Read Love in death Page 2

  I want to face jaems one on one. Jaems “oh no I’m in trouble” samyra laughed. Samyra “you aren’t I just want to see your true skill” the game was close with samyra getting the last shot. She fell on jaems. Samyra “your pretty good” jaems “you too” they were about to kiss. Mason “do it jaems!” samyra sighed and got up. She helped jaems up.

  Mason “ come on!” I needed that lesson. Samyra “ I feel bad for you when he’s around” jaems “ once in a while he’s not bad” mason “alright I messed up!” you happy!? Samyra “anyway I was thinking about going to school at night. Jaems “night?” samyra “yea I love a good rush” jaems “ that sounds very dangerous and is agasint the rules” samyra “that’s why it’s so cool” so it’s decided. Meet me at the front around 9 pm” jaems tried to yell but samyra was far gone. Mason patted his back. “it was nice knowing you” jaems “ your coming too buddy. Mason “umm no” I want to live a little longer.

  Jaems “come on she’s not a killer” mason “I’d say it’s worth dying if you get to make out” good way to die. Jaems “ I don’t know you sometimes” “I’m telling you! We need her on our basketball team. She would smoke the guys on the team. I wish they allowed co Ed basketball. Jaems “the reason they don’t is because of people like you” mason “hey I’m talking serious here though!” it’s also a great motivator. Jaems laughed. Mason “when are you going to ask out that beast?” jaems “ask her out?” I’m way out of her league. Mason “true but she it seems she doesn’t think so. When your fighting for your life you should ask her. enjoy. He walked off.

  Jaems “such a great friend” he snuck out of his window and walked to the school. he went to the entrance. Jaems “did she set me up” I should’ve known. He heard a crunch sound in the bush. Jaems “samyra?” it better be you. samyra “you will die!” jaems flinched as samyra jumped out. jaems “thanks for the heart attack” samyra laughed. samyra “free of charge this time” I’m glad you came. Jaems “yea me too in a exaggerated tone” samyra “you’re the only one that met me here” jaems “I can’t imagine why” samyra “me either”

  She got a lock pick out of her pocket and used it on the door. samyra “look out for guards” jaems was on guard. Samyra “yes!” got it. let’s go. they entered the school. pretty cool and different being here at night. School should be at night. Jaems “yea but then we would’nt be able to do this” samyra “oh yea but then if school ended around 2 am, we still would have a few hours of creep time” jaems “of course you would know” samyra “ I know” let’s go to that class room where we saw that ghost” jaems “thought you never ask” they entered the room. they looked at the other window. samyra “I don’t see it. jaems “maybe that ghost only comes out at day time” samyra “hmm maybe” jaems “whoa!” samyra “what?” jaems “I could’ve just saw a girl run past the door” samyra “damn I missed it!” they heard a chalk sound. They looked at the chalk board. It started writing something. Samyra “wow!” jaems “this is crazy” samyra read it. samyra “y..o..u..

  w..i..l..l n..e..v..e..r b..e.. f..or..g..I..v..e..n. she ran outside. jaems ran after her.

  jaems “what did we do?!” samyra “these schools have spirits as night guards” I didn’t know this was so bad to do” samyra “ohh my locker” jaems “should’nt we get out of here?” samyra “I forgot my bunnie!” she opened her locker. She screamed. Jaems “what!?” jaems saw the bunnie in blood. Samyra “I bet you it was that bully” jaems “um I don’t think he’s that bad” the other lockers started to open up. jaems “come on!” she garbbed his hand. Bloody girls started falling out of the lockers. They stopped at the back door.

  jaems “damn it! it wont open!” samyra held his hand harder. Jaems “I need both hands please. samyra “no!” look! jaems looked to see the girls getting up and walking towards them. jaems started whaling on the door. the girls were close. He got the door opened. they ran behind a bush. Samyra “are they coming?” jaems “I don’t think so” samyra “now that was worth it huh?” jaems “I will agree when we are out of here” samyra “ I think just the school is haunted. She sat on a swing. I love swings. Jaems “I love life”

  samyra laughed. samyra “yea without life there would be no swings” let me guess you think you are too manly for the swing?” jaems “not at all” samyra “I think your more of a man if you do things that others think are not normal” jaems “I always said that” shows you do what you want and if you enjoy it why not?” samyra “exactly” she giggled. Jaems jumped off. I knew it. its feminie! Samyra “I was just joking but see you still think so” jaems “well maybe I’m doing it to impress you” samyra “oh really?” I think it’s cute. Jaems “oh great” samyra “a good cute”

  I love this feeling. Rocking back and forth with the bright light in the sky watching me. jaems “it is nice” samyra “it’s even nicer with someone special to you” they looked at each other. Jaems “oh no” samyra “what?” james pointed to a swing that was swinging by itself. They both jumped off the swing and ran to the front. Samyra “I wass wrong” jaems “I guess so” samyra “well that was real fun” thanks for protecting me” jaems “ of course” samyra “ I’ll see you tomorrow” jaems “you want me to walk you home?” samyra smiled. samyra “your sweet but I ‘ll make it” bye.

  The next day jaems was playing basketball. Samyra pushed him. Hello. Jaems “hey what are you doing here?” samyra “i'm a cheerleader” jaems “you?” cheer leader for the dead? Samyra laughed. Samyra “for your team silly” jaems “now I’m going to be scared” samyra “don’t be” compared to last night I’m a butterfly. Jaems “yea last night was insane” jaems “I know it was you that did all that yesterday” samyra giggled. Samyra “I wihs I had those powers” jaems looked at her funny. Samyra “oh stop it” now if you don’t win this game I will take it as an insult to my cheers and then maybe I will show you my powers.

  Jaems “crap” I must make it. jaems missed the final shot and lost the game. Samyra ran to him. jaems put his hand over his head. Samyra laughed. “I’ll let you live this time” jaems “alright!” samyra “ its okay you’ll win one day” jaems “hey samyra do you think you would go out with a skater guy that plays basketball with the name jaems? Samyra laughed. Samyra “hmm” that’s a huge decision” I only like guys with the name mason. Jaems “figures”

  Samyra laughed. Samyra “I will go out with you jaems” jaems fell down. Samyra only if we go to the school again tonight! Jaems “you’re a tough one but worth it” samyra “are you okay?” jaems “yea just pissed about the game” samyra “I hear you but with my crazy cheering skills we will win!” jaems “that sounds good” wait. I thought you hated jocks. Samyra laughed. Samyra “I do but you aren’t one, are you?” jaems “maybe” samyra “don’t mess with me” jaems laughed. Of course not. Samyra smiled. Samyra “yay!”

  Jaems “okay im ready to go to the school” samyra laughed. samyra “I was joking but if you want to. Jaems “ no no that’s fine”It was the night of the first date. Jaems was waiting for her at a park. Jaems “damn she isn’t coming” I knew it was too good to be true. Samyra “jaems”

  Jaems “hey” samyra “sorry I’m late my hair was not on my side today” jaems “I understand” samyra “a date in the park” never had one. Jaems “is that a bad thing” samyra “no I like it” it’s different and romantic” they sat on a bench. Jaems “I like to come here for the moon” samyra “yea it looks so bright from here” it’s also peaceful here” far away from the immature losers. Jaems “don’t say that or they will come” samyra “ohh you are right” jaems “see here they come” samyra “no way” jaems “got you” samyra laughed. Samyra “imagine” jaems “I can imagine me and you flying towards the moon” samyra looked at jaems.

  Samyra “that is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me” that would be my dream” jaems “I hope we can one day” samyra “anything is possible” jaems ran towards the playground. Samyra “you still play on it too” jaems “yea
why not” why do people think everything has an age limit. Samyra “yea it’s fun at any age” they are just mad they don’t find it fun anymore. He chased her. Samyra “ahh!” you will never catch me. She humped off and he caught her. Samyra “I’m surprised you caught me” jaems “I am too” they both laughed. Jaems “do you have a fat soul?” samyra laughed. Samyra “I’m that heavy?”

  Jaems “no I guess the prettier you are the heavier you are” samyra “ahh great” jaems “it doesn’t matter I will catch you no matter how heavy you are” samyra “thank you fat catcher” jaems laughed. He put her down. Samyra “they say when the moon is in the middle of the sky a prince saves a princess. Jaems “I wish I was a prince” samyra “I see a prince in you” that means your heavy too! Jaems laughed. Jaems “I guess so” he kissed her. Jaems “too soon?” samyra “no I’ve never felt something like that”

  Jaems “I don’t have any diseases” I don’t think anyway. Samyra laughed. Samyra kissed him. Jaems “you like disease huh?” samyra “oh yea”

  Chapter four

  It was a year later and jaems, samyra and mason were in a theme park. Mason was shaking. Samyra “why are you so dense?” jaems “he never been to one of these parks before.” samyra “ahh you poor thing” mason “poor doesn’t come close” this place is for wussies and little girls. Samyra “where have you been then?” mason “yea well I was never here” jaems “I’ll just start yelling your name” mason “do it and you die!” samyra “if you kill him I kill you” it’s the cycle of the world right?” mason “damn you!” so evil!” samyra laughed.

  They went on rides till the sun went down. Samyra “where did mason go?” jaems “he’s talking to one of his wussie girls” samyra “well that’s good I guess” she ran to a game. Samyra “I love this stuffed lion!” so cute! It’s a shooter game though. I stink at those. Jaems “wow I can’t believe that. Samyra “it’s because I’m still training. Jaems laughed. Jaems “sure” samyra “I’m serious!” jaems played it and won the animal. Samyra “great job!” she grabbed the lion. Jaems “wait” I did it for me. Samyra “what kind of friend are you!” jaems “a good shooter friend” you have to earn it yourself” like you always say. Samyra looked down.

  Samyra “you are right” jaems “just kidding” here you go. Samyra punched his arm. Samyra “real funny” jaems “oww” samyra “sorry! It’s my reaction!” jaems “I can only imagine someone tapping you” you would probably snap their neck. Samyra giggled. Samyra “I already did” jaems “what!?” umm I have to go. Samyra “I’m kidding!” I wanted to though. Jaems “I’m never tapping you” samyra “I wouldn’t do it to you” james “how would you know it was me?” samyra “I can sense people’s aura” jaems “I think I can too sometimes” it’s not always what you think. Samyra “yea I thought this guy was the one and he was the opposite” jaems “that sucks” samyra “it’s in the past so it doesn’t matter right?” jaems “I wish I could let everything go so easily like you” samyra “you will in time” let us go on the Ferris wheel!” samyra “were so high up!” I love being high in the sky.

  Jaems “drugs are bad” samyra laughed. Samyra “I don’t mean high like that, just high in the world above all the bad” jaems “I hear you” this is heaven and that is hell. Samyra “exactly!” I just wish I could make everyone happy. Jaems “you will” he tapped her shoulder and covered his body. Samyra “who tapped me?” was it you!” jaems “of course not” samyra “see I told you I wouldn’t. Jaems “yea but you knew it was me” samyra “yea but what about spirits?” ones that are still having fun” jaems “that is true” not as much fun as when they were alive but they don’t care.”

  Samyra “I think the good spirits were so full of life when they were alive and the evil ones were miserable. Jaems “yea, the good ones found happiness and the evil ones never found it” samyra “or maybe they were never able to embrace love” jaems “yea or maybe they never sacrificed for it” samyra looked at jaems. Jaems “is it spirit time for me?” samyra laughed. samyra “I could never kill you” jaems “that’s a good start” samyra “thank you for being with me” jaems “I should be thanking you” samyra “I don’t want thanks I just want someone who will be with me always” jaems “I want someone that will leave you in the first week. Samyra laughed. Samyra “i’m serious” jaems “I know”

  Samyra “I think you will be the one” jaems “I wish” I hope I am. She kissed him.

  Mason “come on guys!” I know you like each other but people are waiting! They

  Realized the ride was over and people were watching them in disgust. They both jumped up. Samyra “sorry!” guy “get a room!” mason “that’s what I’m saying!” you guys were kissing for a while there, wasn’t sure if she was sucking the life of you or what. Samyra “I’m going to do that to you!” mason jumped. Mason “get away!” jaems laughed. If I want to die I want to die like that. Samyra smiled.

  Samyra “I’ll remember that” jaems “oh no” mason “I told you man!” samyra “mason will be first though!” mason “I can’t wait” samyra “well it was fun guys” I will see you later jaems. Mason. Mason nodded. Mason “she is an interesting girl” scary but cool. Jaems laughed. jaems “yea that’s what I like about her” mason “ I hope I get a killer girlfriend” jaems “just go to a psychic ward” there are plenty of fine women that would love to be your girlfriend. Mason “yea yea but I might just do that”

  Jaems laughed. mason “I’ll see you at at a place where you learn the boring stuff” jaems “school?” mason “you are so smart!” the next day after school they all met up in front of the school. Samyra “I have a place I want to show you guys” jaems “another ghost adventure?” samyra giggled. Samyra “maybe” mason “is no a possible answer?” samyra grabbed jaems hand and ran off. Mason “I’m not coming!” he started running. Wait up!

  They jumped over fence into a forest. Mason “this is very productive” jaems “if our parents knew what we did after school.

  Samyra “that’s why I love freedom” mason “because you can freely kill people?” samyra laughed. Samyra “not today” they reached a river. Samyra “I come here whenever I feel adventurous or lonely. Isn’t wonderful? Jaems “it sure is” mason “I would rather watch a croquet game” samyra “the simplest things are all you need” jaems “yea the best things are free” mason “says you two weirdo’s” samyra :”you’ll like it soon enough” mason “probably not” samyra started climbing a tree. Mason “you half monkey?” samyra “yea and I’m going to fling my poop at you!” mason “not a poop death!”

  He took cover behind a tree. Samyra was in a tree house. Jaems climbed up. It was old and runned down. Samyra “sometimes when I was here alone I hear weird noises. Jaems “like what?” samyra “like a little girl screaming and laughing” it started happening after I met you” it was you wasn’t it!” mason “that’s not a bad idea!” jaems laughed. Jaems “no but that is scary” samyra “yea but even if I hear it again you’re here so I won’t be scared”

  Jaems “umm I’ll be home by the time you turn around” samyra laughed.

  Samyra “that’s pretty fast” I’ll still use mason as a shield” mason “sounds fun” can we go! It’s night time now! Samyra “just a little longer please” mason “great” jaems “did you hear that?” samyra “hear what? Oh no the girl?” jaems “yea and it’s getting louder too” mason screamed. Mason “a ghost!” samyra “where!” mason “I swear I saw it a dead body in the river just now!” as they left the tree house it started to shake. Samyra “oh no!” jump! They both jumped out. The house collapsed behind them.

  Samyra “you okay?” jaems got up slowly. Jaems “yea you?” samyra “of course” mason hugged jaems mason “dude!” we should leave now” jaems suddenly saw a ghost approaching samyra. Jaems “samyra! Behind you! Samyra turned around and saw it. Mason and jaems started running. Samyra “thanks guys!” she started running behind them. She ca
ught up to them. Mason “i’m still too young!” not yet please!” they hopped over the fence. Samyra “wow!” what a rush!” mason “I’m glad you like being in near death situations but not me”

  Samyra “I do admit that was the scariest moment in m life” jaems “it wasn’t so bad” samyra “oh yea mister leave me behind!” jaems “I thought you were fighting It.” somehow. Samyra laughed. “I wish” samyra “let’s go back!” mason “have fun by yourself, I’m going home!” he ran off. Samyra “what about you jaems?” jaems “I want to live a little longer” samyra “it was romantic” jaems “scary romance huh” it pumps you up though!” samyra “yea!” that’s why I love it! They arrived at her house. Samyra “thanks for showing me a good time” I had a blast. Jaems “you were the one that gave us a scare of a lifetime” samyra giggled. Samyra “that is true” I think we both have strong spirits and together that become stronger. That never happened to me without you. Jaems “could be just luck but your probably right”