Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 35

  She took a deep breath at the front door when Tyler rang the bell. The house was huge, even bigger than theirs, in a golf and country club development not too far from their house in New Tampa. A short, fat Frankenstein wearing a painfully loud Hawaiian shirt answered the door. His eyes popped when he saw Nevvie.

  “Holy crap! How’d you two losers end up with an angel like her?”

  “Nice to see you too, Eddie,” Thomas drawled. “You gonna let us in, or you gonna stare?”

  “Can I at least hug her?”

  Tyler stepped forward and held up a finger. “Sorry, darling, she’s totally off-limits. Our adorable Venus has agreed to be our little slave girl for the evening on the condition that only we get the exquisite pleasure of her touch. But feel free to say hi and drool and grovel at our studliness.”

  Eddie laughed and clapped Tyler on the shoulder, smiling at Nevvie. “Hello, gorgeous. I’m Eddie, your ghost of a host for the night. I hope your boys show you a great time. If you were my cuppa tea, I’d be getting refills all night long.”

  She blushed, but smiled and bowed her head. “Nice to meet you, Eddie. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  “Did someone say horsebrutality?” An overweight, middle-aged Dr. Frank-N-Furter—complete with wig, huge pearl necklace, bustier, fake tat, fishnet stockings, a garter belt, and impossibly tall, chunky platform heels—tottered into the hallway. Then, in an exaggerated, fake British accent he said, “Ah! The Brit and his git have arrived…”

  He fell silent when he saw Nevvie. His jaw dropped, his voice reverting to an awed whisper. “Jesus Christ, Ty, I know you told me you’d be bringing a guest, but holy crap! She’s gorgeous!”

  Thomas pulled Nevvie close, his arm around her shoulders, his cape covering her back. “And she’s all ours, Pete.”

  The implied, possessive warning in Thomas’ voice weakened her knees. She slipped her arm around his waist and he pulled her even closer.

  Pete goggled for a moment then seemed to remember his manners. “Uh, sorry. Right. Day-yum.” He poked his finger at Tyler. “Lucky for you, asshole, most of our guests are either happily married or don’t cross to the other team’s bench. Although there’ll be a few butch gals you might have to hose down. I can only imagine trying to break up a riot of drunken jerks over her.” He turned back to Nevvie. “No offense, honey, you’re stunning, truly.”

  She tipped her head. “Thank you.”

  Tyler smiled. “Why do you think we brought her, Pete? Do you honestly think we’d be daft enough to parade her around a party full of drunk, straight blokes?”

  “Then why did you bring her? Again, honey, no offense, you’re more than welcomed in our home.”

  She laughed but didn’t reply, interested in Tyler’s response.

  “Pete, our angel has had a rather miserable time of it,” Tyler explained. “Only because you’re our hosts, I’d like you to meet Nevvie. For the evening, however, we would prefer she remain anonymous.”

  Recognition dawned in Pete’s face and his voice softened. “Wow! Oh, sweetie, Ty told me what you’ve been through.”

  Tyler held up a hand before Pete could spoil her mood. “That’s why we brought her. We promised her a spectacular evening of fun and frivolity, and thought what better place than your party? We want to bring her back to the living, so to speak.”

  Eddie finally found his voice. “So you parade her out to the annual ‘Night of the Dead’ soiree?”

  Thomas chuckled, the sound rumbling from his chest through her body. “She needs to have fun. We didn’t want to worry about her getting hit on.”

  “Little chance of that,” Eddie said. “Well, come in, come in. The caterer is setting up. You’re really early, although I expected as much from you, Ty. I’m sure you’ll be rearranging the crudités platters before I can say ‘Martha Stewart.’”

  Tyler handed the leash to Thomas, meeting Nevvie’s gaze as he did. If the other two men noticed they said nothing. “I’ll be back momentarily, dears. Feel free to start without me.”

  He winked, filling Nevvie with a warm pulsation from her clit to her collarbone. When the other three left she looked at Thomas and found him smiling. His hat lay at a rakish angle and his mask was narrow enough it didn’t hide all his delicious smile lines.

  “Shall we, my sweet little slave?” he whispered. All she could do was dumbly nod.

  * * * *

  With Nevvie tucked under his arm, Thomas led her to one of the large, comfy sofas in the living room. Shaun of the Dead played on a big screen TV, entertaining early guests. He staked out the far end of a sofa and dropped one of the throw cushions on the floor in front of him.

  Thomas whispered into her ear, “Your master wants you to sit at his feet like a proper slave.” He’d committed the lines to memory. Tyler hadn’t screwed up so far, why ad lib?

  She sat so fast he almost didn’t have time to loosen his grip on the leash so she didn’t choke. Damn, Tyler was an evil genius, real and truly. Thomas never in his wildest dreams imagined she’d do this. The costume, probably. The party? Okay. But the collar? And her total compliance?

  “Very good,” he whispered. “That pleases me.”

  She smiled.

  He sat, careful not to kick her as he positioned himself so she sat between his legs. Once he stopped moving she started, settling her back against the couch and wrapping her arms around his legs, pulling them tightly along her sides, her hands resting on his knees. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as his cock throbbed. If she kept this up he’d come in his pants before the other guests arrived.

  Where the hell did Tyler disappear to?

  * * * *

  From the kitchen, Tyler snuck a look at Nevvie and Thomas and smiled. He didn’t have time to enjoy the sight because Pete hooked a meaty hand around his bicep and dragged him into the laundry room, closing the door.

  He turned on his friend. “Ty, what the fuck? By that I do mean, what the fuck?”

  “What?” He knew damn well what.

  “I want you to tell me what the hell you think you’re doing? Don’t go fucking up what you and Tommy have over her.”

  Tyler’s eyes hardened. “Pete, you know I love you mate, but you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Pete studied him. “What’s going on? You know I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  Tyler looked at the floor and crossed his arms. “She’s special. You know Thomas and I are bi.”

  “After what she’s been through—”

  “We love her.” He looked at his friend. “Both of us are in love with her. We didn’t mean for it to happen like this. It was our fault the arsehole attacked her. He saw the necklace we gave her for her birthday, and it set him off.”

  “Don’t feel guilty over something that’s not your fault.”

  “We’d decided the week before that we would ask her to move in with us as our housekeeper and personal assistant. She’d worked for us for six months, and I think we loved her from day one. We could tell she liked us, Pete.”

  Pete closed his eyes, realization dawning. “You didn’t tell her. She doesn’t know you guys are bi.” He shook his head. “Jesus-H-fucking-Christ, she thinks you’re gay.” He glared at Tyler. “This is over the top, even for you. How long do you work your little mind fuck on her? She’s been through enough, don’t you think?”

  “She knows tonight is a game. It’s not a mind fuck.”

  Pete moved in close and lowered his voice. “You might be able to fool your little Cracker boy in there, but I’m not an idiot. I’ve known you too long and seen you work people, Ty, but this is fucking low. Getting her hopes up—”

  “We want her, Pete. Not for a night or a weekend. We love her. We want her to be our third.”

  Pete pleaded with him. “This can’t end well. I’m not saying she’s not a great girl, Jesus, I don’t even know her. What happens when the two of you start going at it over her, she plays one against the other to get what she wants? What
if Tommy boy decides he doesn’t want to share her anymore? A third’s okay for a fuck, but not for family. This isn’t goddamned Big Love, Florida Fag Edition. She’s young! What if she wants kids, a normal life? How the hell will she have that with you guys?”

  Tyler’s face burned. “We love her,” he insisted. “We aren’t in this for a goddamned fling. Thomas even found a ring for her.”

  “You don’t know she’ll want to even look at you guys when you break it to her you’re bi.”

  “That’s our problem, right? I don’t need a lecture on morality from a guy dressed like a hooker rehab escapee.”

  “How much of this is about her, and how much of it is your need to rescue her and fix everything?”

  Tyler reached for the door. “I think we’re done here, Pete.”

  He put a hand on Tyler’s arm and softened his voice. “Ty, please. Don’t hurt her. She’s been through enough, hasn’t she?”

  Tyler finally patted his friend’s hand. “I promise you we know what a treasure she is. The last thing we intend to do is hurt her in any way.”

  “Yeah, well the road to hell is paved with those kinds of good intentions.”

  Tyler returned to the kitchen and snuck another look at the living room, trying to force Pete’s words out of his conscience.

  * * * *

  There weren’t a lot of guests there yet. Nevvie watched the movie. Thomas tried to focus on it and not the feel of her warm body, heat radiating from her flesh through the fabric of his costume while he chatted with other guests. At one point he leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

  “Are you okay, my little slave?”

  She tipped her head back to look at him. It would be a perfect position to feed a cock into her mouth…

  “Yes, Master.” A playful smile teased the corners of her lips and he kissed her forehead, resisting the urge to lean forward a little more and kiss her on the mouth. Tyler was right—they had plenty of time to take this slow.

  He would get laid tonight though. Whether inside Nevvie or Tyler, he couldn’t stand the crushing ache that had settled deep inside his balls and refused to go away even for the thirty seconds he wasn’t rock hard.

  * * * *

  Tyler returned with two cups of iced tea—one with a straw—and handed the other to Thomas. He settled next to Thomas on the sofa and smiled at Nevvie. “How are you, my sweet?”

  She replied in a soft voice, “I’m doing well, Master.” She couldn’t deny she liked saying it. In any other case she would have run kicking and screaming. But these were her boys. They were having fun, she was having fun, and she trusted them.

  Tyler’s eyes widened a fraction. She imagined she’d surprised him with her response. Two—okay, three—could play this game. If it made them happy to have her as their little slave girl for the evening, she’d do it. She had no illusions how the night would end, with them parting company at their bedroom door. For right now, Nevvie was okay with that. The feelings they created in her were worth the empty ache she’d feel later. At least she had them in this way, for a little while, and she could extract a little payback for the past week.

  And she’d put fresh batteries in her vibrator.

  Thomas smiled at Nevvie but spoke to Tyler, keeping his voice low. “Our little slave seems content tonight, lover.”

  “Is that right, love? Are you content?”

  She honed her sultry “fuck me” voice. “Yes, Master.”

  Both men sucked in a sharp breath.

  This was fun! She felt powerful, that she could do this to not one, but two gay guys! Two really cute, fuckable gay guys.

  She spied the straw in Tyler’s cup. “I’m thirsty, Master. May I have a drink?”

  “Very good, love.” Tyler leaned forward, holding the straw while she sipped. She decided to tease them a little and ran the tip of her tongue around the straw, then licked her lips when she finished.

  Thomas’ legs tightened around her. He muttered, “Holy crap!” under his breath.

  If she’d had a hand between her legs she could have exploded at that moment. Tyler’s smile lit every square inch of his face and touched the farthest reaches of her soul.

  “Thank you, Master,” she whispered.

  Tyler nodded, apparently unable to speak. That game point went to her.

  Thomas leaned in and murmured, “That’s a good little slave. You have pleased us.” It was her turn to gasp. Something about the seductive, possessive timbre of his voice stirred the very depths of her passion.

  Point to the boys.

  * * * *

  More people arrived, filling the house. Costumes ranged from boring and tame to wild and X-rated. Nevvie almost looked G-rated in comparison. Thomas sat her across his lap and she slung her arm around his neck. He slipped an arm around her waist and she noted he never put the leash down. In fact, one of the men had always held it since the game started.

  The possessive gesture made her incredibly horny.

  Music started outside. The crowd in the living room thinned as people gravitated to the backyard and large patio around the pool to dance and talk. Tyler and Thomas, apparently well-known among the guests, spent plenty of time talking with others. She watched them interacting, able to observe them in a way she normally didn’t.

  Tyler always asked about others, their families, jobs, seemed to have an encyclopedic knowledge of those he talked to. If not, he gently milked them for information, storing it in his ginormous brain for future reference. When people asked about him he would answer, but always steered the conversation back to focus on whoever he talked with.

  Thomas was the opposite, discussing sports and other general trivia. He had an easy, open manner and friendly way, but was content to watch and listen to Tyler, or exchange friendly winks with Nevvie.

  Those made her pussy quiver. His deep brown eyes were so different than Tyler’s and yet able to ignite such equally exquisite passion.

  Thomas patted her thigh. “Sugar, I hate to say this, but I have to excuse myself for a moment.”

  “Need help, Master?”

  Tyler didn’t hear her comment, busy in conversation with someone. Thomas studied her then leaned in close, his lips by her ear. “If I had your beautiful body standing there to look at I wouldn’t be able to go. I’d be rock hard, you should know that.”

  She gasped as he sat back and winked. That point definitely went to the boys.

  He held her hand as she stood. Tyler immediately took her hand and the leash from Thomas.

  Tyler patted his lap and she sat, happy to put her arm around his neck. She was used to being this close to him, but this was different, raw and sensual.

  Thomas returned a few minutes later with a plate of food. “Eddie and Pete went all out again, as usual.”

  “I would expect no less, dear Thomas.” He glanced at the plate, then at Nevvie.

  She decided to play it back to them. “I’m hungry, Master.” Her eyes never wavered from Tyler.

  “Then let’s take care of that shall we, my little slave?”

  Tyler dredged a carrot stick through ranch dressing before holding it to her lips, Thomas closely watching. She touched the tip of her tongue to the carrot stick, teasing it in Tyler’s hand before slowly running her lips along it. She sucked the dressing off, drawing a low, hungry moan from Tyler, then used her lips to pull the snack from his fingers and completely into her mouth.

  Both men stared, slack-jawed. When she finished chewing she met Tyler’s eyes. “Does that please you, Master?”

  Tyler nodded, stunned. “That pleases me very much,” he hoarsely whispered.

  Game, set, and match.

  Hah! Teach them how it feels for a change.

  She turned her gaze to Thomas. “Master, may I have another?”

  The men dumbly nodded, and Thomas’ hand trembled slightly as she repeated the process. Again she asked, “May I have another, Master?”

  The men alternated feeding her. Not just carrot sticks, althoug
h she imagined if they’d had a truckload of them they would have gladly watched her fellate each morsel till hell froze over. At one point she sucked a little crab dip off Tyler’s finger, then gently caught Thomas’ thumb in her teeth, and ran her tongue over it.

  Neither man spoke, apparently too entranced to form vowels, much less coherent words.

  Her pussy throbbed, and when she shifted position in Tyler’s lap she felt his hard bulge against her leg.

  Bet they’d have some interesting noises coming from their bedroom later. Hmm. Maybe once she knew they were at it she could sneak outside their door and wank off in the hall.

  That was a deliciously naughty thought.

  She asked for a drink. Thomas’ hands trembled slightly as he held the straw. Then she leaned back in Tyler’s lap and smiled. “Thank you, Master. I’m full.”

  She’d never had one, much less two men fawning over her. Tyler hadn’t lied—she was fully out of her funk and enjoying every minute.

  Time to push the envelope. It’s what they wanted, right? “Am I being a good little slave?”

  Two heads bobbed, their eyes never leaving her.

  “Am I pleasing my masters?”

  Again they nodded.

  After a long moment, Thomas noticed the empty plate in his hand. “I’ll…uh…go throw this away.” When he stood, she didn’t miss his sizeable bulge.

  Ty’s arm tightened around her waist while his other hand now rested on her thigh. She shifted position and placed his hand higher on her leg, so his fingers brushed between her thighs.

  “Shouldn’t Master have his hand there?”

  His eyes burned with an intensity she’d never seen. “That’s a good little slave,” he uttered in a choked whisper. “That pleases me.”

  That point went to her.

  She grinned and leaned close. “Frankly, Master, your little slave will have a very hard time getting to sleep tonight. You were right. This is fun.” His fingers twitched against the fabric of her panties, and she fought the urge to moan. Great, rape her friend on the couch at a Halloween party.