Read Luck Of The Claw Page 9

him. It was merely prudent to not allow anything to be wasted, and in any event it was likely they would have just used the chance to flee. Fear of punishment or not, they would have discovered any of the number of wards or barriers around the tower and perished while trying to escape.

  With grim satisfaction Baron Samael measured his magical might and felt it sufficient. A quick series of gestures from his hand and he felt a seal settle over his tower. It was only wise to safeguard his sanctuary even if no one was left behind. "Now, to deal with treachery in kind," the Baron decided aloud, his tone dripping venom. "Then I'll dispatch the others as should have been done in the first place and reclaim that key."

  Around FrostThorn tower the air shivered and the ground tensed. Streams nervously rushed with worry as nature itself placed its hope and faith in three unlikely figures. Already the Vault was failing, and so very much was resting on the decisions yet to be made.

  - Episode 26 -

  Percival's hooves pounded the ground like the thunder of a summer storm. Something hadn't set well with Mal since the last attack, it was too restrained. If they had been after the key or the kids they would have been more ruthless and just slain them. No, he decided they're purpose had to be the same as a coachman’s whip - to drive them onward. That meant they had to be being followed, shattered shields!

  It was too late now for any regrets, they were already nearing the Vault and there wasn't any time to double back and lose whatever was tailing them. The only advantage they had left was the knowledge the Vault might still hold a clutch of guardian dragons and they alone had the key. If they were going to make a stand to defend the Vault, one with dragons on their side was a far better chance than without.

  "Trinity," Mal's voice suddenly broke the clamor being made by Percival to pull both children’s attention directly to him. "I am going to need you to use the book and when we enter the vale you should be able to call upon the Vault to open itself to us." As he spoke the ground beneath them changed and Trinity realized that they were already passing swiftly down into a green valley hedged on its sides by verdant trees.

  But something wasn't right; she could feel it but had not the words to express it. Mal had said that the Vault was beyond being located, even by magical means. And yet, as they approached she could feel something dark and terrible seeping like poison from a wound. Trinity wanted to warn Mal but as she opened her mouth to find the words Mal cut her short. "Quickly now, we are being followed!"

  Trinity had to try to concentrate, she opened the book and let its magic fill her mind. "How am I supposed to get the Vault to open itself for us," she found herself asking aloud. Never one to miss an opportunity for a witty remark, Camden was quick to answer. "Try knocking," he told her with a snicker.

  Trinity wanted nothing more than to criticize her brother, to tell him that he was in fact not helping her at all. Instead, as strange it sounded the very thought of knocking caused the pages to flutter and land on a passage in response. Perhaps it was, in fact, just that simple. Carefully she began to sing aloud the words that chimed into her ears like motes of a beautiful song.

  And just like that the empty air before them took on a subtle sheen in the scattered light of the vale as a singular large ironclad door loomed before them like the waiting maw of a titan. The door opened with a pained groan, its massive hinges complaining like some old mans knees. They hurried inside, and behind them the door closed itself once more with an equal measure of objection. The sound was almost mirrored by Mal as he immediately paused with a gasp of shock.

  Lying before him within the Vault of Echoes were the littered corpses of several young dragons. Only a lone dragon limped forward from the shadows to greet them, its scales like sapphires and its claws polished silver. Blazing white eyes looked upon them that had grown dim, and the last guardian now stood before them its strength failing.

  The old knight's mind reeled as he fought to grasp what could have happened to leave such a sight awaiting him. And as his gaze looked around to make sense of matters his fear deepened. Much of the Vault of Echoes had collapsed in on itself, burying untold treasures that had been locked away. Even Mal and Camden could see nightmarish magic’s drifting aloft through the air as they clashed upon each other or the walls around them. He didn't know what to make of it or what he could even begin to imagine happened.

  "We have to leave this place, now," Trinity pleaded terror clear in her tone. Mal couldn't question the dire wisdom in the notion as he found his mouth now dry and his hand upon his sword's hilt. "Agreed," he confirmed and jerked Percival's reins to turn his trusty steed about. Trinity set herself to reopen the door just as Camden slipped from the saddle to sprint his way towards the dragon.

  "We can't just leave him," Camden protested. But Trinity had already begun her song, the magic was weaving itself into motion she couldn't stop now.

  - Episode 27 -

  Lady Adriana seethed with furious rage as her talon-tipped toes touched down. Somehow those pesky children and the old oaf had managed to escape her. And what was worse is they had done so under her very nose. They had to be close; she could feel the growing current of malevolent magical seeping out around her. It had to be the Vault of Echoes!

  The power was growing deeper and saturating everything like an abyss made tangible. She could feel it reaching into her, slowly pulling her in like quicksand tugging down a helpless traveler. But she was far from helpless, oh that was certain. Lady Adriana had to be ready; if they reopened the door she could ambush them and win her way inside the Vault. The fools would never see it coming, and then so many precious sources of dark power would be hers for the taking.

  Her form twisted and transformed returning to the guise of a muscled monstrosity. This time though the ambient forces infusing the fabric of reality around her wove their way into her shifting form. Scales of pure emerald glistened in the sunlight before shadows clouded their color to form a darker charcoal black hue. Where once her claws had shined like vicious daggers now she found darkened steel-tipped spears eager for blood. Raw strength rippled through her and she drank it in like an intoxicating thrill until it overrode every sense.

  As the Vault began to open once more it was cold inhuman eyes that leveled their fiendish gaze upon it. The sights of her prey drove a primal scream out of her, pure animal challenge. What answered her wasn't what she expected however, as another form stumbled forward into the light to stand in her way. A part of her tried to reason how a dragon had suddenly appeared from within the Vault but was quickly lost to a sea of bestial instinct.

  "I will kill you," Lady Adriana tried to triumphantly declare but instead found herself snarling through snapping saliva dripping jaws. Weakly the dragon raised its head and whimpered an attempted roar in reply. Stepping out from behind the courageous creature was Camden his bright little blade already to hand.

  The decision for him had never truly been one; he didn't have to think things through like his sister. He wouldn't leave the dragon behind to die sick and alone within the Vault. And he certainly wasn't about to let it fight by itself to protect him or the Vault. Camden would leave the thinking to Trinity, let her decide if he was right or wrong later. Right now he was going to do what he did best and that was whatever felt right to him.

  This felt right to him, it felt heroic, and being a hero was something Camden had always wanted to be.

  - Episode 28 -

  "Half a hammer," Mal found himself cursing once more. "That boy is going to get himself killed and us with him." Whatever this thing was it was already circling around Camden and was looking for blood. There was no way the last living guardian was in any condition to hold it off on it's own and the boy didn't even help the odds any. "I think lady luck has decided firmly to leave us," Mal quipped, already drawing his blade and studying the scaly foe.

  "Stay back and try to keep clear," the valiant veteran warned Trinity as he took to the ground. Claws struck out like flashes of lightning to rend the grou
nd and cut through air as Lady Adriana launched her new form into an assault. Gripped by frenzy a savage darkness consumed her, driving her with a will that no longer needed her mind to guide it. The sudden speed and ferocity of his foes strikes forced Camden to rely on every bit of his reflexes to avoid the blows.

  Narrowly the weakened dragon struggled to defend itself as well. Where Lady Adriana moved fast, infused with raw power the dragon seemed to already be on its last legs. Yet no wound marked its body, there was no evidence to offer explanation. The fact it was even still standing much less defiantly opposing the monster was a miracle in itself.

  Mal carefully timed his swing when the beast’s right arm shot up to lash out and slid in below it catching it off guard. Its focus turned on the dragon it hadn't noticed his strategic advance and now its momentum was already carrying the blow downward. Sharpened steel met cruel claws in a powerful blow that threatened to shake the very blade from his experienced grip. Mal had to fight to maintain his hold as he set his own might into a twisting sidestep