Read Lovely Lies Page 15

  Chapter 15


  Mak opened her gymnastics studio three weeks ago. She actually named it “Rockstar 101.” The picture beneath the sign in the window is her hand making a rock star symbol. She’s been out of gymnastics for over a year now, but apparently her name still remains. She has parents who bring their kids from all over the state just to train with her. She turns some of them away. She refuses to deal with any parents who remind her of her mom. She says it should be about what the child wants to do since they’re the ones who have to be out there performing. She has the mind of a business mogul. She met up with the guy she danced with at the club and next week they’re opening a dance studio. His name is Javier. He’ll be the primary instructor for salsa and her and Jaida will teach other dance styles. It’s called “Rockstar 102.” They’re already booked two months out with people wanting to either learn to dance or needing a trainer. After dealing with preteens and older during the day, she does an open tumbling class with kids age 2-5. This is her favorite session. She takes KJ with her when she does this. I told her that I wasn’t too thrilled with him doing gymnastics. She showed me a freestyle video of some kid named Greg Townley then showed me a video of his coach, Damien Walters. Gravity doesn’t exist to this guy. He’s flipping from one building to another and even on moving vehicles. She said he mixed gymnastics with free running. I’m impressed until she tells me that she would seriously consider leaving me for him. I watch as she finishes up with her tumbling class. In spite of what I said KJ is pretty good at it. I guess that’s what happens when your play time is actually considered practice. I’m standing by the door as she holds one hand on a little girl’s stomach and the other on her back as she flips upside down when the door opens. I look towards the door and see her old coach walk in. I guess I should probably commit his name to memory. I shake his hand and ask, “What’s up coach?”

  “Hey, call me Marcus.”

  Damn, I was way off. Where did I get Calvin from? “They should be done soon, it’s after six.” I glance towards Mak who’s talking to the little girl.

  “Don’t be scared. Straighten your legs out, I’ve got you,” she says.

  “Actually, I was hoping to talk to you for a minute,” Marcus says.

  Other than Mak we have nothing in common, so this should be interesting. “What’s up?”

  “I take it Makynzee hasn’t told you what we talked about a few days ago?”

  She hasn’t mentioned him in weeks. “Was she supposed to?”

  “No, not really, but the fact that she didn’t means she hasn’t even considered it.”

  “Considered what?”

  “I asked her to get back into freestyle, there’s a competition in a few weeks in Georgia.”

  I glance over at Mak, who’s frowning at us. As she watches us some of the parents come up to her. She hesitates, but gives them her full attention. “What does this have to do with me?” I ask Marcus.

  “I don’t think she’ll go through with it without Riley being here. I won’t say she was her biggest supporter, but she was the one who mattered most.”

  I guess this is where I come in. “So what are you saying?”

  “I think she’ll do it if you talk to her, otherwise it’s a waste of potential and talent.”

  He’s right about talent and potential, but Mak makes her own decisions. If she doesn’t want to do it, I’m not about to try and make her. “That ain’t my place. You’ll have to settle that with her.” I hear KJ calling me. I look up and he’s running to me. When did he become such a fast runner and how is he not tripping over his feet like he usually does?

  “Shoulders Daddy!”

  He jumps into my arms without waiting for a response. “Can I get a hug first?”

  “No, shoulders.” He’s already scrambling to climb up to my shoulders. I help him up.

  “Just think about it and try to talk to her,” Marcus says.

  I look towards Mak and see her wave to the last of the kids before making her way to us. She looks irritated.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks Marcus.

  “I wanted to stop by and see if you gave anymore thought to what we talked about.”

  “So you just pop up? Your phone doesn’t work?” She’s not irritated, she’s mad.

  “I was in the area, didn’t mean to intrude.”

  She opens her mouth to respond, but stops when KJ calls her name. When she looks up at him he giggles and tells her he’s an airplane. She smiles at him then looks back at Marcus. “We’re closing.” His face is tight. He wants to say something else, but gives her a stiff nod then turns and leaves.


  Kalil has yet to say anything to me about Marcus stopping by the other night. I guess he’s waiting for me to say something first. I won’t. Jasmine is here. Not actually in the house, but on the porch. Kalil hasn’t let KJ go back to her house since the day we found the marks on him. She told him she’s not with Troy anymore, so he’s letting her take KJ for the weekend. Selfishly, I don’t want him to go, but what can I say. He’s not my child. Kalil and I need some time alone though. Between school, work, and KJ there’s not much left for the two of us. He has to go by the club tonight. Not quite my idea of a romantic evening out, but it’s what he does so I guess I have to suck it up. I can hear KJ crying outside. The lungs on that child! To make matters worse, he’s screaming my name. I wonder if this feels as awkward for Jasmine as it does for me. This was her house. Her ideas were all over it. I’ve changed damn near everything. Kalil’s only complaint was that I spent money from my own pockets. That’s such a man concern. I no longer hear KJ. The door opens and Kalil comes inside. I’m lying on the couch looking up at him. He walks over to me and sits on the floor in front of me. He’s quiet. Something’s on his mind. I ask him what’s wrong.

  “Why don’t you wanna do it?”

  I don’t answer him. He looks back at me. Damn those eyes. I tell him I can’t and look at the TV. Of course he turns the TV off.

  “Can’t or don’t want to?”


  “Can I get more than these ‘leave me alone’ answers?”

  “I’ve never done any freestyle competitions without Riley. It’s only a few weeks away and I haven’t done freestyle in forever. For me to actually train for a competition and do everything else I have going on means neglecting you. It’s complicated and I don’t wanna go there.”

  He’s quiet as he gets up and goes into the kitchen. When he comes back he’s drinking a beer. He goes back to his seat on the floor and says, “I’m a big boy, I’ll live. Don’t let me be the reason you don’t do something you love.”

  “I’d gladly give up what I love for who I love.” What in the hell did I just say and why? He’s smiling at me. He’s so freaking cocky sometimes. I cover his mouth with my hand and get up from the couch. “Take me to the movies.”

  “This is the second time you stopped me form responding to something like that. Why can’t I talk?”

  Why is he following me? I could definitely go without this conversation. I ignore him and pull my phone out to check the movie listings.

  “So you’re not answering me?”

  Nope. I go into the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

  “You gotta come out sooner or later.”

  I’m pretty sure me not wanting him to respond will lead to an argument. Arguments between Kalil and I are hilarious. I don’t realize it until they’re over though. There have been a few times when I’ve actually tried to fight him. He usually laughs every time and pisses me off even more. I might as well get it over with. I open the door and say, “You don’t always have to get the last word.”

  He wasn’t expecting me to come out. He’s already walked out of the bedroom, but comes back.

  “It’s not about getting the last word, hell you won’t even let me talk.”

  “Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you talk too much?”

  “That smart a
ss mouth gone end up getting you hurt.” He doesn’t give me a chance to respond; just turns and walks away. I hate when he does that, so naturally I follow him. That’s what any practical woman would do, right? “I’m walking away. Don’t follow me with that bullshit.” He doesn’t even look back at me, which pisses me off even more.

  “Or what, Kalil? What are you gonna do?” Of course I continue to follow him.

  He faces me and says, “So instead of letting me talk, you’d rather fight?”

  I’m right on his heels so I don’t have a chance to stop myself from bumping into him. He’s a jerk from time to time and right now is one of those times. Instead of letting me collide with him he steps aside and I run into the banister, smacking my knee against it. “Dammit, Kalil!” He doesn’t even try to hold in his laugh. “Why would you do that?” I feel the need to hit him since he thinks this is so funny, but when I try he puts his hand up to block me. I end up hitting his watch, which hurts more than hitting my knee. I curse again. He laughs harder.

  “I don’t even gotta do shit. You kicking your own ass.”

  He’s an asshole and this isn’t funny. I walk away.

  “Where you going?”

  He can barely get it out since he’s still laughing so hard. I ignore him and grab my purse.

  “Come back, you can’t be mad.”

  Yes I can. I ignore him and get inside the car. As I back out the driveway and onto the street he runs out to me. I shift gears and tap the gas.

  He jumps back then hits the hood of the car and yells, “What the hell, Mak?”

  I tap the gas again. He jumps back further.

  “I’m not playing with you, you gone make me kick your ass!”

  “You ain’t gone do nothing, Kalil!” We stare at each other in silence and he finally smiles. I hate him. I can’t stop myself from laughing.

  “Quit playing around and put the car in park.”

  He’s trying to sound serious, but his smile betrays him. I put the car in park and rev the engine.

  “I’m not playing with you, turn the damn engine off!”

  Where’s the trust? Does he really think I’d run him over? I turn the car off and he runs to the passenger side and jumps in.

  “I should have known your ass was crazy.”

  After watching the movie, I sit on one of the benches in the lobby waiting for Kalil to come out the bathroom. I’m playing a game on my phone, so I don’t notice the guy beside me until he says my name. Damn phones. He’s cute and looks familiar, but I don’t think I know him. The question is obviously written in my eyes.

  “We met at the club when you used to work there.”

  That’s not vague at all. His hands are fidgeting. He rubs them against his thighs, then clasps them together, then puts them in his pockets. He makes me nervous. I force a smile and say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t remember you.”

  He stares at me in silence. I think I’ve hurt his feelings.

  “It’s okay, I shouldn’t expect you to remember me. I’m Nyeem.”

  He shoves one hand towards me. I don’t want to shake it. Suddenly he’s creepy. I’m not a rude person though, so I suck it up and give him my hand. He squeezes it and uses his thumb to caress the back of it.

  He smiles and says, “I knew you would have soft hands.”

  I snatch my hand away from him and frown as I stand up. “I have to go, it was nice meeting you.” I’m lying. He’s weird and freaking me out. Where the hell is Kalil? Nyeem stands up with me.

  “I saw you dance. I’ve never seen anything like that.” He takes a step towards me and I instinctively step away. “I can’t stop thinking about it, even right now, I can see your legs wrapped around that pole.” He’s looking down at my legs. I feel exposed even though I’m wearing jeans. “Legs that should be wrapped around me.” He smiles and starts to back away. I watch until he gets to the doors then turn to walk in the opposite direction and bump into Kalil.

  “Okay, I get it. You just have to have your body against mine.”

  He’s such a loser. “Did you see that guy just now?”

  “What guy?”

  We both look towards the doors, but he’s gone. Telling Kalil what just happened would be pointless if he didn’t see him. It’d be like talking about a ghost. “Never mind, let’s go.” As we walk through the parking lot I nervously look around.

  Kalil asks, “What you looking for?”

  “You didn’t see anybody by me when you came out the bathroom?”

  “Was I supposed to?”

  I guess not. Since he has to play boss tonight, we go to Sirens after dinner. When we get there I can’t shake the uneasy feeling that I have. Nyeem said we met here. He saw me dance. That was months ago. Why say something about it now? I have no problem following Kalil tonight. Even when he tells me I don’t have to, I still stay with him.

  It’s been a week since I saw Nyeem at the movie theater. Ever since then I’ve been paranoid. I feel like I’m being watched. When I finally tell Kalil he tells me not to worry about it, but all of a sudden he’s more paranoid than I am. He was supposed to bring KJ to tumbling class, but he has a fever so I told him to keep him home. It’s been raining for the past two days and there’s another storm rolling in, so I end class early. I watch as the parents shuffle their kids out to their vehicles then lock up. I left my umbrella and jacket in the car. By the time I make it to the car I’ll be soaked.

  “You can take my umbrella,” a voice says as I look out into the rain.

  Nyeem is standing in the shadows holding an umbrella for me to take. The storm has made it dark outside, so I didn’t even notice him standing there.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m always here. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay.”

  Great, he’s like the stalker from the movie “The Player’s Club.” “What do you mean you’re always here?” I slowly start to back away. He smiles.

  “You can use my umbrella.”

  I push the auto start on the keypad for the car and he looks towards it. “You need to leave, don’t come back here.”

  He frowns. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You never know who could be out here.”

  He sounds upset, like he’s trying to keep from yelling. That’s good enough for me. I dash into the rain and quickly jump into the car. Just as I lock the doors he starts banging on the windows.

  “Don’t run from me! I only wanted to make sure you were okay! Why don’t you remember me?”

  I quickly put the car in drive and speed off without looking back. I’m too shaken to call Kalil. I’m not even sure how I make it home without getting a speeding ticket or crashing. I yell his name as I run into the house. The sight of him sitting on the couch with KJ cradled in his lap instantly calms me. Maybe too much. I love his relationship with his son. KJ is his world. I start crying.

  “What happened? What’s wrong?” He gets up and puts KJ on the couch. I try to stop myself from crying and he comes to me and hugs me. I love being in Kalil’s arms. Nothing can touch me when I’m there. “What happened?”

  “I came outside to come home and I didn’t see him standing there, it was so dark with the rain.”

  “Him who?”

  He’s frowning. The last time I told Kalil something along these lines he almost killed three guys. I hesitate. He’s struggling to stay calm. He has the worst temper of anybody I’ve ever known. I wonder if it’s wearing off on me.

  “Baby, talk. What happened?”

  I tell him and he asks me to describe Nyeem. This means he doesn’t recognize the name. I move away from him and go to KJ, who’s started whining in his sleep. I feel his forehead and his neck. He’s not as hot as he was when I left the house earlier. I ask Kalil if his fever actually broke. He doesn’t answer me. He’s doing something on his phone. Texting someone. If I had to guess who, I’d say Donte or Bruce. I pick KJ up and take him upstairs to his bed. Just as I walk out of his room my phone rings. It’s

  “Hey?” She’s crying. I’m instantly alarmed. “What’s wrong?”

  “I told you I wasn’t crazy. I’m sitting here watching his ass having dinner with some bitch.”

  This is how I know Kalil is rubbing off on me. Things like this would normally make me sad. I’d usually try to console her and make up some sort of excuse for whatever’s bothering her. Tonight I’m pissed. I don’t even try to make anything up to make her feel better. Donte begged her to move back here and she’s only been here a week. “Where are you?” I go back downstairs and see that Kalil hasn’t moved. She tells me where she is and I tell her I’m on my way. Kalil looks at me when I say this.

  “Where you going?” he asks.

  This could easily turn into an argument for two reasons. The obvious one being the crazy man who’s apparently stalking me and the other being I’ve been gone since six this morning and Kalil really is selfish when comes to sharing me. “Jay’s upset. She thinks Donte is cheating, so if I don’t go get her she’s gonna cause a scene.” He hesitates; doesn’t respond to what I just said fast enough. If I weren’t so focused on leaving I’d punch him in his stomach. “You knew.”

  “He’s not cheating on her.”

  “I’ll call you.”

  “I don’t want you to go back out by yourself.”

  “I’ll be okay, she needs me.”

  He hugs me and says, “To Jaida and right back and don’t let her do nothing stupid, he’s really not cheating on her…technically.”

  What the hell does technically mean?

  When I get to the restaurant I circle the parking lot until I see Jay’s car. She gets out when she sees me.

  “He just paid the bill, they’re about to come out. I called him twice, he didn’t answer. Just showed her his phone.”

  She’s devastated. Our roles seem reversed. This is a reaction I would have. The Jay I know would be fighting by now. I hate this for her. If I thought I could actually hurt him, I’d fight Donte for her. I watch as him and a female walk out of the restaurant. She looks upset. He looks as though he doesn’t care. They walk off in different directions. She stops and turns back to him. I think she calls his name because he turns back to her and she goes to him and hugs him. By the time I realize he’s not hugging her back I’m following Jay across the parking lot. He pushes the girl away from him and when he turns to walk away he sees us.

  He curses and says, “Jay, I swear it’s not what you think.”

  “Then you should be trying to explain it because I think you’re cheating on me with her.”

  She’s actually calm. I don’t know who she is right now. This is not the same person who threatened to shut Kalil’s club down at just the thought of Donte cheating.

  “I’m not cheating on you with her.”

  Jay shakes her head and looks away from him as she fights back tears. I’m contemplating hitting the female. She’s smiling like this is a big joke to her.

  “I was cheating on her with you.”

  We both look at him in shock. I guess that’s what technically means.

  The other female laughs and asks, “This is what you’re leaving me for?”

  “Say something else and I’m punching you in your damn face,” I say as I step to her. Jay acts as though we haven’t said anything at all.

  “What the hell does that mean, Donte?

  This just confirms our role reversal. I’m the one who thinks enough to ask questions. Jay doesn’t think at all, she just acts.

  The other chick rolls her eyes at me then says, “It means you’re a sideline ho.”

  Jay just stares at her. Donte looks like he wants to say something, but he’s not sure what. I seem to be the only one who comprehends. Oh well. I hit her. Donte grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. The girl calls me a bitch and comes towards me. Finally the Jay I know emerges. She grabs the girl by her hair and yanks her down to the ground. By the time Donte realizes what’s going on Jay’s on top of her and punching her in her face. I yell for her to kick her ass. We can deal with Donte later. Then again, he’s pretty strong. Somehow he manages to keep holding me and grabs Jay as well.

  “Stop, you don’t need to be out here fighting no other chick. I’m not even worried about her!” He drags us both away from her before Jay slips lose and slaps him. Hard. I’m shocked into silence.

  “I asked you from day one if you had anybody else and you told me no. You could have just told the truth and this wouldn’t be happening.”

  He lets me go and tries to go to her, but she pushes him away. She’s crying again.

  “Stop crying, you don’t need to be crying like this.”

  She pushes him away. “Just leave me alone. Don’t touch me. I don’t even wanna see you right now.”

  “Jay, you taking this the wrong way. I wasn’t cheating on you.”

  “Right, you were cheating on her, so I should be happy you chose me.”

  I think he actually thought it would make it better if he said that.

  “No matter how you look at it, Donte, it’s still fucked up.” She looks at me and says, “Let’s go, Mak.”

  She gets in her car and follows me back to the house. I’m pretty sure Kalil is going to tell him she’s here. He meets us in the garage.

  “I tell you not to let her do nothing stupid and you throw the first blow?”

  “But she called Jay a sideline ho!”

  “Since you’re interfering with their business, we’ll just sit out here and wait for him to get here and the four of us can talk it out.”

  “Kalil, I don’t wanna see him right now,” she says.

  She’s crying again, but he shows her no pity.

  “Tell that shit to somebody who’ll believe it.”

  “You can’t make us sit out here,” I say.

  “How you gone stop me, Mak?” I wish I could hit him, but he’d probably just laugh and piss me off.

  “I don’t live here. You can’t make me stay,” Jay says as she gets back in her car.

  I jump in the car with her and tell Kalil, “Good job baby.”

  Just as she’s about to back out Donte pulls up behind her and blocks her in. She lets out a frustrated grunt then puts the car in park and locks the doors as he approaches.

  “You not gone talk to me?” he asks.

  He’s standing right outside her car door, but she ignores him. Kalil must have said something to him because he looks over at him.

  “I got nothing, but time. I can wait.”

  We watch as they go inside before she asks, “How mad do you think he’ll get if I ram his car?”

  She looks like she’s seriously considering it.

  “Guys are crazy about their cars, I’m sure we can think of something else to do.”

  She laughs a little. I’m calmer now so I can think logically. “If he wanted anybody else he wouldn’t be here trying to get you to talk to him.”

  “That still doesn’t change the fact that he cheated.”

  “So are you done with him?”

  She doesn’t answer. Of course she’s not. “He was ending it with her. You know as well as I do, she looked like her world was over and he looked like he could care less.” She doesn’t respond, so I guess I’m getting through to her. “He didn’t even hug her back and he was obviously telling her about you and him if he was showing her the phone each time you called.”

  “He’s such a jackass, Mak! I asked him if there was anybody else, he could have just been real with me.”

  “You said it yourself, all guys hide things. His was just a really stupid thing and at least you know what it was now.”

  I’ve never asked Kalil if he was cheating. Do guys ever answer that truthfully if there’s no evidence of it? I doubt it. “Be mad at him, hell fight if you think it’ll make you feel better, but apparently we’re going nowhere, so we can’t just sit in the car all night.” Especially when I have a stalker on the loose. The thought causes me to glance around nervously. “We sh
ould really go inside.”

  She takes a deep breath then slowly opens her door.

  As we walk in Kalil says, “Prepare my dinner woman!”

  I try not to, but I laugh at him. I tell him to starve as I go into the kitchen. He follows me. Jay follows him. Donte follows her. I look back at the three of them and frown.

  “Well, this is awkward,” Kalil says.