Read Love or Die (Book 1: Live, Love, and Die Series) Page 7

  "Oh, Lee, this is so much better! The slut is dead, and I raise the brat! It's perfect! Oh, Ethan might grieve his little princess for a while, but he'll get over it."

  Miranda watched as Corbin raised the gun, "Don't make me tell you again. Put the knife down!"

  Geena swung her eyes to Miranda. Tears rolled down her face, and her body tensed. Suddenly, she leapt at Miranda. She swerved to the left and kicked Geena's knee to the side. Cartilage popped as she fell to the floor. Without warning, a shot reverberated against the walls. Geena's face paled with shock as a red stream spread across her chest, and she fell to the floor.

  "Take this brat and make her shut up!" Corbin flung Elizabeth into Miranda's arms.

  Chapter 17

  Elizabeth wrapped her arms and legs around Miranda, burying her face in her neck. Miranda watched Corbin as he sauntered to a brown leather bag lying in the corner. He rummaged through the bag for a moment before returning with a rope in his hands.

  "You know, you could have made this so much easier on both of us. If you had just gone to dinner with me like I asked, there would have been no blood. But no, you have to do things the hard way." Corbin continued to walk towards her with the rope in his hands. He stepped over Geena's body and shook his head, "What a shame."

  Miranda played scenarios through her mind. Corbin may have been behind all of the weird things happening over the last two weeks. Or it might have been Geena. Zach had been right to be so worried. She kept her voice calm, hoping to reason with the man, "Why are you doing this?"

  "Are you as dense as she was?" He nodded his head at the woman in the floor, surrounded by dark blood. "I just told her it's about the money. Nothing more, nothing less. Hold your hands out."

  She squeezed her arms together to keep Elizabeth between them and placed her wrists together in front of her. "Who is paying you to do this? Do you know what his plans are?"

  "I don't know, and I don't care," he proceeded to bind her wrists with the rope.

  "You don't have to do this. You can walk away now. A man who pays for something like this isn't exactly known for his upstanding dealings. You might take us to him, but you probably won't get your money."

  He laughed derisively, "Oh I will get paid. If nothing else, you'll pay me while he watches." He leered at her with a look that made her skin crawl. "That may be better payment anyway."

  He pushed her up off the couch then grabbed a baby blanket lying on the side of the couch and wrapped it around them. She could feel his hard, muscular body slide against her back as he slid around her. The point of his gun pressed painfully in her spine. She closed her eyes, willing herself to remain calm.

  "Now, we are going to walk out of this apartment and to your car." He continued to slide around her, stopping only to slither his tongue along the curve of her neck up to her ear. She shivered in disgust, but remained perfectly still. "You won't say a word. You won't scream. You will do exactly as I say." She could feel the tip of the gun move along her back and around her side to rest between her and Elizabeth.

  "If you don't, I will kill her. And before you bother to argue that I am being paid to deliver both of you," he grinned and leaned close to her again, "You are worth the big bucks. She's just a bonus. I'm willing to take a loss."

  Miranda's stomach lurched and her knees nearly buckled. He grabbed her arm, steadying her. "I need to grab my purse."

  He picked it up and thrust it into her hands then pushed her out the front door.

  Miranda's mind raced as she tried to remember his instructions. She began walking casually across the courtyard to her car, trying desperately not to shake. There was no way she could drop Elizabeth. She was gripping Miranda's body with all four limbs.

  "Miranda! Miranda!"

  She tried to ignore Carolyn's urgent call. She did not want Carolyn involved in any way, but she wouldn't be deterred. She ran up and stopped right in front of them. Miranda smiled anxiously.

  "Sorry to interrupt you, but I forgot to ask if you could watch Lacey tomorrow while I go to the doctor."

  Corbin jammed the gun into her side. Miranda cleared her throat, hoping to stop the shaking, "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have meetings tomorrow that I can't put off."

  Carolyn smiled, seemingly oblivious to the situation in front of her. "No problem, I'll ask my mother-in-law." She turned to Corbin and stuck out her hand. "I don't think we've met."

  Corbin ignored her hand and stared at her with eyes of steel. Miranda smiled again, "This is my dear friend Mr. Corbin. I'm sorry, but we are really in a hurry."

  "No problem, it was nice to meet you!" Carolyn turned and trotted away. She turned once and scanned the scene anxiously before retreating into her apartment.

  "Good job. Now get in the car," Corbin growled in her ear. He opened the passenger side door and shoved her inside.

  When he had settled behind the steering wheel, she began to speak in a timid voice, "Could you please untie me? I have to get Elizabeth in her car seat."

  "Pfft, like I'm going to untie you. You must think I'm as dumb as our dear dead friend."

  Regaining her voice, "Corbin, if the police see you driving with Elizabeth in the front seat, you will be pulled over."

  He grinned devilishly, "Then they won't see her." He pulled the blanket up over Elizabeth's head. The child, immobilized by fear, didn't move.

  As they pulled out of the parking lot and into the flow of traffic, Miranda tried to relax. Scanning her surroundings, she noticed that the sun was setting. Darkness could increase the likelihood of escape or, possibly, aid in Corbin's success. She considered screaming at passing cars, but Corbin's gun still pressed against her side. With her hands tied, she couldn't jump from the car without risking Elizabeth. Without doubt, her first priority was Elizabeth's safety. For now, her best option may be to go along. However, she would keep her eyes open for any opportunity to get away.

  Chapter 18

  They pulled into a seedy hotel, a two-story single strip of rooms. Corbin pulled around and parked behind a set of dumpsters, out of sight of the nearby road and the hotel office. Darkness surrounded them, and Miranda stumbled as he pulled her roughly from the car. Unable to grip the handrail, she swayed with exhaustion as she climbed the stairs to the second story. Curtains parted slightly then immediately closed as they passed rooms down to the middle of the strip.

  Before Corbin could knock, the floor flew open, and Miranda felt herself being pulled into a set of shaking arms. Ethan pulled her into the room and slammed the door behind them. Immediately, her body began to tremble with fear as everything began to fall into place. Ethan had promised he would never let her go. It was obvious that he was willing to go to extreme lengths to keep her in his grasp.

  "Did you hurt her?" Ethan's eyes were frantic as he scanned her face.

  Corbin sneered, "Not a scratch."

  Ethan continued to search her face. As he leaned closer, Miranda swallowed revulsion. He raised his hands to place on either side of her face.

  "You got your prize. Now give me money so I can get out of here."

  Ethan's eyes didn't leave her face as he answered, "You'll get your money."

  Corbin took two long strides and placed his gun against Miranda's temple, "Now, Ethan. Don't try to play games with me. I'd just as soon see this whore dead!"

  Ethan gasped almost imperceptibly then moved to a briefcase on the bed. He shoved it into Corbin's hands. Corbin grabbed the briefcase, opened it and sifted through the pile of bills. "You are one sick man, Ethan." He walked to the door and turned, "Nice doing business with you." He opened the door and slammed it behind him, leaving Miranda alone with the one man who caused her more terror than she had ever known.

  Miranda resisted the urge to slap his hand away as he tenderly reached up to pull the blanket off of Elizabeth's face. The child gripped her mother more tightly. She began to shiver uncontrollably as the cold air conditioning hit her sweat soaked body.

  Ethan touched her back lightly,
"So this is our daughter. I've seen her many times from a distance, but this is the first time I've touched her. She's beautiful. What did you name her?"

  "Elizabeth," she replied through gritted teeth.

  "For my mother?" He sneered with contempt.

  Her voice trembled as she realized the significance of the name. She had met his mother, Elizabeth Row, on several occasions. She was a domineering woman, a southern belle who had met and married an oil tycoon and moved to Oklahoma. Affection had no place in her life, and Ethan had paid the price. Raised by babysitters and nannies, he had relayed stories of abuse to his mother, only to be ignored. After years of vying for his mother's love, he finally gave up, knowing she was uncontrollable, cold hearted, and dispassionate. His longing eventually turned to loathing.

  "No, Ethan, no. It's my middle name too, remember?" she smiled, hoping to remove his anger.

  His face softened slightly, "She does look like you."

  She lost her breath as he rushed her and covered her face with kisses, "Oh, Miranda, I missed you."

  She swallowed the bile rising in her throat, "I missed you, too."

  When he finally released her, she ventured, "Geena's dead."

  He stepped back, and she witnessed a flash of pain cross his eyes. "That girl was crazy." He turned from her and stomped across to the mini-fridge, grabbed a beer and guzzled half of it.

  Miranda steeled herself before she asked the question that had tortured her, "Did you sleep with her?"

  He slammed the bottle on the counter. She watched as foam spilled over the side. "Is that what she told you?" He rubbed his hands over his face, "You know that I love you. Don't you remember that we were each other's firsts?"

  She nodded while searching his face for the signals of deceit. His lie was written across his face.

  "Ethan, can you untie me? Please?"

  "I don't know that I can trust you." He turned back to his beer and drank what little was left.

  "Ethan, Baby, how can I convince you that I made mistake when my hands are tied?" She sauntered to his side and slid her bound hands up his arm. His body shook as he stared off into the distance before moving away from her.

  "We are going to California." He grabbed another beer and sat down at the table. "I think I owe you another honeymoon. Then we might just stay there."

  She sat down across from him. Shock and horror raced through her body. She had to do something quickly before he took her. She calmed her breathing and smiled complacently, "That sounds wonderful. I love the beach. Can we take Elizabeth to see the walruses under the San Jose Boardwalk?"

  His face twisted with torture. Pain seemed to coil through his body as he rose. She watched him pace, running his fingers through his hair. "Why, Miranda? Why did you do it?" She heard his voice catch, "Why did you leave me? I didn't even get to see our daughter born?"

  Her mind raced, searching for an answer that would please him and gain his trust. Her mind drifted back to the night she had decided to leave. She had cooked pork chops for dinner. She had never been a very good cook, and he was quite adept at reminding her of that fact. This particular night, she was proud of how dinner turned out. He walked into the dining room ad sat down. Suddenly, he stood, took his plate to the trash, and dumped it. At that moment, she realized that she was just so tired. She was tired of being called fat, ugly, scarred, and useless. She was tired of his drastic mood swings, and tired of his tantrums. She was seven months pregnant, and she knew she couldn't raise her child with a man so unpredictable. The next morning, she packed her car and raced back to Oklahoma.

  Ethan returned to stand in front of her, his body shaking, "How could you do that to me? You just left with no word whatsoever."

  "I tried to tell you, Ethan. You hurt me! You called me names and put me down. I tried to love you, but you didn't love me."

  His fists clenched at his sides, "I did love you! I tried to make you a better wife and mother! I was trying to take care of you! Everything I did was for you. If I didn't follow you around and keep you in place, who knows who would look at you or try to take you away from me?" his voice shook as he fought for control.

  Seeing that he was quickly losing control, she changed her tact. She knew that if she pushed him any further, he would lose his temper. She allowed the tears that she been holding back to spill over her cheeks. She sat Elizabeth on the chair and walked slowly over to where Ethan paced. She kneeled before him and raised her head to look in his eyes.

  "Oh Ethan, I'm so sorry! I did it for you. You are such an incredible man; I knew you deserved someone better than me, someone who isn't scarred, fat, and useless. I never thought I would hurt you!" She bowed her head, sobbing hysterically, and praying desperately that her words had hit their mark.

  He reached down and pulled her to her feet, searching her face. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her body and her legs, lifted her and carried her to the bed. He laid her down gently and began to cover her with kisses. Panic filled her as trembling fingers reached for the buttons on her blouse.

  Miranda pushed lightly against his chest, "Ethan, wait."

  "I can't wait, I've been separated from you for so long." He continued to move his hands along her body.

  "Ethan, please. I need to freshen up, honey. I want to be beautiful for you." She pleaded with him silently. "I need to touch you."

  Very slowly, anxiously, he began to unwrap her wrists. When he had finished, she rubbed the marks left behind. She raised herself up and kissed his cheek.

  Walking to the bathroom she smiled and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Then she grabbed her purse and walked into the bathroom.

  Chapter 19

  This was her chance. If she didn't figure out something immediately, there wouldn't be another one. She searched through her purse frantically. Her cell phone was there, and Carolyn could track it, but she couldn't risk being heard through these paper thin walls. As she continued to search, she suddenly found a prescription bottle, the Loratabs she had been prescribed for her ankle. She quickly poured three of them on the sink. After a second thought, she dumped two more, took off her shoe and crushed them. She dumped them in the beer bottle and swirled it gently.

  She dabbed on some makeup and walked to the refrigerator again, "Want another beer?"

  Ethan looked up from where he crouched beside Elizabeth. He nodded silently. She squatted down behind the door of the fridge, grabbed a beer and switched hands. She walked to the table and handed him one then sat down.

  Ethan stood, "Come on, Baby. Let's do this." He pulled a long drink from the bottle and set it down, again.

  "Um, Can I drink this first? I'm so nervous," she giggled lightly, trying to sound innocent.

  "What have you got to be nervous about?" Blood red rage began to crawl up his neck onto his face. He slammed his fist on the table, making Miranda jump and Elizabeth scream. "Are you playing me?"

  Miranda shook her head emphatically.

  "Is this about that doctor? Corbin said you were whoring around with him. Have you been sleeping with that doctor?"

  Miranda continued to shake her head, frightened and silent. Ethan took a shaky step towards her, his fist stilled clenched.

  "No, Ethan, no. I've been saving myself for you. I've never wanted anyone else."

  He unclenched his fist long enough to take another long drink. "Then no more waiting."

  He reached over and grabbed her hand. Fear wrenched through her body, and she tightened her lips to force back her scream. He pulled her forcefully, and she stumbled onto the bed. He stumbled toward the bed, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt.

  "What the…"

  Red and blue lights flashed against the bright white walls. Miranda pushed herself up on her elbows. His hand slammed against her. She flew back against the bed as pain exploded in her face. Ethan pulled a gun from his waistband. His words were muffled as he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to the door.

  "Ethan Row, come out with your hands up

  Ethan staggered to the door, "Open it."

  Miranda opened the door and walked out slowly. Ethan held her hair in one hand and his gun in the other. He pushed her to the railing, lurching as if he had lost control of his legs. She could feel the pressure of his body leaning on her. As he continued to lose control of his muscles, he relied on Miranda for support. She braced her hands on the rail, trying to hold him up. Her face burned where he had backhanded her, and her sight was still slightly blurry. But she could see the parking lot filled with flashing lights and hear Elizabeth's screams in the room behind her.

  A deep squeal below her demanded her attention as she realized the rail was weakening. Bolts began to pull, and the rail lurched forward. Unable to stand Ethan's weight any longer, she struggled to the side, pushing his weight off of her.

  A deep roar filled her ears as the rail plummeted. She threw herself back and watched as Ethan's drug-induced body tumbled over the side.

  A warm blanket surrounded her. She looked around and felt comfort as she sat before the blazing fire of her parent's home. This can't be right. I'm not really here. She struggled to remember.

  Hearing her name, she strained to open her eyes. Memories flooded her mind as she looked around and found herself in the back of a police car. Elizabeth sat in her lap, and she was curled against Zach's side.

  "I was so afraid I lost you," he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.

  She looked up into his eyes, "You will never lose me. I'm yours."

  He squeezed her tighter, wrapping his arms around his girls.

  The police car door squealed as it opened. "Ms. Row, I have a few questions to ask you."

  Zach started to answer, but she held up her hand to stop him. "I can do this. I want to get this done." She sighed heavily and crawled out of the car. Zach followed, never letting her leave his side.

  "Ms. Row, was Ethan Row working alone?"

  She shook her head, shivering with memories that hit her like a tide. "No. Geena and Lee Corbin were hired by Ethan. They came to my apartment. Geena is still there. She's…" A flood of tears broke. She turned to Zach's arms and sobbed uncontrollably.