Read Lullaby Page 1




  This book is dedication to all my loved once including my beloved parents, my sister and my best friends and to all the people in every part of this world who love me and who I love and who have supported me in numerous ways to make this book a success.


  Chapter 1

  Secret meeting

  “Ouch” I groaned when a slight wave of warmness went through my body and I had to wake up though it felt as if my eye lids were so very heavy. Then I realized my laptop was on my lap and its hotness made me feel burning on my body. I was researching lately about this topic that I really wanted to know more and more about. Its about magicians.

  The part of the world where I live in there are two different groups of people according to my knowledge they are magicians who are people that are chosen from birth and ordinary human beings like ME. Well magicians have a secret life away from us normal people, which makes me more and more interested on finding about them day by day.

  Now that I’m up and don’t feel like sleeping again. I checked the time and DAMN it’s still 2.00 am and the time made me feel so much hungry as if I have not ate in ages. So I had to make my way to the refrigerator to get something to eat which was in my room since in staying at my university apartment

  Suddenly when I looked out through the window near the refrigerator a very fast moving car with many cars following it caught to my vision. Which made me wonder who would want to hurry so much in late night? And in an empty street? It made me think more deeply and I knew it can’t be robbers because robbers will not have guard following them. Then the only thing that came to my mind was they should surely be magicians.

  Because according to rumors I hear, though they are true or not I have heard that magicians keep meeting late at night to avoid causing trouble to normal human begins. Then I looked more carefully though they were driving so very fast to confirm my prediction, and I saw a red flag with a gold wand printed on it on the side of a car which made me confirm that I was right

  I have never ever in my entire life seen a single magician or may be I have. but I cannot recognize them specifically from normal humans because they don’t show them selves much in the day time and stay away from normal people like us and live in a separate part of our country mostly surrounded by forests and woodlands and also they disguise themselves when they have to appear in front of normal people for any particular reason.

  Only high classed billionaires and president of our country get to meet up with the head of the magicians’ and that is also in 6 years time, when the new president is elected in our country. This is because the newly elected person needs to take his oat to be the new president in front of the head of magician as well. During this time high class billionaires tend to make it an opportunity to meet up with the head of magicians and make deals to protect the normal human kind from bad evil magicians who only use their magic to get power, immortality and to rule this country and may be the even world .

  I really do not believe in what people say. since I’m very adventurous girl I wanted to make this an opportunity to find out what I have been outdated and never will get update about .my mind was badly troubling me to not to let go of this opportunity to find at least something useful but My heart says it’s risky but my mind forces me to go find something new for my research.

  Then I made up my mind to make a move. The next thing that came to my mind was my partners in crime ,Alex and Sammy .my two girlfriends , that was always with me with all of my crazy work. I called them a million times to their cell phones, but I didn’t want to leave any messages ,that they will feel bad about and get sacred when they wake up. They were sleeping like dead pigs that they didn’t answer a single call I gave them.

  So I have no option than going by my self because I knew ill be late if I don’t go within 15 minutes or so. Since I’m in the university and its late night it isn’t suitable for me to walk along corridors to go in search of my two friends to their rooms. So I thought of sneaking out of the back garden and leaving through the back gate. But firstly I was suppose to quickly disguise myself into a fine dress which made me look hot and showed more flesh just to attract the guard’s attention to sneak into the meeting without invitation. So within in seconds I got into a black tight short dress shoving every part of my slim body more highlighted

  Then I took my camera and my little notebook and put my phone on silence for more safety and ran out through the back gates. The school security aren’t much concern at this time because most students go out for clubbing late night so It wasn’t hard for me to get my self out of the university

  I was not much tensed about where to go and what to do and where will the magicians be by the time I get to them. its only because of another rumor that I have heard saying that they only keep meeting in the underground hall of the mall complex and that is one rumor I believe in, because few time I have followed these vehicles which had the magician flag, and always they gathered in that place for meetings, because in this city it’s the only place with good advanced security they have to keep their secret meetings for their own safety to not to leak their secrets

  Few minutes took me to make it to the mall complex and there were so many expensive cars and people in very rich suits were gathered, and they were making their way into the complex. Since I’m an 18 year old girl and not much tall I could hide myself from the crowd and move into the mall complex without getting noted by any guards

  It hadn’t been that hard to get to the lobby of the hall, but the meeting seems to be in a special room with more security. As soon as I stepped into the non public area surely a guard came and stood next to me, with a gun tucked in his belt, I averted my eye from the gun and looked at him and gave a smile

  ” miss, you shouldn’t be here!” he said politely “its non public you actually can’t go in without your special invitation ma’am’ he noted

  “Oh really? I actually lost my original invitation where can I get another copy?”I whispered to his ear softly giving a sexy look that made his cheeks go redder. I surely felt he was uncomfortable

  ‘Come on! I’m not goner be a threat” touching his shoulder and giving him a small smile. I tried to somehow make him take me in.

  “Miss…ummmm…its not like that “he said politely.” Actually I….. I cannot help you with it” he said.

  “Oh come on”. I murmured. Then I moved my hair on my face to a side to show him my fake innocence more

  “Please...” I breathed

  “You would regret it…’

  Then he had no option other than getting caught to my tricks and he asked me to follow him to the underground room, where the meeting is goner be held. When we got close to the room the chatter got louder. I guess the meeting hasn’t started yet. Then my eyes got locked to a very bad sight. MORE SERCURITY! OH NOOOOOOO! NO MOREEEEE… I panicked inside of me.

  Though I’m a good adventurous girl I hardly can lie a lot. And after tricking one guard so well but hard at the same time ,I really couldn’t do the same for another SET of guards to get my self into this whole meeting, which I hope wouldn’t be useless after all of my hard work to get in.

  Then the guard who tried to get me in without invitation met up with another guard who was isolated from the rest of the guards and standing in a corner in front of a door. I assumed it’s another back door to get into the meeting room He looked like a the head of guards for me with his bossy look

  “Sir, this lady here want to go to the meeting she has actually lost her original invitation” he assured

  “How the hell can you get so irresponsible? So far till today there hasn’t been a single person going in without there invitations for years into this meeting and you know that cle
arly! DONT YOU?” he yelled at the guard. Then they started having a small argument that distracted both of their concentration on me and made it a good opportunity for me to make me get into the room through the back door

  Wow when I went in the room my head started spinning circles. is this a room? My head started questioning me. It rather looked like a humungous hall lead through small tiny hall. This place is so beautiful. Huge chandeliers shinning hanging from the ceiling like ’diamond in the sky ‘that’s what Rihana would say’ LOL, all the yummy food filled the hunger in my tummy just from its smell. there were ample food for years for these magicians to eat in hundreds of tables. The fragrance of the fresh flowers in every table took my breath away and the ladies wearing gorgeous lovely dresses and guys in their handsome courts and ties eating and drinking champagne … marvelous this was one hek of a meeting I would say

  I was dreaming in looking up and down here and there in the hall that I suddenly went and knocked on to a guard and that made me drop all of my note books and my camera in which I had store pictures of different vehicles of magicians’ that I used to follow some time back to find out where they keep meetings and few photographs of magicians that I took right now secretly.

  “SHIT!” I exaggerated that surely made the guard suspect me more. Normally people are checked before coming in through the main entrance even a cell phone isn’t allowed inside. Since I took the back door I didn’t have to give away my precious items to get into this hall

  The guard took my camera from the floor and the note books and went through the pictures and my crazy note for a long time and I could run with or without grabbing my items from the guard because too many guards where around me, after getting to know about the situation but they didn’t make the situation worst but only kept standing few feet away from me from all the directions keeping a good eye on me

  “Ma’am what exactly are these pictures and notes?” he demanded for an answer.

  I didn’t know what to say my words didn’t come out of my throat I swallowed every word that came to my mouth because I knew nothing can get me out of this trouble this time around. If Alex and Sammy were here they would have found some way to get out from this. But me! alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  “I………..I..I actually took it to … show my Father...” yes! I could come up with a lame lie but he surely knew I was guilty for something but I continued” he.. Umm... he is sick and at home so I came on behalf of him …. Ummm pictures are to show him who was here” I explained but my lie didn’t work and I couldn’t convince him. He called the guards and two guard held me tight from my hands. Not much magicians saw what happened luckily.

  “Check her!” he ordered

  Then few lady guards came and touched every part of my body for suspicious items. And wow they found out my purse and my phone

  “Miss? What are these? Don’t you know that theses are prohibited inside?” he questioned and he went through my phone where there were pictures of me and my friends in the university and now he surely knows I’m a normal girl not a magician and he went through my personal information in my identity card in my small valet

  “Take her!” he shouted

  “What!! Nooooooooo you have misunderstood” I cried “nooooo… Don’t do this to me! Where are you taking me?”

  He didn’t care about what I said. He just nodded his head which made the other guards to realize where to take me

  “Nooooo… stop this right now! Let me goo! I’m innocent you have misunderstood! ’ I yelled. Then they closed my mouth for their safety and not to let the meeting get disturbed by this scene

  “Really? Try to convince our lord about your innocence” he noted

  They took me to a place out of nowhere in the mall which was like a prison a very scary place. I was freaking out seen the darkness, and the fact that they haven’t come to this part of the building for years, to see all the dust and cobwebs on the corridors

  Then they stopped in front of a door and a guard took out a wand and said a small spell. He whispered bringing the wand close to his mouth so I will not hear. Then he taped the wand on to the lock of the door and the door opened, that was the first time I saw real magicians working with their powers. But not that I have seen things like this in HARRY POTTER. But this was real right in front of my damn eyes.

  I was surprised to see a clean room in a dirty place like this. That made me realize, may be this is a secret place for magicians in this mall complex. As soon as the door opens the lights came on too. That’s what I call magic.

  Then they forcefully took me into the room and took a chair and tied me hard to the chair with ropes. that made me hard to even catch up my breath. Then they left me in the room , and they closed the door, and as they went out all the lights went out as well. Wow. That was the last thing I would expect in a horrible, terrible scary place like this, underground and far away from where humans are, dusty and now no lights. I was freaking out sweating for fear from every small sweat pore all around my skin.

  Will someone come and kill me? Will I be expelled from my university? Have they already told my parents about it because they took my note books camera and phones even my identity card? Will I be a prisoner by the government for lifetime or will I get death penalty for going beyond laws that will bring up trouble for the country from bad magicians?

  My head was popping questions one by one without giving me a break. And tears slowly came out of my eyes and slide through my cheeks. Now I had no option than closing my eyes and try to not to cry thinking too much about this because now I’m already in trouble. And I purposely called trouble for my life without minding my own business at the first place. So now have to face the punishments I will get for this.

  A light flashed right in front of my eyes. This made me open my eyes though I really didn’t feel like opening my eyes because I was half way sleeping. Then I heard a small chat between few people but I could clearly hear what they were saying. Then I opened my eyes realizing that I’m still at this unknown place so if I keep my eyes wide shut I will be in more trouble not knowing exactly who these people are. And what they would do to me

  Then when I opened my eyes slowly, I realized all lights are on and the door opened . Then three men came in one looking elderly in his 60’s and then the other two men look a little younger than the other man in their forties. The elderly man whispered something to the other two men and they went out leaving the man and me alone in the room and closing the door.

  “Well well aren’t you that stubborn normal girl, that I heard who tried to sneak into the meeting , that no ordinary people are allowed?” he questioned

  I frowned and looked away. That was all I could do .I couldn’t lie more, because they all know that I aren’t a magician. He came close and kneeled down right in front of me and made me look at him by holding me face and turning it to his direction which made me have eye contact with him.

  Suddenly I felt a very cold shiver going down my skin and small shock similar to electric current passing down through my body. At the same time following that. Then I freaked out and at the same time the man took his hand off my face and moved back and stared at me in a very confused look.

  “I…………I…. can’t believe this!” he whispered softly to himself but I heard it. I knew he didn’t do any thing physically to me, like injecting anything or doing something similar. But I doubt whether he did some spell to hematite me and make me admit the truth, but I wasn’t sure.

  “What did you do to me??? “ I shouted

  He didn’t answer for a while and I was shocked too.

  “Why did you come here?” he demanded for an answer. I still didn’t answer.

  “What do you want from us?” he questioned


  He gave a small smile. I was confused thinking why he would smile with me after all I have done.

  “You’ll need me someday” he assured.

  What is he talking about? Needing he? This old jerk? No way! What ever.. My head was like a garbage cane after all these wired things that has been happening to me the past few hours.

  “Guards... Release her!” he commanded

  What! Is he serious? Why does he want me to go? After all that I have done? I was even more confused

  “But… but… why...” I chocked my words

  “Clear the memory of her camera, and if there are any pictures in her phone do the same to them as well. Destroy the notes she has and any suspicious things. And give her stuff back and let her go. And keep an eye on this beautiful stubborn girl to not to ever come back for meeting like this again for any reasons ever in her life. And fire all the guards who helped her to get in” he commanded

  I was freaked out I really didn’t know what I should say. So I kept my eyes open wide and my mouth open as well and staring at all the things that are happening right in front of my eyes, which looks just like a dream to me.

  I felt so guilty and at the same time so sure that he would have told every possible person to take actions against me that’s why without more trouble he’s releasing me so that I will have to face the up coming trouble. Especially from my parents and university. Oh nooooo. Why are these happing to me? I wasn’t goner cause any trouble for them. Gosh only wanted to find some information to my research. I felt very disappointed

  Then now since I’m free I took all my belongings and quickly came out of the mall complex , and I realized there are guards following me to check whether I really vanish from this place or still trying to do my “paparazzi” at least I hope that what they think about me.

  Then I got into my bike and came soo fast and arrived at the university premises and parked my bike, and ran into my apartment. Within a matter of second I was in my room. I checked the time, shit 5.30 am! It almost morning. I will miss my morning lectures for sure

  . But that wasn’t the stuff on my head right now after going through a hell a load of crap. And I off my phone. I was soo much tired that as soon as I felt the good feeling of the blankets of my bed and softness of the pillows I felt asleep. Without even changing into a more comfy dress.