Read Love Through Cobra's Eye Page 4


  What had started as a normal day had turned out to be a completely exhausting one. I was bone tired, before, I actually made it to my room. Not even bothering to remove my shoes, I simply fell, face down on the bed. My eyes had shut out of their own accord and, I wanted to go to a deep blissful sleep.I dropped my shoes on the floor by forcing them out of my foot. Forcing myself, I got up and went to the washroom to change. That done, I came back to my room and covering myself to the chin, closed my eyes. Somewhere in the midnight, an acute irritation on my arm woke me up. Don’t know what it was. Feeling cold all of a sudden, shivering from head to toe, I wrapped the quilt tightly around me. As I pulled the cover tightly again, a low hiss came from somewhere. Drowsy eyes, I looked around. The windows were open, probably that’s why ... But, I had closed it. I sat upright on my bed and had merely turned my bed lamp on, when, with a loud hiss-growl, a snake raised its head from the bed sheets.

  I swear; that one moment completely stopped my heartbeat. The drop of perspiration rolled from my forehead to cheek and then went towards south direction. Eyes went wide and my mouth hung open, about to scream, I kept my hand in my mouth in order to shut up. It’s better to die silently. If I tried to get up from the bed or made any kind of movement, the creature will surely strike me dead in a moment. I was frozen in my sitting position. O Lord, if ever I have done a good deed in my life then please don’t let me die right now or, if you really want to kill me, it should not be like this.

  The snake I had saved that morning. Amazing, his next victim was going to be the same person, who had told people not to kill him. In that moment, I really did wish that if only I had not saved it if only, I would have had let other finish him that morning.Its yellow bands sparkled in the lamplight. Eyes on my face as if, trying to decipher my thoughts. I shifted slowly from bed in order to get out. The wrong move because, exactly at that moment, it hit the place, where my foot had been kept some seconds ago. Narrow escape! It slithered forward and raised itself to full height so that it actually was up to my face level. I am gone now; I closed my eyes so that, I can’t see him. Fool, nothing will happen by doing that. At that, I opened my eyes again, and let out a full blood curling scream. It could have gone for some more time but exactly at that moment, a lispy voice told me “No use of doing that sssss…”What, what was that? Where did that come from? Scared, I looked around the room but it seemed that the creature had got all my attention for a moment. No, it could not be. Snakes don’t talk. I shook my head and blinked once, twice.“Who-Who is it?” I stuttered“Sssss me sssss….” That whispery voice again, this time coming from the side of the Cobra I was shocked for certain that my mind was playing the game of hallucination with me and in a second, when I will open my eyes, I will be standing at the door of heaven because the snake would have already killed me. Dumb, I looked at it again “Rashi sssss…” it said “I sssss like sssss you sssss…”“W-W-W… “I kept on stammering like a fool.“Yes, sssss” he said “Saved me today sssss. I…not…hurt…you sssss. Thanks, sssss”“Snakes don’t talk” words slipped out of my mouth by their own “I am dreaming. You are not for real. Go away, go away” I literally shouted again.“I sssss like you sssss” it repeated again, as if, it didn’t hear me.“Go away please” I closed my ears as I said that. I didn’t want to hear that whisper again. This is a nightmare and I wanted it to end, as quickly as possible. It inclined itself more towards me and slightly tilting itself, it caressed its mouth against my cheek. White stars danced in front of my vision, and I fainted.

  Next morning, as sun rays filtered inside the room and made me wide awake. Slowly, I sat upright and looked at myself. My whole body throbbed with an unnamed ache, a nerve was beating somewhere in my head. To make it stop, I quickly took my head in my hands.“Good Morning” Mom’s arrival of bed tea gave me some rest. As soon as I raised my head to look at her, her face lightened up in a heart warming smile. Maya was a doctor in the local hospital, so, from childhood onwards, I didn’t have any problem in any disease or fever. I was skinny but not unhealthy, so, she didn’t have to use her expertise on me. It looked, as if, I would need her advice today, as a peculiar ache had spread in my body and my head feels too heavy to be on my shoulder. “Good morning,” I said, and noticed, that my hands shook, as I took the cup from her outstretched hands. Her eyes roaming on my face became wide, as she noticed that action of mine.“Are you OK?” she asked, seating herself next to me. No, I am not. A snake entered my room yesternight and was talking. Not hissing or growling, but, talking to me. I got scared, and then, he did this weird action by touching my cheek with its mouth as if…as if…kissing me, or something. I am scared still, and I am aching all over my body, my head throbs wildly. It’s weird….“Nothing” I lied and looked at her “I just need to get up, I suppose. The search for the job had made me like this”Not convinced at my answer, she checked my forehead and then took in my pulse rate. I never ever got this pulse rating calculation of hers. I was just noticing her face expressions which were going from a frown to a serious worrying one. Startled, she looked at me“Seems like you are running a temperature. How did this happen?”“I don’t know” I said “Maybe yesterday’s exhaustion took me over. It’s nothing mum, don’t worry” I tried to relax her “it’s nothing. A hearty breakfast and I will be OK”“Don’t worry” she said “I have to check. Don’t move” saying that, she exited the room. Oh God, why this now? Wasn’t I already loaded with too many other tensions? My mind suddenly went to last night, and I tried to make some sense out of it. It wasn’t a nightmare. I was fully awake when it happened. The snake was talking but how? I never saw his mouth forming the words but yes, the words were coming from his side. How can this be? Still lost in my thoughts, I had absently raised the cup to my lips when my cell phone gave wild vibration. Coming out of my thoughts, I kept the cup aside, and pressed the green button“Hello”“Is this Ms Rashi Sharma?” came a masculine voice “Yes” I said “This is me. Who is this?”“Hello, Rashi” said the person again “I am Vritra Chauhan, owner of Chauhan industries of arms. I guess you must have had heard about us” after a long period of time I answered “I am sorry sir, but, I haven’t”“It’s Alright” he said “I am calling you for a job offer. You are registered with Deepak Kathra’s job agency, aren’t you?”Puzzle pieces in my mind started falling in their places. I love you for this Deepak. I owe you big time now.“Yes,” I inserted enough warmth in my voice “Not a big deal,” he said “Your resume was forwarded to our office, and after going through it, you passed the criteria of personal secretary. You are more than adequate for this job. I would like to take your interview through this call if you don’t mind”“Of course sir” I smiled now “I am ready if you are”“Name”“Rashi Sharma”As soon as I kept the phone down, my face got heated and I screamed with joy. Oh my God, Oh my God, I got a job. Yes, yes and yes I did it. The interview had gone well and according to Mr Chauhan, it was a formality. I was given the post of personal secretary for his younger brother, Shesh Chauhan. Salary was quite high, that was the main attractive feature of it and on top of that, he had said that, as it is the younger Chauhan secretary won’t have much work to do, so, side by side, I can even look after the office library too, because, I had the experience in that field. All thanks to Deepak, as I recalled the phone conversation again. If it hadn’t been for him, I would have never ever landed with this job. As I kept floating in the bubble of happiness, mum came inside, along with her doctor bag. She took out a thermometer and put it in my mouth for measuring the temperature. As she took it out after some minutes, her eyes went wide in amazement to find out that there was actually nothing. Surprised myself, I said, “Told you, didn’t I?” and thereafter, I revealed the greatest news to her.Till the time I finished, her eyes beamed with joy and her features lit up with cheerfulness. She hugged me, placed a kiss on my forehead, and said “You deserve another cup of strong tea”“Yes I do??
?. For the time being, the snake incident was buried under the layer of happiness.

  Glued to the receiver, I informed Deepak about the latest news. But, appeared, it was my turn to get some surprising news from him, “Ra” he hesitated, some “I never forwarded your resume to any Chauhan industries. I did send a photocopy of it to some of them but, Chauhan” he paused “How can I sent it to some anonymous person when I myself don’t even know him?” he sounded more confused than I already was. Silent for some minutes I took the information in “You didn’t?” I asked “But, Vritra Chauhan told me that, he got the information from the agency ” I paused “Are you sure D, that you never gave my resume to them?”“Quite sure” he said, but, added “If you want, I can take out some information about this so called Chauhan industries”“No” I repeated “Thanks for taking so much pain for me D, but I will ask them, when I will go tomorrow for my first working day”“Be careful” he said “I have no idea who the hell they are, but, how can they take agency’s name like that, when even the owner of the agency does not know them? I would like to speak with them if you could tell me their contact no”“I don’t have it” I said “But, surely I would like to question them myself, on this aspect. They better have some strong answer to give”“All the best Ra” he said “If they turn out to be reliable, I would like to congratulate you in advance and if not…well, let me just say, my office is always open for you”

  Taking up my toiletries kit to the washroom, I had opened the tap in the washbasin, when seeing myself in the mirror I went still. There was a lip mark on my cheek and not any ordinary but a faint green one. Horrified till the core, as I recalled the previous night, the small caressed of that reptile, I quickly filled my palm with water and splashed it over and over my face, to make sure, that the mark had been totally washed off. How come mum never noticed it? It was so faint; she must not have paid that close attention.Last night was weird. First the morning incident of rescuing the snake, then in Deepak’s party, that short conversation with the guy, who had hairless wrist and then to top all of it, a talking Cobra in my bed, that too, in midnight.Stripping myself, I stood under the hot shower. Now this, my agent was clueless about the company, that had recruited me by a phone interview. What was going on? My brain cried. Why had that Vritra boy told me such a big lie? The greatest question was if Deepak has not forwarded my resume to the company’s owner, how in the name of all that is holy, did the person came to know my name, qualification and every personal detail of mine? I shuddered, even as I wiped myself dry with the towel. I had a strong intuition that something is off here, totally off. But, what exactly? Dressing in a fresh full sleeves t-shirt with jeans, I walked down the stairs to the dining table. I had not discussed anything with mum, or she would have got worried for nothing. I hoped, really hoped, that the company turns out to be reliable or, I would have to give some serious explanation to her. She was so happy when I had told that news. I so did not want to make her disappointed now.“Mom” I said, as I gulped down the glass of milk “I am leaving. You better drive safely and take care” giving a small peck on her cheeks, I exited the house.

  Near to Sir George’s Everest house, this is what the person had told me when I had asked him about the address of the company’s office. He said though the main factory and the headquarters were somewhere in Jaipur. This small office in Mussoorie is a chain link to it. In hills, according to him, people had main use of guns and pistols. Sometime for hunting, banned now but, mostly for their safety from wild animals which roamed at night in the deep dense forests of the hills. Sir George’s Everest house is in Park estate which is at a distance of 6 km from Gandhi Chowk/Library Bazaar. The place from where I have taken the taxi. So many unanswered questions roamed in my head right now, with me searching for some way to answering all of them but, all I was coming up were more questions. Mr Vritra Chauhan, whoever you are. I hope that I am not getting duped by you.He had sounded trustworthy enough on the receiver. My mind was playing the phone conversation again and again. O God, please help me. Let this be a serious job and not some bad ugly prank.The road beyond Hathi paon point was rough but, the scenery before me was truly breathtaking. The clouds seemed to have shifted to lower altitude making the atmosphere chilly and humid. Though I could have reached the assigned address by a mere walk too, it was so cold, that I did not even want to walk.The house is a tourist spot and provided a magnificent view of Doon valley on one side and a panoramic view of Aglar river valley. Snow peaks of the Himalayan range can be seen from another side. Still lost in the scenery, my reverie got shattered when I the driver, said “Everest House mam”Paying him, I got out of the vehicle and stared at the building standing in front of me. Everest house was there but, the other one was not.

  I walked little near the side of the road, almost disbelievingly that seriously, the call had turned out to be that, which I feared the most, a bad ugly prank. After some minutes of standing there, I had turned up to go back the way I have come, when, a small shiny new land rover halted beside me, and the front window of it got rolled down. I didn’t pay any attention to it till I a cold voice called me “Ms Rashi Sharma”. A sudden shiver ran down my spine as I turned my glasses covered eyes towards the caller.A distinct figure sat on the driver’s seat. A mere silhouette, that’s it.“Yes” I said, as I turned to him now“I am from Chauhan Company’s office. Mr Vritra Chauhan has sent me so that I can safely take you there. He guessed, that it would be difficult for you to find it, all on your own”“Is this some sort of joke?” I said, as my anger level rose “Joke,” he asked “No, I assure you it’s not and if you please sit inside, I can make sure, that we can proceed back”“I want to talk to your boss right now” I said haughtily “I don’t care if he gets offended or not”“As you wish” a curt reply. Taking out his cell phone, dialling a number, I never heard him talking but, saw him raising the phone to my direction “Please” he said “Go ahead”Literally snatching the phone, I held it to my ear “Hello”“Ms Sharma. Did you want to have a talk with me? Is everything alright?”I went soft all of a sudden and said “Sir, it has reached. I wanted to make sure that this is not some prank played on me”

  “Why don’t you reach our office? you have some questions which I hope; I would be able to answer. So, please. Don’t trouble the driver, and come, as soon as you can”“Alright Sir, I am sorry” saying that, like an utter moron, I seated myself inside the vehicle.

  We drove on for some more distance ahead of Everest house. I have never known that even the area ahead of it, was developing, too. We had dense forests on both sides of the road. After travelling a distance, the building came into view.It was…so big. A big gate which opened to a gravel path, which itself lead to the main entrance, and, to an underground garage, where the car was heading right now“You get down here” said the person “I’ll be going down to the garage”“Oh, alright” saying that I opened the door, and got down, but, immediately turned to him, and said “By the way, I am sorry for the inconvenience I caused you. Foolish of me to act like that, but-““Trust me, when I say this” he cut me in between before I could say anything else “I am not interested in a sad tale of an intolerable girl. As for your apology, you should be” saying that he simply started the car and made it to the entrance of the garage. I ran out of words.That was rude. Whatever, I will make sure to never cross this person’s way, again.

  The first thing I noticed, as I entered the entrance was, that the floor was made of wood. Building’s façade looked large but, its interior was very warm and cosy. A lounger was kept and the logs burnt in the fireplace. Ahead of the lounger, placed near the door, was a receptionist counter, where a brunette’s head was bent on something. Her head went up as I approached,“Yes” she said smiling “How may I help you?”“Um, Mr Vritra Chauhan had called me, for the introduction. I am Rashi Sharma” I said quickly “Yes, of course,” she said and scanned me from top to toe. She picked up the receiver and talked to him and directed me to his office“Go on the first floor. Tak
e left. You’ll see the door bearing his nameplate”“Thank you” I smiled Climbing the stairs, I reached the first floor. It was a wide corridor, which ran to both left and right. Seemed like somebody’s home, not a company’s office. Following the girl's instruction, I took left and started walking. My eyes, searched the nameplate which carried the name of Mr Vritra ChauhanFinally, the front and the last door turned out to be the one, which I was searching. A small prayer to Lord almighty, I knocked on the door, a stable voice called me “Come in”Turning the knob, I peeked inside and said “Hello Sir”The person, whose head was bent, raised up and said with a little smile stretched on his face “Oh, Ms Sharma, Come in come in”

  Black curly hair which came till his forehead, beautiful features with an aura of a leader around him; Vritra Chauhan was simply the authority in him. But the thing, which really got my attention, was not any of the luxuries which surrounded him but his eyes. Thin, vertically slit pupils, iris significantly, an unnatural hue of black, for a moment, I kept on staring at him. Only when he cleared his throat, did I became conscious of my staring. Flushed, I said“Good morning Sir”“Please call me Vritra,” he said and raised his hand to shake mine. If I would not have had been standing opposite to him, and too close, I would not have noticed the strange tattoo of a snake, eating his own tail or his hairless wrist. Hairless, where else did I noticed this feature? Even his ears were pierced, with platinum rings in each one of them. Height must be somewhere around 5’13”. From head to toe, everything about Vritra Chauhan spoke volume of power, which he had. I felt like a little mouse in front of him. Shrinking unto myself, I took his hands and shook them “Rashi Sharma”“Welcome,” he said, nodding “Please have a seat. You didn’t have any problem back there on the road, did you?” he asked sincerely“No, thanks to you” I said, as I took my seat “Sir, I have some questions to ask”“Please, go ahead” he smiled in that beautiful way again. Biting my lip, I said “How did you come to know about me? I mean, when I told my agent about this job, he didn’t sound too happy because he said that he didn’t know anything about you or your firm. He also felt some offence, that, without his knowledge, you used his agency’s name?” I had thought that he will be somewhat uncomfortable at this question of mine. But, he smiled in his unique way, and I saw his eyes shining, as he answered “After I had called you, it was really unfair on my part, to not to say thanks to the agency, who had provided me with such a great help. So, before you turned up, I had a talk with Mr Deepak. I am going to give you the same reason which I had given to him. Your resume passed on to our sister company, Thakur industries. It belongs to our family friend, The Thakur’s. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, the file mistakenly came on to my desk, along with others. After going through it, I immediately made up my mind, to recruit you, as my younger brother’s personal secretary. So, does this answer satisfy’s you or you want some more of it?”Off course, Thakur arms and weaponry were popular in the whole country. I made a mental note to call Deepak, as soon as I reach home. But, my questions didn’t stop here, as I asked “But, how come no one knows you here? I mean, people may know you in other states but, here…” “Chauhan industries are not that well known, because, our business is like that. How many other weaponry industries do you know of?”“I am totally new to this business” I said “So” he said “You are getting my point. We have shifted to Mussoorie some months ago, you can say five months ”“I see,” I said “You don’t look like the natives of the hills either”“We aren’t” he smiled again and turned serious “So, Rashi. I would like to repeat my offer to you once again, in case you have forgotten all about it. I am offering you this post, along with the salary I had mentioned on the phone. Are you interested, or not?”“Only a fool would say no to such a wonderful offer, Sir” I smiled “Yes, I am ready to take it”“In that case” he smiled “Congratulations, and this is your job description file. It contains every important document you will need to your daily routine work. Meet up with Shesh, I am sure he will like his new personal secretary. All the best”“Thank you” I said, and silently made my exit from his room.

  “Shesh Chauhan” I read the name on the nameplate, and raised my hand to knock on the door, but, before that, something stopped me in the mid. Though silence prevailed, I don’t know why, but, I had a peculiar feeling that I was being watched, by some powerful force. Scared, I looked left and right. Convinced that it is my nervousness, I knocked on the door “Come in” came the voice. Turning the knob, I pushed the door open, and entered. “Good morning Sir” I said, while correcting my glasses on my nose. Shesh, the image of what we call in slang language, Casanova! But here too, his eyes, which were as same as Vritra, only with irises significantly unnatural hue of blue, stood apart from every other feature. What is with these brothers? Why did the two of them have such eyes? Is it the common trait in their family? I didn’t prolong on that for much long because, right now, the person standing in front of me, had a charming smile on his face. He had black hair till his forehead, precisely spikes. He was dressed in gray entrepreneur suit.“Good morning Sir” I smiled nervously “Rashi-Rashi Sharma, Vritra Sir must have told you-““Oh, Yes” he cut me in middle, and said “Please have a seat Rashi. Beautiful girls always are the perks to work with…” he tilted his head in other direction in a mischievous way. Shocked and didn’t know how to answer him back, sticking to the business matters, I smiled again.“Vritra Sir-“I started, but, he cut me again “You don’t have to repeat yourself girl. I trust my brother he will be making right decisions where business is concerned. I guess, he must have given you your daily work schedule, isn’t it?”“Yes, Sir” “Good. Understand this, I expect full dedication from my employees ,Ms Sharma. Laziness and excuses won’t work with me.I am sounding little hard right now but, trust me when I say this, that it is going to help you a lot in your future work endeavours. I guess, both of us will understand each other and will have happy working relationship. Am I making myself clear?” he didn’t sounded hard but, Yes, I did understood what he wanted to say. Happy in a way that, I had got such a flirty but, intelligent employer to work with.“Of course Sir,” I said “I do get you. I promise, I will never give you any reason for complaint against me” “Well. All the best,” he said and raised his hand smiling. Hairless wrist! Shaking myself internally, I stood up at the same time he got up from his. Height must be somewhere around 5’10”. Wow! Picking up the receiver he said, “Koyal, please come into my office. I have an urgent work for you. Tell Khinna it is really important that he should send you to my room, as soon as possible. I want you to show my new employee the important places in the building. Yes, make it quick”He kept the receiver down and looked at me “Koyal, she is the personal secretary of my sister-in-law, Nuwa. She will show you around the place, so that you are familiar with the building”“Um, Nuwa?” I got puzzled “Vritra’s wife” he smiled. Oh, so the elder Chauhan is married. I felt a little peace of mind, as I heard him

  Koyal, a lively chatty girl. Whitish colour complexion, smiling face and some spots on her cheek, as soon as Shesh left me with her, she immediately raised up her hand“Koyal Mathur and, you are?”“Rashi Sharma” I smiled. Both of us stood outside the office, in that large corridor. She started walking and told me, to follow her “So, you are Shesh Sir’s personal secretary. I am envy of you, I must say”“Why?” “Because, apart from a good looking man, he also has less workload ” She smiled. Giggling, I added “But, why is that?”“Shesh Sir, being the youngest in the family, looks particularly in the tour and travel department. He has the duty of representing Chauhan industries in the national and international meetings. So, you have to look into his travelling schedule and, if necessary, will have to travel with him. That’s it. He has the most interesting duty to him”“But, travelling is not easy” I said “I know” she walked slowly now “Still, lucky you”I chuckled and kept on walking. We had proceeded to the upper floor through the help of the lift.“It has been only one month, since I have joined
them, but, Chauhan’s are very particular and strict, when it comes to work. You have already met Vritra Sir and of course, Shesh Sir,” she paused “But, not Nuwa Mam, and” I could sense her hesitation as she said the next sentence “Ahi Sir,” she whispered “Koyal” I said “Now, who is this third one?”“I’ll tell you about everyone, once I have made sure that you know every corner of this place, alright?” she gave me a conspirational smile. I silently nodded and looked ahead.As we got out of the machine she led me all the way to the end of yet another long corridor. Opening it, she directed me “This is the library, another part of your duty”I recalled Vritra’s word of taking charge of library too. I nodded and looked around. It was so cold here , I had to resist the chattering of my teeth. “It’s so cold” I said, as I folded my arms around myself. I went inside and glanced around. Racks of books, a small reading corner, and a perfect librarian table, equipped with computer, three phone sets and a small broadband box. I went to it and glanced down the names, which were written on each of them. Two of them, I immediately recognised but, the third one…?“Ahi Chauhan,” I read it, and looked at Koyal “Who is this person?”“Why don’t I order something?” she said as she seated herself across the table, picking up the phone she dialled a no, ordered two cups of tea and some cookies along with it.“This is your room of working” she smiled, as she made herself comfortable “They don’t have any room for Shesh Sir’s secretary next to his so, this is where you will work. In this way, you will be able to work and act as the librarian, too”I seated myself and looked at her “You were going to tell me about Chauhan’s” I said, but, she said “What’s the rush? We have all the time to ourselves today. Thank God the dragon is not here” she whispered to me, “Who?” I said “Ahi Sir, who else” she seemed irritated“I don’t get you” I said irritated myself “What is it about this one man? Why are you so scared of him?” at that moment, somebody knocked on the grand door and Koyal called the service boy inside. He placed the tray on the table and went away. As soon as he left, she said “Please latch the door, till the time I will pour the drink” Nodding, I made it to the door and latched it. Returning back to my seat, I asked, “OK, now will you tell me, what was all that about?”“Fine” she looked at me “Chauhan’s are three in numbers, Rashi. The elder one is Vritra, middle one Ahi, and youngest one, Shesh”“Hold on,” I said “ Aren’t they two? ”“No, they are three. Vritra is married to the most beautiful women in the world, Nuwa. Three brothers have established this office in the hills some time ago, say, six months”“I know this much” I said“I am Vritra Sir’s and Nuwa mam’s secretary, not personal” she winked. I giggled at that.“Hari is the assistant of Ahi Sir” she said“I didn’t see him” I said. Shuddering she said, “It’s good that you haven’t, and you pray that you may never see him”“Why? Does he bite?” I said smiling, but, her expressions remained the same, serious.“No, he doesn’t” she said “But he simply despises women. In his department, which is of finance analysis, no lady is ever seen, nor is allowed to go. It’s a pure testosterone department, mark my words. Apart from Nuwa, no other woman is allowed to go there. It’s known to everybody that Ahi listens to Nuwa more than he listens to Vritra.”Strange, for the person who hates women, to listen to the only women in his family. He must love her like anything.“So” I said “How does the women’s make contact with him, if they have some important urgent work?”“They simply contact his assistant, Hari, who contacts him. I remember the day, when being new here I had no idea about all the rules and regulations of the place. Mistakenly, I went in his room to inform him about something. God” she shivered “I still remember the way he scolded me. Ruthlessly, hard and so very rude, that I still have goose bumps on my arms, whenever I recall that day”I was taken aback by the fear tone. If this is the way she is reacting, a person who is one month old, it would be better for me to never ever cross Ahi Chauhan’s way.“Three brothers also have a cousin sister named, Shliya” she smiled as she said that “And there is ,Khanak Thakur, Ahi Sir’s childhood friend. She is the owner of the Thakur industries, sister company of Chauhan’s. That around sums it up, about the family” she said, as she stood up. I stood up along with her and proceeded to the other parts of the building.“Doesn’t he hate these other two females too?” I asked, as we started walking back in the corridor.“That’s the question isn’t it? But, as they say, blood is thicker than water. Shliya and Khanak, both are closely related to the family so, of course, No, he doesn’t hate them, too. In fact, after Nuwa, these two females have got a special place in his life. They say, that it can happen, Khanak and he may get married some day.”“Poor girl” I said “God, save her”“Exactly my words” she laughed and laughed some more until she recalled something“What is it?” I asked“We have nicknamed Ahi as “The Dragon”” she laughed “He spits fire every time he talks to women”

  I laughed at that and was about to take another step when she caught my hand and halted me “Where are you going?”“To the front room,” I said, “Isn’t that we are going next?” I pointed at the door, situated on the other end of the corridor“No, no, no” she said horrified “That’s the ladies prohibited Dragon’s Den. That’s why I told you to pray that you never see him. Though, he never uses the general elevator and has a personal one, which has access to every floor but, still, keeps your finger crossed girl. Sometimes, you just never know”

  “You mean to say, that I am sharing the same floor with him?” I stared at her, terrorised at the mere thought of seeing an unknown person in front of me, every day. And that too, the one feared by everyone. “Unfortunately, yes” she gave me a pitiful look but, said “It’s alright. He has no right to say anything to you because you are not working under him. You’re the main employer is Shesh Sir, and he is the sweetest person in the whole office.” I too smiled at that, and thereafter, we made it to the elevator.

  Turned out that the day wasn’t that bad after all, after showing me every corner of the building, finally, Koyal took her leave. I made it to my library again and seated myself on the main chair. Chauhan’s were quite interesting, I must say.I drank some water from the glass and started with my explorations of the Library.

  But, it was exactly at that moment, when the big portrait of the whole family on the wall, beside the book rack, was seen by me. There were Vritra, Shesh and one more man in it, along with three females. All unnaturally long in their height. Each had their names written in the bottom of the photo. Seemed a recent photo, but still, a thick layer of dust had settled on it. Looked like nobody had cleaned it from a long time, spotting a spare piece of cloth, I cleaned the surface of it.

  Read the bottom which said, “Middle- Vritra and Nuwa” Nuwa, I noticed, exactly as Koyal had said, the most beautiful, sensuous women, I had seen till now. Vritra had a possessive arm around her waist. True love. It was their wedding portrait. “Left- Ahi and Shliya”. I saw him for the first time. Wavy hair till ears, spikes near ear lobes and two steel rings in his fingers, eyes same as his brother but, still different. Thin, vertically slitted pupils, irises an unnatural hue of green. Like a slight crack in my mind, I recalled Kaya’s birthday party. The person with whom I had clashed, whose suit had got all spoil because of me and that hard voice telling me “Leave it…I said leave it” “Trust me when I say this…I am not interested in a sad story of an intolerable girl, and as for your apology, you must be”

  I could scarcely believe myself. It was him, I shook my head unbelievably, it had always been him. I removed my eyes from his face and looked at Shliya. Clad in a shimmery dress, small curly hair till neck, clinging to Ahi as if he was her boyfriend, she looked charming. I looked at another side of the newlywed elder Chauhan. “Right Shesh-Khanak”Shesh had a familiar mischievous smile on his face. Khanak, she looked a mystery, dressed in a black sari, which had glitters. Somehow Khanak made me uncomfortable. Giving the picture the last glance, I went back to my seat. One thing, which didn’t go unnoticed from my observation, every one of them was hair
less, and their eye structure, more or less the same. But the eyes, which had caught me the most, were Ahis.

  I was in the kitchen, telling mum about my first day in the office. God, I wanted to tell her everything about my employer, and his beautiful strange family but, something stopped me internally. I did tell her about each and every detail of my office, library. Mum was happy that I did not have to go far off, to search for a perfect job.

  “So,” at last Mum said, “You are happy there?”

  “Yes, Mom,” I said “I am”

  “Tell me about this, Boss of yours,” she asked, “Is he handsome, smart?”

  “Both,” I turned to her and passed the hand knead dough bowl to her “Mum, he is my employer and I am his employee. The end. Don’t try to match make both of us”“I was just asking” she tried to feign innocence. Slowly getting aged day by day, she wanted me to get married to some good looking guy as soon as possible. She had talked to me about that aspect in the past but, I had simply said no.

  I lay in my bed reminiscing over the whole day’s incident. I liked Koyal. She had become a good acquaintance in such a short time. She had even called me two times in the whole day, asking, if there’s a problem, or, if I need anything. I had said neither, but, thanks for asking. Good to know that there was at least one person in the office, apart from Shesh Sir, who knew me.“Rashi sssss” that faint hissing came again, and every beautiful memory evaporated from my mind. Fear gripped me from head to toe. Startled, I sat up on my bed, switched on the bedside lamp, and search frantically. “Who-who ?” I said out loud. Funny, how mum never complained about my shouting at night. Maybe, she never heard it.“Rashi sssss” it came again, so close, sure the creature was beside me. As if on cue, I turned my head to the right side, coiled next to my arm, with its hood stretched, with its face to my level. Screaming, I ran from my room. I never even dared to turn back. I had to reach Mom’s room. In no time, standing in front of her door, banging like a maniac, shouting again and again “Mom, mum, mum…please, please, please open the door. Mum…” as soon as Mum opened the door, I threw myself into her arms, and hugged her tightly.“Kid, kid Sshh…Sshh” she said as she tried to sooth me down. “What happened ha, tell me…Sshh” taking me to her bed, she made me sit down, and wiped the tears of fear from my cheeks.“Snake…room…talking…close…” my speech came in such broken sobs and gasps she could not make any sense .“Take a breath honey, take a breath, here” she handed me a glass of water “Drink, cool down” I gulped down the liquid in one go and cradled my face in her neck.“What happened?” she asked again “There-there is an s-snake i-i-in m-my r-r-room. Talking-h-hissing-c-calling m-m-my n-n-name”“Ra, sweetheart, sleep now. Sleep next to me, all right. Mum is here Yes, I am here. No fear now right?” she kissed my forehead and laid me on the bed “Sshh” she patted me on my forehead till I drowned and lulled by sleep.

  Next morning, woken up by a small jerk on my shoulder, I sat upright on the bed and took the morning tea from mum’s outstretched hand. Sitting next to me, she said “How was the sleep?”“Good” I smiled. She smiled in reply, and then became serious again “So, what was that last night?”I bit my lip and looked at her, again “A nightmare. I mean,” I hesitated now “Too scary for me, I could not control myself”“ Really” she stared at me, giving me the look which said, she could not be fooled by anyone, least me “Rashi, you are hopeless in lying so, don’t even try to speak it”“I am not, mom” I said, looking at her sideways “No one is in my room right now, if you will go and check. Being my first day yesterday, I was so excited about everything,” I played my hand “That’s what really happened”“I did check into your room” she said, while sipping “Yes, no one’s there but, the creature won’t be in now, must have slipped, if you have come into my room”“ I was dreaming” I repeated myself.