Read Love in death Page 1

 Love in death


  Chapter one

  A thin thirteen year old boy with short black hair and brown eyes was walking through the school of dezmond middle in Saint James, new York. He had black cargo shorts and a blue skater t shirt matching his blue and black skater shoes. An older guy pushed him into a locker. Bully “skater loser!” he tried to escaped but he was too strong for him. The bully laughed. bully “so weak!” voice “get off of him!” a thin fourteen year old girl with dark brown hair covering one of her dark brown eyes walked towards them. Bully laughed. Bully” I’d like to see you make me!” the girl jumped on him.

  The bully started to tumble everywhere trying to get her off. The girl kept on pounding his head. The bullies’ friends stood there laughing. She jumped off and pushed him. girl” don’t you have any honor!?” good luck finding a girl that likes fools that take advantage of the weak!” bully” you will pay for this! He ran off. The girl helped the boy up. girl “are you okay?” boy” yea” thank you” girl” not a problem” I’ve whacked a few bullies before” the boy laughed.” so you are the bully whacker?” the girl giggled. Girl” I guess you could call me that” you could call me Samyra too. It’s up to you.

  Boy” I have a choice?” samyra “maybe” Samyra sounds good. “I am Jaems” samyra “nice to meet you jaems” jaems “same here!” samyra “those people make me so mad” they are just jealous that you are different and have a cool style” jaems “yea, who’s want’s to be the same?” freaking zombies I tell you! Samyra giggled. Samyra “right?! We are all different anyway” the bell rang. Samyra “oh no” we have to get to fun class. Jaems laughed. Jaems “it’s time to be robots again” samyra “yep! I’ll see you later jaems!” she walked away.

  He noticed she was wearing black leggings and a blue and black plaid shirt. After school he walked home with his friend mason. Mason was about the same height as jaems with dark long blonde hair and blue eyes. Mason “school wouldn’t be so bad if we had girls awaiting us after each class.” One with glasses after history, one with a lab coat after science. Jaems laughed. Jaems “then school would actually be important.” Mason “yea but then too many people would want to go to school and that means we would be fighting for girls!”

  Jaems “very true” mason “and we all know how well you fight” jaems “shut up” I’ll fight you!” mason grabbed him and wrestled him to the ground. Mason “all the girls are mine!”

  Jaems “can I have one?” mason “I’ll think about it” jaems “sweet” you know what, I may not need one. Mason “what? Jaems smirked. Mason “dude you did not meet a girl” did you? Jaems “maybe” mason “no way!” tell me all!” even the parts I don’t want to know. Jaems laughed. Jaems “her name is samyra and she helped me from this bully” mason “she’s tough too!?” you lucky punk! wait. The samyra in my history class? Jaems smirked. Probably. Mason stopped. Mason “you are a liar I say!” color eyes!? Jaems “dark brown. Mason “clothes!?” jaems “skater style!” mason “okay you will have to prove it to me tomorrow! Jaems “if I see her” mason laughed. Mason “this should be funny” I’ll see you tomorrow!” jaems walked into his large white two story house. His mom and dad were in the kitchen. The mom was thin with short blonde hair and green eyes. The dad was tall and big with black hair and brown eyes.

  She was an award winning writer and he was a CEO of a computer company called chipping industries. Her name was dahla and his name was Brian. Dahla “hello son!” Brian “hey son” how was cool school?” jaems “actually cool today” Brian “ahh that’s good.” wait. Did mason introduce you to the pipe?!” jaems laughed. Dahla “oh honey, we didn’t raise no dummie” jaems “I’ve been hitting it since I was seven!” Brian ran towards him as jaems ran up the stairs laughing. Brian “it inst finny!” dahla was giggling. Brian “you too?” dahla “trust me we will know if he does” Brian “I hope so” especially with this technology today”

  Their ten year old daughter walked in. she had long blonde hair and brown eyes. Brian walked to her and put his hand on her head. Brian “how long have you been listing little spy princess?” her name was Nina. Nina “all I heard was pipe.” Dahla giggled. Brian “just forget all that okay?” pipes are bad okay? Nina “okay daddy!” you are always right!” Brian “not always” no one is always right but I am right about this” Nina ran upstairs. Brian walked up to dahla and put his arm around her. I needed al little help there. Dahla “I told you don’t need my help”

  You did wonderful. Besides I need a break. Jeez. Brian laughed. “Break huh?” I’ll make you need a break. He picked her up. Dahla broke free and ran off. He chased her. Someone knocked on jaems’s door. Jaems “go away Nina!” Nina “I promise I won’t touch anything!” jaems “you said those ten times now!” Nina “I was joking those times!” jaems “really? He opened the door quickly and closed it. Nina “no fair!” jaems “life isn’t fair!”

  Nina got the door open and ran around his room. Jaems chased her. Jaems “get out of here!”

  She slammed her head into his dresser and cried. Jaems picked her up. Jaems “see what happens when you go into crazy Nina mode?!” he noticed something on the ground. It was a white stone. He gave it to Nina. Nina stopped crying. Nina “what is this?” jaems “its pretty right?” it’s an old stone I found a few years ago in a cave. This dosnet meant its okay to go exploring though. Nina “I always want too!” jaems “in a few years you can” I couldn’t picture a life without my great, beautiful, annoying, mean sister! Okay maybe you should go!” Nina giggled. Jaems “I am kidding now go to your room before they think I hurt you!” Nina “I won’t tell them it was you this time!” jaems “oh thanks.”

  Nina left. Jaems heard rumbling downstairs. Jaems “I know where Nina got her hyper self from. Not sure if she’s worse or my parents. Surprised I’m calm for the most part.

  Chapter two

  It was the next day and jaems was with mason in the cafeteria. Mason “man they really need to give you more food. It’s like they think were babies. Jaems “yea it’s ridiculous”

  Surprised they don’t serve the milk in a bottle. Mason laughed. Mason “they should”

  A girl came up to them. Girl “hey are you going to eat that?” mason “I was but I wouldn’t mind giving it to you” girl blushes. Girl “thanks!” she takes the food and leaves. Jaems laughed. Mason hit his arm. Mason “shut up man” I don’t mind being the food man if I get desert later. It’s the way of the world. Suffer now and live it up in the future. Jaems “sure thing”

  Tell me how that goes. Mason “you’ll see” now I’m hungry and heart broken. Jaems “you did it” mason “I’ll talk to the next one” another girl walked up to them and sat down. Mason “whoa lady” you think you could just sit here as you please?” girl “I don’t see your name on it buddy” she grabbed some of his food. Mason “damn now I’m really screwed.” Jaems laughed. Girl “hey your jaems right?” jaems looked to see it was samyra.

  Jaems “samyra right?” samyra threw her hands up. Mason ducked under the table. Samyra “you remembered!”

  Jaems “you have a rare name so I think that helped” samyra “everyone says that” I guess it’s a good thing right?” mason “I’m not sure but I don’t want to die” just let me get one last bite before you kill me” samyra giggled. Samyra “you’re in my history class right?” mason “yes” samyra “I know I can be tough but I’m not that crazy, unless you really get on my bad side. Jaems ducked with mason. Samyra laughed. They both got up. I want to know how you two are friends?” mason “what are you
saying?” that I’m in a whole different level then him?” I know I feel bad but.

  Samyra laughed. Samyra “yes you are” mason “wait” I’m cooler than him right?” samyra “what is cool?” mason “it’s a title to people that don’t get picked on, you know the gods of school. People that don’t have to deal with pain. Samyra laughed. samyra “it’s all opinion” their cool can be different from ours” in the end you are cool no matter what anyone else says/ mason “I wish those punks would realize that” samyra “you are better than them” their loss” mason “true” well I like him because he doesn’t judge.

  Samyra “oh yea mister cooler?” mason “yea yea” jaems laughed. Samyra “yes he is or is he” maybe he’s a killer waiting for the right time to kill you!” mason “I know him too well for that to be possible” he moved away from jaems a little. Samyra giggled. Samyra “you guys are a riot” mason “if you want to go on a riot count me out” jaems “riot sounds fun” samyra “awesome!” that’s what I like to see!” mason “well if your going to I guess I would have to join” samyra “great” our three man army will get far” jaems “it would be us two running off and you taking over” samyra laughed. Samyra “am I that tough” I guess I don’t realize it” mason “I have seen you throw a preps desk across the room with one hand.” Samyra “oh yeah!” oh he was the worst. Putting down our group. Jaems “I hate categorization” you are you” we are all different. Samyra “very true”

  Mason “yes you guys are very different but not in a good way” jaems “I wouldn’t talk mister food giver” mason “hey she ran off with that” maybe I should’ve ran after her. You know what I’m going” he ran off. Samyra laughed. Samyra “he is something else”

  The bell rang. Jaems got up. Samyra “you don’t like being late huh?” jaems “it’s my favorite thing it’s just not tolerated. Samyra “I know right?” no one is perfect. Jaems “you seem perfect” samyra blushed. Samyra “me?” ohh even if was I wouldn’t want to be perfect”

  Too much work. Jaems laughed. Jaems “it does get annoying” people expect more of you” samyra “yep” just let me live you know. Jaems “I hate living” samyra giggled. Samyra “are you serious?” jaems “maybe” samyra “you goofer” samyra “hey follow me” she grabbed his hand. Jaems “I’m going to tell my teacher the reason was you!” samyra “go ahead” I’m used to that” they went into an empty classroom. Jaems “are you going to be the teacher?” samyra “ugh no although I would just mess with the popular people the whole time” jaems “you need to become one!” samyra “maybe” look.

  Jaems looked out the window. Jaems “wow what amazing grass.” Samyra giggled. Samyra “no silly” look closely at that window. Jaems looked closely. I don’t see anything. Samyra “keep on staring” jaems suddenly saw a bright flash. He fell to the floor. Samyra “you saw it huh?!” I did the same thing when I saw it. Isn’t weird? Jaems “that is insane” I have to go” samyra “but why?” he ran to his class. After school he was walking with mason again. Mason “I finally thought you lied for once n your life but of course not”

  I give you credit. If you go out with her just bring a weapon of some sort. We still going to the park tomorrow?” jaems was silent. He was in a trance. Mason “dude what’s wrong with you?” did she possess you?” I knew it!” jaems “no mason” she’s a normal girl under it all. She brought me to a classroom where I saw a bright flash in another room. Mason “she’s a ghost freak too?” even better for you. I will never believe in that crap. Jaems “it’s real” you just need to open your soul to it. Mason “no thanks” I’ll see you at the park tomorrow around twelve?

  Jaems “yea later” he walked into his house. Dahla “hey son I finished another book!” jaems “that’s great mom” he walked to his room. Dahla “is everything okay?” jaems “yes mom” jaems was in that classroom but samyra wasn’t with him. He saw the bright light again. It was in a shape of a witch screaming at him. Jaems woke up in his bed. Jaems “wow! Damn it samyra!” I hope I can fall back asleep.

  Chapter three

  He woke up around eleven the next morning. He went downstairs to his kitchen. Brian “good late morning son” you mom has a special announcement” jaems “I know she finished her millionth book” dahla laughed.

  Dahla “I wish I was that fast” maybe if I smoked a certain thing” Brian laughed.” yes and just imagine what you would write” dahla “I wouldn’t remember anything I wrote” this one is about a fading love. Brian “I love your romance novella’s honey queen” dahla “I know it’s one of the reason’s why I wrote it” they kissed. Brian “well I wish I could stay but I have overtime today at the zombie office” jaema “at least your place has nice zombies” Brian laughed. Brian “I used to hate school too until I realized how much better it is than working.

  Enjoy it while you can. Dahla “yes and isn’t learning fun?” jaems “we should get paid” we have no choice!” dahla laughed. I agree but just think you will get paid more the more you know” Nina “yea I love school!” dahla “yes you do dear” jaems “nerd!” Nina “dummy!” dahla “no name calling to each other!” only if it’s a nasty bully! Nina “but he is a bully!” dahla “it’s tough love” it’s his way of showing he cares about you” Nina “I hope your right mommy” jaems “im off to the park” dahla “okay dear be careful” jaems “I’m going to be dangerous” dahla “you know what I mean “the world can be a scary place”

  Jaems “it sure can be” he walked out. Nina started crying. Nina “I wanted to go to the park!” dahla “aww honey he’s going to be hanging out with the older people. Nina “but I’ll be an adult I promise!” dahla ran out the door. Dahla “Jaems!” he turned around. Dahla “bring your sister with you this one time!” jaems “but mom!” dahla “just this one time!” I’ll make your favorite meal!” jaems “fine!” come on Nina!” Nina jumped up. Nina “you can’t beat me as long as I have mommy!” jaems “yes that is why I’m going to kill her” Nina “what!?” I won’t let you!” jaems laughed.

  Jaems “well I guess you will be first!” he lifted her up. Nina screamed in laughter. No!

  They arrived at the park. It had everything from a jungle gym to a basketball court. Jaems “okay I’ll be over at the basketball courts okay” Nina “okay big brother!” he walked to mason who was talking to a few girls. Mason “oh perfect timing!” wait dude. You bring your little sister? Jaems “I had too” mason “if it ruins my good game right now you will suffer!” mason “this is my friend jaems” the three girls said hello and blushed. Mason “watch this” he did an alley op and missed it slamming his face into the fence. Everyone laughed. Jaems put his head on his head. Mason “that was on purpose” funny right?!

  Jaems shot a three pointer and got it in. the girls looked at each other. Mason “your killing me!” how do you do it?

  Jaems “a lot of practice. Mason “wait their gone. Jaems “their with my sister” they walked to them. Girl one “she is so cute!” jaems “not always!” the girls laughed. Jaems “she’s my cute but annoying sister” girl two “aww how sweet” she doesn’t look like she could ever be annoying. Jaems “live with her for a month then” Nina “no!” I don’t want to live with her!” the girls laughed. Girl one “he’s only kidding” Nina “maybe I will” mason “why wasn’t my mom a baby freak” maybe I’ll get my dad to trick her into having another kid.

  Jaems “it’s not worth it” mason “yes it is!” a big older guy pushed Nina off the gym. The girls screamed at him. Mason “what’s you problem man! He got in his face. The guy lifted mason up and threw him to the ground. The guy laughed. Guy “you don’t deserve these girls” girls “we don’t like douche bags like you” the guy got mad. He grabbed one of them. Suddenly a girl jumped on the guy. She made him trip and break his nose. Guy “ahh! What are you?” how are you so strong?” girl “you will never understand. Get your own girls you freak!” the guy ran off.

  Girl “every
one alright?” mason “wow!” are your parents evil scientists?” jaems “you saved me again samyra” samyra giggled. Samyra “that would make my parents look good” not a problem. You better save me when I need it though!” mason laughed. Good luck on that. Jaems “you really beat him up right” mason “hey at least I stood up to him. Samyra “it doesn’t matter” I can’t believe how ruthless and low some people can be. It’s a shame. Mason “it sure is but that’s the reason you’re here” samyra laughed. Samyra “I guess but why a girl?” jaems “the best of both worlds” you have the strength of a god and the beauty of a goddess.

  Samyra blushed. Samyra “wow jaems that even surprised me” thank you very much. Mason “do u write this stiff down?” if so I’m taking some!” samyra “you can do it too mason.” Don’t copy him. Create your own. Just be yourself. No one wants a copier. Mason “I’ll try” samyra “weird how were always meeting each other huh? Mason “yea I knew you were a stalker” samyra giggled. Samyra “would as stalker help you out?” mason “at first to make us think you aren’t. Samyra “see you do have some brain in there” mason “whatever” samyra grabbed the ball and threw it in the basket. Mason “whoa!” you aren’t human!” samyra laughed.

  Samyra “let’s play” she was amazing. She got almost every basket in and no one could stop her from getting to the basket. Mason “is there anything you can’t do?” samyra laughed. I can’t fly” mason “aww come on” I know you can. Samyra “that was fun!”