking more than half of space in my closet” I complained. We had our clothes in each other’s places as we were spending so much time together. But Jake never cleaned and always made a mess wherever we spent the night. I always had to clean after him but I liked taking care of Jake. It felt so domestic, it made everything real.

  “We’ll have to order a bigger one then” he laughed.

  “I guess so” I kissed him and picked up the towel which was discarded by Jake from the bed and took it to the bathroom.

  “At what time are you coming to the office?” Jake asked putting his shoes on.

  I was meeting Jake at his office for finalizing the cover for the spread on his company in our magazine.

  “I’ll be there around 12” I told him.

  “I have a meeting at 11. I’ll wrap it up till 12 and be there with you. We’ll have lunch together” he said.

  “Ok Mr. Collins” I smiled.

  After a quick kiss he dropped me to my office. We had some meetings and at 11.30 I left for Jake’s office. It was on the 23rd floor. The ambiance was good. I went to the reception and told them I had an appointment with Mr. Collins. She sent me to the cabin at the far end of the office. I knocked and a girl’s voice came from the cabin.

  “Come in”

  I went inside the room and Michelle was sitting there behind a table and there was a room on her left with glass doors. I guess that was Jake’s room.

  “Hi. I am here to meet Mr. Collins” I said in a flat tone. I was not happy to talk to her. But I was there to meet Jake and I didn’t want anything to spoil it.

  “He is in a meeting. When the meeting is over I’ll send you in. till then you can wait here” she replied.


  Fifteen minutes later Jake came out of his room with a man in his fifties and both of them were laughing. Guess the meeting went well. He waved to the man and turned around. He noticed me standing there waiting for him and the smile on his face was priceless. I can tell he was happy to see me there.

  “Hey Nikki I was waiting for you. How long have you been here?”

  “Hello Mr. Collins. I just got here” I replied. He didn’t like my greetings, his smile vanished. But I was there for official work and I didn’t want anything to affect his business life.

  “Come on in” he said.

  We went inside his room. Once the doors were closed he asked me, “What Nikki? Did Michelle say anything to you?”

  “No Jake she didn’t. I was just kidding with you” I lied. That made him smile.

  “I thought you were upset about something” and he hugged me and kissed my lips lightly.

  “You liked my office?”

  “Yes I did” I told him.

  “Sit here” he took me to his chair and gestured me to sit down.

  “But that’s your chair” I questioned.

  “And you are mine too. So now shut up and sit here. I’ll be back” he said and went inside a door which I guess was the washroom.

  I was sitting on Jake’s chair and looking at the paintings when the glass door opened and Michelle came in.

  “What the…” she started at the same time when Jake came from the washroom. He looked at her and asked, “What is it Michelle?”

  She was still looking at me, and then she corrected herself and turned to Jake and said “I wanted to ask you about the lunch”

  Jake came near me and bent down to kiss my forehead.

  “What do you want to eat baby?”

  Michelle was stunned. I was in a little shock too, but hey I am not complaining. Jake showed Michelle her place and I liked it a lot. I looked at her and told Jake, “Anything you want Jake. It’s our lunch date remember so I’ll have whatever you’ll order” I smiled at Jake.

  Jake told Michelle what we’ll have for lunch she went out of Jake’s cabin like she had tasted something bad.

  “What was that for” I asked Jake smiling.

  “That was me telling my PA that you are my girlfriend” he said. I didn’t think I can love Jake more than I already love him but he always does something like this which makes me fall in love for him more and more.



  I know when Nikki likes anything I said. Whenever she likes something I do she has this dreamy look in her eyes like she wants to get lost in me and I love that so much. I know she liked it so much when I kissed her in front of Michelle. She wanted to tell Michelle that I was her. She wanted to stake her claim on me but she is too good for hurting other people so I
did that for her. Michelle came with our lunch and I liked having her in my office.

  “How would you like to work for me?” I blurted out without thinking.

  She was caught off guard, “haven’t thought about it” she said finally after a moment.

  “Would you like to think about it?”

  “I don’t know maybe” that was enough for me at least she haven’t discarded the idea outright. Maybe means she’ll think about it.

  We checked the covers for the spread she brought with her. I have never seen her work before and I must say I was impressed with her ideas. It gave me a feeling of proud that she was so talented. We were deciding which one of the pictures will be best for spread when the door opened and Michelle walked in.

  “Your mother wants to talk to you on line 2” she said and put the files on my table for signing. I nodded and picked up the line 2.

  “Hey mom. How are you?” I asked my mom.

  “I am fine. Are you and Nikki coming home on Thanksgiving?” she asked.

  I forgot that the thanksgiving was coming around in a week and we had promised her that we’ll be home for thanksgiving.

  “Ask her yourself she is in the office. I’ll put you on speaker” I told her. I can see the expression changing on Michelle’s face. And I know why Nikki doesn’t like her. I put the call on speaker.

  “Hi Nikki, you coming for thanksgiving right?” she asked Nikki. Nikki was looking at me with a smile.

  “Yes of course we are Patricia” she answered.

  “Perfect I was going to plan the menu. Meet you too on Friday next week. Love you guys” with that she hung up the phone. Nikki looked at me and we both laughed.

  “She is so excited for the thanksgiving” Nikki said smiling.

  “She doesn’t get to meet my girlfriend daily so she is excited” I winked at her and laughed. I signed the file Michelle had on my table and gave it back to her. She left the room and Nikki and I decided the cover.

  “I should leave now. Are you working late?” Nikki asked getting up from her seat.

  “Yes, but not that much late. I’ll be at your apartment till 9 pm”

  “Ok I’ll wait for you for dinner”

  “No you and Sammy don’t have to wait for me” I said

  “Sammy is staying at Ian’s place tonight” that was an invitation.

  “Do you want me to come with you right now” I asked lifting one eyebrow.

  “No you finish your work first I’ll be waiting in my sexy red transparent nightgown” she said with a sexy smile. Oh shit I love that nightgown. It’s transparent and it doesn’t leave anything for imagination, just thinking about that image made me hard. I got up from my seat and took her in my arms crushing her against my body. I know she can feel me.

  “Look what you did. Now I’ll have to sit here for another three hours like this” I murmured near her ear in a low husky voice which I know she likes and licked her earlobe. She moaned and that was not helping my hardening erection.

  “I’ll make it worth you discomfort” she moved her hand between our bodies and stroked me and then she was running out of the room laughing.

  I grunted, I love the playful Nikki but now I’ll have to sit here with a hard on. I finished my work in record time. It was very difficult to work when I had the image of Nikki’s sexy body covered only with threads and transparent piece of cloth on my mind. I almost ran out of the office to my car. I was driving faster than usual to reach her apartment. When finally I was at Nikki’s apartment it was locked. That was unusual. I opened it with my keys and the apartment was dark. Nikki had left my office three hours earlier. Why was she not at the apartment yet? I was getting worried when I heard a sniffling voice coming from Nikki’s room. I ran towards her room and switched on the light and there she was lying there on the floor in a fetal position like she was hurt.

  “Oh god Nikki. What happened?” I went down on the floor and took her by her shoulders to make her sit. Then I took her in my arms. She started sobbing. My heart was beating like drums. I was so scared. I started searching for any injury but I found none. Was she hurt internally? Was she in pain? My heart was breaking hearing those sobs.

  “Nikki baby please tell me what happened. Are you hurt? I am calling the ambulance” I said. She shook her head. So she was not hurt I took a sigh of relief. I tightened my hold on her, kissed on her forehead and rocked her. After a few moments her sobs died and were once again coming as sniffles. So she was crying before I came here.

  “Nikki will you please tell me what’s wrong?” I tried again.

  “You slept with Michelle” crying again.

  I froze. It felt like someone dropped ice water on me. I felt the chills running through my body. I was terrified more than the time when I forgot to use condom and I thought I must have knocked Nikki up. This was my worst nightmare exposing Nikki to my past. I was worried if Nikki knew what I was in my past she wouldn’t love me anymore and here it was. I was the reason she was crying like that. I was the one who have always hurt her. Every time I did something to hurt her she forgave me. But this, this was something Nikki won’t forgive. But that was in the past. I am a changed man. Will Nikki still love me after this? I don’t want to think about Nikki not forgiving me this time and breaking up with me. No this can’t happen; I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t leave me ever. Hell I should have knocked her up that day. She’ll never leave me if we’ll have a family. If I’ll be the father of her child she’ll stay with me forever. Yes I’ll do that. I’ll impregnate her that is if she’ll forgive me. I started feeling a burn in my chest.

  “Nikki baby will you please let me explain” I was feeling ashamed of asking her the same thing again and again. I was the one always hurting her. But I can’t give up on us. She was quite so I started.

  “Nikki I know I made a lot of mistakes in past and I am not proud of it. If I can go to the past and can manage a do-over, I’ll not hesitate to change what I was. I never thought love can change a guy. I always thought of relations as a time pass. I always had a luxurious life; I never had to ask for anything. It was always there, money, cars and the girls, everything was always available. I never had to make any effort for getting girls to my bed and they never complained. I am not giving any justification to what I did in the past but that is where it is, in the past. Michelle and I had done some things together but it means nothing to me. No girl from my past means anything to me” I tried to explain her.

  “And you think I should believe you that I am not one of those notches in your bed” Nikki accused and I can’t blame her for doubting me.

  “Nikki any of those girls never met my parents, they never went to my room, hell they haven’t even been to my office. You are the only one I love. If you want you can ask them if I ever said these words to any of them. I only said those words to you because I mean them. I love you so much Nikki. My mom always said that one day a girl will come to my life that’ll change my thoughts about love and show me the true love. You are that girl Nikki. You are the one who told me the meaning of true love. I don’t know what it was but you got to my heart and made it yours”

  “What did I have which others don’t” she asked.

  “You never judged me Nikki, not even when we were strangers, not when you found out Jake and Jacob were the same person, not when you found out who I really was. Nikki you don’t want me for my money or for what I look like. You want me for the person I am. You are a strong woman Nikki, independent. You always amaze me with your strength. Is it reason enough to love you”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about Michelle?”

  “I didn’t want to hurt you”

  “But you did anyway”

  “I am sorry Nikki. Please forgive me” I pleaded.

  “I don’t know Jake. In this relationship it always seems that I am the one getting hurt always” she said and I know she is right.

  “I know and I am ashamed of it, but will you give me one more chance to make it up to
you. Please” there was a hope in my voice. She was thinking over whatever I said to her I can see the wheels running in her head. I know she doesn’t want to get hurt. Nolan has already hurt her with his cheating, but I won’t do that to her, ever.