Read Love in death Page 6

  As he walked through he saw the man cutting something. Jaems “why did you kill her!

  The man turned around with blood on him. Davin “what are you still doing here kid?”

  Jaems “I am not a kid anymore! Answer me! Davin “I guess your right” she needed to die. Jaems “just because she killed someone doesn’t make her a failure! Davin “so killing is a good thing?” jaems “no but people change” davin “once a killer always a killer” how can you let someone live after taking another life? Oh that’s right. You’re just like her. Even worse. Who would? Jaems yelled. Jaems “it’s none of your business!” wouldn’t you do the same thing? Davin “no I would’ve giving my life over the ones I love!” even if it didn’t seem real. Jaems “it’s our instinct to defend ourselves. Daivn “something you just recently found out” the vicoucs lightenig hit one of the trees.

  Davin “I can’t let you live you failure” he walked towards him with a chainsaw. Jaems shot him with a shotgun. Davin laughed. Davin “that’s all?” davin cut a tree. The tree was falling onto jaems. Jaems jumped out of the way the last second. Another tree fell down near him. Jaems tripped on a tree. Davin jumped on him and had the cahinsaw close to his neck. Davins eyes turned black. Davin: accept the truth! Jaems kicked him off and climbed ontp a tree. Davin laughed. Davin “goodbye failure!” he chopped the tree. Jaems made it fall on davin. Jaems “you are no better” davin “I guess so” I wanted someone to feel my pain. Pain of failure and damnation. I can tell that you already feel it. Just never let it win. Fight it until you win. Jaems “i know how it feels” so cruel but I know if I persist I will find something that will banish it. He turned around. davins head fell back and had a smile. Jaems looked down. he heard a girl scream. He ran towards it. He got to a river.

  He saw a girl that looked like samyra float by. Jaems “samyra!?” he jumped into the water. He tried to swim towards her but he couldn’t reach her from the rocks getting in his way. He saw a waterfall in front of him. He swam faster. Suddenly a black fish creature with two red fins and blood rushing threw it grabbed his foot. It was a little bigger than him and had giant claws penetrating threw his foot. Jaems screamed in agony. He slowly reached for his gun and shot it. Jaems “I’m coming samyra!” he swam to her.

  As she fell over the waterfall he grabbed her hand. Jaems “got you!” he was holding onto a rock. He started to bring her up. She got heavier suddenly. He noticed the girl was hanging onto her trying to pull her down. Jaems “let go!” why are you doing this!? Suddenly he was at a theme park in the day time. No one was around. Jaems “where are you!?” he saw the girl run by him. She hopped on the Ferris wheel. He stopped it and ran to her. Jaems “who are you?!” the girl’s face became twisted and screamed so loud his ears started to bleed. Jaems “ahh!”

  As he recovered he noticed he was at his old house in monson. He saw his mother rocking back and forth in a wheel chair. She was very old. Jaems “mom!?” dahla “hello son” jaems “why are you so old?” dahla “I guess all the stress of living without dad and Nina hasted my aging. Jaems “I don’t think that fast” dahla “what does it matter?” I want to join them. The girl stood next to dahla. Jaems “don’t listen to her! Dahla “jaems stop it!”

  She is an innocent girl that has showed me the right path. Jaems “she’s evil!”

  Dahla “I don’t care as long as I can see them again” the girl hugged her and dahla slowly drifted away. Jaems “mom!” he shook her. Why! He suddenly awoke in a dark room. He heard screams form everywhere. Jaems “stop it!” the screams stopped. He saw the girl walk by. He ran after her. As he ran the room became lighter. He was in his room with a girl. She had brown eyes and short black hair. girl “I like your room” it’s very spooky. Jaems “because of you!” the girl laughed. You don’t remember me jaems?” jaems had a flashback. Jaems “no” it can’t be. Amira? Amira “you remembered!” she hugged him. I knew you would never forget me. Jaems pushed her off. It was you the whole time? Amira “maybe” you bring my necklace!” she put it on. Do I look pretty? Jaems “when you were still alive” amira “just play along or else”


  Chapter eleven

  Jaems “no!” how do you expect me to forgive you for all that you done to me, to my family, to samyra! Suddenly they were in a boat approching a waterfall. They were thriteen Amira “this is so great jaems” jaems “more than great with you” amira “i dont want this to end but It will” jaems “it won't” “I will give you everything you deserve forever” amira hugged him. Amira “thank you for loving my reflection I thought no one could” jaems “you are my reflection.” amira “I'm scared. She held him tighter. Scared of the end of our love” end of it all. jaems “i won't let it end” I will find a way for us to live forever. amira “if we die let it be hand in hand” jaems “defentialy” the boat hit a rock. Amira fell out. Amira “Jaems!” jaems “im coming!” he dived into the fast moving stream of water. As she fell off the edge he caught her hand while holding onto a rock. Amira “i told you it would end” jaems “it's not ending yet!” amira “life is so precicous yet the end is so dark” I don't want to stop breathing for you. She looked up at jaems. Amira “at least I was able to see a lot with you. Her hand slipped. Jaems “amira!!” they were back in the room. Amira “I thought you were the one but you couldn’t save me!” you couldn’t hold on to me at the river! My last vision was your wonderus eyes. I felt they were going to save me. My hateful spirit was caused by you! Her face became twisted and blood started to poor down the walls. She became a large black creature with a twisted black and white face. She lifted up her knife and approached jaems.

  Jaems “there is nothing I can do!” please. He ran out the room. As he ran down the stairs they disappeared and he fell hard on the floor. He shook his head and saw her floating down the stairs. He tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. He tried slamming into it but nothing. Amira “now you will feel what I have felt all these years!” he ran through the kitchen dodging flying knives. Suddenly he froze. Jaems “I can’t move!” amira laughed. She hugged him. Jaems felt his energy leaving him. His heart was slowly dying.

  Amira “ our embrace is more powerful than ever” you don't deserve to live without me! Jaems grabbed the knife from her and stabbed her bright heart on her sleeve. Amira “ahh!”

  Jaems “it was a mistake!” I regret that I couldn’t save you but it’s in the past now!

  You have to accept it like I did. It took me a while but I got over it when I met smayra. Your can’t take away what we have. I am sorry. A light covered the room. When it died an eighteen year old was standing at the window. She had long hair in a ponytail and in a red dress. Amira “this is me if I was still alive” jaems “you look just like samyra” amira “I know that’s why I was so jealous of her” I could’ve been her. I should’ve been her. Jaems “you are not her though” that’s why I liked her just like you. She was different and tough like you. Always standing up for her and me.

  You girls are my shining heroines. Amira cried. Amira “I thought by making you go threw these tests it would make you suffer for what you did” I thought somehow if you atoned for the mistake I could be revived but I realize there is no way. She hugged him. It still feels just like when I was alive. Jaems “it does” is my dad and sister dead? Amira “yes” I was quite surprised you killed your own sister. You have changed a lot and im happy for you. Jaems “I still can’t believe it” a tear came down his face. Amira “you’re a man now and learned how strong your heart is and how will fight for life and the ones you love. I now understand the pain you went through. Jaems “no you don't” even in death no one can ever feel what I feel inside” in the end only you can overcome your weaknessess” you were the only one who understood me the most and without you I would still be dying inside. Amira smiled. I am happy that I was by your side in your darkest times.

  Amira fell down to her knees an
d started crying. “It was all my fault and I am sorry” jaems “I forgive you” he got on one knee and wiped her black tears. Amira “look at you” still helping me. amira “that makes me happy jaems” jaems “I still miss you and will forever” amira “ohh jaems” I knew you did but I had to make sure. I will miss you too. Suddenly he was back to the moment where he was holding amira over the waterfall. The black water rised. Amira squeezed his hand. Amira “no!” it;s coming for me! The demons wont let me stay with you! Jaems “you are not going anywhere! Black hands grabbed amiras leg. Amira “jaems im scared” I dont want to go back! Her voice got deep and she was black with red eyes. Amria “i wont go back without you! Jaems “your staying here with me” were going to go to all the places we wanted to go. Amira started to cry. Amira “ you still remember? Ofcourse you remembered. Always there for me. I'm glad I was able to see you again. happy that I met you. Go to those places for me ok? Jaems “were going together! Amria “ i wish I could go with you but im.. her hand slipped. Jaems “amira!” no! amira “Never forget me jaems!.” James “i won't!” I could never forget our sacred memories and I will think of you when I make more. Suddenly he was back on the rock with samyra hand on his. Samyra “help me!” Samyra “don’t let go!” jaems “never!” her hand slipped from his hand. Samyra screamed. He grabbed her index finger. Samyra “jaems please!” he closes his eyes and lifted her up. She hugged him very hard. Samyra “oh jaems!” you saved me! Jaems “I guess I did”

  It feels so great. Samyra hit his chest. Better than being with me? Jaems “of course” kidding! Nothing can compare to saving you. It's what I live for and I am honored to be your guardian to the end and beyond. Samyra “good answer” they both laughed. They jumped out of the water onto the muddy grass. jaems “it was my old love amira that caused all this” I knew her since I was three. She helped me so much through my darkest years. We started dating when we turned ten and I lost her at thirteen. samyra “where is she I will kill her!” jaems “she is already dead and free” I couldn’t save her but I saved you and will continue to till I can’t breathe anymore. I will love you even through death” samyra “thank you and I will do the same even though I don't deserve someone as great as you” jaems laughed. “No I can't believe that you love me” that you understand me. Listen to me. Adore me. Samyra started to cry. Jaems caught her tears. Jaems lifted her face. Samyra “i can't believe I found someone like you” jaems “i am honored to be able to catch your tears” he kissed her. Samyra “i love every second of it and will always be beside you jaems”. jaems “our love will do everything we ever dreamed of” and we will do it hand in hand. I want you to have this. samyra “what a pretty necklace!” he put it on her. Jaems “it was the one I gave amira. Samyra grabbed it. Jaems grabbed her hand. Jaems “don’t worry it is evil free” samyra “it better be” jaems “i will never accept your adoration you have for me.”

  It had four small crystals. One was blue, one was red, one was black and one was white.

  Samyra “thank you” if she comes back, will you choose with me? Jaems “forever our hearts will be together” They kissed. They were at the funeral of samyra’s mom. Samyra was crying, holding jaems. As everyone left a spirit came out of the coffin. It was amira. She smiled and floated away.







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