Read Lullaby Page 2

  Chapter 2

  Finally! Holidays

  “Adri... “I heard some voices from far away

  “Adriana! Wake you girl you have been sleeping for hours!”  They shouted

  I finally could recognize their voices. Its Sammy and Alex. But I refuse to open my eyes, because I felt like my whole body was hammered by some heavy metal, after what happened today early in the morning and I felt so much more sleepy.

  But I had no option other than at least answer them, because I felt a very sad and worried tone in my girlfriends’ voices.  But I wasn’t surprised to see them in my room even after I locked it today morning since they a spare key to my room.

  “Guys’……. guys I’m fine. I’m up…. I’m up.”  I murmured opening my eyes slowly.

  “You know what time it is?”  Alex shouted

  “And where the hell did you go last night without even telling us yesterday morning or even night before we went to sleep! Rather than at around 2 am o so? “Sammy yelled

  “You think we do night duty providing security for the university at that time staying up? You now how much worried we were?” They both started complaining nonstop and I only had to listen to them because they will never know what I went through

  “Oh gosh!  Please guys can you’ll p lease give me a break??”  I shouted at them then .that made them lock there mouths for a while.

  “Guys I’m sorry ill tell u everything that happened.” I promised.”But before everything can anyone tell me what time it is?”

  “Its 11.30 am women!” Sammy confirmed

  “Shit 11.30 am? Are you guys serious” I cried.

  “Yes that we were all been tiring to tell to you all this time” They noted

  I never sleep for this long even after going for night out with my besties. I felt guilty

  “God! Please help me to get dressed for the next lecture guys? “I asked them

  Then only realized.  That I was still in my black tight dress, that I wore last night which had confused my friends even more, because I hardly sleep with tight dresses .because other than a comfy nightdress I never fall a sleep.

  I quickly removed and threw my dress away not minding my manners for the fact that there are only girls in the room and that I was too late.

  Then I ran to the bathroom to have a very good and a warm water shower. It only took few seconds and when I came out, my girlfriends had already kept a nice Red silky off-shoulder short top and a denim shirt from my closet that that top and skirt, I haven't worn in ages. I was surprise hear that they took them from my closet. We go shopping a lot and buy too many clothes that even I forget the clothes I have bought.   

  I really didn't want to go out of my room. Because I was so confused about the elderly man Letting me go today, after me been a very bad girl and after doing something very much illegal.  What made him let me go like that so easily?  That was one question that troubles me in my mind all the time. And also I was a little bit worried about his sarcasm saying that I will need him someday. Whatever. 

   “Ouch” I groaned

  The eyeliner pencil hit right into my eye while I was getting dressed. Sammy and Alex both turned and looked at me moving their concentration away from the individual work they were doing.

  “ADRI!!!!”  both of them shouted with amazement and looked at me with a shock.

  “Hahahahahhahahahhahahah” they started laughing their lungs out.

  “Wha…..what the hell are you laughing for “I questioned with confusion

  “Baby why you don’t turn around and look at what we are laughing for yourself from the mirror” Sammy said with a giggle. Both of them were still giggling.

  “OH MY GODNESS!” I looked surprised after seen myself from the mirror. I am soo dead. I have applied eye linear on the lip and lip linear on my eye and not even that, I have worn the two heels the other way around. The Left heel on my right leg and the right heel the other way around. My concentration was on what happened today morning, which made me this careless! I’m so crazy.

  “How can you be so off?” Alex asked gigging.

  “What exactly happened last night?” they gave me a cheesy look and started bugging me even more

  “Admit it girl! Who’s the new guy? “Sammy winked and questioned. I gave a small smile without answering and quickly changed my heels, washed my face and applied the make up all over again properly, before the bad memories hit my head again and came out of the bathroom. I hear them inside my room saying funny stuff about my last night, bringing a guy into the topic and trying make that horrible few hours a very romantic one. But only I know the weird truth.

  Then I took my backpack and walked to my door. But Sammy and Alex were standing right in front my door. Blocking the door with their arms crossed and with questions marks all over their face.

  “MISS! R u sure you wanted to go to the lecture? Alex questioned.

  “I guess you have some explanation to do. Because we are not coming with you. Unless you tell us exactly what happened to you to act like this and even sleep with that dress? That tight dress?” Sammy added

  “Umm… ok ok guys but not here. I’m so hungry girls didn’t have breakfast also. So let’s go to the cafeteria sit down and relax and talk ok?”

  “That more like it sweaty “then Sammy and Alex put their arms around my arms from the either sides and we walked along the corridors in a very weird bridal style to the cafeteria.

  Cafeteria is one place in our university that never gets a break. Even at midnight people spend hours drinking, chatting and wasting time here. Mostly because there is a very beautiful garden behind the cafeteria which makes us feels very relaxing and is the best spot for all the cute love bird to hang out and flirt and do their THING.

  Nerds find this the perfect spot to study and do their homework. But we three find this the perfect spot to gossip and update our selves

  We are totally single 3 hotties who are so down to earth but really love to go shopping, wear gorgeous clothes, move with the trends, and go out for dinners and buffets and even for the small cup of ice coffee. We do every possible girly thing together.

  There are many cute hot charming guys who have their eyes on us. But who cares. Because there were many time the three of us tried to bring boys to our affair but it totally separates us and we part. So it’s the best way is ,  till we really feel like we need guys to keep us going,  we thought of staying single and that is one of the small pinky promises we have in our friendship.

  People think we are the “IT” girls but actually from inside we are not. We are just so simple girls. we are just us! And there are some girls in his university that really cannot resist “US “. That’s really not our problem.

  Anyway back to the topic that's troubling my mind. I still didn't get any call or an SMS from my mother or anyone in my family saying that I’m sooo screwed up and that I’m grounded forever or no one gave me a message from our headmaster asking me to meet him, to let me know that I’m expelled. I was so confused about how come none of these people still don't know about the thing that had happened couple of hours ago.

  So I felt a slight relief inside my mind. May be magicians aren’t bad after all. Having all these weird feelings still in my mind I tried to concentrate on what I'm actually doing than screwing of up like today morning. Three of us paid few dollars and bought three cups of hot chocolate and went and sat in a table in one corner of the cafeteria. Facing the beautiful garden view.

   I had to tell my girlfriends what happened because I really don’t hide anything from them. (Expect the small secreted dates. I go for ;) LOL)  so finally I decided to tell them the truths after questioning my mind whether I should tell or not. 

  “Guys…..” I breathed

  “You wouldn't believe what happened. To me last night...” I went on saying the whole story. And they were staring at me wondering am I so this stupid to do such a silly thing and risk my life a
nd to be release after even getting caught and getting to know that I’m a human.

   According to what we all knew they kill these kinds of people secretly, so that they will never return and to leak their information but if he president get to know before they kill that person president ask to release the person and give him death penalty.

  “Then. It was early in the morning I came to my room. So since I was damn tired I fell asleep just like that, until two evil queens came around and woke me up hehehe” I giggled  

  Then Sammy searched for the table to drink her chocolate, because they were dehydrated sweating after hearing my risky story. But both of them got pissed of and shouted “ADIRANAAAAAA????”

  Then only I realized that I have drunk their two cups hot chocolate as well because my throat was so drying up while I was saying the incident to them and recalling it

  “Sorry guys! I didn’t know” I gave an excuse and small smile.

  They were both little mad and I had to get them two more cups from my account. After talking for sometime Alex bought up a question.

  “So Adri…. are you planning to go anywhere this holiday?” She asked.

  “Holiday?” I was confused. Then only I realized since we finished our term end examinations, we are getting our holidays this Friday. Wow how can I really forget about holidays? That’s what normally always waits for since the day a new term begin. I'm such a jerk. I'm having a very bad memory.

  Most of the time when we get our vacations rather than going to see our parents directly , (which is goner be so boring... ) we three go on vacations to different places overseas or inside Australia.

  “Well sorry guys I totals forget. Lately mi brain isn't working that well. So actually I really don't have plans. What. About you'll?” I murmured

  “That's great Adri. We were hoping if you would join us to go to Dubai.  My aunty uncle cousins   are over there and I was wondering to go see them.”  She suggested. “They a damn rich man we can get my cousins to take us shopping. And to different places. Well as far as I'm concerned, Dubai has some of ‘THE BEST’ beaches and shopping malls” she added

  “Wow angle. It will be awesome isn't it Adri? “Sammy questioned.

  “Totally I'm in for some shopping yeaaaaiiii” I shouted.

   After all these crap all I really wanted was a good holiday to relax me and cheer me up. We three spend next couple of days going for Lectures and collecting the end of semester homework, meeting up very regularly in libraries and in the cafeteria to discuss about booking the flight and about so much more. We were having three months of a vacation this time around, so we were hoping to spend three weeks in Dubai and then go see our parents afterwards.

  Days passed by and it's already Saturday, and I have been packing up my bags for days trying  to figure out what are the best dresses and tops to wear. Alex had already booked the ticket online and arranged most of the other necessary stuff through the phone.

  We had our flight at 2.00 pm. And it’s already 9.00 am and we had to be at the airport at 11.00 am.  I zipped my luggage and handbags and locked my room of the university saying goodbye for my sweet little room for 3 months. And ran to the corridor of our girls’ apartment to meet up with Sammy and Alex and go catch our flight soon

  When we went out of the university, there was a Limousine parked outside to pick us. Of cause it was Sammy's expensive ride. Her dads a billionaire and its no so surprising for her to have this super luxurious car all   for herself with a driver. Hot driver rather. But Yuk what am I thinking?  He is a “DRIVER.” Eeerrrgghh

   This university's is a place where children of rich families come to. But I got the opportunity through a scholarship. It was hard at first to keep up with the wanner be’s here but I managed to stay. Thanks to my ladies hehe

  We arrived the airport and made it on time to catch up with the flight.

  Five hours later we were feeling the warm air running through body and it was pushing my hair backwards and making it messy.  We came to Dubai. DUBAI. The place that we are goner rock this'll damn holiday!!