Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 14

  He kissed Tyler’s damp forehead. “How was that, sugar?”

  Tyler nodded, still recovering. “A dream come true, love.” He snuggled tightly against him. “A desperate dream come true.”

  Tommy pulled the sheet over them. “I meant it. I’m taking care of you. You’re my guy. Don’t stress about shit like your car and stuff, okay?”

  Sleep mingled with the warm flood of love taking over Tyler’s soul. “All right. I promise.”

  * * * *

  Three days after the fuel pump replacement, Tommy left Tyler’s a little after one in the morning. He knew he wouldn’t have time to get himself moving before class the next morning and go by his apartment to get the books he’d forgotten. It would be too damn tempting to lie there in bed all morning, comfortably snuggled next to Tyler.

  It just felt right. He’d lie there all day if he could.

  He walked in the door and started for his bedroom when his cell rang. He answered without looking, knowing it was probably Tyler checking to make sure he’d arrived safely. “Hey, handsome. I just walked in the door.”

  “Tommy?” The scared woman’s voice chilled him.

  “Maggie? What’s wrong, honey?”

  “Can you please come get me?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  She sobbed. “I messed up bad.” She broke down crying.

  “Babe, it’s okay. Where are you?” He finally coaxed the information out of her and went to wake Kenny. Shelly was working a night shift at the hospital. Tommy sent Ty a quick text message that he’d arrived home safely, but didn’t want to tell him he now had to drive to Ybor City to find Maggie. Ty would only worry.

  They found her huddled in the doorway of a small pizza parlor with a walk-up window on Seventh Avenue. When she saw Tommy’s truck pull up, she stumbled across the sidewalk. Kenny flew out of the passenger door and caught her before she fell. Tommy helped get her into the truck, and on the way back to the men’s apartment, she spilled the story.

  “I shouldn’t have taken the drink. I know it. But he looked so nice.” She had a black eye and huddled tightly against Tommy’s side while he drove.

  “Did he rape you?”

  She shook her head. “No. I only had a couple of sips of the drink. I already feel better. But he tried…” She started crying again.

  “We need to call the cops, Maggie. We need to file a report.”

  “I can’t tell them anything. I can’t identify him. What good would it do?” She started crying again. “I let my roommates go home without me. I wanted to stay and dance. I was so stupid!”

  Tommy and Kenny hadn’t approved of Maggie’s new batch of roommates, party girls who liked to go out dancing and drinking nearly every night. Maggie had started spending a lot of time with them, her time with Tommy less and less. As her grades slipped, she dropped out of school and had to work to make ends meet.

  He looked at Kenny. His friend’s expression most likely matched his own. “You’re moving into our place, Maggie. That’s it. You’re done, understand? No more of this party bullshit. I’m moving in with Tyler, so you can have my room. The rent will be about the same you’re paying now. You get along fine with Shel. You two are like sisters. In fact, her brother has had the hots for you for years, so maybe that will do you some good, right?”

  She managed a harsh laugh. “He’s a nice guy. What’s he going to want with me?”

  “Stop it, Maggie,” Kenny ordered. “Tommy’s right. You need to be someplace safe. First that asshole, Primo, now this. Shelly would kick my ass if I didn’t back Tommy up.”

  By four in the morning, they were back at the apartment and had gotten Maggie settled into Tommy’s bed. Tommy didn’t bother going to sleep, knowing he’d have to get up for classes anyway. He used the time to study. When Maggie stumbled out of bed at seven, she hugged him.

  “Thank you for putting up with me.”

  “No problem.” He held her at arm’s length. “No arguments. When I get back from class, I’ll take you over to your apartment and we’ll get your stuff. I don’t have to work this afternoon.”

  “Okay.” Right now she was dressed in one of his Bulldogs T-shirts and a pair of his boxers.

  He kissed her forehead. “I’ll get Ty to help me move your stuff. You’ll finally get to meet him. You’ve been a little scarce lately, kiddo. And our boss is looking for an administrative assistant. That’d be right up your alley. Then Kenny and I can keep our friggin’ eyes on you and you can ride to work with one of us every day.”

  She blushed. “He would hire a dropout?”

  “You can go back to school. You only had another year. It’d be good money.” He gave her a final hug. “I’ll talk to him for you.”

  “Thanks, Tommy.”

  * * * *

  Tyler’s last student appointment of the day cancelled on him, leaving him free to leave nearly two hours early. He glanced at the time and smiled. Maybe he could surprise his sweet boy.

  He stopped by Publix, grabbed a few things to whip up a nice dinner, and headed off to Tommy’s apartment. He grinned when he saw that neither Tommy nor Kenny’s vehicles were there.


  He let himself in with the key Tommy had given him and set the groceries on the counter. Then he heard the toilet flush and water run. Ah, Shelly must be home. He busied himself putting things away and then headed for Tommy’s bedroom a half hour later. No doubt his boy wouldn’t have made his bed. He’d tidy up for him.

  The door stood ajar. When he pushed it open, it took him a moment to process the sight. The sleeping girl’s black eye looked horrible. To him, what she wore looked even worse.

  Tommy’s Georgia Bulldogs T-shirt and boxers.

  His heart tightened. There had to be a logical explanation why there was a bruised and battered girl sleeping in Tommy’s bed. Wearing Tommy’s clothes.

  His lover’s bed.

  A girl.

  The memory of walking in on Robert banging away at Erin flitted through Tyler’s mind before he could stop it.

  Tyler backed away from the doorway and walked out to the living room. That’s when he spotted a photo collage hanging on the wall. He’d looked at it before, but never really paid attention. One of the pictures showed Tommy with a girl who looked like this girl. In the picture he was kissing her neck while she grinned and had her arm wrapped around him.

  He felt the cold emotional barrier, the one he thought he’d successfully dismantled after meeting Tommy, slide firmly back into place.

  Unable to get the old, painful memory of Erin and the picture of Tommy and the girl out of his mind, he pulled Tommy’s apartment key off his key ring and left it on the table before quietly letting himself out. On the way home his phone rang. He shut it off without looking at it.

  Tommy’s warmth and love had brought summer to his heart, but now the chilly, cold blizzard in his soul had returned.

  * * * *

  Tommy hurried home after class. Exhausted from lack of sleep, he’d drunk coffee all morning to get through the day. When he arrived home he found Maggie still asleep. He’d left two voice messages for Tyler to call him. He was a little concerned Ty hadn’t returned his calls yet, or at least sent him a text, but he was probably busy.

  He opened the fridge and caught sight of the food. Weird. That stuff hadn’t been there when he left.

  He went to knock on Kenny’s door to ask Shelly, but their door stood ajar. She wasn’t home.

  Returning to the kitchen, he spotted the key on the table. He picked it up, studied it, and tried it in the front door.

  What the hell?

  Kenny wasn’t due home until nearly six. He wouldn’t have had time to get a key made for Maggie, would he?

  Maybe he stopped by at his break.

  He tried Tyler again. He could get her moved alone, but having Ty’s help would speed things up. Then he could spend the night at Ty’s.

  He grinned. This was the perfect solution. Maggie was as good as family.
He wouldn’t have trusted moving anyone in but her and knew she wouldn’t screw him or Kenny on the rent.

  By two o’clock Maggie had awoke. She had no answers about the food in the refrigerator or the key on the table. Shelly returned at three after working a day shift to fill in for someone. The food mystified her.

  No Tyler.

  Worried about Tyler but wanting to get Maggie moved, Shelly agreed to help Tommy. The three of them managed to get all of Maggie’s things moved from the apartment, filling his truck and Shelly’s car. By eight o’clock that night, Tommy was really starting to worry about Tyler.

  Maggie was helping Tommy pack his clothes and books. “Go on, go check on him. Tell him I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

  With growing dread, Tommy drove to Tyler’s condo. His car was there, but it didn’t look like any lights were on inside. All the blinds were drawn. He climbed the stairs and knocked.

  “Tyler? Hey, buddy, you there?”

  Tyler sat on the couch in the darkened living room, sipping his rum and Coke, his heart seizing at the sound of Tommy’s voice. He’d had an extra key made and had planned on giving it to Tommy at dinner. He listened as Tommy knocked and called out to him while he twirled the key in his free hand. The nightlight in the kitchen caught it, silver flashing as he tumbled it through his fingers.

  “Ty? Man, if you’re in there, answer the door. Please? You’re scaring me.”

  Tyler quietly snorted, then stood and walked to the kitchen to refresh his drink. He dropped the key in the trash as he passed. He knew Tommy hadn’t left, could hear him through the door talking to someone on the phone.

  “Yeah, Pete? Tommy. Listen, have you talked to Ty today? I’m at his place, and his car is here, but he’s not answering…I’ve been trying to call him all day…Yeah. If you hear from him, have him call me, please? I really need to talk to him. Well, I can tell you…” He walked away from the door and down the steps before Tyler could hear the news.

  I know what it is. Bloody arsehole. I made a fool of myself. Again.

  Tyler downed his next drink.

  * * * *

  Tommy spent a restless night on the couch. That he hadn’t heard from Tyler scared him. Tyler never failed to return calls, even if just to send a text message in reply. He never failed to call Tommy at night if they weren’t together to say good night.

  To exchange I love yous.

  At seven that morning, he showered, dressed, and drove to Tyler’s. He arrived a little before eight.

  Tyler’s car was gone.

  He tried Tyler’s cell again. Straight to voicemail.

  Tommy had to be at work in thirty minutes and couldn’t be late today. No time to stop by the university and find Ty.

  He called every spare chance he got. Finally, around three, he left one last message. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but should I be scared or pissed off or what? Please, call me back! I love you.”

  He hung up, regretting the edge in his voice. Dammit, he had it bad for Tyler.

  Pete called him back an hour later. “Ty just sent Eddie a text message that he’s fine.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “I don’t know. That’s all he texted him. ‘I’m fine, no worries.’ Did you guys have a fight or something?”

  “No! Dammit, I was going to start moving the rest of my stuff in last night. I told you…” The image of his apartment fridge flashed before him.

  The food no one could explain.

  The key on the table. Kenny had denied putting it there.

  He groaned. “Aww, fuck. Listen, I need to go.”


  “I’m a dumb fuck, that’s what. I think maybe I know what’s happened. I think Tyler saw Maggie at my apartment. He has a key now and he’s never met her. He doesn’t know who she is. He probably got the wrong idea.”

  “Aw, Jesus Christ. Let me tell you a secret, Tommy. If you tell him I said this, I’ll kill you. Did he ever tell you about Erin or Marcus?”

  “Erin was his first wife. He said they divorced. I’ve never heard of Marcus.”

  “Let’s just say Tyler went through the ultimate mindfuck, okay? Erin cheated on Ty with his best friend. He walked in on them having sex. He has serious trust issues after what she did, and then after what happened with Marcus. He wouldn’t tell us exactly what happened with Marcus, but it was bad. And I did not tell you that.”

  Tommy swore. “Okay, thanks.”

  After work, Tommy drove straight to Tyler’s. Tyler wasn’t home, but Tommy sat by his front door and waited.

  And waited.

  And waited.

  Around eight o’clock, he watched Tyler’s Toyota pull into his usual spot. He knew Tyler could see him sitting by his door. If he wanted to run, he’d have to do it now or face him.

  After a few minutes, when it was obvious Tommy wasn’t moving, Tyler got out of his car, laptop case in hand, and climbed the stairs. Tyler didn’t look at or speak to him when he walked to the door and took out his keys.

  Tommy stood. “Can we talk?”

  Tyler’s chilly tone scared him. “I don’t think we have anything to talk about, Thomas.”

  Tommy grabbed his wrist. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Tyler wouldn’t look at him. “Let. Me. Go,” he quietly ordered.

  He did.

  Tyler unlocked his door and pushed it open. Tommy wouldn’t let him shut the door in his face. He forced his way in and shut it behind him. “You’re going to talk to me!”

  Tyler glared at him and put his laptop on the table. “I don’t have anything to say to you. You can get your things if that’s what you want. Then you can get the fuck out.”

  He grabbed Tyler’s arm. “Dammit! What the fuck? Is it because of Maggie?”

  Tyler’s eyes blazed as he wrenched his arm free. “Is that her name? The girl I saw asleep in your bed, wearing your clothes? Beaten to a bloody pulp?”

  “Yes, that’s her name. Maggie, my friend. I’ve told you about her.” Tommy grabbed Tyler by the shoulders. “She’s moving into my room at the apartment. She called me from Ybor after I left here the other night. She got beat up and nearly raped by an asshole.”

  “You told me you were home.”

  “I didn’t want to worry you. Kenny went with me. Ask him!”

  Tyler glared at him. “How can I trust anything you say?”

  Tommy grabbed him and kissed him, waiting until Tyler finally quit resisting to release him. “Because I love you, and I’d never lie to you. Maggie and I have been friends—just friends—for a couple of years now. Kenny knows. He helped me beat the fucking hell out of her ex-boyfriend when he attacked her. You’ve got to believe me!”

  “I saw the picture in your living room of you kissing her.”

  Tommy felt like ripping his hair out. Pete wasn’t kidding—Tyler acted like he was in total emotional lockdown mode. “That was years ago, and it was just playing around. We’ve never been together romantically. She’s like a sister to me.”

  He backed Tyler against the counter. “I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Have you played your fucking voicemails? I’ve been worried sick about you! I wanted you to help me move her into my place last night, then help me move my stuff here!”

  Tyler didn’t want to hope. He hadn’t played his voicemails, afraid the sound of Tommy’s voice would rip his heart out of his chest.

  He didn’t want to believe.

  He didn’t want to be hurt again.

  Tommy spied Tyler’s phone on the table and grabbed it. “Show me how to play your damn voicemails. It’ll prove it!”

  Tyler snatched the phone away from him. “Fine!”

  He dialed into his voicemail box. Minutes later, after the last one played, he felt the tears rolling down his face as he stared at Tommy.

  He closed the phone. “Really?”

  Tommy nodded and stepped close again. “Yes! Jesus Christ, Ty, I love you!” He engulfed him in a bea
r hug Tyler finally, reluctantly returned. “I can’t lose you, man! Please!”

  Tyler didn’t want to hope, kept his voice cautious. “When do I get to meet her?”

  Tommy grabbed his hands. “Right now, and we’re taking my truck so you can’t run away.” He stared into Tyler’s eyes. “I know you had a bad time with your first ex-wife. I know she cheated. I’m not her. And I know Pete’s gonna shoot me for asking this, but who the hell is Marcus, and where the fuck is the asshole so I can beat the crap out of him for destroying your trust in people?”

  Tyler gasped, shocked. “What?”

  “Yeah, he said something about a major mindfuck.” He stepped closer. “Whoever the hell the asshole is, he’s not me. I’m not him. I swear to God, Ty, I’ll never go behind your back. If there was ever a reason I wasn’t happy or I wanted out, not that I think there ever will be, I’d be man enough to tell you to your face, not play games. Ask Kenny. He’s seen me break up with girls before…”

  Tommy winced. “Shit. That did not come out right. He’s seen me break off a relationship before. I don’t fuck around. I don’t play games. I want honesty, and I give it.”

  Tyler felt torn between amusement at Tommy’s verbal stumble and shock that Pete had mentioned Marcus to him.

  And a warm, tingly sensation that he wanted to beat the crap out of Marcus.

  After a moment of silence, Tommy softened his tone, cupped the back of Tyler’s neck and touched his forehead to Tyler’s. “I love you, Ty. You’re my guy. Mine. I don’t want anyone else but you. Please believe me.”

  Tyler didn’t want to spend his life alone and distrustful. He wanted to love this sweet man, this protective man who was willing to beat up someone who’d hurt him.

  “I won’t ask you again,” Tommy said, “and if you want to tell me to go to hell, okay. Who is Marcus?”

  Staring into Tommy’s sweet brown eyes, Tyler told him. Not everything, not the complexity of the dynamic or all the sordid details, but enough. When he finished, Tyler was crying.