Read Lullaby Page 14

  Chapter 9


  A flash of light was forcing me to open my eyes and I slowly opened my eye lids. I was still on the bed, where I laid last nigh and it’s almost 11am. I freaked realizing that I was late for university out and jumped out of the bed but it took few minutes for me to ring that bell in my mind see all my bags, the clothes and new books in my new messy room to realized I’m not late to university since not at Melbourne anymore. I’m in the school of magic and in here there aren’t many classes at day time in fact they are only extra classes

  Then I was back on earth and I just sat on the floor and hugged my legs and started thinking for a while trying to realize what I am suppose to do right now. I have to too many things to do. First and foremost I have to clean this room and unpack bags then I have to make some friends. GIRLFRIENDS who would be with me like Sammy and Alex since the whole Stephan thing will not work out since he is a guy who is elder than me and his looks defiantly won’t let me keep a good honest friendship for a long time unless I really control my self. Which is hard at the moment because I only could rely on him because he is the only person I know here who is friendly, kind, sweet and … HOT at the same time. which I don’t think is relevant for the time being

  So without wondering any more I took my clothes from the bags and hung them in my closet and folded some and kept them on place. Then I sat on my table and checked on my books which I should be learning since I have no other option. They look too hard and complicated which made birds to fly around my head. So kept them away. Then I opened the locker of the table to check what’s in them. In a side the second locker of the desk was a piece of paper. And I opened it and all I saw was a printed latter saying time table. And I examined it more and then there was a note.

  Daly classes

  20.00 hours –22.00 hours - magic science junior classes

  22.30 hours- 00.30 hours- wand lessons

  02.00 hours -04.00 hours – junior spells

  04.00 hours – 06.00 hours – any extra curricular activity of your choice

  Information- school will start exactly at 20.00 hours and finish at 06.00 hours if any student get late for lectures they will have to do extra classes and at the same time if any student fails to attained for any classes he or she can willingly choose to stay for any extra class he or she chooses. No student can stay after 07.00 hours in school premises unless he or she is attending any extra class with a teacher or a higher grade qualified student.

  Extra curricular sports are not compulsory but you cannot go out of school premises at that time if you aren’t doing any activity you can choose to do any sport of your wish from archery, athletics, badminton, boxing, golf, gymnastic. Tennis, table tennis, swimming, volley ball, football, wushu, karate, wrestling, weight lifting, soccer, squash and chess

  Saturday Sundays will be free and extra classes till a be kept at any time of the day. Library can be used 24-7 by any student.

  Rules and regulation booklet will be in your room as well.

  More information visits the school website from your student profile.

  I always loved swimming but not anymore because of the whole water trouble. Until I get used to my powers and learn to mange them I will not try out swimming so I chose chess which I really love too. Then I checked deeper in the locker to find the rules and regulation booklet and their it was a small book with a blue cover and rules like in a prison. This place sure isn’t easy and I know not like in the university these people will check on these rules much often. I think these people will be much more strict on the rules and keen on the discipline and behavior.

  Wow what a time table... spells and wands and weird like harry potter. I will be getting my daily money from my parents they will have to pay for me till I pass university and work my self for my living.

  After cleaning and arranging my room the way I wanted, I thought of having a good shower and getting my self something prepared to eat and then going out for a walk.

  But I actually didn’t wanted to go alone since it’s the first few days I’m her and might not know much about these things so thought of contacting Stephan to help me out. But I wasn’t much sure about Stephan been up at this time since it’s almost 12.30 pm and may be he must be sleeping.

  First of all I ran to the wash room with my towels and had a wonderful relaxing baths with my usual bubbles in the tub and after few minutes I got my self with the towels to the kitchen and checked on the refrigerators and the kitchen furniture lockers to see what I could cook for my self today since I was so much hungry.

  The shelves and lockers were full of different types of food but I felt a little lazy to cook for my self so I thought of eating some fast food for today.

  I put my hand into my last night trousers pocket and found the card Stephan gave and just gave him a miss call and he called back with in a matter of seconds.

  “Hey… were you sleeping? I’m really sorry to trouble you...” I groaned

  “Hey girl glad you called ….Oh no I wasn’t. I was just out with some of the guys here” he said happily. He sounds to be enjoying the day out with guys friends

  “Really? Are you busy? Could I have a favor?” I asked with my fingers crossing hoping he will be free for me

  “No why is that?” he said which made me feel so happy

  “Well, I was wondering if you could take me out and show me around because I’m pretty hungry and lazy to cook my self. Plus I’m little bit sacred to loiter around here all by myself because this place can be even more dangerous than the worst places on NY”

  “Ha-ha. Ya ya. At this time it’s not to goo for girls for sure. So ya I will come to pick you up. Just stay in your room ill be there in few minutes” he said

  “Awww thanks. Anyway sorry for the trouble” I whispered

  “Adri… you call this trouble? Hang up and get dressed ill be there”

  “Ok bye”


  Phew that’s done. Now I can be safe and my tummy will not blame me for keeping it hungry. I took some money from my purse and then got into a skinny pink short dress and took a small clutch to get my phone and necessary stuff in it and sat on the sofa near the door and waited.

  Ten minutes later their was a knock on my door and I ran to open it. Stephan was in the other side of the door wearing a black shirt half way tucked and a loosed tie with baggy pants and shades on.

  “Hey.” I said trying hard not to faint

  “You look good...” His cheesy attitude came out again

  “You too...” in fact he was gorgeous and I couldn’t be too flirty so I was trying hard to be normal.

  “I’m ready... shall we get going?” I suggested

  “Your sure don’t you want a hat or a pair of shades it’s too hot out their.” He asked

  “Oh thanks for reminding” I quickly ran in a got a very stylish pink and white beautiful hat on and my old pair of shades on as well and locked my rooms and followed him to the car which was parked outside.

  The university wasn’t much isolated there were several people in the class rooms to catch up with their work and senior students were loitering checking things like our perfects do in universities

  Outside was so hot and sun was shining to bright. Stephan was right it was too hot. At the same time walking close to a guy like him surely grabbed many peoples attention. He doesn’t seem to have a girlfriend but I don’t know whether he is a player been like this with many more girls in the school because I hardly know him though he is the only person I could rely on right now so I felt guilty at the same time.

  He drove me down the street to a beautiful small restaurant called “THE SEA WEEDS” that is about 15 minutes away from the school. Te name was not at all suitable since their wasn’t a sea near-by that I could see but I accepted to have my lunch and breakfast at this place; I couldn’t trouble Stephan to take me to a better place. in fact he is doing at least this much JUST FOR ME

The door of the restaurant opened automatically and when I walked it was heavenly the slow music and the candle lights people dancing…. beer... champagne...everything was mind blowing...I was speechless...

  And he took my hand which made me get butterflies in my tummy and took me out of the restaurant. When I looked around there was a massive stunning beach in the back of the restaurant. People were playing with kids and couples were hanging around and people sun bathing...

  Wow I was impressed. No I know why they came up with a name like “the sea weed” because the sea was right behind it which I didn’t see it coming.

  “Stephan….” I whispered

  “You’re surprised” he murmured

  “Sure I am...” I’m trying hard to grasp everything I leaned against a wall

  “This isn’t the best place in here. There are way better places we could hang around later on. For now please accept your lunch here with me because I just wanted you to have a good lunch. The food in here is perfect.”

  “Really? Thank you Stephan this means a lot to me. You’re so sweet and thanks for been here for me. I really don’t have anyone here in this place than you”

  He smiled at me and moved forward to a small hut mad out of dried leaves n a shady corner of the beach. He sat next to me and that place could capture the most beautiful view of the entire beach. The breeze took away the warm sunshine that was been a curse to me

  A waiter came by to check weather we would wanted to order some food and Stephan asked for two soft juices

  “So… Stephan... you come here often?”

  “Not often. I come here when I want to give my mind a break... when I’m all tired with studies and other problems I come here to relax myself”

  “So... you do this all the time?” I tried to go into more details of his life

  “Do what?” he was confused

  “Help girls to settle down here?”

  “Not exactly... I used to... but after a very long time you’re the only one I ran into. “

  “Why after a long time?”

  “Well... honestly I was a guardian” his tone was very low.

  “So what happened and why aren’t you a guardian anymore” I questioned

  “I didn’t really want to be a guardian. I did it for a different reason...” he swallowed the sentence he was supposed to come up with

  “So can I know what the reason is?”

  “Well... I don’t know” he was hiding something I surely realized it from his tone

  “That’s fine Stephan “I said trying to make him feel better

  “Actually… after I got to know my parents were out there where you lived, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about then and crying and wasting time thinking a way to go find them. How can live in a different place when your blood relations really exist? How can you? You at least have been in your own parent’s warmth. I haven’t…Also I’m a very adventurous guy so I hate studying all the time and spending the boring life here. So I found out that if I learn well and be a good student I could go out of this city to as a guardian to bring the new students here.” He said with tears in his eyes

  “Wow... you used it to sneak out? Where you able to do that?” I was surprised

  “Not exactly because I couldn’t find where they lived. I didn’t have time to even search for them because NY isn’t a small place where I can search somebody in a short time. Also I didn’t know much about NY because I only have gone a couple of times.”

  “So… what happened? Why did you give up on the post?”

  “I didn’t but I had to. I got caught and they debagged me. And fired me from that post.” He said very sadly

  “Oh I’m sorry...”

  “Don’t be... always wanted to find out the outer world. But now I have given up the whole sneaking out and finding my parents mentality because I can’t. NO NE COULDN’T go out from this place. This is a very bad man place. you don’t have happiness here. Everybody here has hidden pain in their hearts because they don’t have their real loved once. When you look deep in their eyes you will see that.” He said furiously I was so scared and upset at the same time

  “Stephan...please don’t be upset. I’m sorry for asking these things. I understand you. “

  He was so upset when I asked those questions so I didn’t wanted to make him feel much more uncomfortable so I didn’t ask him such questions afterwards. Then the waiter brought our drinks and we spent few hours drinking while having a chat. He was asking about my past and I shared it with tears in my eyes. then we ordered for some food and had our lunch

  Then we took off back to our university since the classes will start at 20.00 pm tonight and its almost 2.00 pm so if I didn’t have a good nap I want be ale to stay up for my lectures all night.

  He came with me till I get into my room and greeted me with a hug. I thanked him for helping me out. He smiled and said good bye.

  I enjoyed hanging around with him. I had a good shower and went back to bed though I hardly sleep at this time of the day. But now I have to get used to this life style.