Read Love Through Cobra's Eye Page 6


  “So,” Koyal asked in the recess time “How is it going?”I was still shaken after that brief encounter with Ahi so, I was basically concentrating on my sandwich, which made it less. God, what was it about the person that emitted such powerful vibes of danger all around him. I still remembered his face, those two magnificent eyes and on the slight lisp in his voice, as he spoke to me. Does he really hate women so much that even a mere sight of them makes him go all cold and rude? Well, he wasn’t behaving like that to me today. He was cold, but not rude. Whatever, the warning was given to me and I shall stick to it. Suddenly, I was recalled of something else “Koyal, can I ask you something?”“Sure” she took a sip of her tea“Do you know something about talking snakes?” She looked at me as if I have lost my sense totally. She kept on waiting, hoping that I would laugh but, when nothing came out of my mouth, she said “No, I haven’t. Why do you ask?” “Nothing,” I said “I was just curious”“Are you alright Rashi? Have you completely lost your freaking mind? Snakes don’t talk honey. What a stupid question” she literally snapped as she said that. Presumably, she thought that I was making fun of her.“ I am alright” I repeated myself “ It’s just that, this documentary on Discovery the other night on snakes and, all of a sudden, it came to me that, what if snakes do talk to a human? You know, a normal curiosity”“Stop watching those stupid documentaries. I don’t like snakes. They scare me. Hell, they scare everyone.” She paused and said “Only those mentioned in myths had the power to talk.”“Myths are just myths” I said, shaking my head. Not only replying to her but, telling myself internally too, that it was just a nightmare. I should sleep with some weapon next to me.

  That night, sleep had totally left my eyes and I lay awake in my bed. I had put the alarm of twelve in my alarm clock because as I remember, in previous nights the creature had visited me around this time. If the same thing happened with me today again then, I will make it sure it never happens in the future. If nothing happens, then I will be assured that I was exactly dreaming from past two nights.Normally, I use to close the windows and when I use to hear the faint hissing whisper, I noticed the windows to be opened. Not today, I said to myself. I won’t get scared. I was restless right now so I walked up to the windows and opened them. Cool, chilling night breeze lifted the tendrils of hair from my shoulder.O God, I said, let it be a dream only. If it turns out to be a bad ugly truth than…? I didn’t want to answer that question right now. Well, I will see what I can do. If actually, a talking snake was visiting me for two nights, then, I will tell it in plain words that I am not interested in talking to it. If still, it does not go then I will do one thing which I had never done in my entire life, I will kill it. I had kept a big strong bamboo stick next to my bed so, I can use it if any emergency arrived. I seriously don’t care what will happen to me then. It could be that it may attack back. I was ready. I need a cup of strong coffee to keep me awake till twelve. I proceeded back to the kitchen.

  I was sitting on my computer chair which faced the window right now. The window which was open. Time drifted slowly right now, to my utter disappointment Clock hands sluggishly moved from nine to ten, ten to eleven and then, finally, eleven to twelve. As soon as twelve struck, alarm on the clock went on and I was wakened up from a drowsy state. Slowly, without making any noise, I got up from the chair and faced the window without forgetting to take the bamboo stick in my hand.Any minute now, any second I will hear that whisper again. The whisper which called my name as if caressing it. I shivered till my core. Taking quick breaths, I went towards the window as if I was expecting a fairy and not a crawling reptile.I waited and waited but, nothing came on the window. Only my eyes were too heavy now and I wanted to go to bed.I told myself, you were just dreaming. If it would not have been a dream than wouldn’t the creature must have had shown itself right now. Leaving the stick on the floor, I closed the windows and pulled off the curtains. I am so silly. I laughed at myself and had just covered myself to the chin when the phone kept on the bedside went buzzing.Who is calling at such a late hour? I picked up the phone and saw the screen. There was no name the only number was displayed.“Hello” I said, “Rashi sssss,” Oh my God, the total numbness went through my entire system. I was frozen on my bed. It was as if the whisper was coming from some corner of my room. I got up from my bed, switched on the light, crazily went through every nook and corner before I was convinced that the voice was actually coming from the phone and not from the room itself. I sat on my bed and said “Who-who is this?”“Me, your friend sssss”I closed my eyes and opened them again “No,” I said “You are not my friend. You are some freaky creature who is after me, why?”“I like you sssss” it repeated that sentence again“But, I don’t like you, monster,” I said almost shouting“I made you scared last night and I didn’t want to repeat the incident so, I called you” it whispered again this time without lisping.“Then stop calling me” I was literally crying on the phone “You get me? I don’t like you. I am not interested in talking to you. You are nasty, a killer. I hate you” I said, finally out of my breath this time“No matter, I still like you,” it said “And I will continue liking you angel, nothing can stop that”“Who are you?” I said, this time a silent sob escaped my mouth“Your friend,” it said again“Tell me properly” I cried “Who are you?”“I told you sssss. Your friend”“Stop calling please” I was pleading now “You are scaring me. Night after night, day after day. Every night, I am scared to go bed and that’s all because of you. Stop it, for God sake, stop it”“Sorry” I heard some faint unnamed emotion in that whisper “If that is the case angel, then, I won’t call again, I promise but” it paused “I will still like you. You can’t take that right away from me”“Fine” I said “But please stop these calls and visits” Saying that I cut the line.

  Next day, I was too tired to even get up. For the simple reason that I slept, lateI could not believe myself. I was seriously brave last night. From now onwards, there will be no more of scary calls and visits. Only I and my peaceful sleep again.I was still thinking on that thing and was smiling unto myself when I heard library’s door getting opened. Immediately, my attention was pulled in that direction. In came a figure clad in black leather coat, with soft fur on the neck. Black hair hanged till the waist and no sooner lady’s face was turned into my direction, then I got up from my seat, and stared at her, with my mouth hanging open.Nuwa Chauhan, small face adorned with long dense black hair, a sensuous smile on those rose- petal lips, big red eyes with thin vertically slitted pupils, iris unnaturally red. Height 5’8”. Slowly, with dancing steps, proceeding to my direction. I could see why Vritra fell for this damsel. If I would have been in his place, then surely, I too, would have chosen her, she had such a peaceful air around her.“Hello, Ms Sharma” she stood opposite the table and had her hands rose in my direction“Hello, Mam” I smiled and took her hands in mine. I noticed that even she had a weird sign of a snake eating its own tail. The kind of which I had seen on Vritra’s hand, on the day I was introduced to him. “Ouroboros,” she said as she caught me staring at the tattoo “It’s a tradition in our family. The elder son and daughter-in-law have to wear this sign”“It’s cool” I smiled nervously again “Please, have a seat”“Thank you” she said and seated herself.“What would you like to have?” I asked as I picked up the receiver “Coffee, Tea…”“Tea, Please” she smiled again. Flushed till hair root, I ordered it and after keeping the receiver down I stared at her again “It’s so good to see you in person I mean you look entirely different in that wedding portrait and totally amazing right now”“I am not looking for compliments but, thank you all the same” even she had a small amount of lisp in her voice. Chauhan’s, if you ask me, were seriously weird in some ways. “So,” she asked me “You are enjoying your job?”“Totally” I smiled again “Well” she smiled “It’s good to know. Shesh speaks very high of you. He says that you are excellent in your work. It??
?s very hard to make him praise somebody but when he does, he does it open heartedly”“That’s very gracious of him” I said, all the same“ Rashi” she asked “I just wanted to meet the new secretary employed here and also wanted to know if you are not suffering from any problem”“None, till now” I said “Thanks for your concern Mam”“You are welcome but, this is not the only reason why I have come to meet you. Rashi,” she became all serious “Our sister company’s owner, Khanak Thakur has an upcoming birthday party which is being organised in Hotel cloud end, you must be knowing about it, I believe”I went all speechless as Cloud End was the most ancient and expensive hotel of the Mussoorie. It was built in 1838 by a British major as one of the first four buildings of Mussoorie and has been converted into a hotel. It’s surrounding was full of various flora and fauna.“Cloud End” I said “Yes, of course, Mam. I do know about it”“We have confusion” she smiled “As we are so new to these hills so, we have decided to take one employee along with us who can show us the way to the destination. I was thinking of all the names when Shesh suggested that we should take you along with us as you are the native of this place”“Me?” I was surprised and smiled nervously “I would be glad to go with you Mam but, won’t it be wise. If I could just tell you the directions, you can easily make your way”“No, Rashi” she got up, as she said “I have decided that you are going with us. Come on now, be professional, and take this as a business meeting.”“If you insist” I said “Then, I am ready”

  “So, you are going to a party?” mum asked as she saw me getting ready for the gathering.“Yes, mum” I turned to her “Don’t wait for me and go to sleep all right. Closed the door tightly, don’t let anyone in. Don’t forget to take your medicine as soon as you finish with your dinner, OK”“Yes Mum,” she imitated my voice as she heard the instructions which I gave. This was my usual routine, whenever I had to go to a party or something.“Who is coming to pick you up?” she asked, as she kept my discarded shirt back in the cupboard“Must be Shesh Sir,” I said, as I picked up my bag and then went down the stairs. Wrapping the muffler around my neck, I looked at her and said “Remember my instructions Mum, alright, Bye”

  It was freezing right now, I thought, as I wrapped muffler tightly around me. The bus stand, which use to be normally filled up in the day time, was empty right now. Apart from me and an old man, currently there was no one there.A dog slept near the feet of the bench on which I was seating. I glanced at my clock which had struck seven thirty right now. The party was supposed to have started by now. Where is Shesh Sir? I thought.As if on cue, a black swift slightly halted in front of me, with its black glasses slightly rolled down. Before I can make out who was in it, a high squeaky excited voice called out to me from inside it“Hi Rashi”Moonlight was falling on her face in slanted rays but even in this much light I could make out Shliya Chauhan’s features. I was simply in shock, she recognised me when I had not even met her. Of course, her family must have told her but, this much frankness in one go. I smiled nervously “Good evening, Mam”“Let her come in Shliya,” said a cold voice coming from her side. O God, I shuddered inside out, “Dragon” is driving the car, where is Shesh? Till the time I wondered on this aspect, came another voice “I’ll open it” and the door swung open.Before I could say any other thing, I seated myself inside the vehicle. It was not until I have seated myself inside that I saw Shesh sitting next to me.“G-Good evening Sir,” I said“Cut the formalities girl. This evening, I am just Shesh, alright”“Alright Sir,” I said again“Khinna” said Shliya from her seat “At least introduce her to me too”Till the time I was introduced to her, we were already standing in front of the grand building. All four of us stepped out of the vehicle, as soon as it was safely parked. Shesh and Shliya were talking between themselves. The only person who had not even said a word during the whole way and was still silent was Ahi. I don’t know but, I never understood why the brothers called each other “Khinna”? What was the meaning of this word? Was this some kind of secret code word between them? Chauhan’s were seriously growing on me now. It had been just mere five days since I have joined them and in such a short time they had developed so much of trust in me that sometimes that generosity of theirs scared me. Or it could be that, I was simply thinking too much on my part.As soon as we stepped inside the premises of the hotel, the atmosphere inside was nothing as I had imagined it to be. There were no decorations, no flowers adorning the walls, no cake on the table and as far as I could tell, the number of people too was very less. There was a big round table in the centre of the hall which was laid up with certain varieties of mouth watering delicacies. A soothing guitar played by some person, sitting in the corner was the only music which was there.The only people, whom I was seeing at the entrance turned out to be Vritra and Nuwa, along with Khanak’s parents, and two girls. Vritra’s face turned towards us with a smile on it. He shifted slightly and whispered something in Nuwa’s ears which elicited a blush on her cheeks. What were they talking?.“Ahi,” shouting out with delight a girl came running to Ahi, hugged him around the neck and then kissed him swiftly on his cheek “ I am so delighted, you here,” she said, as she left him.“Happy Birthday Doll”As soon as she turned to three of us, I knew who she was, Did Khanak Thakur actually needed an introduction here? Golden black curls hanging till her neck. Eyes like Nuwa, glinting in all their glory and a die for the figure, which could make every girl go burning with envy. Golden net gown fell till her feet and high heels totally complimented her. Yes, Oh Yes, Khanak was totally made for a person like Ahi. I smiled at that.“Hello, Shliya” she hugged the fairy-like girl standing next to me in a big embrace“See,” Shliya said, “I told you, I won’t miss this time event”“I am glad you didn’t” Khanak laughed in her girly way and then turned to Shesh. I had intentionally hidden behind my employer so that she doesn’t notice me“Shesh Khinna” she embraced him in a warm hug. The wrong action, as exactly at that moment, she spotted me, standing in his backside.“Happy birthday, Khanak” he said and left her. Unless like Ahi, he didn’t kiss her back. Well, that was something.“And who is she?” taking my hand she got me in front “Trying to hide from everyone’s eyes”“She is Rashi,” Shesh looked at me and then back at Khanak “My new personal secretary” he smiled and then looked at me again “Good evening mam,” I smiled and raised my hand to wish her “Happy Birthday” She kept on looking at me for some stalling moments before she finally took my hands “Thank you so much Rashi. Why were you trying to hide from everyone?”“She is nervous K” Shliya giggled and turned the conversation to some other topic “So, where are the others?”

  Till the time I was introduced to Khanak’s parents, I was so confused I could not remember any of their names. Every person presents there had a certain beauty to their face. Whether it was Vritra or Khanak’s mum. But, one thing was sure, I was not afraid by any one of them as I was with Ahi. What exactly did that boy had in him which always made me scared? It was the previous introduction given by Koyal of his that had made me so negative towards him. It could be that psychologically, I was tuned in that kind of way too. Whatever, I was thankful, after that day I didn’t have any kind of contact with him. Not even a small encounter, too.I was sitting in a chair, silently listening to the guitar when Vritra called everyone to his attention.“Please come for ceremonial raising of the toast for the birthday girl, everyone” The red wine was served. When it came to me, I simply shook my hand.“Take it,” Shesh said “It’s one of our traditions”“I don’t drink Sir,” I whispered “Not even on occasions?” he raised his eyebrows “Never,” I said and took up an orange drink. He smiled and didn’t say anything. As soon as Nuwa finished with her speech everybody applauded and sang a happy birthday song for Khanak. I was surprised, there was no cake. Maybe, she must not like it. Many people considered cutting of the cake as sheer nonsense. Soon dance began. It was a classic kind of party with only family friends as the guest. Thakur’s and Chauhan’s, which is to say.Being treated as neglect, I walked up to the
big opened doors which lead to the garden. Moon was so clear. Still lost in my distant thoughts when the faint ringtone of my phone brought back to the present. Must be a mum. She tends to get worried if I get late.“Hello,” I held the device to my ear as I said that “Black suits sssss you angel”

  As if hit by a thunder light, my grasp on my glass became almost became death grip, mouth went dry and my tongue felt too thick to say anything. It was that creature,“Why are you calling me now? Didn’t I tell you not to call me?”“I tried,” the whisper came, “ I tried with all my might but, I can’t stay away from you. Why do you hate me so much? Am I that bad, Ra?”“Don’t” I said “Don’t you dare to call me that alright; I am not your friend or anything. Yes,” I filled enough rage in my voice “You are not just bad. You are worse than that, filthy creature, stay away from me”“I am sorry, but, I can’t” the voice said again “Black suits you, don’t wear that silver rings with it. You should be adorned with diamonds and not some cheap metal”“How do you know?” I said and searched around me in anticipation of seeing him again near some bush or some chair corner.Apart from the normal crowd, there was no one. “How do you know I am wearing black?”“I am having my eyes on you 24-hour angel” it said, a sigh of contentment rang on the line “Whether you are asleep or awake. Are your employers treating you well baby?”“Listen whoever you are” I said “I don’t want you to spy on me all the time, you got me? If you don’t stop calling me then, I will report this number to the cops,” There was such a loud guffaw on the other side but, it didn’t appear nasty, on the contrary, it appeared quite soothing to me. “You don’t hate me, angel. No, you don’t” it paused and then continued again “You are scared, simply scared but, that’s alright. If you hadn’t then I would have to surely question your sanity,” there was an intake of breath “With the creature like me, Humans tends to get scared”“Shut up” I said, and cut the phone

  I was down to core scared now, as I turned to go back to inside’s warmth. Dinner had started and I was just about to make it to the table when, Khanak walked up to my side, with a small anxious expression on that beautiful face of hers “I am sorry,” she smiled again “But in all the celebrations, I just could not take time out to meet the special guest of the evening” her eyes twinkled. Presumably, making fun of me. Well, that was nothing new, considering the fact that she had got the power to do that, for the time being. I smiled and said “It’s all right mam. After all, such special occasions are meant to be celebrated with the family and near ones”“Intelligent,” she said “and very smart, those two words define you pretty well”“Thank you for that description” I smiled and instantly looked at my watch which said, it was high time that I should return back home. Mum had not called yet but she must be getting worried. I told this thing to her to which she replied “What’s the rush? After all the party has just started” why did her words sound hollow to me right now? As if she was just doing a formality?“Thanks for your consideration, mam” I said “But, seriously, I would like to go back now. Happy birthday once again” I went up to Shliya and informed her about my leaving “So early?” she asked “Yes,”“OK, Let me tell Ahi Khinna to drop you” that word again, and the mention of Ahi.“No,” I said “Shesh Sir, would leave me” I smiled in order to hide my hesitation. Shesh dropped me till my doorstep with the words of “Take care”

  That night, I kept on changing sides with the haunting memory of that phone call roaming in my brain. I smell something very unnatural, very scary in that. Of course, what could be more unnatural than a fact that a snake was talking and that too without opening its mouth? There was some unnatural creature behind me who had developed a fascination for me only because I had committed an error of saving it from the local people. It looked like a snake but, it was something more than that. Something very scary, something out of this world, what should I do? Because wasn’t this the truth that, I didn’t hate it but, was scared from it Was it speaking the truth? Did it really have its eyes on me every passing hour? If not, then, how come it know that I was wearing what colour with what accessories? God, I sat upright on the mattress and took some gulp out of the water bottle. This creature was driving me crazy. My biggest dilemma, I could not even talk about this weird thing with anybody for the reason that people will call me insane. Koyal’s reaction was still fresh in my mind, as an example.But what was the harm, my heart said, in talking to it? It was not. On the contrary, it just wants me as his friend.Whatever, I shook my head, I need to sleep.

  Next day, as I scribbled in the file, a list of the books currently present in the library, now and then, my mind kept on playing the scene of Khanak’s nearness to Ahi. I too wanted someone like that. Someone, who knows me better than everyone else, someone, who calls me lovely, even on my bad hair day, and someone, who simply adores me for the way I am. Suddenly, the image of that snake erupted in my mind again. Will it be really so bad if I become its friend? Didn’t it say that it liked me, in spite of my telling that I hate him? Didn’t it love me for the way I am? But the creature is not natural, said my practical side. So what, said my heart, it still likes you, didn’t it said so. Don’t be such a heartless person. If it calls you again then tell it that you both can be friends but, it should never come in front of you. In that way, you will be kind to him and you won’t even get scared.But still…But my thoughts simply vanished in the puff of smoke when the person, who had opened the door came inside. Oh Holy, Ahi Sir! Immediately, I ducked my head deep into the file so that, I appear to be deeply engulfed in my work. Through the corner of my eyes, I saw him walking between the racks, caressing the spine of the books, as if, he was their secret lover. Heated, I lowered my eyelashes and started to concentrate on my work again. All of a sudden there was a rustling sound and before I could look at it, the whole load of books, scattered on the floor. Ahi was sitting on his toes, collecting one by one and thereby piling them up. In a second, I was there and started helping him with the collections. Not one of us said a word to another. We were collecting the books and piling them up on top of one another. Later on, I kept them in the racks on their assigned places. “Sorry,” he said, as he gave me one cold look “Expanded your work, didn’t I?”“It’s alright sir,” I smiled, as I looked at him “It’s my duty to guide people, if they have some work with a book or if they need a particular book. Did you found what you were looking for?” I asked as the part of my job. Why did he gave me such furious stare as if I have said something, I shouldn’t have?“No,” he got up, dusted himself. I too got up and asked “If you need a certain book then you can tell me all about it, I can search for it. I will supply it to Hari Sir, without entering your territory”“I wonder if you will be able to find it” saying that he made his exit, leaving me in a wonder state.Now, what did I do?

  I sat in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee in my hand, steering it absent-mindedly without noticing that the foam had totally disappeared till now. My life seemed like a pretty movie drama to me now. A weird talking snake that could not just talk without opening its mouth but, even can make calls, had developed certain kind of likeness for me. My boss and his entire family were very different from the normal human beings. They had strange features, and more than their features, each of their eyes was simply intriguing in their own way.

  My job, my employers, none of them scared me apart from one person, and one supernatural creature, which was haunting me these days. I felt like laughing on my condition, it was so dramatical. A small smile came on my mouth. Shouldn’t I ask the creature what exactly it is? Only, if it calls next time. What if it doesn’t? Then… that will be great. Yes, that will be great. My mind was happy; my nerves thrilled but then, why was there a small disappointment in the corner of my heart? If it calls or…“Hello” somebody kept a tray of eatables in front of me and pulled the opposite chair. Shesh was looking at me, with a concerned face “Something’s bothering you?”“No,” I shook my head and gazed at him, smiling. He too smiled and then continued “You didn’t notice
when I pulled the chair so, I thought, maybe you are lost somewhere”“I am not able to sleep these days so well,” I said “Want to share it?” he crooked his brows, as he said that. “No,” I said, “There is nothing to share”“Your wish,” he said and sipped his drink. Should I ask him? Maybe he can help me. No, said my better side, leave it.“Yesterday’s party was great” I smiled “Thank you, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to attend it”“It’s nothing” he shook his head and then said again “What exactly had happened to you yester evening? One minute you were perfectly enjoying the event and another minute, you were eager to go back”“Nothing, I thought, Mom must be getting worried. The time had gone up and the night had gone dense” I lied, knowing that in no way, I could tell him about the phone call of a supernatural creature.

  I came back home, kept my bag on the table and threw myself on the comfortable sofa. I was bone tired. Sleepless nights were taking their toll on me. Whatever, I had plans to sleep peacefully tonight with no scary calls or hissing sounds, waking me up.“How was the day?” mum handed me the cup of hot steaming tea and seated herself beside me“As usual, tiring” I said and sipped my hot beverage.I looked at her and wondered how she had the strength to keep on working like a robot. She had to look at her clinic on one hand and the home on another. I wish I could have that kind of stamina in me too. Mum was always like that, strong. Even after Dad’s death, she had managed to pull herself together for my sake. If it hadn’t been for her, where I would have landed in my future?“What happened?” she looked at me, as advertisement flashed on the screen of the television “Nothing,” I said “Lucky I am to have you in my life” She smiled and patted my hand with these words “I am lucky to have you too. Now, before I get too emotional, and starve both of us to death. I should prepare some dinner, what say?”I nodded as she went to the kitchen. Mum never preferred going all emotional and sentimental over the past. What’s done cannot be undone, she said that one should never cry over past loss but, should always keep on moving in life. She said these things only to make me strong. She could not hide the tears when she uses to be in her own room. She still missed Dad like anything. When I was studying in school, I had mostly spent my childhood in the hostel. Mum had deliberately taken that step, so that, I should not get affected by house environment. Right after I finished my twelfth standard, I decided to take care of her and support her in every step of life. I made it to my room as soon as I had my dinner. I took a hot shower, wiped myself dry, changed in my night pyjamas, and came to my room. I closed my eyes and prayed, that tonight, let it be a peaceful night. I did not have any strength to face any kind of scary crawly creature.

  As I woke up next morning and stretched myself fully, it was sunny today.I was surprised to notice that I have woken up before mum. Normally, it was her duty to wake me up. Not a problem. Let me make a cup of hot tea for both of us. I went to the washroom, brushed my teeth, splashed a hand full of cold water on my face, and gazed at myself.“Good morning” I said to my reflection, smiled stupidly. It was then, it occurred to me I had no calls or visits from the creature last night. Wow, I turned to leave the washroom. Could it be real that actually, the creepy creature had got my message, finally? It was weird for some anonymous reason. I didn’t feel much happy as I should have been. Was it because I had spoken so rudely to the creature last time? I was guilty of acting that way towards it. I had made it to the kitchen when mum emerged out of it with two big cups in her hand. As she looked at me her expressions gone into an amazed one.“Good morning sunshine” she said smiling and handed me the cup “Early today? Any special work?”“No” I giggled. Funny, I was happy for no reason today. Finishing my cup, I went to the washroom to get ready.

  After that night, I was 50% convinced that the thing won’t bother me again, though the other 50% was still under a small hint of doubt. Maybe, this was just one-night rest. It could trouble me again, soon. But, slowly as night after another night passed, I was getting relaxed that seriously the thing has given up on me. It will finally won’t scare me again.Singing to myself, I was working in the library looking for various tags which I should attach to the shelves when, out of somewhere, a beautiful guitar played a melodious tune. The tune held all the notes of a heartbreak. The pain in the tune was so acute that, I simply halted in my work, and stood motion still. Who was this? Who had such pain in his/her heart that it was visible so acutely, even in the music?

  Must be Shesh because hasn’t Nuwa told me that Shesh did play a music instrument. But this far? I was amazed. The guitar strings pulled my heart to it, I was forced to leave my work where it was. The sound came somewhere from the back garden, which was never used by anyone. I followed my hearing to take to the place where it was being played. There was a small balcony at the backside of each floor from where one could look at the garden. I went to it and peered down so that the musician could be spotted. The music was coming from behind a thick bush. I could not spot him or her from such a distance, no matter, how hard I tried.It would be a waste to go down. He will stop. I waited and waited for the person to come out and show himself. The music went on and on for some more time and then ultimately came to a stop. Come on, I said, show yourself. I waited again but, nothing came out. I went back into my library room hoping to catch the person some other time.

  Another day came to an end and I was packing up my belongings. Winters have started, resulting in short days and long nights. I was just locking up the room when I saw something lying on the floor. A poly bag, precisely. What was this? I wondered and proceeded to pick it up. Normally, nobody came on this floor. Only when they had work, did the “Royal people” came on the floor of the library. As Ahi Sir had his own private elevator, his side of big door remained closed. Only when he had some work with the library, did he opened them.As soon as I opened the polybag, I was surprised to find a velvet box inside. A big “C” was embedded on the top of it. It must be of Chauhan’s. Someone must have mistakenly dropped it here. I should return it and be about to keep the box inside the bag when my curiosity got better of me and I looked at the content of the small box. It appeared to be a ring box.In the faint corridor light, I opened the box and was dazzled.

  I kept on staring at the jewel as if I had seen some divine light. It didn’t matter that I was simply under the trance state, the beautiful ring lying in all its glory against the soft violet fur bed. I don’t remember when was the last time I had seen such classy beauty? But, what mattered, was, the glittering light which shone out of the beautiful ring, the simplicity of it, which stole my breath out of my lungs. The diamond enclosed in the middle of the metal band was shaped in the size of…of something. Something, which I cannot recall right now, suddenly, like a holy prediction, the word came into my mind. Like a Cobra’s Eye, yes, like a Cobra’s Eye. The kind of eyes, which I had seen of that creature, the hissing growling Cobra, Gosh, I need to get a break.I was memorising the creature too often these days. The jewel in front of me was that, a beautiful jewel. Searingly beautiful but, beautiful all the same. I took the ring out of its enclosed state and held it in my palms. I shouldn’t have done that. I should have left the ring where it was, and closed the lid as soon as I had opened it. I should have listened to my common sense, which was shrieking to me right now, that, I should not touch it. But, ignoring all of them, I kept it in the centre of my palm and went on staring at it with awe. I forgot, that it was already time, and I should go home. If it would have had been possible for me, then I would have surely kept on staring at it for my entire life. Suddenly, my focus was broken by a sudden sound coming from the wall clock. Out of my dreamy state, I glanced at the clock and the reality hit me. Before everyone vacates the building, I should find someone, to whom I can give this thing back. Of course, the staff must have left till now. The very rare possibility was, I may find someone from the directors. This appeared to be their house jewel if I was not wrong. Hastily, I rushed to the elevator and in no time, I made it to the ground floor. As soon as I reached the groun
d floor, the shiny land rover of “Dragon” stood in the parking. Heaving a big sigh of relief, I rushed to it, hoping that maybe he must be inside it. If he will be there then, I will return the bag to him. I had just reached the side of the vehicle when he approached the car from the other side. Does he stay in that territory of his 24 hours? Doesn’t he visit any part of the building during the interval hours? I had seen the other three roaming in the premises but, I had never spotted him. Maybe, he does. Whatever, I was here to return the bag, that’s it. No sooner did he saw me; I sensed his whole frame going tensed. What happened to him, whenever I was around?“Good evening Sir,” I smiled, as I greeted him. He silently nodded and then asked me “Anything off Ms Sharma? You seem to be out of breath” I stared at him for some seconds before speaking” Yes Sir, actually” I handed him the poly bag and said “I found this bag in front of library’s door, as I was locking it. It seems, someone from your brother had dropped it there or, it could be Nuwa mam.” Giving me a look, he opened the bag and took out the velvet box from it. Instantly, his expressions changed from that of cold to shocked one. His jaw set and it appeared as if, his teeth will soon snap in two.“Sir,” I asked, concerned “Are you alright?”“Yes,” he nodded and when he raised his head to answer me back, I was amazed at the amount of anger. “Did you saw, what it was?” he asked “It appeared a sort of ring box so, I guess, there must be a ring in it” I lied. Grimly nodding, he said “Thank you for your help umm” he gulped the water of his mouth down “Ms Sharma”“You’re welcome Sir,” “How are you going?” “Through bus, Sir” I smiled again. He still remained that serious and said “Sit inside. I’ll drop you”“It’s totally fine Sir,” I spoke “I can-““I said, sit. Inside” he stared with that look again and I was unable to say no

  “Where do you live?” he asked, till the time both of us have crossed half the way. Off course, how foolish of me. He must not be knowing about my address.“Near Chick chocolate, that is on Mall road” He nodded and kept on driving silently. It had been five minutes since both of us were silent. Finally, I started a conversation “You’re girlfriend is very beautiful” He seemed to be taken aback by that kind of talk. He looked at me sideways, and said “Who said I have any girlfriend?”“Khanak mam”“Oh, alright” he gave a curt reply. Does the boy never smile, I questioned myself? I was now and then giving him my stupid kind of smile but, he never reciprocated any of that.“Where do you live?” I asked him“Near Mossy Falls area”

  My mouth fell open. Amazed, I looked at him. The fall was surrounded by dense forest and was 7 km from Mussoorie. Bus from Balahisar or Barlowganj town leads up to it. Chauhan’s lived so far. They had to get up real early in the morning if they had to reach to Sir George’s Everest area. My mind went in for different questions. If they were from such a far area then, why did they had to put up an office here in the main city? They could have put it somewhere in Barlowganj or Balahisar, why Mussoorie? Must be liking the place, “What’s the time, Ms Sharma?” the sudden questioning of his pulled me down from my train of thought. “it's eight, Sir,” I said, hesitantly this time “Are you hungry?” he asked in that same strict tone as if, he was my warden and me, a un-obedient child “Of course Sir, but, don’t worry” I said, “Mom must be awake till now. She will be keeping the dinner ready” There was red light on the Gandhi Chowk for the time being, so, he looked at me “You live with your Mother, where is your Dad?”“ My Dad is dead” I replied in the same way. His voice turned onto some warmth as he replied “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have asked”“It’s alright” I smiled again “I was just ten years old when he died so, I don’t remember him that clearly”“How did he…” he left the question in the midway “Snakebite. Till the time an antidote could be searched for, he was already blue. Nobody could do anything” I replied. His knuckles turned white as they grasped the steering wheel more tightly. As soon as he left me on my doorstep, immediately, he turned in the opposite direction, without even waiting for me to say thank you to him.Weird Guy!

  That night, as I lay in my bed, I kept on thinking about the small conversation I had with Ahi Sir today. Suddenly, the phone bell went buzzing and I picked it up


  “Hi Ra”

  “Who is this?”

  “Kaya,” My mood went into that of a jovial one. God, it had been days since I last had a conversation with her. “Kaya,” I said “Hi, how are you? What’s going on these days?”“I should ask you that, instead” she said, “Little Ms Librarian had seemed to forget us, as soon as she took up in Chauhan industries, ha? Not fair, Ms Sharma” “I am sorry” I said “The work was too much; I lost count of the day’s”“It’s alright” she said “Deepak had asked me to call you, and ask, if you are happy in that job of yours”“Thanks for asking honey” I said “Yes, I am happy”“Well, it’s great.”We talked for a little while more, before, she kept the receiver down. As soon as I kept the phone back on the table, it rang again. Now, who is it? “Hello” “Rashi sssss”

  I was so tuned to this voice that, I swear, I could recognise it anywhere. This time, though I was still scared, I didn’t shriek, nor was I shaking. There was some weird sense of relief in me, I myself was amazed at it. Sitting on the bed upright, I answered calmly “You” “Yes sssss” it whispered in that old lisp voice “It’s me. You told me to stay away from you but…”“Don’t” I say “Don’t say that. I am sorry for being so rude to you in the first instance. I was very scared when you first called me. I am, still” I said, in order to remove the shakiness from my voice “But, the intensity of the fear has reduced with time. I was missing your voice from so many days.” I took a breath “It’s the truth” Blimey, it was the truth “So,” it said “You are not scared of me, anymore?”“I didn’t say that” I said “But, Yes, I am not that much scared of your voice. Though, if you presented yourself in front of me, then, I might go shrieking in another direction once again” A whispery chuckle on the other end, and then, its voice “Thank you, angel. Thank you for that small amount of trust” “Why do you call me an angel?” I asked “Because, for me, that’s the place you hold in my life. If it hadn’t been for you, then, I might have been killed by those men’s that day. I really thank full to you for that” “It’s alright” I said “It’s not such a big deal. If anyone else would have been there, then they must have had done the same thing, who are you actually?” the question just came out of my mouth, before I could say anything else. I kept my silence, and waited“ I was beginning to wonder, if ever you will ask this question to me” there was a pause, and then, what came out of its mouth next, totally turned my world upside down “ I am a were snake, Rashi” I didn’t speak anything, for a minute. I was surprised at the amount of shock when I shouldn’t have. Didn’t I already have my suspicion on the supernaturalness of such talking creature? Why then, all of a sudden, I was feeling less of words? “Alright,” I said as if use to hear this kind of things every day when, in reality, I was too shock to say anything “I see” “Do you?” it lisp again “Does you actually know what a were snake is, angel? I am a shape shifter, a lycanthrope, a creature who can turn into a human, and a Cobra, whenever I want to do so”“I know what a lycanthrope is, thanks anyway for telling me” I said, as I grasped the bed sheet tightly, so that my voice does not shake. Another earth shattering silence and then he asked me “Scared?”“Somewhat” I replied honestly “I won’t lie to you”“Thanks again for that,” it said,“Do you have a name?” “Why do you ask my name? Just call me friend. Have I already told you my biggest reality”“You have called me your friend? Don’t friends should know everything about each other?”“Call me Vasu” it said” My near and dear ones call me that”“Vasu,” I said the name and felt thrilled, saying it. “Tell me something more about you? Where do you live? Who is there in your family? Do you work somewhere? What do you eat? You must be in college right?” my question list went endlessly. I had so many of them and, then more.“Slowly Ra” it whispered “I can’t answer all of
them in one go. I will answer them slowly, and in coming time” “What does that mean?” I asked “That means, I will answer every question but, one question, one day” “That’s long,” I said, going restless all of a sudden “You have to learn, to be patient honey” he whispered,“Now, can I ask you a question?”“Go on,” I said, “Are you now my friend, or not?” Should I be? but the answer was always inside me. I just had to mouth the words now “Hey, I am your friend. Never doubt that” “So, that means, I can come to your room to meet you again?” it asked again “No,” I said “Please don’t, or I will die of heart attack. It will take some time for me to get adjusted to this reality of yours. Until that time, have mercy on my condition and don’t come in front of me, especially not in your reptile form” A whispery chuckle and then it said “fair enough. I won’t come in front of you, till the time, you call me” “Vasu, can I ask you something?” “Sure,” it said, “You said that you can take human form too. Can you meet me in that form someday? Not in my bedroom, of course” Again a silence, but, there was an answer now “I will come in my human form but only, when I will feel that, it’s safe” “Cool,” “Sleep now an angel,” it said” You need it. Good night” “Good night, Vasu,” I said and then, switching off my bed lamp I went to sleep. That night, first time, I slept deeply and contented as if, everything had turned out to be as satisfying as I wanted it to be. My life has certainly taken an interesting turn after making a were snake, my friend.

  Next day, I whistled unto myself, as I descended the stairs and made it to the dining. A certain light weightiness in my chest after last night talk to Vasu. Vasu, what a charming name? Seriously, I was too rude to him in the first, but now, when everything had been sorted out between both of us; I had made a right decision. The friendship was still a little fragile right now, but, I felt a certain peace in myself for the time being. He must really like me, because, if it had not been that, then, he would never have told me its reality? Hell, it would never have talked to me after that incident in the temple, thereby, creating a suspicion in my mind and scaring me to my core. Stop, I told myself, don’t read too much between the lines. He was thankful that’s why he had to talk to you and reveal his reality to you. I was kind of relieved that this had finally settled itself. “Bye mum,” I said, as I stepped out of the house. God, it was really getting freezing these days. Fog, humidity, mist whatever you want to call it. Hills are like this whole year. I walked to the bus stand and waited for my bus.

  I was working in the library and was going through the daily newspaper when the telephone set named “Vritra” gave a red light. Immediately, I picked it up “Yes Sir,” “Ms Sharma, come down to the meeting room, we are going to start with our monthly annual meeting. Make it quick”“Yes sir,” I hurried to the elevator. As the elevator landed on the first floor, with quick steps, I finally made it to the meeting room. As soon as I entered, there was a grave silence all over, and every eye turned towards me. “The triumvirate” sat in the front, with Hari and Koyal by their side. Next to Koyal, it was my name and so, without making any hustle, I quickly seated myself in it. Shesh smiled at me, and I returned it back. Vritra and Nuwa were sitting together, with Nuwa whispering something in his ears; his head silently shaking in acceptance. Ahi, on the other hand, was totally tranquil, neither looking left nor looking right. The meeting started with, Ahi, speaking on certain guns, which were considered to be a deal of benefit for the company. As soon as I opened my file, to take notice of some important notes, my attention was immediately held by a certain black mark, which was there in the centre of my palm. What was this? I rubbed my hands together in order to get rid of it. It did not go. I will look into it after the meeting gets over, I decided.

  Soon the meeting got over, with Vritra’s thank you speech. As the applause died down, everyone was invited for small refreshment, which had been arranged in the corner of the hall. As I proceeded to the counter, for taking the tea and cookies Nuwa, came to me. Lady had a style, walking with such grace. No wonder, every male gaze, apart from Ahi and Shesh, looking at her with such admiration and lust. It was not breaking news for her that, if she had not been married, then right now, every man present around me must be thinking, what would she be like in bed?“So, how was the meeting, Ms Sharma?”“Great mam, considering, that it was my first one” I smiled, as I took a sip of my drink “Well, I am glad. Is everything going well these days? I mean, with your job, your life?”A certain amount of unexpected curiosity, in that voice of hers.“Fine mam or I would say, great” I replied in my chilled way “Good, all the best” she proceeded to Koyal’s side. That evening, as I went back home, during washing myself off from dust, I saw that black mark on my palm again. I scrubbed it hard, rubbed my palms again and again but, it appeared, that it was kind of attached to my skin, kind of engraved in it. What was this? Why wasn’t it going away? My hands had started stinging red now due to continuous scrubbing and rubbing. I didn’t pay much attention to it and simply left it where it was. After some days, I had completely forgotten about it, considering the fact it wasn’t causing any sort of a pain to me or that it was only visible to me.

  Five working months rushed passed me. In these months, I developed a great working environment around myself, and a certain amount of confidence in my work, too. Apart from Ahi, everyone in my office was pretty happy with my performance. Shesh had even given me a month salary in advance, telling me that he was happy with my punctuality, my dedication, and all above, my hard work. This was certainly a big achievement for me. At night, I was progressing in my friendship, with Vasu. We talked a long while, as he answered my question one by one, as he had said previously. I still remember the talk which had answered, some of my much-awaited questions “Vasu” I had said, “Tell me, what exactly you eat?” “We are omnivores, Rashi” he had said “We can thrive on both human food as well as living humans, too” “You mean you eat humans?” I got scared, as I asked that “Have you killed or eaten any in Mussoorie?”“No,” he said “My family lives on human food. We do get excited by the sight of blood like every carnivores snake but, we know how to resist. Others like us, normally, can’t” “How many of you are here?”“Me, and three more snakes, that’s it” “All like you?” “All like me” he replied and then continued “We are here to search for our pious Nag Mani, Rashi. The magical stone, emitted by my parents, the king and the queen. We call them “Kashyapa and Kadra” “What are these?” “The ranks are given to the present king and queen, and the future royalty to be” he replied “Alright” I sighed, as I rolled onto the other side and held the phone close to my ears “I have so many questions, where I should begin?”“But, you have asked every trifle details from me” he said “From my eating habits to my living condition” “No” I said “I haven’t. Tell me, how you came to know about my name, my job and every other thing about me?”There was a pause. I sensed, he didn’t want to answer the question. “Hello,” I said, “Vasu, are you there?” “I am,” he said “your questions will have to wait for Ra. I promise, the day I will come to meet you in my human form, I will answer every lingering question in your mind. OK?” he said “I don’t have any problem,” I said “But, why can’t you answer the phone?”“Because,” he said “There are some questions, which should be answered with direct conversation. As for knowing your name, I am a supernatural creature, having certain kind of powers to myself. I can hypnotise people and therefore, I knew everything about you through that. Do you remember when I turned my hood in your direction? The way, I just stared in your eyes”“Yes,” I said “how can I forget that”“Your eyes told me all the information, I needed” he chuckled again. I blushed till my cheeks, and thanked God, that he could not see me blushing right now. I said, “So, you came to know about my phone number, too, in that way?” “No, your mind told me that thing.I am having certain telepathic abilities” A supernatural creature, with hypnotising and telepathic abilities who was attracted to me, well, wasn’t that something to be counted of? “So, you
can communicate with your brain to others?” I was curious “Only when I feel like, normally, I don’t”“Well, I am glad ” I smiled, and tried to stifle a yawn. “You are tired. Go to sleep” “I am not sleepy” I said “You are” he insisted “And I don’t want you to spoil your health. Sleep now. Good night”“Good night, hey, wait,” I said, too loud “Yes sssss”“When will we meet Vasu?” “When the time is right. Good night now” saying that the line went dead.

  Life has suddenly started appearing a roller coaster to me. My job was going just fine, or I should say, more than fine. I had a certain peculiar feeling, where my employer was concerned. Though, we were on good terms with each other but, it seems, he was acting pretty strange around me. Shesh Sir was the sweetest person in the whole office and also very refined towards me. These days, he had started acting nervous around me. Well, in the past too, we use to have so many conversations in the lunch time, as the office had such less number of employees but, these days, apart from a normal Hello or Good morning, afternoon, evening, he barely spoke to me. Even the tension between Ahi Sir and him, which was pretty visible to me in the past five months, had started getting denser by every passing day. What was wrong with him? In meetings, I had caught him, several times, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. He thought, that I never noticed, the kind of coveted glares he sent me. The biggest surprise was, that, in past, I was just scared Of Ahi Sir but, these days, I have started fearing Shesh, too. I asked his problem but then, just halted in my process. What if he tells me, that it was none of my business? Sometimes, you just can’t tell about these blue-blood people. They can be sweet at one moment, and sour the next. I left the matter where it was. On that one particular day, I was working on some problem, his advice, now and then, resonating in my ears. He was giving me some directions regarding it. Suddenly, before I could watch my actions, my palm surface got cut, as it got rubbed against the sharp edge of the glass. “Ow” I winced, the tip covered with a drop of blood. Shesh face turned to me, gaping at me in horror. He was by my side. Before, I could make any sense of his action; he took the finger in his mouth and tried to suck it dry. In that one instant, his blue gaze got locked with mine, and I read what I had never seen in that gaze of his. The raw need, feelings which were nameless right now, attraction, which he had finally laid open in front of me, his action of sucking my finger told me everything. Oh my God, I finally conceded his problem in my mind. It was like, I had been blind till now, and this sudden accident had raised the curtain from my eyes. How did this happen? Did Shesh actually have those feelings for me? Horrified at my own imagination, I snatched my hand away from him, my file from the table and hastily, made my way out from his room. I never even dared to turn back. As soon as I came out of the room, I broke into a run and did not stop, till I have actually made it into the elevator, leading up to my floor. As soon as I entered the library, I shut the door tightly, so that nobody could disturb me for a moment. Reaching to my table, I gulped down the entire water and breathed heavily. No, this can’t be. I must have imagined it. He was my employer for God sake, and my rule book implied that I should never ever get in relation with my own boss, leave getting on with anyone. I shook my head and decided, not to think of this aspect anymore. Maybe, there was nothing like that and I was simply imagining it too much. Shesh can’t feel those things for his own personal secretary.

  Till the time I reached home, took my dinner half-heartedly, washed, and finally laid on the bed, my mind was still reeling in that direction, where it had been, all tiring day. Finally, when my phone bell rang, then only did I have some relief. Vasu, it must be him. Grinning and sighing with relief, I picked up the phone “Hello” “Hi, angel. How was the day?” “Tiring, as usual. How was yours?”“Tiring, as usual” he gave me my answer back. I kept my silence. I was confused, how to tell him everything, that had taken place today? Should I, simply, blurt it out? “Rashi sssss “he whispered again “What happen? You are very quiet” “Nothing,” I said “What happened in your college? Anything new, that you studied?” He had told me once that he was studying in a college, doing his bachelor’s in Arts. “Vasu,” I said hesitantly “I need to ask you something” “Yes sssss,” he said again “Do you like me?”“Of course, I do, angel” it said “I always say that, don’t I? I have told my family about you, and they are pretty excited, to meet you” I closed my eyes, it was in the situations like this, that I considered him totally human. In fact, six-month was about to come to an end, since we have become friends. In these months, I have told him everything about myself. My family, job, employers, office, everything. He uses to get excited, as I told him my daily routine. It made me relieved, happy, in an unusual kind of way, that I cannot describe. “What was the name of the person, you were scared of, in your office?” he asked “I have forgotten his name” “Ahi Chauhan,” I said. Even his name was enough to elicit a shiver in my spine “You told me once that he had a girlfriend, right? How does she look? I will have a chance with her?”A pang of envy, so sharp, pierced my heart. He dared to think about anyone, besides me, it was enough to flame me, internally. Pouting, I said “Mr Vasu, if you are so interested in that Khanak Thakur then why don’t you talk to her, instead of, talking to me? You seem to be pretty interested in her, ”“Jealous?” he asked me “of course, I am stupid. How will you feel, if I tell you, that I am dating someone else?” “You aren’t” he chuckled but a small edge underneath.“You mean to say, that, you won’t be affected, if I tell you that somebody has approached me?” I asked, disbelievingly “Nobody will dare to do that, you are my girlfriend, Angel” immediately as the words left his mouth, a thrill came to my chest. But, it seemed to have an opposite effect on him. He became silent, and then said “I am sorry if I offended you” “Vasu, answer me honestly” I held my breath “Do you like me in a normal way, or…” I left the sentence as it was, hoping, that he would guess the direction of my question “Or?” his voice sounded silken. “Or…” I said, as a matter of fact. “Ask me correctly. Then I can answer” “Vasuuu” irritated and got up from my bed, I proceeded to window side “Don’t play games now. Come now, tell me, do you like me in a generally friendly way or, in a way a boy likes a girl?”“Umm,” he said, and gave a dramatic sigh, as if, he had no other option “I like you,” that will do, for now, it seems, I have to wait for some more time to pass.“OK” I said “Fine enough. Then I should go to sleep” “So early?” he sounded amazed “It’s just ten thirty”“I am sleepy” I said, sounding off, even to myself. He smiled on the phone, as he spoke again “You are simply adorable when you get offended like that. I enjoy you”“I am sure you do. Good night” I was going to keep the phone,

  “Rashi” “Yes sssss” I imitated him, chuckling again, he said “I…Good night” It was so sudden, that I could not make simple head or tail of his actions.

  It dawned on me much later then, I have realised. I loved Vasu. When, or how did this happen? I mean, people will call it an insane action of mine, when they will come to know that, I have fallen in love with a person, by merely talking to him through phone, from past eight months. Yes, two more months had passed. Kind of, half the year had passed me by, since I have joined Chauhan’s, adding my friendship to a were snake. A mere thought, of falling in love with a were a snake, eight months ago, would have made me scared to my core but now, Oh God now, it seemed as natural to me as breathing. We have just known each other. In these eight months, I have asked him only once, to meet me. He had told me, that, when it will be safe, only then, he will show himself. After that, I had never pressurised him. I was treading on dangerous waters but, I simply could not help it. Though, falling in love with a mythological creature will have its disadvantages, too. Truth be told, I didn’t care on that aspect now. I simply wanted to live in this secure cocoon, which somehow, had made its space inside me. Though, now and then, both of us kept dropping the hints to each other but, nobody spoke the words aloud. Who will say them first, that thing had to be seen. Soon the month o
f Diwali approached, with lots of buzz and excitement in the air. Diwali had always been my favourite time of year, after Christmas. These two festivals made me so positive towards life.

  This Diwali was very special to me. I wanted to tell whole Mussoorie, I am in love. Oh the delights of first love, internally I smiled to myself. Today was supposed to be my last day in the office because it was getting closed for Diwali holidays. The greatest relief, my suspicion regarding Shesh Sir falling for me, had turned out to be just that, a mere suspicion. After that incident, he had barely talked. It seemed that for a moment there, even he had lost certain control on himself but, everything was alright now. I was about to leave for home and was just locking the door of the library, when I got Shesh’s call, saying, that he will drop me tonight. Humming unto myself, I took the elevator, which left me on the first floor. Out of the lift, I had just started walking to Shesh room when certain voices came from a nearby balcony. Vritra and Nuwa must have left by now, who was this talking so loud? I stood behind the wall because, the words were so clear that, I simply could not resist myself from listening to the speaker “But you promised me, Ahi” it was a female sound “You are backing on it, now” Khanak Thakur, I rolled my eyes. I still remember her sarcastic remark, when I had gone to her birthday party. I shook my head,“No, I didn’t” Ahi spoke again. The anger clear in his voice “You made a promise to yourself that you want to go to the restaurant. I told you, that I am too busy these days and also, that I have no time to idle around. So, please Khanak,” there was a warning “Stop throwing yourself on me, unnecessarily. I have already told you, I consider you only my friend, that’s it, nothing more than that and, if you can’t get that simple thing in your mind, then I am sorry. You are in for a big disappointment” “That’s a lie. You do love me. You are just afraid to say it”“Suit yourself if you want to live in that happiness bubble. Avoiding both of their eyes I made myself walk to Shesh’s office.

  Shesh was a cool driver. He handled his car, as if, it was a feather. So smooth and light. It was almost, as if, you were floating on clouds. I was still thinking about Vasu, about what I should say to him when I will receive his call. Should I just say everything, which has been going on in my heart from so many days? Or, should I wait for him, to say it first? My confusion level kept on increasing from day to day. I was so deep lost in my fantasies that, I never noticed Shesh halting up the car, all of a sudden. It was when he called my name that I came out of my thoughts.“Yes Sir,” I turned, and saw him holding the car door open “Come, let’s have some dinner” “Sir,” I looked at him, surprised and then shook my head “I am fine Sir, seriously. I-““Rashi,” he said, this time somewhat, irritated “I am hungry, and if you aren’t, then, just for my sake, accompany me. Please” His expressions falling down “It’s my birthday today” I felt like kicking myself. I turned to him, and raised my hand “Happy B’day Sir, I am sorry,” “It’s alright” he shook my hand with small smile playing near his mouth “By the way, do you like Vegetarian or Non-vegetarian” I smiled at that “of course, Vegetarian, Sir”