Read Love Through Cobra's Eye Page 10


  The library was same as before, with no difference. The person who had been appointed here within these eight months had been not up to the mark, as Deepak told me. Everyone was amazed at my decision of leaving Chauhan’s but nobody, thankfully, questioned me. When Mom asked, I simply told her that I have applied for the post graduation and that; I want to have a complete education. In no way, did I tell her the lie I have said to Shesh, about her slow health?It had been just one week since I have rejoined the library but, what affected me most was, I could no longer connect myself to this place. The place which was dearest to me once held no importance for me now. Sighing deeply, I have just started arranging certain books in their places when I heard the desk phone ringing. Leaving the books where they were, I quickly moved on to the desk and held the phone to my ear.“Hello” I said “Rashi” It was mum “Are you free right now dear? If you are then, please, make it to the hospital right now. I believe I have forgotten my doctor card at home. Please pick it up from there and give it to me, will you?”“Yeah Sure, Mom” but, I just halted “What happened Mom? You seem to be out of your breath. Is everything all right?”“Yes honey, apart from the cases I am dealing with, these days.”“Cases” I asked “What kind of cases?”“I haven’t told you about them, did I?” she said “Well, how about you come here. I’ll tell you everything over lunch”“Yes, of course”

  St Mary’s Hospital was the place which had supported Mom since the day we had moved to Mussoorie. I was walking in the corridor which had many ICU’s in it. Mum was a physician in this section only. She mostly treated children and women. There was too much of that clean hospital smell in the air. Controlling my breath, I made it to the room of Mum.“Hi” I said, as I entered her room. Immediately, she looked at me and her face changed to warmth filled shining one.“Hi” she said and smiled instantly. Mom’s face was of total upheaval right now. She looked so tensed and worried that, for a minute, I was taken aback. True, she loved her patient. She had been resting till now with her head on the table but, right now, I believe; even that rest hasn’t helped her. Her coffee cup, which was filled with coffee, recently, seemed to be empty right now.Passing her doctor Id to her, I said “What happened Mom? You look worried”“Not here” she said, as she stood up and took the card from my hand “Let’s go somewhere, and have our lunch”Reaching to a small eating point, which was placed right outside the premises of the building, we took our seats, and placed the order. As soon as the service boy left us, I asked: “Now, what was that, back there?”She looked up at me, bit her lip and whispered “Ra,” I could see her hesitating “These days, lots of snake bite cases are coming to the hospital”Every sense in my system went on alert at that. “Snakebite” I askedShe nodded her head in acceptance and continued “Two days back, there was this one woman, who had been bitten but, thankfully, the antidote was available so, we were able to save her. Then, we had a child who was bitten by the creature.”“How is he?” I asked, literally horrified now.“Fine, we have discharged him yesterday only. Today, there was another patient who was admitted, bearing the same mark. The point is” she stopped at that “It’s none other than, Kaya”“What” I cried out so loudly. I am sure the whole Mussoorie must have heard it. People around us turned to stare at me.“I am sorry” I said and they all turned back to their conversation “How is she? Is she fine? Did Deepak come to meet her?”“Yes,” she nodded and then stopped because, until that time, our order was being placed on the table. As soon as he left, she started serving both of us “It was horrible. Seems like, creatures are in some sort of war, against us.” I was disgusted to my core as I heard her but, inside, my entire being was shying away from the possibility that…that, it could be…Chauhan’s. No, I said again, it cannot be them, I told myself again. They were not purely humans but, they cannot commit a crime like this. “What do you think?” she asked me “Why are these attacks happening?”“Mum, no idea” I said, hesitantly, shrugging carelessly as if, that didn’t matter much to me when, it did, Oh Lord, it did.

  At night, I laid in my bed thinking about everything that Mom had told me today. If, for one second I think on it then…No, my heart said it again, it is not Chauhan’s. Humble creatures like them can give a shelter to a poor but, they can never commit a crime like this. The crimes, which could make anyone sick for one moment. Leave biting a child or a woman; they never hunted humans, full stop. But, what, if they did…what if, their hunger was too much for them to control. Ahi, for instance, he remained Cobra at night doesn’t he…what if, in frustration, he simply bit someone?No, the answer was already there before I could even wander further, into that direction. Ahi was just that, a reserved person but, he can never bite a human. He himself told me when we use to have those phone conversations…the conversations, which were filled with laughter, teasing, love, endearment…Stop it, I told myself, taking my head in my palms. For God sake, stop it. Forget him, Rashi. Please, for your own sake.“Rashi sssss”Vasu, I said out loud and frantically walked to the window side, and opened it. The cool breeze went through my hair and over my face. Seems like, I have simply imagined his voice; the reality dawned on me then. Simply tired, I sat back on the cold floor and cried like a child, bawling my eyes out, shaking from head to toe.“I love you…Ahi” words left my mouth, that was the main problem with me. I have fallen so hard that it was too late now. I could not help noticing, the faint heat which passed through my Cobra’s mark.

  Next day, as was my routine, I started walking back to my home all the way from the library. It turned out, that I was late today. Glancing at my wrist watch, it was nine in the evening. Mum had not called yet but, she must be getting worried about me. It had been days or let me say, one whole month since I have last seen anyone from the Chauhan family. It appeared as if my job in their office was just that, a dream, of which I had just woken up right now, realising what it was. See, I was so right. Ahi did not love me. He had just thought at that moment that he loves me. If he truly did then, wouldn’t he had called me or simply tried to, in all these gone days? Coming to the snake attacks, it seems, actually, some creatures have gone totally crazy these days. After those attacks, there was no such case yet. My phone went buzzing, as I was thinking on that thought. “Hello” “Ra, it’s me” Mom said Here it comes, I thought and said “I am coming home Mom, wait for another five minutes” “No, kid” she said “I have called to tell you that, I am going to stay for some days in Kaya’s home. She needs rest and someone to take care of her. I have made the food and it is kept in the fridge, alright. So, don’t starve yourself and if necessary, cook something, whatever you want to” My mood, which was already sad, became gloomy, at that. What was new, I thought, I was in this mood from past so many days.“Alright, Mom” I sighed “Take care. Good night” I had just taken some more steps when, a sight on the corner of the road, halted me in my tracks. Mussoorie sleeps early and so, many of the shops had shut themselves, by now. The silence seems scary at this moment but, I could not take my gaze away from the scene, which was going in front of me. One Mercedes stood on the roadside. I recognised the vehicles immediately. Chauhan’s, the thought puzzled me, what are they doing here? That too, at such a late hour, and, to the road, which led to the forest?It could be someone else too, I thought. Whatever, curiosity led me to the vehicle and there, I saw, well, no one. Whatever, I thought; the matter does not concern me now, does it? I have already left the organisation. As soon as that thought came to my mind, and I turned to left the spot, such a loud slashing noise came from the nearby forest that, I was frozen, where I was. What was that? I thought. I turned to that direction and started walking towards it.

  No, Rashi…stop; don’t go there…this seems too dangerous. Rashi…Rashi…Rashi…But, I have already proceeded to the direction of that slash/thud sound. I had turned deaf to my inner voice right now. Any sane human, in his or her sane mind, would never even dare to go, in such a dark area, e
specially, when it is night time and the forest is highly danger, in itself. But…it was like something was calling me to that place, some unknown hypnotising power, which held the capacity to attract me to a place like that. I wanted to go, run to that place, if possible, but, I managed to walk, with all those stones and tall rocks in my way. Hilly forests are the most perilous places in the world. Going to some distance, I was pretty convinced that my imagination had been playing games with me, once again. Because, right now, I have not heard any kind of sound. God, I was turning crazy it seems. Breathing heavily, I turned to go back when I heard the loud screaming coming from that same direction. “Aaaargh…help me EEE Eee” Somebody was in trouble; my eyes went wide, hot white pain passed on to my right palm which bore the mark. I have to help, thinking that, I shot forward like a torpedo and ran with all my might.

  I reached to the place from where the voice resonated. What I saw their completely made my eyes pop out their socket. My breath got caught in my throat for a second as I steadied myself against the thick trunk of the tree. The thing standing in front of me had its back to me so, I had the good chance to hide behind that tree through which, I have supported myself.From where I could see, Black scale covered the creature’s body. Its torso stretched longer and thinner, the creature stood eight feet tall. A three-foot tail was there from the creature’s lower back. Its hair had disappeared under the newly formed scale on its head. There was a hood in its neck formed from the vertebrae. It was a were-king Cobra!To stop myself from producing any kind of sound, I shut myself up by keeping my both palms on top of my mouth and hid again. Still, I could not stop myself from peeking the scene from the side of my hiding place. Someone was lying on the floor in front of that weird looking creature. Whoever the person was, he appeared to be lying still. The hands, legs, face everything seemed to be still. In my efforts of being still, what I had not noticed was that a thin stream of blood had started flowing from the mid of the Cobra Mark.Ignorant of that fact, I was still trying to see the face of the victim, who was lying lifeless on the ground. It was obvious that the person had died. I could see the pool of blood which had ameliorated near his head. Hold on, I thought, as I saw the creature bending to the head and picking it up in its scales covered hand. It wasn’t a man but… a girl! A girl, who had been killed by that weird creature or, I should say…were-king Cobra! How did I know who the creature was? I could recall the description in my mind, from what Ahi had told me during the phone conversations. The creature, right now, was drinking the blood. I felt nauseated, as I viewed that scene which appeared to be right out of zombie movie. As if, my worst nightmare had turned into a reality. It was a miracle, that I could see it, in all its brutality. Yes, like every other mythical creature even these shy, intelligent creatures had an addiction to the human blood.My entire being froze into a state of comatose when I actually saw the face of the human girl. She had scratches on her face, eyes, which were gazing at me, lips, which were once cheerful had turned to that of cold stillness. She was none other than the girl who had shown the entire Chauhan office to me once when I was just new there.“Koyal” whispered words left my mouth.Right on cue, as if the creature had heard me, I saw its head turning and his eyes finding the exact place where I was hiding. Instantly, it straightened up and opened its mouth to show me its double length forked tongue which touched its upper lip. It had half inch long blood dripping fangs which I can see in pure moonlight right now.Run…Run…Run…The snake bite cases…it was because of this one creature, my mind told me. And now, the greater crime of murdering an innocent girl, just to quench its thirst, the creature belonged to Chauhan’s family. But the million dollar question was, who was it? Right now, the creature was moving towards me. My hands automatically went inside my handbag and searched for the red chilli powder which, I always kept in a small pouch, for the occasions like this. I filled my palm with it and, winced as my right palm mark was bleeding and, I have mistakenly taken the powder, on top of it. The pain was near enough to make me faint. The creature was so close; I could see those big silver eyes. My hand came out of the bag and instantly, I threw the powder directly on its face. The shrill cry of it, pierced through the night. I utilised the time by running from that place, instantly. I ran some distance and then, I thought, I can’t run anymore. My breath was coming in puffs, my eyes were watering. No time for losing control over you, I told myself. I can’t be weak when a weird gross were snake was after me. Run, I told myself again and went through the forest, not knowing, whether I was coming out of the forest range or, going deep into it. I have to be alive for my sake, for Mum sake. Please God, I prayed, let me safe out of this situation.I ran some more but, like a lightning bolt, it dawned on me. I was lost!

  Halting near a big tree trunk, I seated myself so that, I can catch up with breath. I have to think something. I have to get out of this trouble anyhow. It was entirely my fault, I thought. Was it so important to go in that direction, when my mind was crying out frantically to me that I should not go? The little sobs, now and then, would escape my mouth and I had to control them real hard, lest, the creature should get a whiff of me. I should call someone; tell them about the trouble, that I was in. Wiping my entire face from the napkin, I had found in my bag, I searched for the cell and finding it, switched it on.Bloody hell, I muttered as I saw no signal in it. The forest, of course, had no coverage area for the device.“O God” a sob came out of my mouth “Please, help me” I heard it, then, the thud, from behind the tree, through which I was sitting. I was freezing cold till now and totally went crazy when, I heard the whisper “Sahaisss tumuroni citasss” (Come out, girl, you can’t hide now)Amazing, I thought, I could understand that snake tongue of the creature. Was it because of the mark? It could be. One sound and I was dead. Please God, help me in hiding.But before I could even make up my mind as to what I should do next, immediately, as if the Almighty had heard my help pleading, in front of me with a slow thud, was a creature which was similar to the previous one but, the only difference he had was, he had black wings!Two, I thought; now I am dead for sure. I got up to run against him but I was weak in that area, right now. Before I could take another step, circling one of its hands around my wrist, it pulled me against it and another minute, both of us were up in the air, with my hand around its neck and his back bearing my physical self.

  The scalp of the creature glittered in the moonlight.I was amazed at the amount of strange relief and security I felt at just being closed to this creature that held the power to kill me at any moment. A certain kind of belongingness to this one, which I have not got the other. On the other hand, other had the power to kill me at any moment. Whatever, the night wind felt cool against my heated skin and cheeks. Such high altitude, it made my head spin for a moment. Immediately, the creature tensed up and then came a whisper command from its mouth “Tantosss Gumattasss Hansss” (Close your eyes if you are sick)Miracle, I thought, how did he know? In the night time, I had always thought that the glittery lights of Mussoorie looked beautiful but from such a high altitude, they simply looked like small pieces of shining jewel. It looked marvellous if you ask me.It looked as if we were landing right now because I could clearly see the roofs of the various houses before we actually landed on one of them. Until the time we landed, I felt some swooning coming on my part. Like a graceful ballerina, his toes touched the ground of the roof and his wings closed immediately. The black scales, as I saw, were getting covered by the skin. I was in no state to land on the floor all by myself.“Samhayasss tantoma sssss” (you can leave my neck now, we are safe)I shook my head helplessly and groaned “I am sick” As soon as the words left my mouth, his hands loosened my grip and turned immediately, so as to handle me and preventing my fall. He turned and took me, in his arms. All the traits of the were snake had totally left him and I could see myself in those green eyes. “Vasu” words left my mouth and I smiled, even in my dizzy state, I was able to recognise him. What did more evidence someone needs that my love was true? Mouth comprised
shut, he gazed at me dumbly. There were so many mixed up emotions there, all of them nameless.“Thank you” I muttered and just like that, passed away in his arms.

  Morning sun was the reason I felt some warmth on my cheeks, as I opened my eyes. First thing which I saw, I was lying on my bed in my bedroom. Somebody had made me lie there, but who? Then, like a rush, last night things came rushing to my brain. Everything, from my witnessing the Koyal murder to the time, when I saw Vasu…Sorry, Ahi… Ahi! I stalled in my tracks as I recalled his transformation, from were snake to that of the human. I was still coming out of the daze and walked out of my room when, I heard some sounds coming from the Kitchen. Is mom home? I thought. O God, if she is, what will I say to her about my absent? Has she seen Ahi then? What will I tell her about my last night? Of course, I can’t say all the things but still, I have to come up with something. Still rolling in confusion, I preceded towards the kitchen, when the sight in front of my eyes halted me there for a second and I just kept on watching like a dumb doll. I could have been in that state for the whole day, when the person in front of me turned to face me, “Good morning. How are you feeling?”Ahi’s face to my senses was like a delicious feasts, as if; I had been starving for so many days. I mean someone like him making coffee for someone like me. A human activity like this clearly surprised me. His eyes, those green clear magnificent eyes, stared at my face with some doubt as if he too was confused by the circumstances in which we have met. His conversation came in my mind when he had told me not to enter his territory. That Ahi and this one seemed, two different persons to me, right now.“Cat got your tongue?” he quirked his brow. “I am fine” I lowered my gaze and turned to go to sitting room. He fell behind my steps and followed my trail. As I seated myself on the lounger, he kept the tray, and handed me the cup “Still in shock?” he seated himself on the same lounger but, at a distance.“I am over it” I replied curtly. We conversed like two strangers, who have recently met.“What were you doing there in the forest, that too, at such a dark hour? Don’t you know what kind of creatures roam there at night? A weak human like you is nothing to their power.” He was looking at the floor and was stirring his drink but, the anger was clearly visible in his voice. A small hope took its root in my heart, did he still cared for me? Was it possible, that, there was still a chance for me in his heart? , “I heard a small scream. I thought that, someone was in some great trouble. I could not retrace my step after I saw that that…”“Weresnake” he asked “It was the time for them to come in their real form.”“Full moon” I rose my questioning gaze at himHe silently shook his head and sipped his drink. “Sir…” “I am not your employer now, which reminds me” he went through his jeans pocket as if, searching for something and then, he took out something from his pocket “ You left something of yours in that personal drawer of mine” he kept the small shining artificial earring of mine on the table. My breath got caught in my throat as I viewed that thing. O God, I thought, that explains why he didn’t mind showing himself in front of me, that too, in his real form. He knows…. What does this action means then? Does he want to show that, he has simply not cared about anything else but, me? I was not sure about him because, I was still confused. Let me just wait and watch, I thought.“Thank you” I said and saw him gulping the hot liquid in one go. Smacking his lips, he stood and turned to me “I am sorry, I used your kitchen without your prior permission but, you needed something hot right now so, I just…” he shrugged carelessly. I could not help noticing his bare arms which were hairless!“It’s alright” I said“ I will go now” he said as he continued to take up the cup back in the tray “Sorry for disturbing you” he halted in the midway and turned to me “ I won’t ever show myself, I promise. It was because; I could not see you in danger that I had to come. You can live your life freely now. You will not see my face again” his voice was just that, emotionless, but, I saw it, in his eyes. The hurt, pain, betrayal was clearly evident in his stare. I felt guilty, then, because, after that incident, haven’t I had acted in that way with him. The way I have resigned without even talking to him, without asking him, why didn’t he alerted me to his presence when we were in church, the way I have simply changed my sim card without even giving him a chance to explain himself. If only, I would have talked to him, had listened to him then, there were chances that, I must have understood his reasons for keeping himself ambiguous all the time. I would have understood his reasons, of keeping his identity, for the reason that, he was afraid of scaring me away, if he told me. I am a ruthless person, I conceded but, before I could make up my mind on what to do next, I saw him exiting the sitting room and making it to the kitchen, to keep the tray.“Ahi,” I said, as I entered the kitchen myself “I need to talk to you”“There is nothing to talk” he said as he washed his hands and wiped them dry on the towel. “Yes, there is” I said as I silently made it to his side. He turned and faced me. Again those emotions glittered in those green eyes. “Thank you” I said “For last night” “As I already said” he shifted me sideways so that he can walk out “It was my duty to protect. It will always be my duty to protect you whether you like it, or not” I saw him sliding his slender legs in the shoe. He can’t go like this, especially, when I had so many things to say to him, there were so many other questions I had in my mind. I need some answers.“Ahi,” I walked up that room now “I need some answers. Who was it? Was it someone from your family? Someone known to me? I need to know”“Why?” he turned and I saw it on his face then, as he said “Why do you need to know everything now, Ra? Why?” his face had all the signs of offence, anger, irritation, taunt, sarcasm. In short, he had every right to get angry with me. I bit my lip and stared down at floor before looking back at him “I will tell no one about this. If the person was someone from your family, then…”“Ms Rashi Sharma,” his voice became that of steel anger “Let me make one thing very clear to you. I am not a human with whom you can play these kind of mind games. I am a were snake, alright. A monster, who you have hated all those months ago, do you remember?”He paused there, and then stood right in front of my face, speaking again, this time gripping my shoulders hard “You want to know who the creature last night was? It was Shesh. The younger brother of mine, the same creature who had bitten three people till now, because, unlike me, Vritra, Nuwa, and Shliya, he is still practicing his control over the humans’ flesh and blood. Nobody in my family, apart from me, knows about this. I am warning you,” his eye flashed dangerously at me, the emotion was so intense that I shivered head to toe “If you opened that stupid mouth of yours in front of them or anyone else. I will kill you with my bare hands and trust me” he had that conspirational murdering look in his eye “I will devour you till your last morsel and won’t even spit out the bones. So,” his face came closer to mine “Stay away from me, Ms fragile human”“You think you can scare me away with that kind of tone? Then you are wrong. I am not scared of even death itself.”“You didn’t say any of that last night” he tilted his head sideways “Because, I never got the chance to say it” I shook slightly as he left me at that. With a resigned look on his face, a low thud, he sat on the lounger and covered his face with his hands. He sighed, as I went to his side and seated myself.“Sorry,” he whispered, defeated now “I should not have said that. What do you want to talk about?”“I think, it’s me who should say Sorry. I behaved very irrationally with you when, I should have given you a chance to speak your heart out. But,” I took his hands in mine “We still have time. It’s not too late, is it?”He remained silent and kept on staring at the floor. Something had strengthened me from inside so that, I may say, whatever, I want to.“Ahi,” saying his name thrilled me “Will you believe me, if I told you, that, there hasn’t been a single moment when I have not thought about you? I missed your whisper. I missed your anger. I was just surviving from past one month when I left the office; as if a part of me has been snatched away from me. Can you understand my situation, when I realised, the person I had been talking to from past eight months,
turned out to be the very person who had scared me from so many months in the office? Can you?”Silence, no reply“I know you are angry. You have every right to be.I had been in a shocked state when, I found out the truth. I felt you laughing on me all this, while, I dreamed about my unknown caller. I was more than shocked. I felt betrayed, the same feeling through which you are going right now”“You never gave me a chance to speak” he spoke finally “If only you would have let me explained, if only, you would have given me a chance to make things clear to you. But, instead, you resigned, changed your number. Made me lost my sleep, health, in this one month. No, Rashi,” he got up and stared at me “All I wanted from you was the unconditional love, which I thought, you would give to me. The only thing, which I never experienced in my life! On top of that, you read every personal detail of mine from my personal dairy. I knew someday, I have to tell you but, I was under fear and look” he splayed his hands, “My fear came true. You hate me now, don’t you? I don’t blame you” he answered before, I could open my mouth “When I hate myself for what I am then, how can I expect you to love me?” a pause “But, I believe that whatever happens, happens for good. Thank God you came to know everything, before I even confessed it in front of you. In this way, I came to know your reaction. If you would have had said something to me, when I had revealed my identity to you then, I would have felt hurt in my heart. No Rashi,” he spoke again and started walking out of the door “its better this way that we two go on our separate ways and no one will be better, than both of us”“Ahi, wait…” I got up and ran to the door “answer this last question of mine. Did you meant all those words, you said on the phone?”“Which one?” he turned to face me“The one, where you told me that, you love me? That, I was marked for you?” I held my breath for his answer,“I don’t know about your marking but, I never met any Rashi Sharma in my entire life or certainly, even if I had met her, then I never fell in love with her”

  After that day, it seemed, I could not erase Ahi’s words from my brain. He never loved me, this thing was hard for me to take in but truly, whatever happens, it happens for good. I remember the day when I had gone shopping for Mom’s birthday on the most fashionable mall of the town. Seeing to it, that this was the only mall where the things were most expensive to their core, I had done some saving from my salary so that, this time, I am able to buy her some luxurious things. I remembered when two of us visited it last time, she had seen a beautiful piece of sari with such admiring looks that, I had recognised that looks of her. Secretly, I have gone to the receptionist and asked her the price of it. When I heard the price, I swear I could have fainted on the spot but, simply smiling I had come out and then, decided to start saving slowly so that, I am able to gift her that piece this birthday. Excited to my heart, I went back to the receptionist and asked her to show me that sari again.“Please wait here, mam” she smiled “I’ll get that piece”Till the time I looked around, humming a tune to myself, immediately, I saw three Chauhan’s walking inside the mall. Nuwa was leading, with Vritra and Ahi, following her. Amazing, I thought, how after the span of three months his sight still had the power to make me uncomfortable. I turned my gaze to the counter again so that they are not able to see me.

  “Your piece, mam” the receptionist, immediately, kept the sari piece in front of me “Thanks” I smiled to her and took the dress out of the polybag. The fine fabric, melting, beneath my touch. The silk was pure, no doubt in that. Going through every corner, the side of its price tag came under my vision. My eyes went wider than usual, as I noticed that prices of the piece had gone up from the last time.The sudden, dark sadness engulfed my entire being and pouting absently, I cursed the person who had raised its cost. I asked the sales girl “Has the prices went up since the last time or, my eyes have gone weak?” “Yes, mam” she laughed “the prices have been raised since last time”“OK,” I said smiling, and put the piece back into the bag “Can you show me some other pieces, please?”

  I was not too happy with what I have purchased but, then again, I could not help it. I could not purchase the piece which I so wanted to. I simply did not have that amount of money with me, nor could I afford that kind of amount at that time.After paying for everything, I had started to go out of the shop when, I heard a lady calling me “Excuse me mam, but, you left your bag behind”“My bag?” I turned to her side as she handed me the bag which contained that expensive piece of sari“ I am sorry, mam” I said, smiling again “But, this is not mine. You are mistaken”“But,” she smiled as if remembering something, “The gentlemen, who just paid for this said that this is your secret gift from his side”It didn’t take me long to add two and two to make four. Ahi Vasu Chauhan once more had tried to interfere in my private life. It wasn’t enough for him that he had already created chaos in my life once. He had already toyed with my heart once. Not again, I thought, and instead asked her in kind words “Who paid for this? Mind telling me?” “That gentleman, in black leather jacket, black goggles, two steel rings in his finger. He is over there…” she pointed towards the farthest corner. I turned to that and saw him standing there, conversing with Vritra and laughing as if some great joke has been told to him. Of course, I thought internally, hasn’t he had laughed over me, once? “I am sorry,” I said, smiling to her in my most pleasing way “But, you are mistaken. He must have paid for the lady who is with him.”“But…” she got confused “Thanks” saying that, I made it out of the shop leaving the bag containing the expensive sari, there only.

  I was lying in my bed, thinking about the drama called life. Since, when did my life turn in this way, so uncontrolled? I was in a mess right now. Well, I thought, what was new in this? The truth was, I missed Ahi. Missed those phone calls, especially now, when there was no one in the house. Mum had called me to tell will take some more time in Kaya’s house. Kaya, as I remembered now, was truly affected by that attack of the snake. I heaved a big sigh and changed my side. Suddenly, I felt an itch in my arm. Getting up, switching on the light, I glanced at my arm in amazement. It had gone all red, swollen red if you ask me. What’s happening? I got up to go to the washroom. Walking up to the wash basin, I washed my arm with little bit water and immediately, the itch stopped. Suddenly, I had a feeling that someone was there in the house. A thief, an intruder. My mouth had turned dry. In the dark, I made my way to the kitchen, breathing slowly, alerted to everything present around me. Then, I saw it, the shadow of something crawling on the kitchen’s sink or I should say, something slithering from the kitchen sink. Immediately, I took a knife in my hand from the kitchen’s stand, switched on the light. I was going to attack the creature, when, just like that, the knife from my hand dropped and somebody pinned me to the wall.“It’s me” Shliya’s voice and face caught me totally off hand.

  “Bloody hell, Shliya” I cried and winced little as she left my hand “You scared the hell out of me? What are you doing here? At such an hour? That too, coming like a thief? What does this entire thing mean?”“I am sorry” she gave me a guilty smile “Please, can we sit somewhere. This transformation soaked all my energy”“Sure” I said and we made it to the sitting room. I switched on the light while she seated herself on the lounger.“I am sorry again, trust me, I had no intention to scare you. It’s just…” she halted “I forgot that you are just a human, scared by creatures like us” I sat on the lounger and looked at her, puzzled. Shliya Chauhan and I never had a small conversation with each other so, all of this came as a big surprise to me. Of course, Ahi must have told every member of his family about my knowing their little secret; this was not big news to me. What really caught my interest was that Shliya had decided to meet me at such a late hour, that too, in her real form. What was going on? I couldn’t help wondering at such, all of a sudden, occurrence of her. “Shliya,” I said “Why are you here?”“I am sorry,” she looked at the floor “He had told me not to wake you up or scare you. All he wanted me to do was to keep an eye on you and keep on reporting to him, whether you are safe or not?
??“Hold on” I said “What do you mean by that? Were you spying on me?”She smiled in her conspirational way as she looked at me “I have been spying on you from past three months. How do you think Vasu came to know that you wanted that sari piece for your mum?”

  My senses totally went on spinning roller coaster ride. Biting my lip, I felt cold, from head to toe. “How is he?” I simply asked that question when I already knew the answer to it “Miserable” she stared at the floor “He doesn’t show that, that’s totally another thing”“Why has he sent you for my spying? I am” I paused and looked at her smiling “Well, fine”“Really” she looked at me now, really looked at me “Then why are those dark marks beneath your eyes? Why your face looks totally sad?”“Leave that” I smiled again, and said “Want to have something? Coffee or tea?” “Tea will do just fine” I got up as I heard her, and felt her eyes on my back. I have placed the pan on top of the burner when came beside me “Why are you two being so damn stubborn to each other, when it’s clearly visible, that you both are suffering?”Adding sugar to the pan, I said “Who said anything about being stubborn? It’s funny, isn’t it?” I turned to her and saw some gloominess on that beautiful face “When he wanted to explain everything to me then, I didn’t listen and now,” I chuckled “It’s the exact opposite. I want to explain certain things to him but, he doesn’t want to listen. The conclusion is, we can never be together now. It’s the end for both of us”“If this is ‘the end’ for both of you then, why did he command me to keep an eye on you? Why, when every time I go back, he asks me like crazy, if you are fine?”

  I was sitting on the lounger now with the tea cup tightly clutched in my hand. Shliya sat in front of me, on the same lounger. I had narrated the whole incident to her, from the beginning till the end. From the phone calls to the final revelation, and then the heart wrenching last conversation, where he told me in cold words that he didn’t loved me, anymore.“And” she picked it up from that “The fool you were, you accepted that” “Did he leave me with any other option?” I asked back. “Rashi,” she picked it up my hand and saw the mark, which throbbed instantly, as she touched it “This is not just a mark. It’s the connection between you and Ahi. The eternal bond, which both of you share with each other. If one cries, then other feels the pain instantly, when one is happy the other is equally joyful. You don’t hate him for his non-human nature. You are simply offended that, he didn’t show enough courage, to walk in front of everyone and hold your hand, isn’t it? That, he never told you a single thing in all its reality?”I nodded and sipped the hot brewing liquid “What offended me the most was, in the end, he made everything my fault. It was my mistake that, I never gave him enough chance to speak for himself but, when I was finally convinced, and I admitted my fault, he left me, shrugged me aside as if I was some useless piece, which didn’t really mattered”“Because, he himself was hurt . When Shesh attacked you on full moon night, did you know how hard was it for him to control himself from not simply going forward and killing him? As were snake, when we are in hybrid form, we scarcely recognise the front person. At that time everything for us is prey. We are the hunters in our most dangerous form. You could have been killed by Shesh, who himself is practicing the control of resisting the smell of blood”“He killed Koyal,” I said, shivering from head to toe.“He couldn’t help it” she said “It was the most unfortunate accident which took place. Please, don’t tell it to anyone”“I won’t,” I shook my head “How is Shesh?”“In shock, frozen, that he had committed such a heinous crime. I tried to cool him down by telling him that he could not help it but,” she shook her head helplessly and took a sip “all in vain. He is still trying to get out of that situation”“Be assured” I grasped her hand at that “my mouth is sealed, where your family’s secret is concerned. I will tell it to no one”“Thanks. That really matters a lot” she kept her hand on top of mine “So, should I take it that you are giving Ahi a second chance now?”“He won’t talk to me” I said “He is pretty angry on me right now”“He thinks that you have ended it. Both of you are fools” she simply looked away as she said that.“I think” she spoke again after a minute silence “You should go to sleep now”“I am not sleepy” I replied “Hey” I saw her eyes glittering as she said “Tomorrow there is a painting exhibition in Sir George’s Everest house. Will you come?”“I will try my best” I said and both of us stood up at that “I think, I should take my leave now” she said. Then before I could say anything, she took me in a bear kind of hug. She was taller than me.“Bye” she said, as she reached the door “And” she turned back at that, “I want you to join the office back, if you can. We are unable to find any suitable librarian and, I don’t think, Ahi will allow anyone else in that place, after you” she smiled that I-know-it-all smile of hers “Try to come tomorrow. Good night”“Good night” I smiled, and waved her

  Next day, thankfully, Mom was back, and I was permitted to go that house. If I saw Ahi there? The question arose in my mind and I immediately shrugged it off. Let him be. Till the time he is ready to face me, I won’t make any effort to load my opinion on him. Stepping down from the taxi, I was surprised to find that such bulky looking men were guarding the gates as if there was the news of some intruder appearing there.Hesitating, I stepped inside the gate and to the carpet which led to the grand door. As soon as I put a foot inside, I saw Shliya making her way towards me. She looked simply super in her black backless dress, which could make any man present there go all hot and bothering in a minute. The big translucent bluish grey eyes of her, totally complimented her attire. I looked like a human slave next to such ravishing beauty.“Hi, thanks for coming” she hugged me, as she said that. Many beautiful ladies surrounded the hall. God, I thought, what a joke I am?“Thanks for inviting” I smiled, as I hugged her back. I could see many curious glares directed towards me as if, they were silently asking, what was a lousy mouse like me was doing in this gathering of beautiful swans? One thing I noticed was, that my mark which was passive till now, suddenly throbbed with life, as if, certain signals were given to me. I winced slightly and quickly took that palm in the other hand.“What is it?” she asked as she noticed my reaction. I whispered “Nothing, my mark”“Show me” she whispered and saw the mark, which had turned from black to red “I envy you, this” she said “I too wanted some divine mark like this which could mean that I belong to someone”“Not when your special someone doesn’t want you, you don’t” I replied smiling, though, I knew that I didn’t fool her for a minute. “Why don’t I show you some paintings? I hope you will like them” saying that she took me by my wrists and lead me to the biggest painting which showed a mother with her newborn infant in the crook of her hands “It’s lovely,” I said, as I inspected from every side.“And then there is this one” she took me to the other one which portrayed a boy sitting near a riverside with his hands under his chin, though the fishing rod was in the water but, boy had a lost trance in his eyes as if the boy had something else going on in his mind, as if he was in his own dreamland. It stated the state of utter sadness in the spectator’s eye “It’s beautifully sad” I whispered, without even noticing that Shliya had long left my side. I was standing alone right now.“Shliya,” I said and then turned around to see that no one was with me right now. Shrugging, I proceeded to the next and this one really, really, caught my eye. It depicted a girl, with long flowing hair and a sad smile on her lips. She had such a questioning stare. This one made me uneasy for a time. Finally, after going through each and every one of them, I came to a stop as I saw the next one. It showed a hands coming out of a snake’s head raised towards a girl. The same girl, who was portrayed in the previous picture I have seen before. It raised a question, the hand from the snake’s head. It asked the girl if she was willing to hold it, irrespective of the fact that, it belongs to a monster. Whether she could give the unconditional love to this one venomous snake, which was in front of it?My breath got caught in my throat as I kept on staring at that picture because, immediately, i
t flashed in my mind that the paintings were made by none other than Ahi Vasu Chauhan. His signature was in the corner of the painting, which I instantly recognised.“The girl has yet to answer” I whispered “Stupid snake, can you not read the way she is staring at the hand as if she will grab it any moment” “Snake is indeed blind to the charms of the Lassie” came the voice right from behind. The voice had a certain amusement in it, as if amazed at something. I could feel goosebumps on my arms and then I turned to view the person who had said it.He was tall, lean, slender and had slit pupils of black with golden irises. Dressed in a grey suit and calm air surrounding him. I didn’t know him, and the lady, who was with him but, had a suspicion somewhere inside me that, both of them were someone in relation to the three brothers. More were snake’s, I thought, was there simply too many around me and I have never guessed?“Hello,” I said smiling nervously “But, do I know you?”“You certainly don’t and neither” he paused, “Do we, but,” he smiled in that calm way again” we would certainly like to know, who are you? We never saw you in any other Chauhan gathering”“Certainly not,” I said, “I am just a…” I paused, as I reconsider my situation “friend of theirs. They invited me here”“Indeed,” said the lady with a slow smile spreading on those crooked lips of hers “Just a friend but, whose friend, exactly?”“Mine,” came the voice from their back and we all turned our eyes to the direction of the voice. Shesh, with all the elegance of a lurking predator, came to my direction and took me in a fierce embrace. I was thrown off balance by that and had no option but to embrace him in return or else there, would have been doubts in the mind of the audience. Smiling, he turned to both of them and said “She is my personal secretary but, more than that, she is my very dear friend. Aren’t you Rashi?” he looked at me with his eyes telling me to play along for a while. Catching the cue, I smiled, and said “You didn’t have to do that much, Sir. Of course, you are my friend”“You see” he turned and smiled at them and then immediately, frozen his lips to stillness, as he said “But, don’t get any wrong directions kaka. She is just a friend”

  …The then ‘Parijana’, present ‘Kashyapa”, Vikram Singh Chauhan, my father’s younger brother and his wife ’Kadra’ Shavya Chauhan, Shliya’s parent, ordered us out of the Jaipur and the kingdom because we lost our Mani….

  Ahi’s written words in his diary echoed in my brain as I finally recognised the royal ‘Kashyapa’ and ‘Kadra’ of the tribe, in their human form. That explains why Shesh had acted like that around me, as if trying to keep me out of harm’s way. Three brothers hatred had resulted in this kind of relationship between their relatives and them.“Shesh” someone called him from the other corner and he said to me “Go ahead, and then tell me what you liked, alright. I will come soon back to you”“Thank you for your concern, Sir,” I smiled and saw him going in that direction, “You must be really special to Shesh,” the lady asked me. Puzzled, I looked at her and saw her smiling in that conspirational way, as if, she was sharing some private joke with me “Aren’t friends special to each other?” I asked in return, “Like boss, like employee” said the man and raised his hands to shake mine “Vikram Singh Chauhan, the paternal uncle to these three boys. Nice to meet you” It was a wrong step for me to shake his hand as the moment his hand touched mine, then, such a sharp hot searing pain went up my arm that, I thought. I was blind for a moment. Still, I never showed it and instantly, pulled my hands free of his grasp “Rashi…Rashi Sharma,” I introduced myself. Immediately, as if my name has triggered some sort of alertness in them, I saw their eyes changing to their snake one and then, back to the human ones “So,” said the lady “You are the human, who knows our secret” Goodness, I thought, so the news has been poured into the ears of the royalty too? Nervously Smiling, I nodded my head. “Shavya Chauhan,” she said, smiling and grasped my hands but, immediately, this time, reversed action took place. I saw her eyes going wider as she shook my hands. Instantly, she left it, as if, she had taken a hot iron in her hands and looked at me amazingly, “amazing, what strength you have got. The universal connection to a Cobra! I must say, you are something very intriguing. A very unusual human, at that. Aren’t you scared, working in that office?”“No,” I replied “Where there is faith and friendship, there is no place for fear. It was a pleasure to meet you two. Now,” I said, “If you will excuse me” saying that, I left the place immediately, and went in search of Shliya. I stepped outside, where there was a mini bridge over a small artificial stream, thinking, that she must be here. It was already seven in the evening, and, I wanted to return back to home, now. I thought that, if I will ask her then, she might drop me. Turned out that this was a wrong moment because exactly then, I saw Ahi, already standing on the bridge with his hands on the railing, and his eyes fixed on the small flowing stream, below the bridge. What was he thinking? I thought, and absently I had just walked few steps to him when, something stopped me. I kept myself hidden in the parts of the branches which hung low to my side. What will I say? I thought. What was there to say? The things between both of us were so complicated that a small conversation, too, could lead to a big argument, if tried. So, I thought, should I leave the things as they are and walk out before, he even realised that, he is being watched? His hair had grown from the last time, I saw him. A certain relief swept over me as if, a thirsty person has finally found some oasis in the mid of the dessert. Should I….? “Have you decided to hide there for the whole evening?” the question coming from him caught me off side and I went red. Totally red! Coming out of my hiding place, I walked up to the bridge and stood at some distance while, grasping the railing with both hands and staring at the flowing stream. “What are you doing out, on such a cold evening?” I asked, “I can ask the same question to you” he asked, “I was looking for Shliya” I replied, “Thought that, she might drop me home, if I ask her to…”“You want to go home?” there was an undercurrent in his voice, as he asked me that. Was it disappointment? I thought. “Yes,” I said, looking around “It’s late,” He remained silent on that and then finally, I managed to ask him “Ahi,” I spoke quietly “You have a beautiful art. Your paintings are fabulous” He silently nodded. That’s it, I thought, will I just get a nod and nothing? “Did you have a special reason to come here?”“Not exactly, No” I said, “But, I think, I need to make some things clear i.e. I need to have a talk with you. It’s high time that we should come out in open, where both of our feelings are concerned”“I am cold,” he said, and turned to leave me once again when, this time, I placed myself in his path “Don’t you dare to walk out on me again, you understand. When I say that we need to talk then, I mean it. Your running away won’t change the truth. We need to confess something to each other, don’t we?”For a minute it was just that, an eerie silence. There was a need for me to stand strong on my point. Too much time had been wasted and, there was simply no profit in running or hiding from the truth. One day or the other, we have to face each other. Say the things we want to say. Then, why wait for tomorrow when it can be done today? He gave me careless kind of look but, I read it in his eyes, things which were hidden deep inside him and which were forcing themselves to be revealed. “Vasu,” I said “One name, which changed the direction of my entire life. First night ,when this anonymous, supernatural creature called me, and told me, about his attraction to my kind act of saving him, without my knowledge, a small root of love, took its base in my heart. Then slowly, as the nights went in more conversations with him, I got to know that this talking snake was a were snake, a lycanthrope. A mythical creature, part human, part snake! Then as the days passed, and I delved more into the relationship, before I could stop myself, I was head over heels in love with him. Yes,” I paused “Even knowing, who he was. Then, one day, I came to know that my employer’s reserved brother was the person who had been talking to me from past eight months. I felt cheated, betrayed, backstabbed, thinking on the very line that he must have been laughing at me, my emotions, and sentiments. He must be making fun of me, clear
ly knowing, that I was a mere employee under his younger brother’s supervision. The shock was so intense that, I resigned from the office, lying to my employer that my mom was not keeping well and someone was needed in the house to take care of her. If my lover really did love as he had stated one day then, why was he afraid to show himself in the church, when I had called him there to meet me? When you already knew that you have to reveal yourself someday to me? why didn’t you show yourself in church that day?”“You would have hated me,” he cried in the middle, before I can complete myself “You would have hated me, as you do now. What’s the difference between now and then?”“There would have been the difference,” I spoke again, “Yes, I loved your other side but, if only you would have had woken me up that day in the church, and had tried to explain your inner fear to me, your inner feelings, then,” I wiped the rolling moisture from my cheeks and made my voice warm “I would have had understand or at least made an effort to understand the situation. Yes, I would have felt upset, as I do now but the feelings would not have had been this intense, then it is. What really pained me was that you had such low confidence in yourself, I, our love, everything. You never even said the words as you use to say on the phone. What more evidenced I needed then this that, you were just doing a sort of time pass with me? The person, who has written such high things about me in his book, was a coward in reality?”“But you never gave another chance..,”“Unlike you, I did admit my mistake. What about you?” I asked, making my voice calm once again “Leave admitting the mistake, you laid the fault entirely on my shoulder. You never even said that you still love me. On the contrary, you’re parting words were, it’s better this way that we should go our separate ways, when, you knew, that I was marked for you and there will be no girl in your life after me” suddenly, I was proud of my love. What I said was the truth, but the hope that, after this, any kind of secret will not linger between us, made me even more courageous on my path.“You’re mixing things up,”“Am I?”I crooked a brow “Answer me then, why sending Shliya to spy on me when you had no interest in me? Shesh could have killed me that night, why did you come to save me? Why painting that dramatic scene of a hand coming out of a snake’s head asking for the girl’s hand? Can’t the snake see that she was already willing to say yes, but only, if the person had enough faith in his love, which the snake was clearly lacking?”I could see his mouth moving but suddenly, I couldn’t hear him. Something pierced my back, like a needle. A blur curtain of misty fog came in front of my eyes. What’s happening? I thought. I could see grey and white stars dancing in front of my eyes. I moved my lips but, I could not hear even my own voice. All I saw was Ahi’s face, white as a sheet as he took me in his embrace; I saw the horror in his gaze, the fear. I said something but, what exactly? My mind went blank and I was pulled down into a hole of darkness.

  I don’t exactly remember what had happened but, I was standing on the roof of my house. The house which we had in Doon! How did I come here? I thought. I turned from the railing of the roof and turned back, only to see my father sitting there. Dad, I thought, he always loved the roof, didn’t he? I could see him sitting in his comfortable arm chair, with his face soaking up the sun. Smiling to myself, I walked up to him and saw him patting the next chair kept beside him “Sit,” he smiled. I sat on it and heard him “You know you are dreaming, don’t you?”I nodded my head and asked him “How did you know? You are dead”“I am alive in your heart,” he said “Leave that, so did he said he loved you?”“No,” I said removing the locks of hair from my face “But, he will, one day, of that I am sure”“You could have found much better than him” he smiled “But, then again, I think only a

  were snake will do for you, isn’t it?”I smiled and winked at him “You know me better”“Kid” he spoke “One day, you will reveal a great secret of mine. Please, I pray you to forgive me, if you can”“You can tell me, Dad” I patted on his hand “I am very good at keeping secrets. Though, I still can’t understand how you know about my boyfriend’s secret identity”“You are unique, angel” he said and I smiled “Ahi calls me angel, Dad, you know”“he smiled “I trust him enough to keep you safe and don’t forget your poor father, little one”“Tell me the secret, Dad” I asked him again “ please”“Someday you will and then who knows, you might hate me?”“I will never hate you” I said but, immediately, something pulled me towards it. I saw his image turning into a whiff of smoke.“Dad” I said “Dad, Dad”

  Something crawled within me, throbbing, sucking me up. “Water,” I groaned “It's eating me, somebody, stop” but I could say no more as I heard voices around me about which, I could not make out anything. “I said, stop it…” I shrieked with all my might not caring for anything but, that something was tearing me up, making my mouth, throat dry, “Doctor,” I heard the voice calling urgently, “Stop it, please…..”I shrieked again, “Doctor, Doctor” the voices became worrisome “Patient has got venom in her system”

  The only thing, which I remember was that, when I opened my eyes, there was brightness all around me. Was it morning already? I thought, but, I wanted to sleep more. What date was it today? Where was Mom? Mom, yes, Mom…Vritra…Nuwa…why did these names sounded familiar to me? What was this place? What had happened to me? I wanted to get up…“Stay still,” came a silken voice which sounded nice to my sensitive ear “You need to rest. Stay still. Don’t move”

  Absently, I moved my arms “No, angel” the voice said again “Don’t remove it.”Suddenly, like a waterfall, everything burst open in my memory. Every small detail, every long one. I opened my eyes again and I saw that face. The face, which had been imprinted in my brain, which seemed familiar to me yet… strange. He was my Vasu…Ahi

  “Ahi,” I whispered and saw a relieved smile stretching on his face. He looked so…beautiful. Slowly, fearing that my touch would make him a whiff of smoke, I touched his cheek “Are you Ahi?”“Yes,” I heard the certain lisp in his wobbly voice “I am your Ahi, for my entire life”“Why are you crying?” I wiped the tear from his cheek “I want water”“Suck these” he said and gave me some ice cubes to suck. The cool moisture felt good against my warm lips and parched throat. “I need to get up”“No, you don’t” he patted my head so that I may remain still “What happened?” I asked as I saw myself clad in wires and tubes “Why am I in the hospital? Where is Mum? Where are others?”“Mum is in the room adjacent to yours. She will come to meet you when you are properly awake. You took two bullets on your back meant for me, I think” I could see the anger fire in his eyes “Bullets,” I became more confused and frowned “Who fired the shot? Who wants to kill you? Why does anyone want to kill you? I want to kill you, nobody else has got the right ”I saw a teeth-baring smile cracking on that sensuous mouth of his. He bit his lower lip as he said “You can do that as soon as you get well. I don’t have any problem. As for the shooter, nobody knows. We all are just guessing” I nodded and winced. I saw the fear in his eyes again to which I replied “It hurts everywhere”“Then lie still. I swear I will catch the bastard and will kill him with my bare hands. He missed the shot and...” he became speechless and kept on patting on my hand. “But, you didn’t get him?” I asked, relieved to see some other emotion on his face “We will, angel” he said “We will. Maya was pretty horrified when the news was given to her”“You should not have told mum about it. She will get worked up for no reason”“Her daughter has taken two bullets on her back and you say that there was no need to inform her? Be thankful that you have got a mum to get all worked up for. I don’t want more people to have a fate like me, and my brothers”“I am sorry” I whispered “I didn’t mean it that way” he smiled again “Heal now”“How would you like to die? Tell me, I will prepare the material” I changed the direction of the talk “You have guts to talk like this to the head of the Chauhan industries, girl” his mouth was set but, I could see the strange light in those eyes of his. His mischievousness was clearly set in that firm set of his mouth “So, what are you going to do abo
ut it?” I asked, “You love me, as such, you are going to treat me with all the respect, kindness and love, even after I step out of the hospital premises…” I stop in the mid of the sentence as a sudden fear took its root in my consciousness.“You do love me, don’t you Vasu?” I saw his mouth loosening up on that and a sun, which really shined out of his eyes “Yes,” he whispered against my forehead as he caressed his lips there “I love you, Rashi” he faced me then and asked me “What about you Ms Sharma, do you love me?” “I took two bullets for you, mister,” I said “Isn’t that enough for me to prove my love for you?”“It’s more than enough” he said, this time caressing his lips against my eyelids “And, in future, please don’t try to prove your love in this way. It scares me” “Yes, Sir,” I said and tried to smile. God, it even hurt for such a simple activity“You want to know how you can kill me?” his breath washed over my face which recalled me of warm sunshine “Wound or tries to hurt yourself,” he smiled “I will die of my own. No need of doing anything. Cobra’s mark connects my lifeline with you? If you die, I die too”“Nobody will die” I said “I saw Dad in my dream. He said, he liked you” “Tell him, thanks,” he said “Now rest, Angel. I don’t think your Mum likes me as much as she likes Shesh. But, she said thanks to me, when she came to know that, I gave blood to you”“You gave blood to me?” I smiled “I remember the sensation which went through me. I took your venom, too”“I am sorry for that” he became all concerned, as he said that “I knew that the pain would be unbearable but you took it that was the wonder of the whole thing”“So, does this means that even I am also…” I let the sentence hung there “No” he said “You are still human. You can’t be converted into a were snake. You have to be born a were snake to become one” he paused “Well, if an ordinary human had taken my blood, he would have died unless like you”“Your aunt told me that I am an unusual human? Does the Cobra Mark have any role to play in it?”“It has the entire role to play in it” he laughed and then lightly caressed my cheeks with his finger “I am glad that you are alive. You have no idea what went on me when I spotted blood on your back. I could scarcely control myself but, miraculously, I did”“That’s good ha?” I asked “It’s more than that, it’s wonderful” this time his lips just touched the corner of my mouth “Sorry,” he said frowning “I can’t...…”“Kiss me right now?” I asked “I know”“For that” he smiled in my eyes “You will have to heal fast”“Is that the condition?”“It certainly is”“Just wait and watch” he merely smiled “Ahi” Sort of lethargy came on me “Did I ever told you that you are handsome?”“Tell me afterwards, angel, sleep now” his hand on my head and I drowsed into a great slumber

  I was sitting in a wheelchair. Doctor had said that I need a proper bed rest for some time and that, I should not walk. Seems like, my leg had suffered due to the bullet. I was staring at a bed of roses absently when, someone sat next to me. Lawn looked beautiful right now. In past days, even Mom had become strict with my eating, medication, sleeping habits etc. I felt like a two year old again. Shesh on the other hand, had simply told me that I can join him right after, I get well. Shliya, on the other hand, was simply happy that Ahi and I, have finally confessed to each other. We have warned her that for now, this news should not reach the ears of others. Not till the time, I am fully healed.She had supplied me daily with a box of chocolates, flowers, cards and what not. I have even told Ahi to make her stop but he simply got another box of chocolate for me.“I will turn into a bus, if you people didn’t stop this chocolate supply” I had said irritably. Vritra and Nuwa, on the other hand, hadn’t stopped praising me for my brave act.“It was just an accident” I said, but, that did not shut them up. Ahi had gone one step further in making things better by allotting a small cottage at the name of my mom. I had told him that this will create suspicion but, he had replied that this was my advance bonus, even before I have started with the job. Mom had told me in clear words that Ahi scared her but; Shesh was a good looking one. I had told Mom about both of us; I think that was another reason why she didn’t liked Ahi. He had just chuckled but, told her in kind words “Please, Doctor Sharma, don’t tell about this relation thing to anyone, not till Rashi says, otherwise” Staring towards lawn, I was just thinking about all this when; I felt something against my cheeks “Thinking about me?” Ahi asked, as he pecked me on my cheek “You know what,” he said “I was thinking, how about we take a vacation for a while and go somewhere. I am bored with all this office work now” “Thinking of honeymoon, before we even got married, are you?” I asked, as I turned my face towards him. I think the word had got something as I quickly saw the transformation in that face of his. “Rashi” he sat on his knees as he looked at me “ It won’t be easy, I should tell you that you should go somewhere else and make a separate life for yourself but,” he smiled in his breathtaking way again “But, I am selfish where you are concerned so, I would just advise you that I would like to prolong this relation with you for one more year. Let everyone get accustomed to this new thing. Until the time, especially your mom, set herself in this new setting; we will have to be just like this. Then, after one year, I will go myself and talk to her about our nuptial. How does that sound?” he looked at me now “Perfect,” I said because, everything sensed wonderful, right now.“So, you told everyone in your family, even the royalty, about me?” I asked him. I saw his knuckles turning white at that.“Shliya told them, I believe” he said “I never planned to tell them about you, especially, about you”“What about Mani, the three magical stones?” I bit my lip, knowing that this was the most difficult question out of everyone “Search is still on” he said, as he took my hand and absently traced my palm lines “ It is somewhere here. Somewhere, waiting for us to find it”“If I can be of some help…”“No,” he gave me such a strict look “You won’t do anything crazy, understand? It’s our sole responsibility to search it. If we want the throne of Jaipur back with Vritra Khinna then, we will have to search the thing all by ourselves.”“What happened, if you could never find it?” I shuddered to the possibility but,it was always there.“With the time, our powers will start declining. Lifespan will become short for all four of us”“Do your uncle and aunt have theirs, with them?” I asked “Yes,” he smiled sarcastically and looked ahead “That’s the main thing, isn’t it? Their Mani has made them powerful enough to rule over the throne. Shliya denounced their rule long time ago, a century ago, if you ask me”“What do you mean by, a century ago?” I looked at him, amazed “She is two hundred years old,” he looked at me, and whatever he saw in my eyes, amused him, “Wait” he said, “You didn’t know that?”“You never mentioned in your diary that you creatures have such long lives. How old are you?”“What do you think?” he smiled, as he kept on looking in my eyes “You tell me” I asked “I can’t even guess”“I am three thousand year old” he smiled, and nearly burst into laughter, when he saw my mouth hung open “You are joking” I said, simply astonished at that revelation of his “No,” he shook his head in disbelieve “Most assuredly, I am serious. Vritra Khinna is five thousand years, Nuwa, well she is the same. Shesh Khinna, two thousand” “Oh my God” I said, before I could control myself “Well, I will die after the age of ninety. What then?”“All I have to do is pierce my heart with a silver knife and I will join you in the other world”“Sshh” I put a finger on his parted lips “You should have said that you will live for me”“Why to lie?” he said “When I don’t want to live in this world without you. Hey,” all of a sudden, he became concerned “What’s happening with your eyes?” Even I was thinking on the same lines since the days, I have got up from the hospital bed. It was my last day there today, still the irritation, burning of my eyes, seemed to have no stop to it. It got lessened up in the day but, became worse at night. I could barely sleep, with that thing going on, in its continuation.I closed them and then opened them again “This thing has been happening to me for quite some time”I saw his silken brows frowning in concern as he came closer to my face, and then,
I saw the shock in his eyes. ‘No” he whispered “this could not be, it certainly could not be”“Vasu,” I said “What is it? What happened?” I preferred calling him with this title only. Even he didn’t mind that part. He didn’t answer me and kept on staring at me. Then, on cue, I saw Shliya coming there with something in her hands.“Hi, Shliya” I smiled while my eye watered slightly “Keep your eyes closed” she said. Immediately, I closed them “Will you people tell me what’s happening?” I asked, “Seems like Vasu’s venom has started affecting you” Shliya said “Your eyes are…are”“My eyes, what?” I asked, irritatingly “Your eyes are turning out to be like ours, slowly” I heard his voice and heard the fear, pain in it, “What do you mean by that?” I asked “I mean…your eyes are turning to be like that of a were snake” I felt myself leaving the wheelchair, being taken into his arms and then…being taken somewhere. “Where are you taking me?” I asked “You still need to heal. Time for your medication” he said, “Vasu,” I groaned again “What’s happening? Tell me correctly”“Nothing’s happening angel, nothing happening. Your body still needs some rest”

  After two weeks….

  Being back in my own house felt great, especially when I have left that old fragile one! I had protested a lot in the starting that I don’t want him to shower so many things on me. He said, that let him give this cottage to me as a loan, I can keep paying in instalment whenever I want. My eyes, for the other thing, have seriously changed. I mean, I was still human but my eyes have changed from that of grey to translucent grey. My vision had become sharper, compared to my previous weak human one. I have still to join Shesh back as his personal secretary, I thought. I was busy in drying my hair when I heard mum

  “Rashi, Cops are here again”“Coming mum,” I said and started to come down. I still had some difficulty in walking. I have just taken a step down when I saw Vasu climbing to me. Draping one of mine arms around his neck, he supported me till the lounger and then carefully, seated me. Done with that, he turned to the head Cop Raj Sandhu, middle aged man in his early thirty’s. Police had been on the investigation after Koyal’s murder but, this recent murder attempt on Ahi had taken the things on the certain twist. From the day I had been discharged from the hospital, the three brothers (especially Ahi, on that) had forbidden cops to ask any sort of question to me. But, it seems, even the cops were stubborn in their work and finally, they have humbly requested me to help them out with anything, I could tell them.“I am sorry, Ms Sharma” said Sandhu “But, It’s my work to ask questions. we should not give you any sort of trouble but, we are helpless.”“Too right, you are” Ahi said, to which I simply eyed him, pleading, to not interfere “Of course, Sir,” I smiled “Please, go on”“So,” he said “Did you by any chance saw the face of the shooter, when the incident took place?”“Of course, not Sir,” I smiled again “I didn’t. If I would have had seen it then, I would not have been in this condition” I replied and laughed a little. “True,” he smiled himself at that answer “That’s all I wanted to ask”“Any luck in Koyal’s case, inspector?” Ahi turned to the cop “Has the murderer being caught?”“It seems as if we cannot find anything in that case, too. Whoever, the person behind this shootout is, you have our guarantee that in this way or that, we will catch him” he replied. I could see that he was true on his promise. “Doctor informed me that certain pieces of silver had been spotted in the bullet. Can you tell me what does this means?” Sandhu turned to me at that. My senses went on alert. So, I thought, that was why Ahi sensed that the attack was on him and that, I simply came in between “I have no idea, Sir” I shook my head. Nodding in silence, he got up and shook my hand “I am sorry, Ms Sharma that I had to trouble you but…”“I smiled “It’s alright, Sir. You were just doing your duty” I said “Thank you for your co-operation, Ms Sharma. Hope you have an early recovery now” “Thank you for your wishes, Sir” I said, as I bid them goodbye.I turned to go back in my room when I heard Mom “Call me alright if pain is back in any part. Love you, kid. Bye”“Bye, mum” I kissed her on the cheek and saw her leaving the house. Mum always knew when to give some private space to me.“Time for some bed rest again” Ahi’s arms went around me as he carried me in his arms, as if, I didn’t weigh much.“Your arms will start aching after some time” I said, as I saw him taking me back through stairs and then finally keeping me on the bed “Not a wild chance” he smiled and lightly kissed me on my cheeks.“I am fine now. I can walk on my own. Stop pampering me so much” I said, as I saw him lying down on the bed with his head on my thigh.“Hmm,” he sighed “I always thought that your eyes look beautiful but, now” he paused “They look simply amazing”“Thanks,” I smiled“Hey,” he got up as he said “Close your eyes”“Why? They don’t burn now”“Not that stupid,” he said “I want to give you the kiss of life”“Such a show-off,” I said “Can’t you say that you simply want to kiss me? You have to be dramatic all the time”“Do it” he said and then added that word “Please”. That melting stares again and I was lost. Immediately, I closed my eyes. seconds, minutes passed. Our first kiss, I thought, thrilled to my core. a little puff of breath on my lips before finally feeling them. I don’t remember who trembled. Goosebumps on my arms, stretching of nerves to their utmost limit, his lips were so warm, soft. His palms on my cheek as if scared, that I will run to other direction. Slowly, eyes closed he parted mine with his tongue. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he stilled, and then attached his head to mine.“We can’t go beyond this…tongue… venom” Seems, my heart had totally stopped till the time we have been at this intimate contact with each other. But, as slowly the reality settled on me, I recognised the danger in what he said. Of course, his tongue was venomous. I opened my eyes, as he slowly detached himself from me.“You said, that the venom won’t work on me” head rested on my shoulder “I don’t want to take chances, whether it affects you, or not, I love you,” he said as I saw his head turning to mine “As I love you” I smiled “I think,” he said “a second kiss won’t do any harm”“I don’t think so” I said, as, once again, he took my mouth in a sweet willing kiss.

  **********************************THE END*******************************


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