Read Love in death Page 5

  Surprised she hasn’t been glued to you yet. Jaems laughed. Jaems “I wouldn’t mind that”

  The showers and work would be awkward. Mason “yea only one of you would be able to have a job. Jaems “I would die for that now” I haven’t heard from her in six months. Mason “what!?” no way! I don’t want to say it but. Jaems “no I don’t think it’s that” I was so surprised. The way she loved me was like no other. She always told me to never leave her. Now she left me. He started to cry. Mason “no man” it’s not over yet.

  Don’t give up so soon. Jaems “I looked everywhere for her but nothing” someone said she moved but I don’t know where. Mason “did u try to ask anyone she knows?” jaems “none of them were around” jaems “I got to go” mason “alright man” get her back! He drove around knocking on everyone door but found nothing. Jaems “wait the hospital! He rushed to the hospital. He ran to samyra’s mother room. Jaems “elana?” elana “hi jaems” what are you doing here? Where is samyra?

  Jaems “I don’t know” that’s why I’m here. Elana “they left me jaems” they moved to Maine. Jaems “what!” elana “I thought she would tell you but if she’s like me she probably felt so bad and kept quiet” jaems “I moved from there at thirteen” elana “then you should have no problem finding her” jaems “how do I know she still wants me? Elana coughed. Elana “you are here still looking for her no?” besides I knew you were special since I met you. Don’t let her get away jaems. She coughed. They live in monson. Please go there for me. It is all I ask. She held his hand. So warm just like my husbands hand. Tell them I love them forever. Jaems “I will” elana? She wasn’t breathing. Jaems screamed nurse! A nurse tried to get her back but nothing. Nurse “she is gone son” jaems “no” how could they leave her? As he walked through the hospital he saw a girl in a white coat from every corner. He ran to his car and drove home.

  He walked in his house. Dahla “what’s wrong dear?” jaems “so many things” he walked to his room. Dahla followed him. Brian “no” let him deal with it alone. Dahla “you men and you tough egos!” he sat on his bed. Jaems “I can’t leave now” I would get fired. Damn. He slammed his fist into the dresser. He heard something fall. He picked up an old necklace. Jaems “ahh my hand” he dropped it. His hand was red. Jaems “this is... I have to go! He ran downstairs and busted through the door. Brian “where u going!?” jaems “the car will be at the airport!

  Brian “what?!” as he drove to the airport he saw the girl walking down the streets. She was killing kids. Jaems “no way!” this isn’t real! He got to the airport and got on the plane towards monson. Jaems “I better find her” I’m so screwed when I get back” the plane started to shake. Jaems “what now?” pilot “no worries were just hitting some strong turbulence” it shook harder. The pilot screamed. An attendant ran out screaming. The pilot is dead! He’s been stabbed. Everyone went into a panic.

  The girl walked out slowly towards jaems. She stood in front of him a rose her knife. Jaems “who are you!?” jaems “uhh” he woke up. Jaems “the plane was crashed near a mountain. His forehead was bleeding. Jaems “how am I alive” he slowly walked to the exit. Dead bodies were everywhere. He heard a woman yelping. He ran to her. Woman “help me” jaems “he found a first aid kit and tried to help her. Woman “tell him I love him” she died. Jaems closed his fists. He got out of the plane.

  He saw a street called samyra. Jaems “this is too weird” it was foggy. As he walked he saw a woman in the distance. He caught up to her. It was samyra. Jaems “samyra!”

  She was sick looking and had a gun. Samyra “don’t make me do it jaems!” jaems “why would you do that!” i’m here now! Samyra “no! We can’t be together anymore! It’s not meant to be! Jaems “why do you say that?!” she ran off. Jaems “samyra!” he ran towards her. Jaems “damn it!” I lost her. He saw a building in the distance. Jaems “it’s on fire! He ran inside.

  It had computers everywhere. All the workers were dead. He ran to the boss’s office. His dad was lying in flames. Jaems “dad!” Brian “son!” help me! Jaems looked around for a fire extinguisher. He picked one up and tried to spray it on him. Jaems “nothings coming out! Brian “please jaems, I believed in you. Can’t you save anyone? Tell mom and Nina to live. Tell them they are the most beautiful woman in the world. Jaems “your not leaving me dad!” Brian “I was just like you, so weak and pathetic. Never able to save anyone until I met you mother. Yes she changed me. Gave me the power to stand strong. You have it n you too. Do it for samyra! Jaems “dad!” he died. He ran out of the office. It collapsed behind him. Jaems “dad.” this is insane! Where are you freak!? What do I have to do to make you stop!? He saw a girl with black hair and brown eyes in the distance. She was wearing a nice blue dress with a necklace.

  Jaems ran to her. Girl “hi mister my name is alla” jaems “are you the girl that’s killing everyone!? Alla “killing?” I would never kill anyone mister. I’m scared! She hugged him. Jaems “get off” he pushed her off. Alla “you’re mean! She ran off. Jaems “no sorry!” come back! He ran after her. He reached a plateau much like the one in his hometown. He sat on the edge. The sun was no where to be found. Jaems “samyra would love this right now”

  I can’t go completely insane yet. He got up and walked past the tree.

  The tree was yelping. Jaems “I won’t fall for it!” he ran off. He saw a man digging in a graveyard. Man “get away kid! Nothing to see here. Jaems “I just have a question for you!” man “hold on” he threw a dead girl into the grave and threw dirt over it. Jaems “what are you doing” man “do you want answers or not” stay quiet. He was in his thirties.

  He had short brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing brown slacks and a black shirt.

  Man “my name is davin” jaems “mine is jaems” davin “didn’t your mommy ever tell you to not wonder around at night?

  Jaems “I am not a kid anymore” davin “yea you are” I sense the fear in you. You have a long way to go kid. Jaems “never mind what’s going on here!?” davin laughed. Davin “you still don’t know huh” I’ll let you figure that on your own. Jaems “who was that girl?” davin “just another failure put out of her misery” jaems “what?!” you have no right to kill an innocent person let alone a child! Davin laughed. davin “innocent or not she was going to die eventually anyway” jaems “you don’t know that” davin “well I still have a few more to kill so I’ll let you be on your merry way.

  He walked off. Jaems “wait!” he picked up the shovel. As he followed him he heard a girl scream. He ran through the sand. The woman was on the shore. Jaems “samyra?” samyra ‘jaems!” I’m so glad to see you again!” she jumped on him. Jaems “me too!” are you okay? Samyra “yea I was just screaming to see if anyone sane was here. Jaems “right?! I can’t believe what I saw!” samyra “it’s that little girl!” what’s her problem? jaems “I have no idea but I want to kill her” samyra “no let me do it!” jaems “have fun” samyra “thanks” I miss you so much.

  Jaems “I missed you more” samyra “i’m so glad you came here to save me!” this was the place you swore you love for me. Jaems “yes it is” let us get out of here. She ran off. Jaems “wait up!” He lost her. Jaems “what is wrong with me?” am I letting my mind get the best of me? He started walking through the dark chilly streets. He saw alla. Jaems “hey!” alla turned around. alla “hello again jaems” jaems “i’m sorry for earlier I was just startled by everything that has been happening to me” alla “it’s okay, I used to be scared too” she ran off into a hospital. Jaems “please stop!” he followed her into the hospital.

  Resecponist “hello sir who are you here to see?” jaems “did you see a little girl walk by here? Receponist “I don’t recall sir” jaems “I just saw her go in here”

  Receponist “now calm down sir or I will have to escort you out” jaems “I just need to speak to that girl” receponsit “why so you can rape her?” your sick like everyone else here! Guards get him! Two big guys in black
ran to him. Jaems ran upstairs and locked the door behind him. As he walked down the hallway he noticed a woman turn the corner. It was elana. She was floating and had blood all over her. Elana “jaems!” i’m so glad you came back. I came back alive! Isn’t that great? Jaems was in disbelief. Jaems “don’t come any closer!” elana “what? I would think you would be happy about it.

  Jaems heard the door slam open. As he turned around elana was gone. As he ran up to the third floor a knife fell down next to him. Jaems “that was close” he walked through the third floor. He saw alla run around the corner. Jaems “alla! As he two girls with knives jumped in front of him. Girl “are you going to kill her?” jaems “no I just want to talk to her! Girl two “that’s what they all say!” they ran at him. They started stabbing his leg.

  Jaems “get off! He raised the shovel and smashed the girl over the head.

  The other girl ran off. As he turned the corner he saw Nina. Jaems “Nina!?” Nina turned around. Nina “jaems!” what are you doing her? Jaems “I have no idea!” what about you!?

  Nina “I’m just protecting these girls. Jaems “what? Nina “I know how it feels to be picked on” jaems “they aren’t real Nina! Nina “says who!” she turned around. Nina “they have helped me see the truth. Mom and dad never told you but I was raped once. Jaems got down on one knee. Nina laughed. Nina “yea unbelievable right?” I looked fine but underneath I was choking.

  It happened that night after samyra saved me. That guy caught me and brings me in the back of his house. Jaems “I am so sorry” Nina “sorry won’t erase the pain I felt!” jaems “I know but it’s in the past you need to move forward” your still my great beautiful sister! Nina “no! Everyone will judge me. I will never find love. Jaems “yes you will” I know you will I promise. Nina “how can I trust you? You never saved me ever! Tell mom that I love her. She started shaking and turned black. The ten girls and Nina merged into a huge black creature with numerous arms with knives in each hand.

  Jaems “Nina!” no! Why! Alla “can you kill your own sister?” I’ll be waiting mister. He fought savagely with his shovel. He got stabbed in the shoulder and chest.

  Nina was in her human form again bleeding in jaems’s arms. Jaems “Nina! I am sorry. Nina “its okay” I’m glad you’re finally defending yourself even if it was against your sister.

  Jaems “no Nina!” Nina “I was going kill myself eventually so I’m happy I died by my favorite brothers hand. Jaems looked down. Nina “I had so much fun with you” my last wish is to kill her, please. Jaems “I been trying too but I don’t know how! Nina “you will find out” you always succeeded. Goodbye. Jaems shook her. Jaems “Nina!?” jaems “this is not happening!”

  If I only knew earlier. Sweet Nina. Guards “there he is! I new it a girl killer! Jaems ran to the fire escape. He was on the ledge. Jaems “this is the only right thing to do. He had Nina in his hands. Forgive me Nina. He jumped off. Samrya slowly opened her eyes. She was on a bed in a instituion. Samrya eyes opened up. Samrya “why am I here!?” she was tied down. A noise of a woman screaming was heard in the distance. She saw blood splatter on the glass window. Samrya broke free and despertaly searched for a weapon. She found a little knife. She slowly opened the bloody door.

  It was dark and only a few dimmed lights were making the hall visible. She heard little girls screaming in front of her. She ran into the room. She found the girl dead with blood everywhere. Samrya put her hands over her mouth. Samyra yelled. “Come out now! Why are you doing this!?” “Samyra!” It sounded like jaems voice. Samyra “jaems!?” she ran out of the room and into the room she heard the voice. Jaems “im in here!” she saw him in a mirror. She ran to it and put her hands on the glass. Samyra “jaems!”help me! Jaems “im trying” his hand reached out and samyra grabbed it. Suiddenly his hand slowly pulled away. Samyra “no! I wont let go!” I cant do this without you! Jaems “im not done yet” a girls voice said. Oh yes you are! He turned into samyra with bloody eyes. Samyra screamed and fell down. Suddenly the mirrors alla round her started to drip blood and became darker. The mirrors started to crack from below her. She jumped up and ran for the door but it turned black. Suddenly the walls came alive and grabbed her. Samyra “is that all you got!” she saw a hand slowly come out of the mirror. A little girl crawled out. She crawled to her. Samyra eyes were wide open as sweat poured into them. The girl rose up. As she opened one her eyes not covered by black hair it paraylezed samyra. It was a black eye with white spots.

  Chapter ten

  He woke up in a street without Nina. Jaems “what? How am I still alive? Nina’s gone. It’s all my fault. Damn you! He walked through the streets. Jaems”is that my house?” its looks just like mine. He walked in. jaems “hello!? Mom? He heard crying in the living room. He noticed his mom in front of a fireplace. Jaems “mom!” dahla “sniff. Hey son” jaems “what’s going on in this town!?” we need to get out of here! Dahla “why? Dad and Nina are gone. My precious stars. Jaems “how do you know?” dahla “don’t act surprised” I always felt their life no matter where they were and now they are gone. Jaems “are those your books? Dahla “yes” i’m burning them all.

  It would be unfair to keep them as Brian and Nina were my inspiration for them. You were too but it’s still unfair. Jaems “they wouldn’t want you to do that” dahla “I don’t care!”

  It felt like they made me do it. I heard them. Jaems “don’t listen to those voices!” dahla “I heard those jaems. You think I’m crazy too? She stood up. Jaems “no mom” not at all. Dahla “well i’m going to take a shower” ohh there’s a gun in the basement if you need one. She went upstairs. Jaems “hurry up!” he went downstairs. It was muddy with water.


  The walls were red. He grabbed the shotgun. Suddenly a black figure stood up. He jumped into the water towards jaems. Jaems fired everywhere. It grabbed him. He shot its head off. Jaems “bastard!” as he ran up the stairs the water started to rise. The door wasn’t opening. He shot the door three times and busted through. Dahla was taking a bath.

  She saw a bloody Nina rise from the water. Dahla screamed. Jaems “i’m coming mom! As he ran up the stairs they disappeared and he fell. Jaems “damn”

  The bathroom door disappeared and water started to flood the bathroom. Dahla started banging on the wall. Dahla “jaems!” Nina “it’s me mom” I’m here to stay. Jaems “hold on!” he found a ladder and climbed up. He ran to the bathroom. Jaems “where’s the door!? Dahla “I don’t know!” jaems looked around for something. He found a sledgehammer. He started whacking the wall. Nina started walking towards her. Nina “just grab my hand everything will be okay mommy” dahla “stay away!” the room became full of water. Nina started swimming towards her. Water started coming out of the hole. He got enough to grab dahla from the room. Dahla was breathing heavily. They ran down the stairs and outside. The whole house became engulfed in water.

  Dahla “thank you son I knew you could save someone one day” jaems “I wish I could’ve saved everyone in the past” dahla “no reason to regret” all that matters is now and you turned into a strong handsome man. Jaems “you had a lot to do with it” dahla “no well maybe a little. He stood up. What is going on here? He turned around to see her gone. Jaems “again!?” when will this stop. Alla “good job” jaems “alla!” alla “you saved someone” it was about time. Are you the one doing this? Alla “I wish I could do this”

  Jaems “tell me what’s going on!” alla “if I tell you it would ruin the fun no?” jaems “this isn’t fun! Alla “well I’m going” jaems “get back her!” he ran after her. He walked into a theme park. There were dead people in lion and frog suits. Blood was everywhere. Alla “wheee! Jaems ran to alla. She was on the Ferris wheel. It was the only working ride. Alla “this is fun! Join me! Jaems “no now I’m going to stop this thing” alla “if you do I won’t tell you anything. Jaems “fine” alla screamed. Jaems “what?! Alla “that man was j
ust there!”

  Jaems “what man?” I see no one! He saw a quick glimpse of a man walk away. Jaems “get back here!” the Ferris wheel started to turn faster. Alla “what’s going on jaems?! Turn it off! Jaems ran to the control. I don’t know how! He hit a bunch a buttons. The wheel got faster and faster. Alla “please!” as he hit a button she flew out. Jaems “alla!”

  He ran to her. Alla was impaled in a control box. Jaems “alla!” alla was crying.

  Jaems “I won’t let you die!” alla “too late” I always wondered what death would feel like. It feels good. No one here every wanted to take care of me.

  I always felt different from the rest. I guess killing isn’t liked much. Jaems “killing innocent people is bad alla.” Alla “I wouldn’t talk!” jaems looked down. Alla “I know I was a failure and need to leave. Jaems “no everyone makes mistakes but that’s what makes us different. Makes us learn from them making us better. Alla “you really have changed mister” stay alive please. Jaems “alla?! No! He got up and walked where the man went. He heard a noise from the trees. He went into a dark forest as it started raining.