Read Love Through Cobra's Eye Page 5


  What is wrong with me? I sat in my library chair with eyes closed. Whatever, the talking snake is no dream but a living nightmare. A terror, which had been visiting me from past two nights and that too, at the freaking hour of twelve midnight. No, I am not dreaming but, it was kind of necessary for me to lie, especially, when I had been so careless to run to her at the dark hour of the night. Of course, she must have been terrified herself. After all, she herself is weak where such things are concerned. Especially the mention of the word “snake”, enough to emit a reaction from her because of that creature the reason, dad is not with us today. This creature had broken, shattered my family like anything. It has not killed two of my family members but, also has made us emotionally weak. Mum had always considered me responsible and strong. Why did I run to her last night? When did I lose my common sense like that? Truth be told, I was scared to my core last night. Especially, when the creature was coiled so low near my arm. The picture of it came again in my mind and I shuddered. I had picked up the phone, to order a strong cup of coffee, when the phone rang on its own accord. Picking it up, I said “Hello” “Rashi” “Good morning Sir” I steadied myself, as I recognised Shesh’s voice “Good morning. Did you by any chance have the book named “Business through ages”, in shelf no 13?”“I will look for it Sir,” I said “I am making a list right now, of all the books that are needed. How about I call you after some time? Or, if you want, I can simply search for it and bring it to your room”“That would be better” a slight change in his tone “And…”“Yes, Sir,” I asked“Sent the “Trade Analysis 11” to Ahi Khinna’s room, he has called for it”“Fine Sir,” I smiled and was about to keep the receiver down when he said, “Give it to Hari, all right. Don’t…”“Go to his room, I know Sir,” I smiled “Koyal told me that much”“That’s all well,” saying that, he cut the line

  Giving the “Business through ages” to Shesh’s room I thereby proceeded to my own floor again; heading towards Ahi Sir’s set of rooms. The black door at the end of the corridor, I turned the knob and entered inside. As the atmosphere in hills is always cold, chandelier hanging on the ceiling was lighted in the day, too. After the door, the corridor stretched some more. Left and right held the one-one room and the farthest end of it had one grand door.“The Dragon’s Den” I recalled Koyal’s words. That must be his office. Shuddering inside, even though I have not seen him in person till now, I checked the right-hand side signboard which said “Personal secretary room”.Hari ! I proceeded to his room. Knocked once, twice but, nobody answered. Slowly, I said, “Hari Sir, are you there?”Again silence, nobody answered.I silently pushed open the door and glanced around. The room was empty. Shrugging, I closed the door and turned just to see the opposite was the private elevator, through which Ahi Chauhan must be travelling, in the building premises. Two large crystal made vase adorned the side of the Grand Door. It was so quiet all around me that, I was even scared to breathe. Now, what should I do? There was no one in the personal secretary room and I had no intention to go inside the den myself. If the book was not supplied at proper time then, he will say to Shesh Sir that his personal secretary was totally useless. Whatever, the biggest question was that I had to deliver the book to him at any cost. That was my job, wasn’t it? Should I leave the book on the doorstep with a slight knock? No, that will not be considered wise. Books are not meant to be kept on the floor.But, I can always try. Sending a small prayer to Lord Almighty again, I knocked on the door so lightly that it was, as if, I was caressing it. You can do it Rashi, I said to myself. I knocked again. No answer. I repeated my knock here again. I was given the copy of every room’s key in the building if ever an emergency arrived. Should I use that?Some minutes passed before I gave up, and turned the knob of the door. Bingo, it was already opened. Pushing the door slightly inward, I entered the room with the decision made in my mind, to simply leave the book on his table, so, it will appear that his secretary had left it there. If he said anything later on then I will reply with these words“No one was there in the room and even your secretary was not in his seat. What could I have done in such a situation?”

  Ahi’s room was nothing as I had expected it to be. It was a simple piece of classy antique’s with a big glass window on his chairs backside. You could see the whole priceless beauty of hills from there. It was so large and spacey with a comfortable lounger on one side, surrounded by a table, a vending machine, a soft rug beneath it. In the middle of the room there was his big working table with pen stand, and what not high technology gadgets. A big beautiful photo of his, constructed in a frame, adorned the wall, beneath which, stood some pair of chest drawers. Beautiful, I mouthed the words, before I could control myself. He had a mini house here. A photo frame stood on his table which had its back to me. As I proceeded to the table to keep the book I made sure that nothing is disturbed there. Whose photo was that? My curiosity has always landed me in trouble in past so, I tried hard to resist it. It must be Khanak’s, my mind said, his childhood sweetheart. Off course. But, I reasoned with myself, it won’t be any harm to anyone if I just look whose photo was adorning that frame. I had barely raised my hand when one lead hard cold voice said from my back “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Oh my God, my heart fluttered like a wild bird in my rib cage. Slowly making myself turn to face the dragon himself. Please God saves me, I prayed. I never raised my eyes to watch his expressions. If I keep my eyes down, he won’t shriek on me. His hands balled themselves into a tight fist, as if, trying to control himself.He was standing at a distance till now but, I saw his feet walking up to me. I closed my eyes and opened them again, before saying “I am s-s-sorry Sir. I …just…came to give your book which you had called for…”“Are you new?” just one question, which held an ounce of anger “Yes, but, I was informed about your certain rule. I could not find Hari Sir in his office and even yours too had no one so…”“To intrude my room”“No,” mistakenly, I raised my eyes and then immediately lowered it “To keep it on your table” In that one frantic movement, that was the first official introduction both of us had of each other. The portrait was different but seeing him in person was altogether a different experience. It wasn’t the case that I had never seen such handsome, smart, eye-candy kind of boys before; trust me, the local Mussoorie people were like that, but, Ahi Chauhan!He was something which cannot be defined in mere words. The last time both of us met that too, I did not see his face properly. Even now, I didn’t saw him fully but, had a glimpse of his cold personality. All of a sudden, fear caught me. My heart beat went one notch higher and I prayed to God, that if only he can shift from in front of the exit, I can simply leave the room. The hands bearing steel rings going white as slowly any blood traces left it.“I am sorry again” I said, hesitantly “Please…I should go” saying that, slowly, I raised my eyes to see if anything warm is there on his face. I swear to God that, in my entire life, I had never seen such charismatic face. There was something attractive about that face but, what exactly? I could not put my finger on it. He was as usual 5’11” like his brothers. His eyes, which were different from other two, were the most beautiful feature on his face. It was like he had D.A.N.G.E.R written on all over his face. His jaw was set; as if, it was taking all his strength, to not to simply explode with anger. His lips were of partial blue colour but, apart from that every other feature was like his brothers, elegant, sharp, and fine.As I kept on watching, silently, he stepped aside from the entrance. Swiftly, without looking left and right, I made it to the door and had just opened it, when is he calling me“Are you Shesh’s Khinna’s new personal secretary?”I turned quickly, and with a slight smile, replied “Yes Sir,”“Ok,” he paused, and then asked “Name?”“Rashi Sharma” I kept my expression the same. A flicker of something in that stare of his but it was momentary. I just wanted to leave this room as soon as possible, now, when he was here.He nodded and said “Ms Sharma, if you had bee
n told about every rule of this office then, one of them says that no women, apart from Nuwa, is allowed in Ahi Chauhan’s part of building, correct?”“Yes Sir,” I hesitated now“As this was your first time, I will leave you with a warning that this should be the first and the last time you are stepping in my area. Am I clear on that aspect?”“Yes Sir,” I nodded again.“Fine” he said “You may leave”