Read Lullaby Page 13

  Chapter 8


  “You..... Didn’t I meet you at the meeting? The meeting for magicians…” I asked

  “Oh… you are so good you can remember me after all” the old man replied in a very rude manner.

  “Yes I am who you think I am. You can call me Mr. Reid. I am the head of magicians the headmaster of the school of magic.” He groaned

  “What….. Head master of school of magic? and head of whom?” I questioned with a shock realizing that I will have to work under a stupid jerk like him for the rest of my life.

  “Can believe ha? I am no bad guy otherwise I would have let you go that easily that day” he said with a very cheesy smile

  Oh yes this is creepy. he let me go that day without even telling anyone about what I did. Though I did something that is so not legal and that I would have got death penalty for.

  “So you... you knew I was a magician? That’s you. You said that I will need you someday .he moved forward hoping I would follow him and did the same.

  “Not exactly...”

  “Then? “

  “I just said it. that didn’t have any hidden thoughts. And now that too much of detail you are going into… I never get much close to students like this” he frowned at me and walked away.

  I felt like he has something to tell me or he is hiding something from me. But he is so reluctant to talk more. Because if I go on asking questions he will reveal any of his secrets

  “So I am just here to let you know that you will be working under me. And if you determine to work in good terms with me that will be helpful for you to live here in the city of magic for the rest of your life” he murmured

  “If not?” I questioned

  “Ah ha so you are a brave person. Oh why would I doubt because you area very stubborn girl who do illegal wrong things. “And he gave a really rude look and kept staring at my eyes

  I was examining all his moves without missing a single one.

  “You still didn’t answer my question” I said

  “Well if not, you can live in a hell with all the threats you will get to your life. Hope you know about all the bad magicians and how threaded they are … you have to live many more years here. And you will have no one like a self guardian to take care of you since you are 18. So chose the right path.

  And in a blink of an eye he was gone

  Wow now I am lost in a place that I would not even expect to get lost. even if this was the last place on earth. There were people around me but none of them looked friendly for me to feel open and ask hem anything

  this place looked so beautiful just like NY but except for the fact that this place looks much more better and much more advanced technology seems to be in use and I am so surprised to see all the new technology the robots in the malls that serve people so impressive.

  I walked along the sideways examining the strange beauty in this secret city. But I knew I was lost, still I didn’t want to distract my self from admiring the city.

  “Hey you need any help?” I heard a guy’s voice trying to stop me from wondering and I turned around to see who it was.

  A really tall guy with a really hot muscular shoulder blades just like once JACOB does and very flat body with blue eyes was standing next to me giving me cheesy flirtish look but at the same time an innocent smile he had . His six pack abs was carved through the white shirt he was wearing and his black pants suits his shirt like milk and honey...

  “ Hello are you lost? “ He was asking a little bit confused because I was staring at him in a very awkward manner which must have mad him feel very uncomfortable

  God what am I thinking I can’t be this lame. I just left the most important things that made my life going , back at home where I will never ever get a chance to go to see again. Crying about that for weeks and now just as I got here and just as soon as I saw a guy doesn’t mean I can forget all that happened and move on like some heartless girl.

  “Yes… I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. I am a little shocked and lost for sure.” I apologized

  “Really? Are you new here? If not you cannot be lost “ he questioned

  “Yes you are right I’m definitely new here. I was trying to find someone to talk to for hours and everyone seems too strange and serious and spooky. They aren’t looking friendly at all for me to be open and talk to them except you. Btw I’m Adriana…and u?”

  “Oh…nice to meet you... I am Stephan. I study at the school of magic, where as you know even you should be going.”he mentioned

  “Yaaa. But the point is, I knew I should make my final destination there. but I really couldn’t find where the school is. Could you kindly help me?” I asked

  “Yes sure. Come with me. Walking will not help I just came to the mall to get some food. So I brought my car with me hope you would accept my ride.” He was been so polite

  “Oh that’s really kind of you. Thank you for this generosity. I really appreciate it.” I noted

  “Stay here. Ill bring the car. “ I nodded my head accepting his offer

  In a matter of seconds a stunning Porsche was in my site I always loved these cars and was my dream car. My parents were planning of getting me a car for my birthday. but it didn’t work since I moved to the university hostel for my studies.

  Stephan got down from the driving seat and opened the front door for me to get in.

  “Front seat? It’s not a problem for you? “ I questioned as he wanted me to sit in the front seat with him

  “Oh no no... You surely don’t want to make me look like you driver don’t you?” And he winked at me trying hard to get that crazy Adriana out of me again. but nothing could make me forget about what I went through the last couple of days

  Inside of the car was soo beautiful the seats and the leather leopard cushion works took my breath away .he seems like a very nice owner who takes care of this baby so well. I felt very awkward to be this close with a stranger that I met only a couple of minutes ago. But now since I have to survive here all by my self, cant bother about every single thing too deep. All I could do is just accept everything that life will bring to me and move on with what I have and face what I will have to go through in the future.

  It was a few minutes journey and I was mind blown seen the super fine shopping malls food stores super markets and hotels that was on the road side.

  This place has everything... everything that can keep a hell a lot of magicians going for ages. Who would ever thought that creepy house in the woods will end up in first class city like this. Stephan and I were talking about how each other got chosen and apparently there are few people like me in this college and all the others are chosen at birth and that made me feel so bad.

  People here looked fashionable. everything is so modern. Stephan was showing me around briefly telling me about all the places and I felt a little safe with him because he didn’t seem like a threat to me. Finally he stopped his vehicle near a gate. I put my head out of the window and a huge board saying THE SCHOOL OF MAGIC caught my vision.

  “This is it?” I questioned

  “Yes it is... “ he noted

  “Wow seems like a very big place” I ased

  “Should be. because where you lived there are so many places for people to learn so many things. But here, there is only one place for everything. If you are chosen you defiantly have to go through these gates and be who you are suppose to be otherwise you can be killed or your powers can be taken . And your memory is erased and sent back to where you came from.” He mention which made my hairs on my arms and legs to erect

  “Oooooooooopppppppppppppppzzzzzzzzzzzzz not easy ha?” I sighted


  He parked his car in the parking area and we walked in to the college which was soo big and it took my breath away. He led me to a big door and that seems like the entrance to the college .Students were still in their classes and it is already midnight. And people doing magical tricks and t
he entire place was soo crowded and busy and everybody seems like occupied with their magic and hanging around its just like my university but a little spooky strange with the whole magic in this place

  “Why are they up? At this time? Are their any lectures at this time?” I murmured

  “You don’t know how these things go don’t you?” he questioned

  “No why?”

  “Well all the classes are held at night time. Don’t you know about that?”

  “Oh… is that why the secret meetings are kept at night time as well”

  “You know about them?”

  “Ya... that are how I got into the whole magician trouble... and ended up here.”

  He was confused with my talkativeness and shut tried to change the subject. “Oh ok... moving on... go to that room... talk with the room keeper... she must be having your room keys” he noted

  And he pointed at a room. I felt scared but I knocked on the door and suddenly the door magically opened up which freaked me out.

  “Hello Ms. Adriana... nice to see you... “an old lady wearing a long gown and with grey hair smiled at me. She seems kind but I could judge any person from the appearance.

  “Ummm… hey… how you know my name?” I asked

  “Well well miss I am Rosaline. The room keeper and I happen to have all the keys of every room of every student and I was in this post for 60 years now.” She said

  “Oh… nice to meet you..”.

  “Well here’s you key and good luck been here. Don’t get discouraged by the stuff that will try to pull you down. You have a great future go find it and this college will be a blessing to clear you mystery paths of life that are hidden...”she said with a very scary voice

  “I’m sorry? I didn’t understand…”

  “No no nothing dear... do your studies here well. Good luck...” she groaned

  “Ok thanks...” I was confused. I didn’t understand anything she said... paths of my life that is hidden? What was she talking about... weird... andi walked out of the room and met Stephan outside.

  “Hey is everything ok?” he questioned

  “No she was been nice but she was saying something creepy… something I couldn’t understand...” I noted

  “Really? Well she is a good magician too. She is very good at face reading “

  “Oh ok that’s weird than,,” I said

  “Adriana told you this place is not goner be easy. just try to keep up with these things. because life can be even harder.” He said

  I felt so relief and gad that someone nice is here today for me to help me.

  And he checked my key and led me to the apartment. None of the student’s even bother looking at me and smiling. Even the once who looked gave me a very rude look and tried to ignore me a much as they could.

  “Stephan… why are they acting like this?” I was so confused

  “your a one of a kind person... you know the have that ugly quality every human being has... JELOUSY, they don’t like people like you’ll. They are scared that they will lose their place because of you’ll. Normally people like you are little more powerful than us because we use powers since birth but you keep tem stored and use at once which make you more powerful.” he explained

  “Oh my god. Why is it getting worst?” I freaked out

  “ No it not. If anything just drops me a message you have me now”. And he gave that cheesy smile again.

  “Message? Well I don’t have a phone and I don’t have you number even...” I said

  “Hahaha. this is you room” he pointed at a small room in the right corner of the fifth floor of the apartment building

  “Why did you laugh?” I asked

  “No you’ll see everything you own as you go into your room and heres my number” he gave e a card.

  “Ok... thanks” IL keep in touch.

  “Ok then good night. Rest and attend for the classes from tomorrow... I’m off for now” he said then and he turned around and left.

  “Hey Stephan wait…” He turned around hearing me

  “Ya?” he asked

  “Thank you so much for everything. I couldn’t have survived the first day here without you.”

  “Oh don’t mention. That’s why we are for... magicians have to help each other” he smiled at me

  “Ah ha… and I hope you are not my grade?” I mummer

  “No I’m in the senior class. You’ll be in the junior classes and you will have special extra classes for your missed lessons “

  “Really? Ok then thank you again... go safe… take care good night”

  “You too. I’m just few blocks away. I’ll be fine don’t worry. C ya.” And he left

  I went into my room and it was a small room with a single bed a studying table and few windows and a small kitchen and an attached bathroom little better than my university room

  As soon as I went into my bedroom all I saw was books on the table. So many books and a letter on the middle of the table.

  Dear Adriana...

  We warmly welcome you to this college of magic and hope you will do your best in this school. Behave very well. Discipline is the most important fact you should keep in mind. And keep up doing good studies like you did before. Face new challenges and win you life. Good luck

  Ps- there will be the all the necessary item such as clothing (if necessary), money (if necessary), phone, a laptop (to communicate only with in the magic city) and books necessary with all the extra items needed and other stuff in your room. Enjoy.

  Thank you!

  Yours sincerely

  Mr. Reid.

  Items needed? Wow I have a phone and a laptop just fro me? Even clothing and MONEY? That’s great news and I ran around my room to find out them. And I opened a closet in the corner of the room and I couldn’t believe my eyes it was all of gorgeous dresses beautiful stunning pairs of shoes and heels also man funky jewelries make up and many more

  Surely who ever chose these items had a good taste about my choices. I was impresses and in the side of my lock was a pink laptop an apple laptop which was shining and I almost fainted. Am I dreaming? And next to it was beautiful slim hot electric blue phone which I knew thought I will have ever owned.

  I grabbed all these and jumped on to my bed and closed my eyes to come back to earth and calm down because too many surprises that I am so shocked right now.

  I never thought life would be like this here. But at the same time while I was closing my eyes I couldn’t stop recalling my past and I was worried though I have all these facilities my parents and friends must be so worried back at home about me may be still crying and almost weak.

  I wish I had a way to even talk to them and tell them that I’m fine and tell them to be safe and happy. But I don’t have a way.

  Tears escaped from my eyes closing even though my eye lids were closed tightly… and I rest in my room without even changing my clothes after a hard long day.