Read Love Online Page 8



  I was happy that Jake didn’t hesitate when I asked him to meet Sammy. He knew Sammy is a big part in my life and her opinion matters. So he said he would like to meet Sammy. I know Sammy will be awake, so when we reached the apartment I was a little shocked to see that the apartment was not locked. When we went inside Sammy was not alone. We had a visitor, Nolan. I don’t want a good day to end on a bad note because of my ex-boyfriend. So I was trying to be polite.

  “Nolan what are you doing here” I asked Nolan.

  “I am here to say hi. How are you Nikki?” he said eyeing Jake.

  “Hey Nikki, you are back early. Was everything good?” Sammy said coming out of kitchen and then noticing Jake she answered herself, “Oh that means it was good. Hey” she said extending her hand towards Jake, “You must be Jacob. I am the best friend. Sammy”.

  “Hey, Sammy. It’s nice to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you from Nikki, I feel like I already know you” he grinned at her. He is trying to make a good impression on her and I can’t blame him.

  “Likewise” Sammy smiled.

  “Jacob this is Nolan, Nolan this is Jake” I introduced both the guys.

  “Hello Jake I’m Nikki’s boyfriend” Nolan said.

  “Excuse me?” confusion was clear on Jake’s face.

  “Ex-boyfriend” I said matter-of-factly.

  Realization hit Jake’s face and I could see the hard lines on his face. He was getting angry that Nolan was there. I liked it.

  “Nikki don’t be so rude in front of others. You know I love you and you know I love you” he said and then turned to Jake and said, “Nikki is angry with me over a little misunderstanding, but she’ll get over it”.

  “There was no misunderstanding Nolan. You cheated on me” I challenged him to prove me wrong then I took Jake’s hand in mine and said “My bad let me make a formal introduction, Jake meet my ex-boyfriend Nolan who cheated on me, and Nolan Meet Jake my boyfriend”.

  I can tell Jake was happy with the introduction and I could see a hint of a smile on his face. He took my hand and put his arm at the small of my back like he was trying to make a statement about his possession to Nolan.

  “That’s not true. You love me, Nikki. I know I made a mistake and you don’t have to rub it in my face by taking home strangers. I said I am sorry dammit” Nolan said raising his voice.

  “Look Nolan…..” I started.

  “Look man I don’t care what you think or not I don’t like the tone you using with my girlfriend. She said she doesn’t want to talk to you. You may leave or I can help you to the door” Jake said to him in a final tone. Nolan and Jake may be almost equal in height, but Jake is more in built then Nolan. So I know Nolan doesn’t have it in him to stand against Jake. And I can kiss Jake for standing up for me. +1 to Jake for doing that for me.

  “I am leaving for now but Nikki I know you will come back to me. Remember I love you” and with that he left and took a sigh of relief.

  “Thank you” I said to Jake.

  “Hey, no thank you. A guy has to fight for his girlfriend right” he asked smiling.

  “Yes he has to” replied.

  “Hello, you two love birds will you please tell me what is going on. Is he Jacob or Jake?” she asked confused. I knew she won’t let it slip.

  “Both” we replied together.

  And I told her what had happened with us. She was shocked as well as amazed.

  “Wow man your story is like those novels” she said finally.

  And that made Jake and me laugh. Then Sammy grilled Jake and when she was satisfied she finally said, “Ok, I like you. You are good for my best friend but hurt her and you are dead. I have a 9mm pistol and training in shooting. Just so you know” she warned Jake.

  “Message received loud and clear” Jake replied.

  “Ok, I am tired. I am going to sleep. Don’t be so loud though” she teased.

  “Samantha” I warned her. And Jake was laughing.

  “Don’t worry about that we’ll keep that in mind” Jake said.

  “Not you too Jacob” I said.

  “Dude, you want to keep a check on the full name treatment that means she’s going to be pissed” Sammy told Jake.

  “Noted” Jake replied laughing and I punched his shoulder.

  I liked Jake being friend with Sammy. It was good that both of them were getting along. Jake spent some more time with me at my apartment. We talked and touched and kissed. It was all like dream then Jake went back to his apartment ‘coz we both had office the next day.

  When he reached his apartment he sent me a message on my phone.

  Jake: Reached home. Thank you for meeting me and giving me a chance I am missing you already.

  P.S. I like being called your boyfriend.

  That brought a smile on my face.

  Me: I like calling you my boyfriend. I am happy that I gave you a chance. I miss you too.

  Jake: Are you going to sleep?

  Me: Yes. I enjoyed today a lot but I am tired.

  Jake: Me too. Goodnight baby.

  Me: Night babe. Horror Dreams.

  Jake: Say that again.

  Me: What horror dreams?

  Jake: No the other part.

  Me: Oh! Babe

  Jake: I like how that sounds baby.

  Me: Ok babe. Good night and miss you

  Jake: Miss you too baby. Sleep tight. Bye.

  And then I went to a peaceful sleep.

  In the morning when I got up there was a message from Jake. No more VB needed for talking. I had an easy access to Jake now, I can call him text him or meet him anytime I wanted.

  Jake: Good morning sunshine.

  Me: Morning baby

  And this is how my day started with a good mood. When I went to kitchen Sammy was already there with the coffee.

  “Somebody is in a good mode today all smiley smiley”, Sammy teased.

  “Yes I am”

  “And does it have anything to do with your new boyfriend” she inquired.

  “Everything to do with him” I replied.

  “He is so gorgeous Nikki. I mean he looks like he came out of a GQ magazine cover” she said in a dreamy voice.

  “Watch out. He is mine” I said laughing.

  “Ya, I know. Does he have a brother who is single?” she asked.

  “I’ll have to ask him”

  “Please do”

  “I am happy you approve” I told her.

  “I am happy you found him” she said.

  And then we went to the office. Mondays are always so busy so was this one. I didn’t get any time to talk to Jake and I hated it. When I was finished with my work I checked my phone. There were two messages from Jake.

  Jake: Hey baby. In a meeting. Missing you like crazy. Wish you were here.

  This message was sent in the day. And there was a message from half an hour earlier.

  Jake: Meet you at the Star bucks. I’ll save you a table ;)

  I was coming out of the office when I replied him that I’ll be there in ten minutes and then I sent a quick text to Sammy.

  Me: Going to star bucks with Jake. Wanna come?

  Sammy: No I am running late on my work, have to edit some articles. You enjoy. Bring me mocha though.

  Me: Ok. See you at home.

  Sammy: K.

  I reached star bucks in ten minutes and went inside. Jake had already saved a table so I went straight to him. He got up from his seat and hugged me and kissed me on my cheek.

  “I missed you today” he said.

  I gave him a quick kiss on his lips which he liked and told him that I missed him too.

  “Sorry I didn’t know what you would like so I didn’t order yet” he apologized.

  “It’s ok we’ll order now”

  “So what would you like to have ma’am?”

  “I would like to have a strawberry smoothie” I replied.

  “One str
awberry smoothie coming over” he said smiling and went to stand in the line.

  He came back with our orders and we were talking about what happened today. When it was getting late we took mocha for Sammy and went to the apartment. Jake left after dinner and I went to sleep.

  I was so happy being with Jake. Everything felt amazing. Jake was always so understanding and so caring. We were taking our relationship slow. We were still getting to know each other and I liked him more and more every passing day. Jake had to go to his hometown on this weekend so it was Sammy and me alone after a long time. We were talking about Jake and me taking our relationship slow.

  “So it’s been what like three months for your relationship with Jake?” she asked

  “Yes. I think it’s more than four months if you count the chatting too”

  “And you still are hesitating to go on next level. I mean what are you, a teenager? I must say that guy has some patience” Sammy said.

  “Shut up. We do kissing and hugging”

  “You know a guy like Jake can have girls in his bed everyday right”

  “He is not like that Sammy” I defended Jake. But I knew she was right.

  “I know he’ll never do that to you. But don’t you think it’s not fair to him. I mean a man has some needs and so do you. How much slow do you think this thing between you should go?” she questioned. I know I am not doing right by him and he never act like he care about getting laid. He had told me that his earlier relationships were all just for fun and he never had a serious relationship. But Sammy is right a man has his needs. But I am still afraid.

  “I know you are right but?”

  “Look, Nichole it’s your life and I know it’s a little bit difficult for you to trust after what Nolan did, but you cannot punish Jake for the wrongs of a jerk. I know sex is not everything but it is important if you want a serious relationship with Jake. And trust me girl, it is about time you take your relation with Jake to the next level”.

  “You think?” I asked again.


  And I decided, it was time to go one step further with Jake. When he’ll come back from Texas I am going to make his arrival special and make him a happy man. I was excited for us. I checked my phone; there was no message from him that night and on Sunday too. Maybe he was busy at home. So I sent him a message asking if everything was ok and to answer me when he gets time. On Monday too when there was no response from Jake I started feeling a little worried. I tried to call him but his phone was switched off and I was getting late for office. So I went for office and decided to call him from office.

  When I was in the office my boss Mr. David Johnson told me that there was a meeting for which I have to be in the meeting hall with a team of editors. He said that there was this big construction company coming for a meeting. They were new to New York City and wanted to do a cover on our magazine for their company. So I had to be there in the meeting with Sammy, Nolan and two other members. I was upset and worried about not being able to talk to Jake.

  I met Sammy and the others outside the meeting room and went inside when Mr. Johnson introduced us to the owner of the company Mr. Jacob Collins. And I was feeling the flames of heat rising on my face not because of embarrassment this time but because of anger. He owns a company and he never told me about this. I was angry that he didn’t tell me but there would be a reason to that. Jake is not the one to hide anything about himself, he always is the reasonable kind. I’ll know why he did that later, right now I have a meeting to attend.



  When Nikki entered the meeting room I knew I was screwed. I could see it on her face. I told her that I worked in construction but never gave her the details that I actually own the company. Not because I didn’t want to or anything it’s just that I don’t like to brag about it and it never came up. But right now I am thinking it was a mistake and a big one. Because I can feel the anger wives coming out of her and her face has gone red with anger. I know she is not going to say anything here but I am not sure about later. I haven’t seen her that angry in last three months. And that one time she was angry because of me that was when we were talking on the internet. But it was enough to see that I was royally screwed. She was angry first, then her expression changed to hurt which was worse than angry.

  I was going to tell her when I planned on coming back from Texas because I wanted her to meet my parents and wanted her to take a position in my company. I wanted to be able to talk to her and see her all the time. But then Dad told me about the company shares going low so we had to do some advertising and he came to New York with me. From all the advertising agencies, he had to go and choose the one in which Nikki worked. I thought I’ll introduce my dad as the company owner which he is and I’ll be safe in the meeting because Nikki know I work in construction but then suddenly he was not feeling well and he had to return to my apartment. So here I was conducting this meeting. I prayed to god that Nikki won’t be in the team for this meeting but no that didn’t work either. Here she is sitting in front of me all upset and angry. And what’s more, is that Nolan is with her in the team too. I don’t want Nikki working with Nolan. But right now I cannot say anything because of the meeting meeting. I looked at Sammy and tried to smile, but she was throwing daggers at me with her eyes. Oh god, how did I got myself into this?

  In the meeting I told them about the company and the shares and what we expect from them. The meeting went well. They shared their strategies and what they are going to do to help raise the shares. I was happy with the meeting, but I still had to face Nikki. When the meeting was over and everybody was leaving I thought I’ll talk to Nikki alone.

  “Nichole, can we talk for a moment?” I asked in a low voice.

  “Sorry Mr. Jacob Collins I have to work on the project. It was nice meeting you.” The full name treatment means she is pissed. Hell, what am I gonna do now? I know better than talking to her now in office and creating a scene. That won’t be helpful so I nodded and headed out of her office to my car. I took my phone out and messaged her.

  Me: Nikki I know you are angry right now but I can explain. I have to leave right now back to Texas, but I’ll be back as soon as I can and when I am back I’ll explain everything to you.

  No reply. I’ll have to make it right. I reached my apartment and asked dad if he’ll be ok to go back alone. He said it was ok. I changed and went to Nikki’s apartment by 7 pm. I know she’ll be back from office by now. I knocked at her door Sammy opened the door.

  “Jake what do you want?” she asked.

  “Sammy I want to talk to her. I know she is angry, but I can explain”

  “I don’t know if you can convince her but go ahead she is in her room”


  I went to her room.

  “I am sorry Nikki. Please baby talk to me”, I pleaded.

  “Why did you do that? Why didn’t you tell me?” she has every right to be angry I know that.

  “I never thought about it. It never came up. I am sorry”

  “How is that possible? You told me you are in construction but forgot to mention that you own the company” she accused.

  “But that’s not my company; it’s my dad’s company. I never thought of it as my own company so it slipped my mind” I replied.

  “Whatever. You were going to Texas, right. So what are you doing here?” that was easy. She is not as pissed as I thought.

  “So you are not angry anymore?” I can’t believe it can be that easy. I thought I’ll have to beg her.

  “I was, but then I thought about it. I get it why you must have forgotten to mention it. I know you don’t like to brag about yourself and I never asked what work you do in construction. Now tell me why are you here?”

  “Oh my god Nikki” I hugged her I am so relieved she is not angry, “I was so afraid that I must have fucked this up. I thought you’ll be so angry. So I asked dad if he can leave alone and he said it was ok if I didn’
t want to go back home”.

  “Your dad was here?”

  I told her all about the trip and how dad was feeling unwell and I had to take the meeting as owner and how I was wishing she wouldn’t be there. She was laughing and just like that everything was all right. I love her she is so understanding. Oh my god, did I just say I love her. I guess I did. I love Nikki and I am not scared of love anymore. I want to be with her forever and love her forever. I was thinking about how I am going to tell her so that she don’t freak out. The next thing I know she was kissing me. Her lips met mine and we were kissing like hungry people. Then I felt her hand going under my shirt, this was new. We never did anything other than kissing from last three months. I was giving Nikki time to trust me so we were taking it slow.

  “I love you” oh shit I thought I was saying it in my head, but I have said it aloud. This was not the way of the love confession. I wanted to take it slow but I was not thinking at all. It just came out. Her expression was shocked at first, but then it changed into something I could not put my finger on.

  “You don’t have to say it back to me. It’s what I feel for you. You don’t have to return my feelings” I assured her.

  “I know. But I love you too” I can’t believe she said that.

  “For real” I was surprised.

  “Yes Jake, for real. I love you so much”

  “Nikki you made me the happiest man alive. I love you so much baby”. I kissed her forehead.

  “I am tired will you please stay the night?”

  “You don’t have to ask baby. Of course I’ll stay” I replied.

  I went to the bathroom to freshen up. Nikki said she’ll make dinner with Sammy. When I came out dinner was set on the table. We sat together and started eating dinner. I had a permanent smile on my face and Nikki was smiling too. After dinner, we said goodnight to Sammy and went to Nikki’s room. I cuddled with Nikki in her bed and we slept. It felt different to share a bed with someone but in a good way.