Read Loving the Reaper Page 1

  Loving The Reaper

  Book 1

  By: Alexis Michaud

  © This is a copyright of Alexis Michaud made in 2016


  Chapter 1

  Valerie Brooks was the shy girl in town. She mostly stayed to herself and kept herself occupied rather than putting herself into all the teenage drama and gossip. Valerie had been the weird girl her whole life and she was okay with that… usually. Her dark hair and fair skin always bothered her. She felt like a freak. Of course no one had ever said anything to her to make her think that way but no one had ever stopped to tell her she was pretty either.

  Morning came and just like every other morning she dreaded getting up. slowly stretching in her bed she sighed and decided she had better get up so she wasn’t late for school. Summer has flown by and she was not looking forward to getting back to school. Silently she slipped down stairs and started the coffee and began gathering the school supplies her mother had picked up the day before. Dread filled her as she stared down at the frilly pink pens and pencils. “You have got to be kidding me…” she said as she sighed in defeat. She knew she couldn’t say anything to her mother, it would hurt her feelings. Yet she couldn’t help but be upset, after all these years her mother still didn’t accept that she just was not the pink flowers and feathers type. Not to mention she didn’t like anything that would draw attention to her. Back in her room she shoved the pink contraband as deep in her bag as she could and decided that if she could hurry up and make it out the door she would have time to stop and get new supplies. Her mother would be none the wiser. She quickly picked up a black shirt and some blue jeans, she pulled them on as she looked high and low for her shoes. They caught her eye with the last sweep of the room she did and she felt herself give a sigh of relief. She hurriedly pulled a comb through her hair and threw it in a bun, grabbed her bag and headed for the door. She power walked all the way to the local mart with plenty of time to spare she ran in. Going straight to the aisle she needed she grabbed a normal set of blue and black pens and a pack of number 2 pencils. Last but not least she grabbed her a few notebooks and she was ready to check out. She tapped absentmindedly while waiting in line. Finally, it was her turn. Even though Valerie was socially awkward she gave her biggest smile to Mrs. Keeble the owner of the little market. She had known her since she was a little girl and Mrs. Keeble was always a friendly soul that could put anyone at ease when around her. “Good Morning Valerie!” Mrs. Keeble’s pleasant tone rang out as she began scanning the items. “Good Morning Mrs. Keeble, how is Mr. Keeble doing?” Valerie couldn’t help but notice the twinkle in the old woman’s eyes at the thought of her husband. “He is well my dear. He should be up and out of bed any day now! That horrible cold really did a number on him!” Valerie frowned at the thought of Mr. Keeble being sick. She really did like the old couple. “Well I am sorry to hear he was sick, but I’m glad to hear he’s doing better.” With a warm smile and thanks she gave Valerie her total and sent the girl on her way wishing her to have a wonderful first day. Valerie noticed she still had plenty of time to make it to school so she slowed her pace and enjoyed the sites of the town as she made her way to the school. Valerie had always loved the dynamic of the town and how cozy it was. Everyone knew each other and treated each other like they were family. She had always admired the way people were so embracing of each other. Her mind began to wonder back to when her father had passed away of a massive heart attack. People were so supportive and helpful to her mother and herself. They checked on them frequently bringing by goods and kind words. Even the kids from school had tried to make sure that she was okay and that she was getting through the loss.

  Valerie shook her head a little to get the memories to stop, she didn’t need to start crying especially since she was so close to the school. The big Victorian building stood in front of her as it always had. She remembered just how intimidating it had been to her, her first year there as a freshman. Now being so close to graduating she laughed a little knowing she had concurred the big scary building. Walking up the steps she prepared herself for all the noise and crazed teenagers that would be right on the other side of the double doors. She really never understood why everyone was so rambunctious, after all it was school. Pushing the heavy metal doors in she quickly scanned the crowd and made her way to the office with no notice from anyone. Mentally she was just thankful she didn’t have to speak to anyone on the way. Pulling the door to the office open she noticed a tall boy in the corner she had never seen before. He looked up at once searching her face for what seemed like eternity. Realizing she had now frozen in the doorway she flushed and continued to the desk. A young blonde woman sat tapping the keys of the computer behind the desk. Miss Hanover was her name; she was friendly enough from what Valerie could remember. “Welcome back are you here for your locker number?” Valerie smiled and nodded in reply. She was still a little shaken by the strange boy and wasn’t sure if she could make her mouth move. After a few seconds of typing Miss Hanover disappeared around the corner. When she came back she had a stack of papers in her hands. “Okay Valerie here is your locker number and your class schedule and also a few forms we need you to have your parents look over. Just get those back to us whenever you have a chance and have a great day!” Valerie nodded to confirm and quickly said thank you and headed for the door.

  Her mind was racing at this point… “who the hell is he? And why was he staring at me like he had seen a ghost? Oh who knows maybe I’m just being crazy!”