Read Luck Of The Claw Page 8

glee. But now, after seeing the look on the living legends face he couldn't bring himself to. Mal didn't even have to look to Camden's young face to be prompted to continue.

  "No doubt you have heard some of the stories, most were true but you have to understand - living under that burden is too much for any man. There comes a time that the deeds grow to shadow the man who did them. And when that happened to me I found myself being revered like something from childhood tales. I couldn't live with all the expectations any more, the stories told in the streets grew and grew. Until one day I found everyone in the realm had come to believe that I alone could stand between them and invading armies. I am no one man army, I helped to lock up dangerous relics - never use them. I was simply a man who was blessed with a skill for blade and battle. I had only ever wanted to serve the realm as best I could, to protect it, but it was growing to ask more and more of me. It was something I never could live up to. So instead of seeing myself become a disappointment to the kingdom I chose to relinquish my title and take up a quieter life. My only hope was that in time everyone might forget who I was and that maybe then I might live without hearing my deeds recited every time I passed by."

  As he spoke, Camden thought Mal looked so much older, burdened by an unseen weight and tired. His eyes seemed harrowed with guilt as he looked up at Camden. "Haven't I done my duty, haven't I done enough to be left alone in peace?" The question reached down into Camden and he wished now Trinity was awake to answer it instead of him. It seemed like it required such a delicate response.

  Camden, never was good at talking, he never could seem to find the right words when it mattered. But he wanted so desperately to try so he simply said what he could. "I may not know all the stories or what it is like to live up to them." He didn't know where he was going with this but once he started speaking his mouth just took off without him. "But I do know that as long as I can remember I have dreamed of going off on adventures to make a name for myself, to seek out treasure and excitement. I know now that part of that was just the fantasy of a child, an idle hope that we could make our own way without needing anyone to take care of us. But the truth of it is that I wanted to help other people and that is what heroes are deep down - just someone who needs to do what they can to help others. If it is by tending the wounded or repairing things a hero helps by doing what they can. You were a great warrior, even today you moved with a skill far beyond me and if not for you my sister might not have had the time to find her magic. Leave the stories to the storytellers, there are things that need to be done that are bigger than us now and if we have the ability to do something then we have an obligation. Don't we?"

  There was a certain truth to the boy’s words that resonated within Mal; it made him feel foolish for ever having neglected his duty. A ghost of his old resolve sparked back to life casting aside his doubts once more and spurring him to action. Quickly he rose from his seat and set himself to bark out abrupt orders.

  "Prepare a bag for you and your sister, and get some rest. We'll leave at dawn. I'll see to Percival and some supplies." And just like that Camden watched as the renowned Malthurion Abardeen seemed to forget all thoughts of living a quiet life as a farmer. He couldn't help but wonder just which stories might have been true though - surely, that one about single handedly slaying a dragon wasn't one of them. Was it?

  - Episode 21 -

  Slowly the sun stalked its way up into the sky. It was now dawn and with it came a wave of excitement that thrilled the beasts who were already poised about Thatch and Cobble. They were already on edge, eager to begin their vicious task. Looming in the distance was a lonely old farm house and waiting inside it was the prey they sought.

  "Remember the plan Cobble," Thatch warned his partner. "It's not us I'm worried about forgetting the plan Thatch," Cobble countered eyeing the grizzly growling creatures that surrounded them. "Let's get moving before these things decide to just eat us instead," Thatch remarked. Cobble wasn't about to argue on that one, and the two started towards the house leading the pack.

  Just as Mal had known they would he marked the approach from where he had stood watch and drew his blade. "Get Trinity to Percival Cam," he bellowed his voice far more effective than any horn. As he stepped out to meet the rushing foes he wore a trusty old leather jacket studded with steel and layered with mail. It was a far cry from his gleaming old suit of plate but it had always served him well when training or traveling. Besides, at his age he figured he both needed the speed and really didn't want to draw any extra attention to himself that the plate would have immediately brought. Knights wore plate and he wasn't a knight anymore, at least not officially.

  "We have to get out of here Trin," Camden pleaded, begging her to get on the massive mount. "Mal will hold them off while we make our way and then he'll catch up." Or at least, that is what Camden hoped he had planned to do. "No," Trinity defiantly proclaimed. She closed her eyes and focused her desire to hold back the beasts back, she had to concentrate.

  Heedless, Mal slashed and stalwartly slowed his foes progress. Claws swiped at him from all sides as he rolled to avoid deadly maws to keep his defense tight and strong. He couldn't risk going on the offensive against so many, to turn his focus on any single threat meant the chance any of the others might slip past him. Instead he had to settle for making them pay dearly for every inch they gained with a cut here and a slice there. All he needed was a few more precious moments for the kids to be clear, to be unburdened by that worry.

  Twisting to neatly sidestep an off balanced blow from the taller thug Mal reached out and countered with his left to seize the advantage. Thatch found his own weight used against him as he tumbled over to land in the way of the pack of pets. A wave of triumph rose within Mal as he realized he hadn't lost his edge even after all these years. The feeling quickly changed to one of confusion when a single strange word rippled through the ground behind him carried by some melody he couldn't place.

  "Involvet," Trinity softly called to the earth at their feet her tone one of kind request. She was careful this time to measure just how much magic she called to her will and watched as the ground responded. Thick thorn covered vines erupted from the ground to entangle and restrict their fiendish foes.

  Mal rolled his sword in a quick arc downward to keep from being rooted to the ground himself and backed away. Already the creatures were desperately struggling to free themselves from the impediment and he was sure they would likely manage it before long. And he was certain that they really didn't want to stick around to wait for that moment.

  - Episode 22 -

  Circling overhead Lady Adriana screeched merrily; everything was going according to her plan. It wouldn't be long now before these fleeing fools led her directly to the Vault. Even now it seemed to call to her; she could almost feel it bleeding out dark magic. All she had to do was be patient and very soon she could reopen the Vault to unleash its magic.

  It did feel so very good to beat her wings upon the air, to soar and drift through breeze. Her eyes narrowed and she could track her prey even at this distance - an always enjoyable perk of this form. They were racing off into the distance heading for Shimmer-Stone River, how interesting. Either they were already on their way to the Vault or that old man with them was trying to be cunning enough to try and first lead them on a false trail.

  How delightful, Adriana cooed to herself at such a playful notion. This was becoming more and more amusing. First she would have to deal with those two idiots, who apparently were struggling to free themselves from some simple tangle vines. Frustrated she swooped down to hurry them up before her prey escaped her. It wouldn't do to track them if her pursuing pets weren't able to keep them reminded of the urgency of their plight. They could go to ground and hide or decide to fortify themselves somewhere. That was something that simply wouldn't do, not at all.

  A moment before her talons touched dirt Lady Adriana bid her flesh to flow and began to shift her form once more. Thatch and Cobble watched in terror as the
familiar bird-like form began to change into that of some hideously muscled hulk of a brute. It stood several heads taller than both of them, a thick scaley hide coated its bulk and razor edged claws gleamed like daggers on its hands. With a deafening roar it began to rend at the thick growth restraining them and within moments they were free.

  Even though such a monstrous beast shouldn't be able to it opened its mouth and spoke, a clear reminder that it was still Lady Adriana standing before them. "Go after them you wretches before I decide to make a meal of you!" For a second Thatch and Cobble had almost forgotten it was Lady Adriana, so terrible was the sight of the colossal creature.

  They watched as her body began to swirl and flow like a strange liquid to reshape itself back into it's previous flying form before it leapt back to the sky. Both of them couldn't help but shake with obvious fear. "Thatch," Cobble nervously stammered. "I am honestly scared of this Lady; I don't think I want to be around when those people lead her where she wants them to."

  "Me either, Cobb but I don't think I want to be on the end of her wrath should we refuse to help her drive them on their way either." Thatch always did seem to have a way with making a good point. As much as he didn't want to be around at the end of this chase, he definitely wanted to be alive long enough to have the chance to avoid it. Reluctantly Thatch and Cobble guided the pack of primal predators to follow the trail and prayed they might be fortunate enough to stay on the Lady's good side. They only hoped that she did actually have one.

  - Episode 23 -

  Percival's hooves pounded hard upon the crude dirt path leading towards Shimmer-Stone River. Never one to leave anything to chance, Mal had made sure to have a few escape plans already in mind. It wouldn't be easy but if they were still being pursued then they were going to have to do something. He couldn't risk them being overtaken and something happening to either of the kids.

  Mal risked a single glance behind them and cursed under his breath. "Bent blades and nicked edges," he proclaimed through his clenched teeth. He had hoped that fortune might have smiled on them a little longer and Trinity's magic had held them securely for a while yet. Instead, the pack of beasts was hastening towards them at speed followed from behind by the pair of sprinting ruffians.

  If Mal couldn't shake those things the situation was going to get ugly quick and his only options would be to try to stand and fight or trust in Trinity's magic again. Neither option was strategically sound to him at this point. While Trinity had proven to be both able of calling on her magic and effective as well they didn't know her full limits yet. If she exhausted herself too quickly again she would be helpless and dependant on both of them to protect her. And while Camden had managed to impressively hold his own against two thugs he didn't want to chance their odds again.

  That is where Shimmer-Stone River came in; not the deepest as far as rivers go but it was known for its rather fast current. It was part of how it earned it's name, the quick flowing water had virtually polished the stones making up it's river bed until they reflected the sun almost as much as the river itself. Only a fool would try to cross Shimmer-Stone River without knowing a trick or two, and Mal knew just the kind of trick for the occasion.

  "Come on Percival, let's show them just what your made of," Mal proudly shouted as he urged his loyal steed onward. "Hang on tightly you two," he warned as they burst through thick brush arriving on the river's bank. Percival never broke stride as Mal directed him straight towards the makeshift ferry that was secured to both banks with a thick rope. In a single fluid leap the fearless old warhorse vaulted onto the wooden craft to land with a series of loud creaks. Immediately Mal threw himself off to sever the rope behind them and then turned to set himself to the task of pulling them across.

  Camden had to fight the urge to smile and wave back as they passed away from the river bank, which was difficult for him. Trinity was more concerned with the growing complaints sounded by the ferry underneath them. "Are you sure this thing can hold our weight," she tried to ask as delicately as possible.

  "Less worry, more hurry," Mal answered her while his arms flexed in a steady rhythm. Another crack punctuated a bead of sweat forming on his brow. "Let's hope so," Camden found himself whispering to Percival. Without the need for words, the mighty mount seemed to agree with Camden.

  - Episode 24 -

  The ferry made it across to the other river bank, but only just barely before its bottom surrendered to the weight of its passengers. Percival expressed his own displeasure at getting his hooves wet when they disembarked. The temperamental stallion shook his head briefly, his ears back and huffed at Mal.

  "I know you didn't enjoy that last bit old friend but we had to get clear of those things," Mal tried to apologize to his long time four legged companion. "My apologies," he murmured with a soft pat to the horse’s side, hoping the gesture might reinforce his sincerity. "Now let's get moving, we need to cover more ground and I dare not presume that our gambit has deterred them completely. If anything we may have just purchased ourselves a brief respite before they discover another way to continue their chase."

  "Perhaps it would be wise to make use of this opportunity to share with us a little more about the Vault," Trinity probed. "I think it only fair; after all we are in danger here don't you think we have earned the right?" Mal had spoken of the Vault already but while he had warned them of the danger of it he hadn't really told them everything. She still longed to understand more of the book she now carried but she also desperately needed to know more of what was going on.

  "Very well," Mal agreed, his gaze cautiously scanning around them while he guided Percival away from the river. "The Vault of Echoes was discovered ages ago by accident, or so goes the lore as we know it. No one knows who found it or any of the real details but it was decided at some point that it was the perfect place to lock away dangerous magic. For as long as I have served it was a well guarded secret and even when I was young it already held a rather impressive hoard. The Vault is masked somehow from view, even magic seems unable to locate it fortunately. Perhaps that is why it was chosen, I can only guess. But I never felt comfortable trusting in its own inherent security, it was too much to risk. So during our last visit to the Vault we brought with us a whole clutch of dragon eggs we recovered to place as guardians. It seemed a better fate then leaving them to hatch without their mother and that way if someone did breach the Vault they would face a deadly surprise."

  Regret worked its way into Mal's voice and he had to clear his throat to try and regain his composure. "The Vault had always worried me, I never questioned the wisdom of what we were doing but the fact we were putting all that power in one place never felt right. So I made sure to destroy any records of the Vault's location. I couldn't trust that after I was gone someone else might seek it out or be tempted."

  Weariness now draped the warrior like a heavy cloak that Trinity and Camden both could see. "The mother dragon," Camden pointed out as he already decided the old story had been true. "You really did slay a dragon by yourself - you had killed the mother." The statement held a singular pain like a dagger thrust into his chest for Mal.

  "To my shame, yes," he answered with his head bowed. "I was ordered to do so, as a perceived threat to a nearby village. It wasn't known that she was merely safe guarding her offspring and wasn't really any danger. The only thing I could do was lock up the eggs, without the mother they would assuredly been seized by any number of ruthless or greedy people and enslaved. I was responsible, so I had to protect them and thought perhaps maybe they might be best kept safe by helping to keep the Vault protected."

  It had been Mal's duty to protect the realm form dangerous threats, but it was his own guilt that even now urged him to ensure that both the Vault and its guardians were safe. He had made them orphans after all, just like these two children. Fate seemed to have a strange sense of humor he told himself. These two he would not abandon like he had before, he regretted ever having done so.

  - Episod
e 25 -

  "Enough of this foolishness," Baron Samael spat looking down upon a swirling green mist. The conjured form spun and swam before his gaze to continually reshape it to show him events transpiring elsewhere. Irritation was rising within him as he watched on until it seemed perfectly clear that Lady Adriana might be trying to double cross him. He had never completely trusted her, and on numerous occasions had to dispel subtle attempts by her to distract or manipulate him. Or at the very least that is what he believed them to be. One could never be too careful, especially with the kind of ambition they held dear.

  "Ensnaring my own agents and subjugating them to her own will, this alone I will not stand for. But the dear Lady has also seen to it to restrict them from reporting to me and instead bidden them to drive her quarry like game hounds. They might have failed to retrieve the key on their own but they did locate it and were fortunate enough to witness proof that it has been unlocked. I will deal with Thatch and Cobble later; right now it looks like I must become more directly involved before Lady Adriana is allowed to go too far on her own. If these three are allowed to make it to the Vault the risk is too great that they might seal it forever. It is too vital to our plans, that it cannot be permitted."

  Summoning up his will, Baron Samael invoked his power as strange letters and arcane symbols flashed to life to hang in the air around him. Energies sprang into existence to cloak him in their flow pouring out from all around him, even from the very stones of the tower itself. A long staff of bleached bone ringed with iron obediently answered his call to hover at his side.

  Not a single servant could be seen anywhere. In truth no living servant had ever bore witness to the Baron actually taking leave of his stronghold before. Gripped with terror they had instinctively hid themselves, unsure what the spectacle might mean. It did them little good, there was a reason none of his thralls had ever seen him leave the tower. As he focused his will he reached out to gather up the very living energy of everyone inside FrostThorn tower and drew it to