Read Love Online Page 9



  One week after the night of our love confession we had the copies of keys to each other’s apartment which was another big step in our relationship. We planned a vacation to Jake’s hometown. He wanted me to meet his parents. So we decided we’ll leave for Texas on Saturday and will be back by Wednesday.

  On Saturday, I was ready to go when Jake came to pick me up. He came to my room and kissed me first then took my bag and said, “Ready to go”.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be” I replied. I was feeling nervous for meeting his parents.

  “I told you baby, my parents are cool. They will be happy to finally meet you. My mom is eating my ears off whenever I talk to her. They want to meet you”.

  “What if they don’t like me?”

  “Not a chance. I know they will love you”

  “If you say so”

  We said our goodbyes to Sammy and went for the airport. We reached Jake’s home around 9 pm. The house was so big and there were three cars parked in the garage. The lawn was full of flowers of different kinds. I can only imagine how much wealth they had. But Jake was so down to earth I would have never guessed from his behavior that Jake was so rich and we had financial differences. Even the apartment in which Jake lives feels so common like mine. Nothing too fancy, but looking at this house I can tell he must be loaded. We entered the house and I started feeling nervous. He took me straight to the kitchen which was huge. There was a beautiful lady standing near the stove, her back towards us. Jake went and hugged her from behind.

  “Hey, mom I missed you. Where’s dad?” he said.

  “Oh baby I missed you too. Your dad went to Jones. He needed his help, but he’ll be back soon” she turned and hugged Jake. Jake has her smile and her eyes. She was average in height, shorter than me and she had a great smile just like her son. Seeing her there like that cooking dinner put me on ease. Then she noticed me, “and you must be Nikki. Come here and give me a hug” she said. I went to her and hugged her. Jake was right his parents were cool. At least his mother was.

  “It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Collins” I said.

  “Don’t be so formal darling, call me Patricia”

  “You have a very nice house”

  “Thank you dear. You must be tired. I have made your room for you. Go and get some rest dinner will be ready in some time” she said.

  “Come with me” Jake said. So I went with him. We went upstairs and went to the third room from the right. This room was as big as mine and Sammy’s room combined.

  “You have a very big house” I said.

  “Yeah. You liked it?”

  “Yes it is good”

  “Thank you”

  “Your mom is nice. I like her”

  “I told you. She likes you”

  “How can you tell?”

  “She only hugs people when she likes them”.

  “Really” I was happy.

  “Yes” and he kissed me on my forehead.

  “Is this your room?” I asked


  “Where am I staying?”


  “And you?”

  “Here too”

  “But we cannot stay in your room together. Your parent won’t like it” I said.

  “No, they won’t. I told you they are cool. They are very open minded”

  “But they’ll think we are having sex”

  “But they already think that” he replied.

  “But we didn’t”

  “We will” he said with a grin.

  “You are such a horn dog” I said laughing.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Dinner’s ready. You guys coming out” Jake’s mom asked from outside the door.

  “Mom, can you please come inside?” Jake asked.

  She came in the room.

  “Yes baby” she asked.

  “Nikki wants to know do you mind if we share my room.”

  Oh my god, Jake didn’t do that. It’s so embarrassing. I looked at him with disbelief. He was grinning.

  “No I don’t mind. I know you love each other. Don’t worry Nikki we know how it is these days with the relationships” she smiled, “come on get freshened up, your dad is waiting and dinner is on the table. And Nikki you don’t have to feel nervous”.

  When she went out of the room I hit Jake on his shoulder.

  “Ouch. What was that for?” he asked rubbing his shoulder.

  “For embarrassing me in front of your mother”

  “But you still love me” he replied laughing.

  After that, we took shower and went downstairs. Jakes dad was sitting in the living room. He saw us coming and stood up. I know now from where Jake got his height and his good looks. He has a good physic and whitish hair the only noticeable difference between Jake and his father is the eye color. I can see Jake will look good when he gets old.

  “Hello you two” Jake’s dad said with a smile.

  “Hey dad. How are you?” Jake asked.

  “Hello Mr. Collins” I said

  “I am good son and Nikki please call me Kevin, it’s nice to meet you” he took my hand and kissed the back of my hand.

  I laughed and said “it’s nice to meet you too Kevin”

  “Dad behave, she is my girl” Jake said laughing too.

  “But you can’t blame a guy to be a gentleman when he is around a beautiful girl” Kevin said.

  And we laughed again. It felt good to be there. I was feeling like I know these guys already. I felt comfortable around them. I went to Jake’s school where he studied. We went to his company and all the places Jake like. I don’t know where the time went and it was Wednesday already. I was feeling bad that we had to return. I liked being there with Jake’s family.

  “Promise you guys will be here for thanksgiving and Christmas” Jakes mom asked.

  “Yes mom we promise” Jake said. And then we left for New York.


  A week after coming back from Texas and Jake and I haven’t seen each other. We were working on our latest project which was for Mr. Collins of course. From working for Jake’s company I came to know that my boyfriend was a billionaire which was a shock. When I went to Texas to meet his parents I knew they were rich but this was not what I expected. We had short conversations over the phone, but I was missing him. I was doing the laundry when Sammy came behind me. I looked at her she was looking nervous.

  “You have something you want to tell me?” I asked.

  “I met a guy” Sammy said.

  “That’s good news Sammy. Is it serious this time?” I inquired.

  “I guess so” she said in not so sure voice.

  “Sammy you need to stop it” I said in a serious tone. I never judged her for her quick relationship but it needed to stop.

  “Sammy you need someone in your life you can rely on”

  “I have you Nikki” she said.

  “I mean other than me Sammy. You need to get serious about your relationships, don’t you think it’s about time you get a lover in your life who is not there with a time limit of three weeks” I asked her.

  “I know. And I think you are right. I like this guy and I think he can be the one” she said still not sure.

  “What’s his name? What does he do?” I started with my rapid fire.

  “I invited him over for dinner. You can ask him yourself”

  “Good. I’ll call Jake too” I said.

  I called Jake to ask if he wanted to join us for dinner. He said he’ll be there. We prepared the dinner. Sammy’s date came to our apartment at 7 pm. His name was Ian Martin and he was a good looking guy. He was polite and the way Sammy and Ian were looking at each other was adorable. I liked the guy and was happy that Sammy finally was being serious in her life. Jake was running late. We watched TV and I asked Ian about his work. Ian was working for a software company, a total nerd. I was shocked because Sammy’s dates we
re usually the model looking types. She had never dated any nerds, not that Ian wasn’t a good looking guy. Whatever makes Sammy happy I am ok with it. Jake arrived at 8 pm. We served the dinner and after dinner Sammy and I went to the kitchen for cleaning up. The guys were busy talking about the sports and stuff.

  “So?” Sammy asked.

  “I like him. He is good for you. Does he make you happy?”


  “Then I am okay with it” I smiled at her.

  “Thank you” she smiled back.

  Around 10 pm, Jake asked me to go with him to his apartment. I know he wanted Ian and Sammy to have their alone time so I went to Jake’s apartment. When I was leaving the apartment I looked at Sammy to make sure she’ll be fine. She mouthed a thank you; I winked and gave her thumbs up. She chuckled. Jake drove me to his apartment.

  When we were inside the door Jake suddenly attacked me and I laughed. He was acting like a hungry animal eating his prey.

  “Someone is getting impatient” I teased him.

  “I missed you so much. It’s been so long I have met you and you are looking so hot in this dress” and with that he kissed me.

  “I want to make love to you tonight” he said in my ear. And that’s what we did.