Read Love or Die (Book 1: Live, Love, and Die Series) Page 6

  Zach shook his head, clenching his jaw. He tightened his fist, willing someone to come near him so he could release his rage. He immediately calmed when he looked at Miranda again.

  "It's all true. I tried to tell you. Now you know the truth."

  Zach lifted her face again, searching for her eyes. He refused to let her hide. "It's not true. He used those words to keep you in bondage. He wanted control."

  She finally returned his gaze, fear still radiating from her eyes. "How would you know?"

  "Because he didn't love you like I do. No woman can be like that with a man who loves her enough to put her first." He paused to look at her with a kind smile. "I have seen many c-section scars. They are a badge of honor. I've already seen your scars, and they look beautiful on you. They are part of who you are, and as I've told you before, I want all of you." He drew her close and wrapped her in his arms.

  Tears continued to stream down her face as she fell into his arms. She let go of her reservations and laid her head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat, realizing that it beat in time with hers.

  Chapter 14

  After Miranda stopped shaking, they walked back to her office with his arm around her shoulder and her arm wrapped tightly around his waist. Although the heat was stifling, she needed his arm around her for support. She could feel his strength radiating through her body. When they reached the entrance to her building, she turned to say goodbye.

  "I'm not leaving you like this," he reached around her to open the door.

  She stood rooted to the spot. "I have to work, Zach. I've been gone for a week."

  "So I'll stay here until you are ready to go," he opened the door and placed his hand on the small of her back, sending electricity through her spine.

  Shaking her head, she entered the building ahead of him and led him to the elevator. As the doors opened, Emily smiled, hoping her matchmaking schemes had succeeded.

  Zach entered behind Miranda and walked straight to Emily's desk, "Emily, we will be in Miranda's office. Please buzz me before you let anyone in. If you see Mr. Corbin, call the police immediately."

  They continued to Miranda's office. Zach sat in a chair in the corner and picked up a newspaper.

  "Are you going to just sit there for the rest of the afternoon? Don't you have something you need to do?"

  Zach looked at her and wiggled his eyebrows playfully, "Is there something else you'd rather do?"

  Color rose to her cheeks. "No, but I don't need a babysitter. I have work to do."

  "I know you don’t need a babysitter. I'm here as moral support and a bodyguard in case that freak decides to call again. Go ahead and work. I'll sit right here and be quiet so I don’t disturb you."

  She nodded, still unconvinced. Throughout the afternoon, Miranda answered emails, returned calls, and sifted through piles of mail. Every once in a while, she would glance at Zach and catch him staring at her.

  Finally, she stopped and looked directly at him, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

  "Because you are beautiful." He nonchalantly stood and walked to her desk. He leaned over her as she raised her head to look in his eyes. Slowly, he lowered his head and met her lips with his own.

  Heat flashed through her body. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the waves of desire that clouded her mind.

  When he finally retreated, she opened her eyes. In his hand, he held a small, flat, square box. She frowned in confusion.

  “I was going to give this to you at lunch, but we were interrupted.” He handed her the box.

  She removed the lid and the tissue paper to find a silver bracelet. The chain was thin and dainty. As she picked it up, she could see three little heart charms hanging from the chain. Examining the charms, she found a letter engraved on each heart. E, M, Z. Each of their initials hung from the bracelet, chained together.

  She gasped as he took the bracelet from her hand and hung it on her wrist. “Do you like it?” Lines of worry trailed from the corners of his eyes.

  “I love it,” she gasped.

  Immediately, the worry left his eyes. A smile crossed his face, and leaned towards her again. His kisses trailed along her jaw line and along the curve of her neck. His warm breath swathed her skin. He whispered in her ear, “Are you ready to go?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded almost imperceptibly.

  Miranda shielded herself with her car door, using Elizabeth as an excuse to escape from Zach’s determined gaze. “Thank you for staying with me this afternoon.”

  “No problem,” he replied without shifting his look. “Go ahead and drive home. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Miranda stared at him, “I can find my way home. What exactly are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking that there is a crazy man out there that has threatened you more than once. You can't be at home alone.”

  Her eyes widened, “You are not going to stay with me! I’ve barely consented to date you. There is no way you are taking over my life!”

  He reached out to touch her hand, but she pulled away immediately. “Miranda, I promise that I do not want to control you or hurt you in any way. In fact, I’ll sleep on the couch, but you have to think about Elizabeth. You can’t defend both of you by yourself.”

  “Don’t you dare use my daughter to get what you want!” Her blood boiled with rage. But as she searched his face, she saw no manipulation. His eyes were filled with concern.

  She breathed deeply, trying to decide whether to fall back into her pattern of fear and self-protection or to trust this man. To trust him brought so many possibilities; love, family, protection, and … hurt. To even consider allowing him into her life proved that he held the ability to inflict intense pain on her heart and mind. She wondered briefly if she could truly survive one more broken heart. Would she ever truly heal?

  Very carefully, he reached for her again, “Can we make a deal? How about if I stay with you for a little while? As soon as you tell me to leave, I will.”

  She swallowed deeply, willing the fear to subside, “That’s fine. We’ll order some pizza and hang out for a little bit.”

  “I’ve ordered the pizza, and Elizabeth is taking a catnap. If you want, you can see if there is a movie you want to watch, and I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  “Great!” Zach called from the couch. He was strategically located where he could see out of the front window and reach the door quickly.

  As she showered, she was acutely aware of his presence in the living room with only a wall between them. Her thoughts were mixed with discomfort and a niggling curiosity. Only moments ago, she considered throwing away any chance to get close to him. Now she craved his nearness.

  As she towel dried her long, auburn curls, she stepped around the corner to sneak another look at him. The picture in the living room stopped her cold. Zach was sitting in the same spot with Elizabeth curled in his arms. She held a book in her hands as he whispered, reading the words in her ear. He pointed at the pictures, adding to the story, creating voices for the characters, and talking to her. Elizabeth raised her head to look at him with a gaze of rapture in her eyes. They were so engrossed that they didn’t even pause to see Miranda watching them silently. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at the intimate scene they had created. Family.

  Miranda wiped her tears away, threw her towel over the rack, and walked into the living room.

  “She woke up. I hope you don’t mind that I got her,” he raised his eyebrows questioningly.

  “That’s fine. She loves to read, and it looks like she is quite content.”

  He smiled down at the tiny blond girl snuggled in his lap. He lifted his eyes to meet Miranda’s, “So am I.”

  Chapter 15

  The next morning, slats of light crossed her face as beams of sunshine filtered through the slightly open blinds. Trying to throw her arm over her eyes, she felt heaviness wrapped around her body. Startled, she turned to find that Zach’s arms completely encircled
hers as they lay side by side on the couch.

  She smiled as she remembered their evening. They sat on the floor around the coffee table eating pizza directly from the box. Zach entertained Elizabeth with nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Miranda watched them as they laughed together. Awe swept over her as she realized that she had found a man that truly personified the love she remembered from her own father. At one time, she believed that men no longer held that kind of compassion, yet here was a strong, protective figure that had no compulsion to strut his masculinity. He was able to open his heart and show softness rather than cruelty, and mete out kindness rather than pain.

  After dinner, she put Elizabeth to bed. She walked back into the living room and sat down, crossing her legs beneath her, and facing the man she was trying to get to know. “Where did you learn all of those stories?”

  “Well, first, I have several nieces and nephews. I try to spend time with them when I can.” He dropped his head for a moment. When he raised it again, she could see the emotion held deep in his eyes. “I also spend a lot of time with children at the hospital. Some of them are there long term. I have found that the little ones love to listen to stories. The older ones want someone to listen to them.”

  She held back her tears as she considered his words, comparing them to the masked look of pain in his eyes and the tiny lines that radiated from their corners. Rather than asking him to share his pain, she let him hold it, knowing he wasn’t quite ready to share. She turned and leaned against him as he wrapped his arms around her.

  Cries from the other room broke the spell, and Zach raised himself from the couch and looked in her eyes. “Good morning, Sweetheart. Did you sleep well?” He tucked a stray hair behind her ear and smiled gently.

  “I did,” she replied softly. “But it sounds like someone is ready to get up, now.” Unwrapping herself from his embrace left her feeling cold and lonely. She shivered for a moment then sprinted to Elizabeth's room. She picked up the baby and went into the kitchen where Zach was making coffee.

  When she walked in, she remembered the magnolias on the table. “Zach, are you sure you didn’t send these flowers when I was in Abilene? Carolyn brought them in, but she didn’t recognize the deliverer.”

  Zach looked over to the table, “I’m positive. I’m not going to do something you asked me not to do. Was there a card or anything?”

  “No. I have no idea where they came from. I was kind of hoping it was you. If not…”

  She turned to look at him. Worry etched her eyes, and she swallowed deeply.

  Sensing her fear, he walked over to her and draped his arms around her and Elizabeth. “Miranda, I have to go to work today. I am going to follow you to work, and walk you in. I plan to be there after work to escort you home.”

  Miranda looked up, realizing that she no longer felt the need to argue with him. “Thank you.”

  “There is no need to thank me. I’m the happiest man in the world this morning. Last night I slept with my arms wrapped around the most beautiful girl in the world.” He reached down and kissed Elizabeth on the forehead, “And this morning I am waking up to see my two sweet girls.”

  The day passed in a haze. Miranda caught herself daydreaming several times. Glimpses of his face would pass through her mind, and she would wonder what he was doing. She glanced at the clock every few minutes and was amazed at how slowly the day crept by. After what seemed like an eternity, she turned off her computer and gathered her things. Just as she was about to walk out of the door, her phone rang.

  “Miranda, I’m stuck at work. There is no way I can leave just yet. Is there a friend’s house where you can go until I get there? I really don’t feel comfortable with you being alone just yet.”

  She sighed silently in disappointment. She had been waiting to see him all day, and it felt like an eternity. She also knew that he would be with her if he could. “That’s fine. I will be at Carolyn’s apartment. She lives right across from me. Text me when you get there.”

  Relief flooded his voice, “Oh good! I will be there as soon as I can.”

  Carolyn practically pounced on Miranda when she opened the door. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in forever!” She almost knocked Miranda down as she wrapped her in a grand hug.

  “You will never believe everything that has happened over the last few days.”

  Carolyn searched Miranda’s face for a moment, “What is this? I know that look.”

  Miranda tried to look confused, but she knew exactly what Carolyn was hinting at. She had seen the look in her own eyes when she looked in the mirror.

  “You are in love, aren’t you?” Carolyn hopped up and hugged her again. “Is it Zach? Tell me everything! I have to know!”

  She smiled shyly, “I guess I can’t hide anything from you. Yes, it is Zach. I wouldn’t say I’m in love, but I definitely like him. He is kind and sweet, and generous.”

  “And don’t forget, incredibly handsome.”

  She giggled, then rolled her eyes at her own silliness. When was the last time she had actually giggled? “Yes, he is very attractive.” She suddenly became very serious.

  “But?” Carolyn looked at her with concern.

  “But Zach is worried that something is going to happen. I’m not quite sure what it is. I know that he did not send the flowers that you took into my apartment the other day. He doesn’t know that Brooke's house was almost burglarized, and my car was broken into and trashed when I stopped at a gas station while we were on our way home from Abilene. One of my clients verbally attacked me at work, followed us to a restaurant, and physically attacked Zach there.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him about your sister's house or your car?”

  She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes, “Because he is already so protective! I think he may be blowing all of this out of proportion. But honestly, I’m not sure if he is or not.”

  “Well then, I don’t think I’d take any chances.” Carolyn smiled grimly.

  Chapter 16

  Miranda’s ring tone sounded with a text message. She had been waiting for Zach for a couple of hours. She was ready to go home, grab a bite to eat, and get Elizabeth in bed. She grabbed her phone, expecting Zach to write that he was on his way.

  "I’m still held up at the hospital. It might be a while. Can you stay with Carolyn? – Zach".

  She read the text message and sighed. She was positive that he was overreacting. "Yes, I can stay with Carolyn. – Miranda", she responded. She didn’t lie. She could stay with Carolyn. She just didn’t tell him that she had no intention of staying anywhere other than her bed. After sleeping on the couch last night, she craved her mattress and pillow.

  “I’m going to go home and get in bed. Thank you, so much, for letting us hang out here,” Miranda reached over and hugged her dear friend.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Concern etched lines on her forehead.

  “It will be fine. Zach will be there in a little while. I really need some sleep. It has been a hectic week!” Miranda smiled and blushed as images of Zach rushed through her mind.

  “Call if you need anything,” Carolyn said, returning her hug.

  Miranda carried Elizabeth’s small, sleeping body across the apartment courtyard. She quietly opened the apartment door and took her to her room, careful to lay her in her crib without waking her. As she shut the door to her room, she let out a sigh of relief. She needed a long hot bath and to curl up in her pajamas. She walked back into the living room to make sure the door was locked.

  A sickly sweet voice sounded behind her, “Well isn’t this cozy?”

  Shock and heat rushed through her body as she froze in place, recognizing the voice. Before she could move, tense electricity moved in behind her. She could feel the woman’s breath on her neck. “Did you think you could wait for your lover boy to come home? Sorry, he’s going to be occupied for a while.”

  Miranda ran through her options. The voice was Geena’s, and although Gee
na had betrayed her, she had never truly been a threat.

  She turned slowly, “Why are you here?” She continued to control her heart rate and breathing as she glanced down to see a gleaming silver blade in her hand. She met eyes, hard and cold, filled with hatred. The woman who had always been so manicured and proper, exuded desperation. Lips stretched thin over bared teeth. Frenetic red curls escaped their tie and surrounded her face, exaggerating the dark shadows under her eyes. She looked frail and ready to snap at any moment.

  “You really don’t know? No, you probably don’t. You always were a little naïve.” She waved the knife, “Why don’t you sit down over there for a moment, and I’ll explain it to you?”

  Miranda eased onto the couch, avoiding any sudden movements.

  “So, do you remember the little talk we had in the park? You gave us your blessing, as if I needed it.” She paced back and forth in front of the couch, waving the knife in the air. “I’ve spent years supporting him, holding him, and loving him. Still, all he can talk about is you! He is obsessed with you, as if you are worth a moment of his time!” She stopped to stand in front of Miranda, pointing the knife, becoming dangerously close.

  Maniacal laughter escaped her lips. “Did you think I would compete with you? There is no competition! But, I began to think that there is an easier solution.” Her eyes took on a gleam of excitement as she considered her perfect plan. “If you are dead, he has no reason to think of you!" Geena threw back her head with fiendish laughter

  "Geena!" A thick, low voice growled behind Miranda. When she heard Elizabeth scream, she turned quickly. Horror filled her as she saw Elizabeth hanging precariously from Lee Corbin's arm. His other hand dangled at his side, holding a Glock 9mm, pointed at the floor. "We weren't paid to kill anyone. You kill her, and we lose everything."

  Geena sneered at him, "Do you really think I care about the money? I don't give a damn about the money. I want her dead."

  Miranda could hear Corbin's teeth grind, "We were instructed to take this slut and her brat directly to the hotel. When we get there, we get our money. I'm not losing out because you've gone crazy. Put that knife down!"