Read Loving the Reaper Page 2

Chapter 2

  Valerie hurried off to class, she had spent way too much time at her locker trying to organize all of her stuff. Her first class was American history. Easy enough she thought. As she walked into the room she scanned the desks to find a seat. Her jaw almost hit the floor when she realized the only desk open was right next to the mystery boy from the office. Slowly she made her way to the open desk. She concentrated as hard as she could on just making it to the desk without falling over. Finally, she was there, she made it and she quickly sat down just as the teacher made his appearance. With a clearing of his throat the teacher managed to calm the students down and began to speak. “Good morning class, my name is Mr. Gil. I’m sure everyone is very excited to be back in school and to be around their friends but it's time to learn. Also before I forget we have a new student his name is Alistair Knowles.” Everyone turned to look at the no longer mystery boy and he gave a sheepish smile. The rest of the class period went on as normal. Well except for Alistar constantly staring at me with that same look on his face. He watched her like a hawk the whole time. Every twitch she made he noticed. By the time the bell rung Valerie was all but ready to make a run for the door and just be out of there. This guy was really starting to creep her out. Two classes went by and she was just relieved that he was not in either of them. But now it was time for lunch and there was no telling where he would be or what he would do. She hurriedly made her way to the school cafe hoping to not get noticed by him or anyone else for that matter. She grabbed the tray added a few greasy foods and a salad and made her way to the lunch lady that would scan her school I.d. Once she was through the line she made her way over to her favorite little table in the corner of the room. She opened her book and began to enjoy her lunch. Valerie was enjoying herself when out of nowhere the seat beside her was suddenly taken. Looking up she realized it was Alistar… “Hello, do you mind if I sit here? “His voice seemed to have age behind it as if he had seen a hundred years. This struck her as weird but she couldn’t be rude so she just nodded her head and tried to get back to her book. A few uncomfortable moments passed before he cleared his throat and began to speak again. “I apologize for staring earlier, I know it was probably uncomfortable you just really resemble someone I have been in search for…” Valerie looked at him with a perplexed emotion written all over her face. Did he just say he’s been in search for? What the hell is that supposed to mean? At that moment she saw a fleeting look of oh no I said too much and then he went to eating his food.

  She sat there in the silence her mind racing once again. What did he mean by that? And why is he sitting here of all places! He’s a little different but he’s handsome and seems smart he could go sit with anyone so why here!!!!!?

  The rest of the school day was a blur to her she couldn’t concentrate no matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t take her mind off of what he had said to her. Sitting in her last class she tried her best to do the work but just like all the other classes she couldn’t bring herself to really pay attention. Finally, the bell rang for the end of school and she decided that was probably for the best she would just have to do better tomorrow. After all, now she had all night to figure out what the hell he meant. As she grabbed her things from her locker she noticed him walk by her she held her breath until he was gone. Thank goodness she thought, he didn’t notice me. Boy was she wrong… As she walked down the front steps a sleek black Aston Martin was waiting front and center. As she got closer the window rolled down and behold the driver was none other than Alistar. Great she thought mentally rolling her eyes. “Hello again, would you like a ride?” he shouted from the driver’s seat. Valerie’s eyes almost popped out of her head! this guy could not be serious!! She took a deep breath and mustered up all the courage she could find. “No Thank you, I’ll walk!” she spun as fast as she could and took off walking as fast as she could. The whole way home she felt like he was following her but when she searched all around her for the car he was nowhere to be seen. Finally, she made it to her front door and she all but fell in she was in such a hurry. She locked the door behind her and sunk to the floor. What a hell of a day! After catching up with her thoughts for a few minutes she decided she had better get upstairs and start on all the work she had neglected in class. Being in the comfort of her room made her feel so much better. She didn’t realize just how much stress the whole day had put on her. She stretched a few times then began working at her desk. About an hour went by when that feeling that someone was watching her crept over her again making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She looked out the window trying to make out if she could see anyone but there was no one there. Hmmm weird she thought… She was beginning to think she was losing it. Finishing up she decided to eat and then shower it was going to be a long day tomorrow and she was going to need extra rest.

  That night was torture to her she tossed and turned all night. Dreams of his face appeared out of nowhere speaking the same words he had told her at lunch. She searched and searched in the dreams for an answer but she just couldn’t figure it out. Who was he searching for? why was he searching for her? and why of all people did she have to be the one to remind him of her? She woke up suddenly to a noise downstairs. She froze not sure what to do. Finally, she made herself get u to check out the noise. She creeped slowly down the hallway and stairs. Just as she rounded the corner a black figure disappeared right before her eyes and the picture album it was holding fell to the ground. Valerie all but fell over. “Mom!!!!!! Get down here!!!” she screamed before even thinking about how she was going to tell her what she had seen. What was she going to say hey mom this crazy black figure decided to check out our family album and when I came in it disappeared into thin air? Yea that would go over great! Shaking her head, she listened to see if her mom had heard her. No sounds came from upstairs so she quietly put the album on the shelf and walked back to her room.

  She knew there was no way she would be able to go back to sleep after that. She decided to get a head start on her school work since she knew it would be hard to concentrate once again. A couple hours went by and the sun made its appearance and she decided to call it quits and get a cup of coffee. Her body felt so sluggish and she knew there would be hell to pay for not going back to sleep but she couldn’t make herself even if she tried. She sighed knowing her mother would soon question her early start and the bags under her eyes. Just as she finished that thought her mother rounded the corner and jumped back a little startled. “Oh Good morning sweetie, I didn't think you would be up so early.” Valerie smiled a warm smile and said good morning. Her mother’s face changed and Valerie knew her mother was going to begin the questions at any moment. “Honey you look like you haven’t slept a wink! Is there something bothering you? “Valerie shrugged her shoulders and chalked it up to just being restless in the night. Luckily her mother didn’t push the subject anymore. Valerie kissed her mother’s cheek to reassure her and made her way back to her room with coffee in hand.

  Back in the quietness of her room she decided she might as well start getting ready for school. Maybe she would mix it up a little and wear something other than just black. Searching high and low in her closet she found a pair of blue jeans that she had never even worn and threw those on. Now for a shirt she thought. She managed to find a soft white undershirt and a dark blue button up that rolled up to the elbows. Good enough she thought. She then threw on her black sneakers and sat at her desk. Now what she thought. She sighed and put her books and supplies in her bag and headed to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and for the first time in a while instead of just throwing her hair in a bun she pinned it on the sides and let her long black hair flow down her back. Suddenly she realized she was trying to look pretty. And for what? What in the world was going on with her! A new boy comes to town, creeps her out, and now she decides she’s going to all the sudden try to look pretty. What kind of twisted thought process was going on in her mind she wondered. She giggled a little shook her head and said screw it. He would stalk
her either way… If in fact, he was a stalker.