Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 12

  Ty looked at his credit card and realized he’d better nail down one final thing. “Can you hold just a moment?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Tyler set the house phone down and grabbed his cell. He hoped it wasn’t too early to call, but Tommy answered almost immediately.


  “Hi, Tommy. Listen, I’m sorry I’m in a rush, but you did mention you’re available tonight, right?”

  “Um, sure. What’s up?”

  Tyler look a deep, nervous breath. “Would you like to accompany me to a hockey game?”

  “Tonight? The Thrashers are in town. You’ve got tickets?”

  Tyler blushed. “Two have come into my possession. I thought I recalled you said you liked hockey.”

  “Sure! What time did you want to meet?”

  Tyler quickly cemented their plans, told him he’d pick him up, hung up, and then returned to the landline. “Yes, two of those tickets, please. You’re sure they’re very good seats?”

  “Yes, sir. Very good seats.”

  Tyler looked at his credit card again. It was only money. He handed over his number. The clerk gave him a confirmation number and information on how to claim the tickets at Will Call.

  “By the way, could you answer one more question for me?” Tyler inquired.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “What does one wear to a hockey game?”

  * * * *

  Tyler had two options. One, to spend the day researching hockey so he appeared marginally intelligent on the topic that night. Or two, risk pissing off his editor by not finishing the latest rounds of edits on his manuscript that were due back on Monday.

  He prayed Tommy was as kind a man as he appeared to be during their talk and opted to finish the edits.

  Tommy was ready when Tyler arrived at his apartment. He met Kenny, Tommy’s friend and roommate, and Kenny’s girlfriend, Shelly. Tyler enjoyed the easy way conversation seemed to flow between himself and Tommy as they drove downtown.

  Tommy was more familiar with downtown Tampa than Tyler, much to Ty’s relief. “I don’t mind walking if you want to save some money on parking. And I’ll pay for snacks and stuff.”

  Tyler couldn’t hold back his smile. “No, I insist. I asked you out. I’m paying. Next time, you can pay if you wish.”

  He blushed a little, but smiled. “Thanks, Tyler. I appreciate it.”

  Tommy guided him to a parking lot a couple of blocks from the Forum. They collected the tickets from Will Call and soon found their seats. Tyler was pleased to note that Tommy seemed very impressed with their seats.

  “How many games do you come to each season?” he asked Tyler.

  Tyler’s turn to blush. “Honestly?”


  Better now than later. “This is my very first game.”

  Tommy’s eyebrows arched skyward. “No kidding. Seriously?”

  Tyler nodded. “I know nothing about the game.” This would tell Tyler if his gamble had paid off.

  “Dude…wow. Really? Hold on, I’ll be right back.” Before Tyler could stop him, Tommy jumped from his seat and raced away.

  Fighting his nerves, Tyler sat and watched the Forum fill with spectators. He wasn’t sure what was going on, assumed a practice when the teams took the ice, because even though a clock on the center scoreboard started, no announcements were made.

  Tommy returned a few minutes later with a program. “Right here.” He flipped to a back page, where the basics of the game were laid out.

  Tyler swallowed the lump in his throat as Tommy started explaining things to him. After ten minutes, one thing was crystal clear: Tommy was thoroughly enjoying himself even though the game hadn’t started yet.

  By the time the puck dropped for the first period, Tyler had a very basic understanding of the game. Tyler found himself leaning close as Tommy draped an arm around his shoulders to point something out and explain.

  By the end of the first period, Tyler felt himself dangerously slipping into love despite his brain’s screaming warning to back off and hold on to his heart. He watched Tommy’s warm brown eyes as he stared at the ice and gave Tyler a running play-by-play of the action and what it meant. When he turned to Tyler, their eyes locked.

  Tyler smiled. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  He grinned. “Yeah. You?”

  “Very much so.”

  When the game ended, Tyler knew a lot more about hockey, more than he ever thought he’d know. Tommy had taken great and obvious pleasure in explaining the game to him. Tyler wished he didn’t have to drive him home, wished he could bring him back to his place. They sat in the parking lot after leaving the Forum, discussing the game and a multitude of other topics for nearly an hour.

  Tommy reached across the seat and brushed the hair away from Tyler’s forehead. “Thank you. For tonight. This was fantastic.”

  “Thank you for saying yes.”

  Tyler wanted to lean across the seat and throw himself at the other man. Only memories of his past embarrassments kept him in place. Not too fast. No matter how much he liked this man.

  Tommy leaned in and kissed him, a light brush of his lips against Tyler’s. Tyler smiled and caught him before he could get away. He kissed him back.

  “May I make you dinner tomorrow night?” Tyler asked.

  Tommy grinned. “I’d really like that.”

  * * * *

  On the way back to Tommy’s house, Tyler sussed out some of his favorite foods and prayed he could pull it off. A gourmet French meal? Sure.

  Southern Georgia cooking?

  He had no clue.

  He spent half the night researching and was on the phone with Eddie first thing the next morning. Eddie helped him put together a nice menu he guaranteed Tyler would wow the socks off his Georgia boy. When Tommy arrived on time that night with a bottle of wine, he paused as he walked in the front door.

  “Dang, that smells fantastic, Ty!”

  Tyler smiled. “Thank you. I hope you like it.”

  He loved it, raved about it. Tyler sat there and smiled, gently directed the conversation back to Tommy, and listened to him talk about himself, his sisters, and his mom. Tyler enjoyed hearing him discuss architecture and engineering and design. The fire in Tommy’s eyes when he talked about projects he’d designed with his father, the melancholy as he recalled stories of his past when he worked with his dad.

  By midnight, both men were yawning, and Tyler had classes to teach the next morning. He’d also learned a lot more about Tommy. The most important fact was that the more time Tyler spent with him, the deeper in love he fell, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

  “I wish I could…” Tommy stopped, his face reddening.

  “What?” Tyler coaxed. “What were you about to say?”

  “I wish I could spend the night.”

  Tyler smiled and stepped in for a kiss. “Me too. However, let’s not jinx things by rushing them.”

  Tommy smiled and kissed him. “Agreed.”

  Tyler wouldn’t let him help with the dishes, and they agreed to get together the next night for dinner at Tommy’s place.

  Even if he could have wiped the broad smile from his face, Tyler wouldn’t. This was the best he’d felt in…ever.

  He had hope.

  He had faith.

  Most importantly, he thought maybe he just might have love.

  Chapter Twelve

  Friday, Tyler prepared. Tomorrow would mark two weeks since he’d first met Tommy, and he was going to take the plunge, regardless of where things later led. He invited Tommy over for dinner and a movie and hinted it would be nice if he could spend the whole night.

  Tommy didn’t say no.

  Tyler also made sure to stock up on lube and condoms and breakfast fixings so they wouldn’t have to leave.

  His mind chanted reminders to him about not falling in love, keeping it casual, just sex.

  Tyler ignored it. He wanted to take the chance. At least, for now he did.
  Tommy brought the wine and the movie. After dinner, they sat together on the couch, talking more than watching the movie. Tyler didn’t miss the way the other man kept edging closer across the couch.

  At one lull in the conversation, their eyes met. Tyler gave up trying to wait. Why? It didn’t matter anymore. He wanted this man. Badly.

  Tommy leaned in and kissed him, long and deeply, the sweet wine on his lips adding to the heat of their embrace. When he lifted his head from Tyler’s, he gasped, “Do you have any rubbers?” He winced. “Dammit, sorry, that sounded bad—”

  Tyler shushed him with another kiss. “Yes, I do.”

  He grinned and lowered his mouth to Tyler’s again, tasting and teasing and letting himself go. They ended up stretched out on the couch, Tyler beneath him. Tommy skimmed Tyler’s shirt up and off his body.

  He kissed his way down Tyler’s chest. “Want a back rub, sugar? I give great back rubs.”

  “I bet you give great front rubs, too, love.”

  Tommy laughed. “Wanna find out?”

  “I most certainly do.” He rolled over. Tommy sat up and started rubbing Tyler’s back.

  For a moment, Tyler almost forgot he was just a few kisses from getting laid. “Jesus, that’s bloody fantastic!”

  Tommy flushed with pride, or was it a little too much wine? “You can have a back rub whenever you want one.”

  Tyler finally reached back and patted Tommy on the thigh, prompting him to move. He was afraid if he lay there too much longer that Tommy would put him totally to sleep from the fantastic sensation.

  Tyler rolled over and looked up at Tommy. His cock stiffened in his shorts. “Let’s go someplace more comfortable.”

  Tommy grinned. “I’ll follow you.”

  Tyler stood. He turned off the movie and turned on the radio. Then he caught Tommy’s hand and led him to his bedroom. Tommy stripped his T-shirt off and pulled Tyler to him, held him tightly, skin to skin.

  His hands slid down Tyler’s back, to his hips. “You feel so good, sugar.”

  Tyler draped his arms around the other man’s neck. At six feet, Tommy stood five perfect inches taller than him. “So do you.” He felt Tommy’s stiff erection through his shorts and wickedly rubbed his own against him, making him moan. “You feel very good, love.”

  Tom shucked his shorts and fumbled with Tyler’s. He fell backward onto the bed, pulling Tyler with him. “I’ve never…I mean…Shit.” He nervously licked his lips, making Tyler’s cock throb. “I’m not a virgin with girls, but I’ve only fooled around a little with guys.”

  Tyler’s heart skipped a beat. “A sweet virgin arse?”

  Tommy’s cockeyed grin wrapped Tyler’s heart around him. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. Both ways. Never, you know, fucked a guy either.”

  Tyler kissed him. “What would you like to do tonight, love?” He licked his right nipple, sucking on it, making him moan. “What are you comfortable doing?”

  When Tyler lifted his head, Tommy’s eyes were focused on his. “Anything you want. I trust you.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise?” Tyler wondered if he was asking Tommy or himself that question.

  “Yeah. I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”

  Tyler leaned in and kissed him. Then he trailed his hand down Tommy’s body to his hard, rigid cock. Every vein stood out, the head swollen and proud, practically begging Tyler to suck it.

  “How about I start with a taste of this sweet dessert right here?” Tyler’s fingers closed around Tommy’s shaft, making him moan.


  Tyler ignored the ghost of a voice in his head.

  “You don’t attack a cock like a starving man, even if you are one.”

  He licked at the slit, where a drop of salty pre-come had gathered. His hips bucked beneath him. Tyler slowly traced the ridge around the head, flicking it with his tongue, using his spare hand to play with Tommy’s sac.

  He moaned.

  With his tongue, Tyler drew long, deep moans out of Tommy as he swirled it around the stiff cock.

  “Oh…Jesus! That’s great!” he gasped as Tyler went deeper.

  It didn’t take long. When Tyler tasted hot seed in his mouth, he went deep and fast, swallowing, engulfing him, drawing another set of happy moans from the man. When Tyler sensed he’d finished, he sat up after placing a kiss on his cock.

  Tommy stared at him, mouth gaping.

  Tyler smiled. “Good?”

  He nodded and crooked his finger at Tyler. Tyler bent in for a long, slow, deep kiss. “Sugar, that was the best blow job I’ve ever had. Ever.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Ever?”

  “Yeah. Ever. Seriously.”

  Tyler felt his heart warming. “Well, that’s just the first course.” He propped himself on his elbow next to Tommy and let his fingers stroke the other man’s cock and balls. It didn’t take long to get him hard again. “There’s plenty more we can do.”

  “I want to do it all with you.”

  “Then why don’t we do something else?” He reached over to the bedside table and retrieved a condom and bottle of lube. “You’ve never fucked a man before?”

  He shook his head. “No. I mean, right. I mean—”

  Tyler silenced him with a kiss. “I know what you meant, love.” He nibbled on his neck, under his ear. “Take your time. Use plenty of lube. Go slow. Savor it. Enjoy it.” He opened the condom and rolled it onto his lover’s now-stiff shaft.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Tyler blinked back his unexpected tears. “If you take your time and go slow, be gentle, you will never hurt me, love.” This felt so different than anything he’d experienced before. The pure trust, the open emotions in the other man’s face. He knew he could never admit certain truths to him.

  Never confess things he’d done.

  Never confess his deepest, darkest desires.

  Turning around, on his knees, he playfully wiggled his hips at Tommy. “You know you want to.”

  Tommy froze, then laughed. “Fuck yeah, I want to!” He grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed some onto his hand. “Do I put it on me too? On the condom?”

  Tyler stifled his amused laugh and glanced over his shoulder. “Yes, and on me as well.”

  Tommy hesitantly brushed some down the seam of Tyler’s ass. Tyler reached around and gently grabbed his wrist. “It’s okay. Use your finger.”

  He felt a tentative digit breach his rim. Tyler gasped. “Yes, like that.”

  “Was that okay? I didn’t hurt you?”

  “You didn’t hurt me, love, trust me.”

  It took a minute to coach him through the process. Then Tyler reached between his legs and grabbed Tommy’s cock. “Hurry up and get that sweet cock inside my arse and quit teasing me!”

  Firm, solid thighs pressed against Tyler’s, hot and ready, muscles flexing. He pressed the head against Tyler’s rim. “Okay?”

  Tyler flexed his hips backward, impaling himself on Tommy’s shaft. Both men moaned. “Just take your time at first. Get used to it. I’ll tell you to stop if it doesn’t feel good,” Tyler gasped.

  Almost torturously slow, Tommy started thrusting, moaning at the feeling. “Jesus, you’re so fucking tight! Is that normal?”

  Tyler ground his hips against him, wanting more, wanting it faster. “Oh, yes, love.”

  “Holy crap…fantastic!”

  When Tyler felt Tommy’s thighs pressed tight against his backside, he sighed, content, filled.

  “Now what?” Tommy gasped.

  Tyler didn’t hold back his laugh. “Fuck me, love. Just fuck me.”

  Tommy’s hands settled on Tyler’s waist. “Oh…my…God, this is great!” He took a slow stroke.

  “You can go faster than that,” Tyler playfully teased.

  “No, I can’t. I’ll fucking come if I do, and this feels great!”

  Tommy could barely think and hoped that the words he said came out in comprehensible
English. Feeling his cock tightly fisted inside Tyler’s ass…nothing had ever felt that good.

  Well, except for the blow job. He wasn’t exaggerating when he said it was the best ever.

  He slowly stroked, not wanting to hurt Tyler, fighting the urge to fuck him hard and fast and pound his cock inside him until he exploded. He would never do anything to hurt his guy, didn’t want to be like some of the guys he’d heard about.

  He wanted to do things right.

  “Oh…Jesus. I can’t hold back.”

  “Then don’t,” Tyler assured him. “I want you to come for me.”

  He needed no further encouragement. Despite his first climax his second was nearly as powerful, ripping through him and tearing a cry from his lips as he leaned on Tyler for support.

  Then he remembered the condom. “Dammit.” He pulled out. “I’ll be right back.” He cleaned up and quickly returned, pulling Tyler into his arms and kissing him. “That was fantastic!”

  Tyler looked pleased. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  He nodded and reached down, found Tyler’s stiff shaft. “What about you, sugar?”

  “What about me?”

  “I want to take care of you.” He kissed Tyler again and softly said, “Do you wanna fuck me?”

  “It’s okay if you don’t want me to—”

  He cut Tyler off with another deep kiss. “I want you to. I want you to be the first.” Hell, he wanted Tyler to be his last and only, too, but felt like a moron admitting that this soon. He didn’t want to scare the guy off by acting like a clingy girl.

  Tyler’s blue eyes smoldered in his sweet face. “Roll over, love,” he hoarsely said.

  Tommy did, closing his eyes.

  He felt Tyler’s hands, gentle, tender, slowly massaging his ass, relaxing him. “Don’t hesitate to tell me to stop if you don’t like something, right?”

  “Okay,” Tommy mumbled, already feeling his cock starting to stiffen again. His hips, with a mind of their own, rubbed his cock against the mattress and created more pleasurable friction.

  Tyler took his time, eventually working his way to Tommy’s virgin rim. Then he applied lube to his finger and, without penetrating, started massaging the tight ring of muscle.