Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 13

  His hips responded, trying to press against Tyler, wanting more contact.

  Tyler chuckled. “Not yet, love. Let me do this.” He felt Tyler’s other hand apply pressure to his lower back, holding him in place.

  Jesus, he’d never felt this horny. Ever. No girl ever made him this hard this fast this many times. As Tyler slowly worked one finger into him, he moaned. “Yes!”

  “Do you like that, love?”

  “Oh, fuck yeah!”

  Eventually Tyler added more lube and a second finger. When the hand on his back disappeared, Tommy’s hips once again started rocking against the mattress. “That’s so fucking good!”

  “It shall feel even better, love.” When Tyler added a third finger, Tommy fisted the sheets in his hands.


  After what felt like forever and begging Tyler to do it, the fingers disappeared. Tyler knelt behind him. “Just a moment.”

  Tommy heard him rip open the condom pouch and felt him add more lube. Tyler pulled him to his knees. Then the hot, firm head of his cock pressed against his rim. “Push against me, love.”

  Tyler pressed in, just a little, and held still. Tommy wanted to buck his hips against Tyler, but the other man hooked an arm around his waist to hold him in place. “Just get used to the feeling. Enjoy it.”

  Tommy still managed to fuck himself backward onto Tyler’s cock. Tyler let out a low hiss of pleasure. “My god, you feel so good!” Tyler gasped.

  “If I feel half as good as you felt to me, then you’re welcome.”

  Tyler chuckled and slowly stroked his cock inside his lover. He had no doubts Tommy was enjoying this experience. He smoothed his hands over Tommy’s back, settled them on his waist. “Absolutely amazing.”

  “Fuck me hard, baby.”

  “No, as you said, I would totally explode.” Tyler leaned forward, reached around, and found the other man’s stiff cock. He wrapped his fingers around it and started stroking in time with his thrusts. “How about you give me one more?”

  Tommy moaned in response and bucked his hips against Tyler’s hand and cock.

  “I take it that’s a yes?”


  Tyler smiled, enjoyed knowing Tommy’s world currently began and ended with the pleasure assaulting him, enjoyed knowing he was bringing him that pleasure, pleasure Tommy had never felt before.

  He wanted to be the only person to ever do this to him again.

  “Come for me, love,” Tyler coaxed, feeling his own release near. “Come with me.”

  It was all Tommy needed. Tyler heard him groan at the same time he felt hot juices coating his hand. He released Tommy’s cock and grabbed his hips, his own climax exploding as he let out a cry.

  They tumbled to the bed when Tyler also remembered the condom. Blast.

  He withdrew and cleaned up. He wanted to confess, to tell Tommy how he felt. Needed to. He didn’t want to risk losing this man. Tyler slid back into bed. He started to speak when a soft snore escaped Tommy.

  Well, that will go unsaid, obviously.

  He carefully cuddled against the taller man’s back and slipped his arm around his waist. In his sleep, Tommy’s arm moved, rested over Tyler’s.

  Tyler smiled and closed his eyes.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Florida sunlight streamed through the window. Tyler hated that the bedroom faced that direction, with a full-on blaze of daylight rudely interrupting sleep. Today, however, he welcomed the sight. Tommy still slept, the orange light slowly creeping across the sheets through the gaps in the blinds, warming the bed and illuminating the other man’s skin with a sweet glow.

  Tyler closed his eyes and took a deep breath to still the unease within him. Had he made another horrific mistake? Had he just lost his heart, again, to someone unable to return the feelings?

  Then Tommy rolled over. His eyes opened as a sleepy smile caressed his face. “Mornin’, sugar.”

  “Good morning.” Tommy’s sweet brown eyes melted Tyler’s core, the open, honest sentiment there. Or was it just his willing and fertile imagination wishing to see those things?

  He reached up and stroked Tyler’s stubbly cheek. “What’s wrong?”


  “Then why do you look worried?”

  Tyler closed his eyes and fought a nervous bout of tears. It was far too soon to confess his neuroses and worries that, in reality, had nothing to do with Tom. “I’m fine, truly.”

  When Tyler opened his eyes, Tommy still stared at him.

  “Look, can I ask you something?” Tommy started. “And feel free to tell me to go to hell if you want.”

  Tyler nervously nodded.

  “I’m not good at this stuff. Since neither of us are girls and I don’t want this to sound wrong or insult you, and since I really haven’t been in a situation like this…” He licked his lips, stirring Tyler’s cock in the process. “Okay.” He took a deep breath. “I don’t know where this is going to go. Or where you want it to go. I just know I’ve never felt like this before. I’d like a chance to see where it might go.” He blew out another nervous breath. “If that’s okay with you?”

  Tyler thought his heart would stop. He forced the words through tight lips. “What, exactly, are you asking me?”

  Tommy’s fingers withdrew as his voice softened. “Can we just, you know, not see anyone else? For now, at least?”

  Tyler’s heart went from nearly stopped to pounding in his chest. “You wish to be exclusive?”

  He nodded.

  Tyler had to close his eyes to hold back the gush of happy tears as he threw his arms around Tommy. “Oh, yes! I certainly would like that. Most definitely.”

  Tommy laughed against Tyler’s neck. “I mean, I’m not saying we’ve got to move in together this afternoon or anything. But I know it sounds stupid to say I’m traditional when this is anything but traditional. I don’t date around if I’m involved with someone. And I want to be involved with you.”

  Tyler’s grip tightened. “Absolutely!”

  “And…” He sounded hesitant. “I know I’m clean. I’ve always been careful, but I’ll go by the student health center tomorrow and get tested and stuff. So we can, you know, get rid of the rubbers.”

  Tyler laughed. “I shall do the same.” He risked looking at his lover.

  It felt oddly right saying that. His lover.


  Tommy’s cautious smile warmed Tyler’s heart. The other man obviously felt as nervous about this as he did. “I…um…don’t have any classes today,” Tommy offered. “And I have the day off from work.”

  Tyler grinned. “My schedule is clear as well.”

  “So what do you want to do?”

  Tyler rolled onto him. “May I suggest a few things?”

  His cautious smile transformed into a beaming grin. “You sure can, sugar. You sure can.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tyler hummed as he dressed for dinner. He had the perfect evening planned. They would come back to his place for a clichéd nightcap, followed by a hopefully sleepless night in bed, capped off by a long, languid brunch the next morning.

  What could be more perfect?

  It’d been several weeks since they’d taken their relationship to the next level. Tyler wouldn’t deny this was the happiest he’d ever felt. Not even his marriage to Erin, in the beginning, had felt this good, this right.

  In his happiness, he found he didn’t even crave the things he’d had with Ray and Oot, or Marcus. He was content.

  He wasn’t alone anymore.

  He knew he’d end up arriving at Tommy’s apartment early, but he was too eager not to leave. He locked his condo, whistling to himself as he jogged down the stairs to his car. He unlocked it, slid behind the wheel, put the key in the ignition, and cranked it.

  Or, tried to.

  The engine wouldn’t start.

  He tried again. It spun over, but wouldn’t start.

ocks!” He slammed his hands against the steering wheel and tried again. “No!”

  After fumbling for a moment, he found the hood latch and walked around the front of the car. It took him another moment to figure out how to open the hood.

  Then he stared at the engine. The wires and components mocked him. Who the hell was he kidding? He didn’t know anything about cars except how to put petrol in them, and sometimes that was an iffy proposition if he wasn’t familiar with the car.

  “Bloody hell!”

  Near tears at the prospect of his evening going up in flames, he tried to start it again. A glance at the time, now he was running into the late range.

  With no other option, he called Tommy, his stomach now a mass of jumbled, tight nerves. He feared he might actually throw up.

  “Hi, sugar. You on your way?”

  Tyler took a deep breath, hoping to keep the emotion out of his voice. “I’m afraid not. There’s something wrong with my car. It won’t start.”

  “Oh? What’s it doing?”

  Tyler fought the urge to kick the damned thing. “I tried to start it, and it makes noises like it wants to start, but it won’t.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like what? I don’t know. It won’t start.”

  Tommy laughed. “What year and model is it?”


  “What year and model Toyota is it?”

  He told him. “What difference does that make?”

  “Just sit tight. I’ll be there in about half an hour. Order us some Chinese. Have them deliver it.”


  “It’s okay, Ty, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. I’ll see you in a bit.” He hung up.

  Tommy’s easy, confident voice echoed in his mind. “I’ll take care of it.” He hadn’t sounded the slightest bit upset or put out.

  Tyler looked at his phone before giving in and kicking one of his tires. He hopped around, rubbing his sore foot for a minute before snatching his keys from the ignition and stomping upstairs to his condo to order the food.

  * * * *

  Tommy arrived thirty minutes later and backed his truck in next to Tyler’s car. Tyler walked down to greet him, surprised to see Tom dressed in old clothes. An overnight bag sat on the passenger seat. He laid a book on the Toyota’s fender and pulled a large toolbox out of the back of his truck.

  “What’s this?”

  “Repair manual. I stopped by the auto parts store and got one.”

  Tyler blushed. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Um, yeah, I did. I need it to diagnose the problem. Give me your keys.”

  Without argument, Tyler handed them over. Tommy tried to start the car, listened for a moment, then smiled. “Might not be serious. Give me a little bit to check it out.”

  Tyler felt helpless as he stood on the other side of the car and leaned against the fender. “I’m sorry, Tommy. This isn’t how I wanted our evening to go. I’m so sorry.”

  He smiled and shrugged. “Hey, shit happens, sugar.” He reached over and patted the back of Tyler’s hand as his gaze landed on Tyler. “It’s okay. I’ll take care of it for you. You let me handle stuff like this. That’s my job.” He squeezed Tyler’s hand before releasing it.

  Something inside of Tyler broke free, taking his breath away. “I love you,” he softly said.

  Tommy stood and looked at him, then leaned in for a long, lingering kiss. “I love you too, Ty. You leave it to me. I’ll fix it for you.”

  “No, I mean it. I love you.”

  Tommy closed the distance between them, his face growing serious. “I mean it, too.”

  Tyler threw his arms around him and hugged him hard, his heart pounding. “Dear sweet Jesus, you must think I’m a bleedin’ wanker.”

  Tommy wouldn’t let him go. “No,” he softly said. “I’m just afraid one of these days you’ll wake up and see the truth about what a jerk I am, and then I’m in trouble.”

  Tyler wanted to cry tears of joy, as stupid and trite as he knew that was. He vigorously shook his head. “Never! I’m never letting you go.”

  “Well, you’ll have to let me go to fix your car.” He looked across the parking lot. “And our food’s here, sugar. Why don’t you bring us out some plates and drinks and stuff? We’ll eat out here, and you can keep me company.”

  Tyler nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Three hours and one trip to the auto parts store later, Tyler’s Toyota had a new fuel pump and was running again. Tommy locked his toolbox in the back of his truck and grabbed his overnight bag from the front seat. “Now for the fun part.”

  “What’s that?” Tyler asked.

  He playfully waggled his eyebrows at Tyler as he held up a filthy hand. “I’m a dirty boy. Time for you to do your job and help me clean up.”

  * * * *

  An hour later, they’d moved from the shower to Tyler’s bed. As Tommy kissed him, his long, lanky body stretched over Tyler’s, he stared down into Tyler’s face. “I really meant it out there, Ty,” he said. “I’m in love with you. I don’t want to be with anyone but you. I’ve never felt like this about anyone.”

  He slanted his lips over Tyler’s mouth and gently explored. Tyler wasn’t a girl, and he didn’t try to insult him by treating him like one. But Tyler was sensitive, maybe more sensitive than some of the girls he’d been with, and he liked that quiet, hidden strength folded into a well-polished, classy wrapper.

  He didn’t understand what Tyler saw in him, but he prayed he stayed blinded to his flaws.

  Tyler reached up and stroked his hair. “Move in with me.”


  “I mean it. Move in with me.”

  “Oh, man. Seriously?”

  “Yes, of course!”

  Tommy started to say yes, then mentally swore. “I can’t.”

  He hated the flash of pain that flickered through Tyler’s sweet eyes before a mask of calm descended over him. He pulled his hand away. “I understand. It’s too soon.”

  “No! It’s not that.” He dropped his head to Tyler’s chest and swore. “Jesus, I’m a dumb fuck. I’m not good at stuff like this. Yes, I want to move in with you. I’d be living here right now if I could. We’ve got four more months on the lease, and we’ve got a no-sublet clause. I can’t leave Kenny hanging on the rent like that.” He lifted his head and stared at Tyler. “Could you move in with me?”

  “It’s a condo. I own it. I’d rather not sell right now.”

  “Oh.” He curled up next to Tyler, enjoying the feel of his body. Despite their difference in height, he was equally comfortable whether lying in Tyler’s arms or Ty was in his. “Will the offer still stand in four months?”

  Tyler rolled him onto his back and straddled him. “The offer will stand forever if it means you’ll take me up on it.”

  Tommy grinned and reached between Tyler’s legs. The other man’s shaft instantly hardened. “Okay. So I’ll warn Kenny tomorrow that he can either find a new roomie or move, because as of the end of the lease, I’m out.” He brushed his fingers under Tyler’s sac, enjoying the soft weight on his fingers. “If you aren’t sick of me by then.”

  “I won’t get sick of you. I promise.”

  “Then you realize I’m gonna start moving stuff in here as soon as possible, right?”

  Tyler laughed. “We could start moving you in tonight.”

  Tommy shook his head. “Nope. Absolutely not.”

  Tyler frowned. “Why not?”

  He gently squeezed Tyler’s shaft, making the other man moan with need. “Because I plan on spending the night enjoying my boyfriend fucking my brains out.”

  Tyler’s heart pounded. Tommy’s initial answer to his offer had scared the crap out of him before the clarification. He would have to remember not to panic, that part of Tommy’s natural charm was his endearingly clumsy ways. Two simple words sealed Tyler’s fate.

  My boyfriend.

  “Well, love, I plan on spending the night attemptin
g to suck my boyfriend’s brains out through his gorgeous cock.”

  Tommy grinned. “Gorgeous, huh?”

  Tyler slid his body down Tommy, straddling said gorgeous member. “Absolutely gorgeous. And it’s all mine.” He continued his southern quest until his mouth hovered over Tommy’s rigid cock. “Tell me what you want.”

  His brown eyes darkened, smoldering with lust. “You. I want you.”

  Tyler wondered if he’d ever managed to wipe the smile from his face. “You have me for as long as you want, love.” Achingly slow, he drew Tommy’s cock into his mouth, laving his tongue over it, enjoying the hot, silky feel of his lover’s flesh.

  “Ohh…fuck! That’s so good!” He threw his head back, eyes squeezed shut. “Jesus, you are gonna suck my brains out, aren’t you?”

  Tyler lifted his head. “About something like that, love, I never tease.” He returned his attention to Tommy’s shaft, his own cock stiffening as he listened to his lover’s pleasured moans. It hadn’t taken him long to learn what Tommy liked, what quickly brought him over, what techniques could keep him on edge for long, teasing moments. Tommy had been equally determined to learn the secrets of Tyler’s body, enjoyed exploring him, learning, playing.

  They really were a perfect match.

  His fingers twined in Tyler’s hair. “You keep that up, I’m gonna come, sugar,” he grunted.

  Tyler deep-throated him, triggering his release. He held on and kept sucking until he knew he’d gotten every last drop. Then he released him with a kiss to his balls. “Like that?”

  “Oh man!” Tommy rolled Tyler over and went down on him. Tyler closed his eyes and smiled, enjoying the feel of his lover’s hot, eager mouth swallowing his shaft.

  “My favorite fantasy,” Tyler whispered, “is spending all day in bed with you, with your sweet mouth on my cock.”

  Tommy moaned around Tyler’s shaft and took him even deeper into his mouth, doubling his efforts.

  Tyler tried to hold back. “My second favorite fantasy is the feel of your arse in my hands while I’m fucking you, sliding into that nice, tight…ah!”

  Tommy grabbed Tyler’s hips and held on, keeping Tyler’s cock deep in his throat as he climaxed. After a long moment he let go, crawled back up the bed and pulled him into his arms.