Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 36

  But damn, it felt good! He was asking for it.

  Thomas returned and started to say something, then grinned when he spied the latest development. He knelt in front of them, one arm around Nevvie’s shoulders and the other resting on Tyler’s.

  “Is our slave having fun?” he whispered.

  “Yes, Master. A lot of fun.”

  Thomas shifted his position and put his hand high on her thigh, his fingers touching Tyler’s. With his eyes boring into hers he asked, “Does our little slave have any other needs we must take care of right now?”

  Okay, so that point went to the boys. She shook her head.

  His eyes never wavered. “If you do, make sure you tell us, we’ll be happy to oblige. Anything.”

  “Very happy to oblige,” Tyler echoed. Then he winked. She gasped, wiggling in his lap to get closer to their hands.

  The men smiled and, seeing she was a little too fired up, pulled their hands away.

  Tyler whispered into her ear, “Later, my sweet slave. If you’re very good and you ask us properly, maybe that’s a need we can take care of. We did promise you anything.”

  He had to be shitting her! Screw later, she wanted it now, before they changed their minds!

  Thomas took the leash from Tyler and coaxed her to her feet. With his arm around her shoulder he led her to the patio where quite a few couples danced. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed against him. His arms automatically enveloped her.

  “Dance with me, please, Master. You’ve never danced with me.”

  Thomas nodded. They stood off to the side and swayed in time to the music, grinding against each other.

  He pulled his cape around her. With little more than her feet and head visible, she whispered, “Do you like dancing with your slave?” She smiled when his cock twitched. “I’m assuming that’s a yes?” Point to her.

  He softly growled in her ear, “This is payback for all the teasing I’ve put you through, isn’t it?”

  “No, Master. This is your little slave wanting to be everything you want her to be.” She rotated her hips, feeling his reaction through his skin-tight pants and her practically non-existent costume. One of his hands skirted down her back, cupping her ass, pulling her closer.

  “Goddamn, girl!” he muttered.

  Tyler could thank her later for priming Thomas’ pump.

  They slow danced like that for ten minutes before Tyler caught up with them. He stepped close behind her, embracing them. His granite bulge rubbed the cleft in her cheeks through the cape.

  “So how is our little slave enjoying the party?” he whispered in her ear.

  She tipped her head back. “Very much, Master.” She bucked her hips in a sexy roll she knew he’d feel along every inch of his throbbing cock.

  Tyler skimmed his hands down the cape and found her hips, his fingers clamping around them and using the leverage to seductively grind against her backside.

  “I want to see you dance with him, sugar,” Thomas growled. “Show me how hot you danced in New York.”

  She gasped, shocked.

  Thomas wore a playful smile. She studied his eyes for any hint of jealousy and found none.

  “Of course he told me,” Thomas murmured. “I wish I’d been there to see it. God, I bet the two of you were sexy.”

  Point to the boys. If Tyler had told him about their dance…

  Tyler nuzzled her ear. “Yes, my sweet slave, he told me about the bike trip. We don’t keep secrets from each other.” He ran his tongue from her ear to her shoulder, where he kissed her. “Especially not about you.”

  Screw getting them drunk, she’d have to get herself drunk. They couldn’t be serious, could they? They were gay! What the hell was going on?

  She never knew a person could be this horny and not die, so bad it hurt, throbbing, cramping waves of need pulsating from her clit through her lower belly. She’d never tease a guy about blue balls again if this was a fraction of what it felt like.

  “Dance with him, Nev,” Thomas ordered. Steamy, dark, burning passion reflected from his sweet brown eyes. Was this her playful Thomas? This man looked like he wanted to fuck her right there, and maybe would if there weren’t quite so many people around.

  Like he looked in Ft. Myers.

  A cool draft brushed her flesh as Thomas dropped the cape and stepped away. He handed the leash to Tyler, who took her hand and led her through the crowd to the DJ.

  Tyler leaned in and said something to the DJ, then stepped to the middle of the large patio, pulling her to him. She felt the leash in his left palm as he laced his fingers through hers.

  “Don’t let go of my hand,” he squeezed her right hand, pressing the leash into her flesh, “because I don’t want to choke you, right?”

  As the music started, his other hand gripped her waist, his fingers scorching hot on her bare skin.

  He nudged her, picking up the time, and caught her eyes. “Give us everything you’ve got, love,” he whispered. “Don’t hold back.”

  As in New York, he didn’t need to tell her which dance.

  Nevvie occasionally felt the leash brush her arm, but unless he was spinning her she kept her eyes on his.

  The throbbing ache coursing through her pussy spread as liquid fire through her body. She danced for Tyler—and Thomas. Knowing he also watched her, she danced even harder than she had in New York.

  * * * *

  Pete stood next to Thomas and watched.

  “Aren’t they great together?” Thomas asked.

  “Fuck, Tommy, I need a goddamn cigarette watching that, and I haven’t smoked in ten years.”

  “I’m hoping it gets even hotter later.”

  “As worked up as she is you boys could probably fuck her right here in front of everyone and she’d beg for it.”

  Thomas reddened. “That obvious, huh?”

  Pete shook his head. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “You don’t understand, Pete. We love her.”

  “Funny, most guys would settle for a romantic dinner or a card, not dirty dancing on my fucking patio.”

  “Tell me that’s not a beautiful sight.”

  Pete blew out a long breath as Tyler and Nevvie cha cha cha’d in a tight, erotic circle while the other partygoers cheered and hooted their approval. “I’d be lying if I did. They look good.” He patted Thomas on the shoulder and leaned in close. “Tommy, remember, three’s a crowd. The asshole that coined the phrase probably had a good reason. You guys have been together a long time. Ask yourself if she’s worth risking that.”

  Pete walked away. Tommy watched his lover and his love dance together. They were sexy, as if they had danced for years, like they’d loved each other for years. Tyler had dropped all illusions. His desire for Nevvie screamed in every move, every nuance of gesture.

  Tom’s cock throbbed. Seeing their unmasked passion for the first time made him want her all the more. She looked like she did on their bike trip—filled with raw, basic need. Had she ever felt like that about anyone before them?

  He suspected the answer was no.

  Pete didn’t understand. They would make her happy, be everything she needed. Tyler could be her brainy guy, he’d be her tough guy. No one would ever hurt her again, not with the two of them protecting her. They could and would give her anything she wanted, make her happy, take care of her. Hadn’t she suffered enough in her life?

  * * * *

  The music faded away, Nevvie’s throbbing pulse the only sound in her ears. There were no other people in her world except her boys—Tyler dancing with her, Thomas watching. She danced for them, feeling Tyler’s movements and keeping time not from the song but with his body. She danced closer, grinding against him, hoping Thomas enjoyed what he saw. For tonight, screw the consequences. They were her masters and they wanted her to dance for them.

  She’d dance her ass off.

  When the song ended Tyler pulled her to him while everyone went wild with applause. She th
ought he’d kiss her but he wrapped his arms around her and held her, breathing heavy, his heart pounding against her flesh.

  Thomas stepped behind her and wrapped his arms tightly around them, his hard bulge pressing into her back. His low, growling voice in her ear electrified her. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” he said.

  She leaned back and tipped her head to look at him. “Did I please my masters?” she panted, still trying to catch her breath.

  Tyler kissed her throat. “Sweetheart,” he breathed, “you’re everything we ever wanted.”

  Thomas stepped away and took her other hand. They left the porch for the quieter living room, Tyler bashfully accepting praise and slaps on the back from others as they threaded their way through people. No doubt his friends never saw that side of him. He was back to quiet Tyler, friendly and nice, not a sexy dancing machine.

  They found a secluded corner away from others. Thomas gathered them close, an arm around each. “It’s time we head home,” he said, his eyes on Nevvie.

  She couldn’t read his emotion. Desire, certainly. Need, absolutely—and something else. She hadn’t gone too far, had she?

  Nevvie gasped when his mouth brushed hers, feeling the tip of his tongue trace her lips, making her shiver. “You were amazing, sugar.” He turned to Tyler. “And you…” He kissed his lover, long, deeply, and she wanted to push between them and feel their lips on hers.

  As if sensing her state Tyler kissed her on the lips. “Anything,” he murmured.

  Thomas left to find their hosts and say good night while Tyler’s eyes silently burned into hers.

  Yeah, a couple of straight shots of bourbon might knock her out quick. She couldn’t stand the thought of listening to them make love one room over and not being a part of it. She could pound a couple back and lay down on the couch with the TV on, drowning out any sounds until she passed out.

  Of course, another need now pushed its annoying way to the front.

  Blushing, she whispered, “I’ve got to go to the bathroom.”

  Tyler smiled and without a word led her through the house. She thought he’d unclip the leash at the door and wait, but he followed her inside and locked the door, then pulled her to him for a deep kiss, long and tender.

  How the fuck could he do this to her? He was gay, for chrissake! A tiny part of her was upset that they knew this wouldn’t go any further, no matter what they said. But only a tiny part. Tyler would never try to hurt her. Neither would Thomas. They were trying to make her feel good, feel needed, she understood that. They were still guys and as such didn’t understand that it was almost worse this way.

  Could she label them cunt teasers? How about that for equality?

  Tyler released her. “Go ahead. I won’t peek.”

  She tried to regain the advantage. “What if I want you to?”

  His smile tied her heart and soul in knots. He caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead, back to sweet Tyler. “The evening’s not over yet.”

  He turned, still holding the leash.

  She pulled down her pants and watched him in the mirror. He didn’t peek, his knuckles white as he wrapped his fingers around the edge of the sink. In the mirror she noticed his cock tightly outlined by his trousers. He looked large.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to still her heart. She finished then stepped to his side to wash her hands, their eyes meeting in the mirror. How could she live years with them like this? So close, but they might as well be a million miles away, with the constant undercurrent of desire and attraction between them.

  How many damn vibrators would she wear out?

  Yet she couldn’t imagine being anywhere but with them, even if it meant torturing herself. Somehow, she would deal with it. She couldn’t lose them.

  His blue eyes shifted from passion to worry. “You all right?”

  She nodded, letting him envelop her in a hug.

  “Trust me,” he whispered into her hair. “Please, my love, trust me.”

  Trust him to do what? Keep her perpetually horny for the next gazillion years?

  Thomas waited by the front door. They held her hands as they led her back to the truck.

  Chapter Seventeen

  They didn’t speak on the ride home, each absorbed in an erotic cloud of feelings and letting the party soak into their memory. Tyler held her leash, his left hand resting on her upper thigh. When Thomas didn’t have his hand on the gearshift he had it on her other leg. She scooted her hips forward on the seat a little and spread her legs as far as she could without interfering with Thomas’ ability to drive, hoping they would take her up on her invitation.

  The men frequently looked at her and each other, the passion painted on their faces mirroring her own. Maybe she could talk them into taking her to bed, just for tonight. She was uncomfortably, achingly desperate to feel more than her own fingers.

  Maybe this once they’d make an exception?

  In their driveway Tyler offered his hand, helping her from the truck. Thomas took the leash and hooked his arm through hers. In the living room, Tyler nodded to Thomas.

  Nevvie realized unless she did something quick that the night—and her fantasy—would end.

  Thomas stepped behind her while Tyler took her hands. “You were breathtaking tonight,” he whispered. “Truly, absolutely marvelous. Did you have a good time?”

  “Yes, Master, I had a good time.”

  “You don’t have to play any longer if you don’t wish to.”

  She squeezed his hands. “But I do wish.”

  “Go ahead, Tom. Take it off.”

  Thomas touched the collar. She yanked her hands free from Tyler’s and clamped them to the back of her neck, preventing Thomas from getting to the buckle. Both men froze.

  She finally worked up the nerve. “I promised my masters twenty-four hours of my time. It hasn’t been twenty-four hours yet.”

  Thomas spoke near her ear. “Sweetie, we don’t expect you to—”

  “Please.” She met Tyler’s eyes. “You promised you’d take care of my every need tonight,” she whispered, struggling not to cry at the thought of sleeping alone. She admitted it. She wasn’t strong enough to do this. She needed them, would beg and plead if she had to. Fuck, groveling looked like a damn good option, if necessary. “My masters promised their little slave. You told me to trust you. I trust you, both of you.”

  Tyler’s gaze never wavered. He took her hands again. “Nevvie,” he said, “we have a confession to make.”

  Confused, she didn’t reply.

  He continued. “Thomas and I are not gay, love. We’re bisexual.”

  As his words sank in she looked at Thomas. He nodded. “That’s right, sugar.” One corner of his mouth curled in a playful smile. “As if you couldn’t guess.”

  Tyler spoke, recapturing her eyes as she struggled to absorb this new information. “We have been attracted to you since the first day we met you. We were afraid to tell you for fear of making you uncomfortable.”

  Dare she hope? “You’re not teasing?”

  Both men shook their heads.

  “You’re not gay?”

  Again they shook their heads.

  She stared into Tyler’s eyes then looked at Tom for a long agonizing moment before deciding to step off the cliff, praying they caught her. She put an arm around Tyler’s neck, her other hand finding Thomas and pulling him against her back.

  The men put their arms around her and she looked into Tyler’s eyes. “Will my masters take care of my every need tonight?”

  “We promised you anything,” Tyler said. “We meant it.”

  Thomas ran his lips along the nape of her neck, making her shiver. He placed his lips to her ear and whispered, “Any need our sweet little slave has.”

  She closed her eyes. “If I want to say no to anything?”

  “Absolutely,” Tyler assured her.

  “I’ve never…you know…in my ass. I’m not ready to do that.”

  Tyler pressed against her, pushing her into Thomas. She felt their hard erections. “We will never force you to do anything, sweetheart. Ever. If we wish to do that, we always have each other.”

  She wiggled her hips and both men groaned.

  She could have both her sweet love gods tonight and they wanted her!

  This was too good to be true. What was the downside? “What happens in the morning?” she asked. “After this. What next?”

  Tyler stroked her cheek. “We are at your beck and call, love. We will do whatever you want. Perhaps you didn’t understand. When we’ve told you we love you, we meant it the same way you did.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest. Thomas had worked his way across her shoulders to her other ear and was still nibbling.

  Tyler spoke again. “We love you. It broke our hearts when Alex attacked you. We will never hurt you, sweetheart. We want you to be a part of our life in all ways.”

  Nevvie couldn’t catch her breath. “In all ways?”

  Tyler nodded. “In all ways. We don’t mean a night or a weekend. For as long as you’ll have us, but it must be both of us.” The men froze, and she realized they waited for her to speak.

  “Yes. Please.”

  Every muscle tensed, her skin on fire from the heat of their bodies and Thomas’ lips on her flesh. She kissed Tyler and heard his hungry moan, his tongue and hers dancing, exploring. Thomas wrapped his arms around both of them and gently nipped her neck.

  Forget throbbing, her sex ached from need and desire. Tyler broke their kiss and slowly worked his way down her body with his lips while Thomas held her against his chest. She closed her eyes as she tipped her head back and Tom’s lips found hers, eagerly devouring her with hungry, possessive need.

  Tyler removed her sandals, then slid her costume bottom off and caressed her legs. He held her hips and she felt his hot breath against her wet slit. Her knees trembled. If Thomas wasn’t holding her, she’d collapse. Then Tyler’s tongue, soft and gentle, a light tease from the top of her folds down as far as he could reach.

  “Ohhh!” she whimpered, sucking harder on Thomas’ tongue, spreading her legs for Tyler.