Read Love Online Page 12



  Jake was asking me for one more chance again. But was I ready to give him one more chance and risk the heartbreak. I can still hear the conversation I had with Michelle when I came out of Jake’s room.

  “You don’t think you are special to him. Do you?” she said.

  “What do you mean” I was sick of her games.

  “You know Jake don’t like to be with the same flavor for a long time”

  “Huh” I was confused.

  “No one can tame Jacob Collins. He is the worst of them all out there. You may think he’ll be with you forever but he always gets bored with the girls. He always comes back to me you know when they start clinging to him” she said in a proud tone.

  “He loves me” I said in a solid voice.

  “You can dream on but when he comes back to me after his fun, you’ll get to your senses. Do you think Jake would be with a girl like you for so long? He’ll soon get bored of you and I’ll be here as always and we’ll be together again. Hopefully, it will be forever this time, but I am ready to wait and he knows that. So enjoy it while you can” with that she waved at me and left me there. It had hurt like hell. Her words had hit my insecurities hard. I knew Jake had his moments with girls and he never fell in love. But that was in his past. I knew this was the reality I had to face. But I never thought how it will feel to actually meet the girls Jake had been with. I came back to my apartment and lost it. I didn’t know when Jake came in and took me in his arms.

  Was it possible to forgive him for what he did in the past? I knew the answer. Yes. I don’t have to like his past but he cannot change what he was before. I can look ahead of his past to the man he is now, the man I love not because of his success but the real man behind that. But was I strong enough to face his past again. I know I will be coming face to face with the girls from Jake’s past, so was I strong enough to face them like I did Michelle. Would it be as painful as today every time I meet his past? I don’t know. But is Jake worth the pain. Yes, he was worth every pain.

  “You know this will be your last chance at forgiveness. After this you won’t get to explain yourself” I told him with tears in my eyes. This will be the last time I’ll allow Jake to hurt me and after that no more.

  “Thank you so much Nikki. This time I won’t fuck up I swear” Jake said with a sigh of relief and hugged me so tight it was uncomfortable to breathe like he didn’t want me to go away like I was his lifeline, I liked it. Then my stomach growled and we both laughed. Jake kissed my forehead and asked, “Hungry” I nodded.

  “What do you want to eat? We’ll order something or you want to go out for dinner?”

  “No we’ll cook at home. I don’t want to go out or order. Would you mind eating Macaroni and cheese” I replied.

  “Not at all baby, Macaroni and cheese it is”

  We ate in silence and went to bed. Jake held me to him and made soothing circles on my back. It was making me aroused. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him. His one hand went to my ass and he was crushing me to himself and the other went inside my shirt. He stopped kissing me and asked, “Are you sure baby?”

  “Makeup sex is the best kind of sex” I replied with a smile. And it was just that, best kind of sex.

  When I got up in the morning I was alone in the bed and my body was sore. The love making last night was so intense I can still feel him. I smiled at that thought. There was a sweet fragrance of bread coming out of the kitchen so I went there.

  “Morning baby. You up, I was coming to the bedroom. I thought you’ll like breakfast in bed” Jake said smiling towards me.

  “I’ll love it here too as long as you are with me” I smiled. Jake was smiling; he came with the breakfast towards me and kissed my lips.

  “Have breakfast and get ready or you’ll be late”.

  We had breakfast and I was late for the office ‘coz Jake wanted to shower with me and we started with washing each other which later turned into a fucking session. Jake dropped me to my office. I went to my cabin and took my phone out to message Sammy.

  Me: Where are you? Want to talk to you.

  She replied after a minute.

  Sammy: I am working on something right now. I want to talk to you too. Meet you at lunch in the coffee shop.

  Me: OK

  The day went as usual. There were some messages from Jake saying he loved me and missed me. When it was the lunch time I went to the coffee shop in our office. I saw Sammy sitting there on a table and went there with my coffee.

  “So what do you want to talk about?” I asked her.

  “Ian wants me to move in with him” she said.

  I didn’t know how to answer that so I said “Oh”.

  “I don’t know I want to move in with him but then I can’t leave you alone” she sounded like she was confused. I don’t know how I was feeling. I have always had Sammy with me. I don’t know how I felt her moving out. But I know she has finally started being serious about Ian. I didn’t want her to lose her relationship with Ian and feel bad because of me.

  “Look Sammy if you think it is the right thing if you can trust Ian and if it makes you happy I don’t have any issues. I know you’ll be there for me even if you are living with Ian” I said with a reassuring smile.

  “Are you sure?” she looked hopeful.

  “Yes I am. And I have Jake too so don’t worry I’ll be just fine”

  “I love you Nikki. I was so worried you’ll feel bad. I am so happy”

  “So when are you moving out?” I asked her.

  “Tomorrow. And you guys are helping us” she said.

  “Yes evil princess” and we laughed.

  After the office Sammy, Ian and I started packing her stuff. I didn’t notice Jake coming home.

  “Hello ladies. Hello Ian. What’s going on?” he asked pointing at the packed bags.

  “Oh nothing Sammy’s moving with Ian” I said.

  “Oh ok” Jake said and went to the room. He came back after changing his work clothes and asked, “Need help?”

  “No we are done here. We were waiting for you to have dinner” Sammy said.

  We had dinner and I washed the dishes and Sammy cleaned the kitchen. Ian and Jake were watching TV. After some time we went to our room.

  “Are you fine with Sammy moving in with Ian” Jake asked getting in the bed.

  “She is happy with him so it’s ok” I smiled and went to bed too. Jake spooned with me.

  “I wanted to ask it before but I was not sure how you’ll react” he started.


  “Do you want to move in with me?” he asked and I laughed.

  “Mr. Collins you were little late in asking that” I said.


  “Because Sammy is already moving out”

  “But that gives you all the more reason to move in with me” he said.

  “I can’t just leave this apartment Jake. I am positive but what if something happens between Sammy and Ian, where will she go then”

  “She can come to our home, you know that”

  “I know baby but what if…” I didn’t want to say that but future is unpredictable and I don’t want to be too hopeful. I can see the hurt on Jake’s face.

  “You don’t trust me?” Jake asked.

  “No I trust you Jake. But I need something I can rely on. You can’t say what the future holds. You have to be practical” I replied.

  “Ok then I’ll move in”

  “You’ll do that” I asked excitedly. Jake smiled too.

  “Anything for you” I could see the sincerity in his voice.

  “Ok” I kissed him and we slept.


  After a few days of Sammy moving out of our apartment Jake moved in with me. We used Sammy’s room as a home office for Jake and I kept my working table next to Jake’s so that we can work together. We ordered a bigger closet for our clothes and as always it was filled with J
akes clothes. I liked living with him. It was like we were sharing every bit of our life with each other. We were planning for the thanksgiving trip to Texas when I got a flu. I had high fever two days before we would leave for Texas. I was in the office when I felt body ache and I was sweating so much. I was going to get a coffee when I blacked out and fell on the floor. After that I don’t know what happened. When I opened my eyes I was lying in our bed. Jake came in the room, he was in his t-shirt and pajama bottoms.

  “Why are you home so early?” I asked him. My throat was dry and scratchy.

  “Because you are not feeling well and the doctor said you need to take rest” he replied.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing you fainted and they took you to hospital. Sammy called me and the doctor said you have a flue. He wanted to keep you there, but I know you don’t like hospitals so I told him I’ll take care of you at home. The nurse will be here every morning to check for you flu and the doctor said you’ll be fine in a few days” he took a medicine and gave it to me “here take it you’ll feel better”

  “Thank you” I said in a weak voice. I tried to move, “Ouch” my head was hurting. Jake reached for me and helped me get up. He kissed me on my forehead and said, “There is a head bump on your head from falling. Is it hurting too much? ”

  “No I am ok. Will you please hold me till I fall asleep” I asked Jake.

  He nodded and came with me in the bed. He took me in his arms and hummed softly. I was asleep in a few minutes. The next time I woke up it was still dark outside and Jake was still holding me to his arms. I wanted to go to the bathroom but I didn’t want to disturb Jake. So I tried moving out of his arms slowly, but he got up from the bed.

  “What is it? Do you need anything? Is your body hurting?” he was worried.

  I smiled at him as much as I can manage; it was hurting to smile too. My body was hurting so much it was like a bus had hit me hard.

  “No I am ok. I want to go to the bathroom” I told him. He nodded and got up from the bed. He helped me sit up in the bed and then put his hand under my shoulder to get up. It was so hard to get up from bed. I whimpered in pain and then suddenly I was lifted up in Jake’s arms. He put me down near the toilet in the bathroom and helped me take my shorts down. I was feeling so helpless.

  “I’ll manage now” I said. I know it is stupid. We already know about each other’s body but I can’t let him see me using the toilet.

  “But Nikki what if you need me” he asked in concern.

  “I’ll call if I need you. Please Jake” I said.

  He nodded and went out. I was feeling a pain in my stomach and back like I mostly feel in my periods. Shit! What was the date today? No, no it can’t be that day of the month. This can’t happen to me, I wanted to cry but what came out was a groan, Jake came in looking worried.

  “What Nikki are you in pain?” he asked.


  “What Nikki”

  I don’t know what was funny, Jake’s concerned expression or the fact that he’ll be grossed when I am going to tell him what I want him to help me with. I laughed. He had a funny expression on his face. He thought I have lost my mind.

  “I want you to open the cabinet there” I pointed out “and hand me the tampons”.

  Realization hit his face and he was blushing. First time in our relationship of five months, Jake was embarrassed and blushing.

  “Oh Ok” he said and went to the cabinet; “Here” he gave me the tampons.

  “Thank you. Now go outside” I said.

  “But if I’ll go out how am I going to help you?”

  “No I’ll manage. Please go out”

  “No Nikki I am not going out. What if you fall, you’ll hurt yourself” he said in the final voice.

  I didn’t have the energy to argue with him.

  “Ok close your eyes and help me get up” he closed his eyes and held me with my shoulders. Who thought using a tampon can be so difficult.

  “Jake will you please hold my back to your front? I need your support” he did as I asked and finally with a great effort I was done for now. But I was worried about the next few days I have to go through this. These will be worst days of my life ever. I was feeling so damn tired like I haven’t slept in days. Jake picked me up again and we went to bed. Jake went to make dinner for me. After fifteen minutes Jake came back with food.

  “Your soup ma’am” he put my soup down.

  “I am not hungry”

  “I know baby but you have to eat a little. You need energy” so I ate the soup and we went to sleep.

  After two days of painful mornings and suffering evenings I was feeling somewhat like humans again. But I was upset for Jake because he had to suffer with me and he wasn’t able to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family.

  “Happy Thanksgiving and I am sorry” I said with a sad voice.

  “Why Nikki?” he asked.

  “You are stuck here with me on Thanksgiving”

  “Shhhhh, I am not stuck here. I am with the girl I love. So no sorry, I don’t want to be somewhere you are not. Happy thanksgiving baby” Jake can always say something which makes me happy. I kissed him.

  “I want to take a bath please. I am feeling gross” I really wanted to feel water on my body.

  “Ok. Come I’ll give you a shower”

  Jake took me to bathroom and started the water in the tub. Then he came back to me and helped me come out of my clothes. He picked me up in his arms and put me in the bathtub.

  “I can walk you know. I am not that much weak now” I said smiling.

  “I like picking you up in my arms” I like being picked up by him. The warm water felt good. It helped me relax my tender muscles. Jake started taking off his clothes.

  “You don’t have to join me in here” I told him. He didn’t say anything just smiled, picked up the shampoo from the cabinet and came up behind me. Then he took some shampoo in his hands and started massaging my scalp. It felt so good I couldn’t help the moans coming out of my mouth. Jake laughed and that made me laugh too.

  “If I didn’t know any better I would think you are inviting me for something else” he said with a raised eyebrow and a hint of a smile on his lips.

  “Maybe I am” I felt his erection come to life and I smiled.