Read Lullaby Page 15

  Chapter ten.


  Few hours later I woke up and it’s almost 6.30 pm. so I got up quickly to have a bath and get my books ready for my first class in this school. I didn’t want to screw today. I got dressed with in a matter of seconds and got my self into a blue dress with glittering pearls and stones on it which was one of my favorite dresses which was in my wardroom that I owed from the college itself.

  I tied up my long hair into a pony and few pieces of my fringe fell on to my face from here and there. I am a little self obsessed. But the truth is I am a girl who is really satisfied about my self. In everyway. Specially my looks. I loved my hair my skin which was pale white and my skinny body which looks perfect on every outfit in my wardroom.

  I packed up my books and took the time table with me and left my room before the clock strike 8 pm. I walked out of the apartments and then headed towards the main entrance. In front of the main door was a small board with a map of the whole school of magic. And while I was checking that to find where I am suppose to go to be at my first class somebody tapped on my back when I turned around to see, it was Stephan my gorgeous helper

  “Hey beautiful…?” he whispered

  What? did he just call me beautiful? I really don’t know what he is up to. but I surely no he is totally going through the same trouble like I do trying hard not to pretend that he likes me.

  “You are following me...”I said

  “Am not... anyway what are you up to looking at that map as if you are hitmatised “

  “Nothing much... I was just trying to figure out where I will be having my first class”

  “What the name of the hall?” he asked

  “Charmed castle hall 5. Very weird name though. “

  “It in the third floor you nutty scientist. Come with me ill show you around.” He took my hand and pulled me which made me almost trip on the stairs

  “Don’t you have any lectures?”

  “Well I do too. At the same time fifth floor.”

  Then he showed me my other lecture halls and took me to the third floor where my first class will be. I thanked him again for helping me out and I promised him that I w ill meet him at the cafeteria during the interval break. I’m so worried and a bit nervous about staying alone for the class.

  As soon as I went it to the hall it was so huge. their were candles hung on the ceiling instead of chandeliers .also their were long tables and people were sitting on them some showing off, some very studious students trying hard to focus on s studies and some very attractive “IT” girls trying to be the head of the class and grab everyone’s attention doing things. People were wearing short frocks and denim shorts and long gowns also many guys in their t-shirts and shirt and few more students in blazers. I hope they were the perfects and I didn’t have any intention of even staying close to them. When I was standing near the door of the hall examining it, I felt like somebody s breath on my body. Like somebody was standing behind me I turned around

  “Hey good evening Adriana….” Mr. Reid said with a pleasant smile. Which I never expected. He was standing next to me examining every signal move of mine.

  “Good morning… sir…” I said

  “Why are you waiting outside? “

  “I don’t know…”

  “Come with me ill introduce you to the class.” He was been polite but I didn’t understand why he’s trying to be nice

  “Oh no its fine. Don’t want to stand in front of everyone in the class on my first day. Its not like in the university this place is creepy .it will freak me out and ruin my first day...” I said

  “What a point of view... if you look at this school in that way, you will take years to settle down. Try to ignore”

  Mr. Reid walked into the class passing me and the whole class came to a long pause of silence and I slowly walked and sat near a blond girl so pretty. who looks a little bit incent. With dark brown eyes

  Mr. Reid started giving a small lecture to the class which I didn’t feel like focusing instead. I was looking at every student in the class trying to grasp that I will have to live in an environment like this for years ahead.

  “Hey... your new here… haven’t seen you before.” The blonde turned to me to grab me to a conversation

  “Yeah... just came here yesterday…” I said

  “Oh nice to meet you .we were informed that you will be coming.” She murmured


  “Yes every time a new student who isn’t an infant comes here we are informed”

  “Oh my god. So everyone knows about me, that’s why they were giving all the wired looks?”

  “Yes they consider mutants as a threat.” She said

  “Mutants?” I was sad and confused

  “Yes you are a mutant… but don’t worry I know how you feel been so .ill be good to you. I’m Nina by the way” she shook hands with me.

  “Hey I’m Adriana... thanks for been nice”

  Then we focused on the lesson and the class was conducted by a really old lady and half of the class was sleeping but I concentrated. Still it was hard for me to understand. Since I have missed so many lessons and ill be having extra class most of the time

  I tried hard memorizing the spells and hey sound so weird. Res es pesto petro am…. The floating spell.

  People had their wands and mine was not with me. So I couldn’t do the practices in the classroom.

  It was so awesome to watch people using magic. They only do it with the wand but I know how to do using my hands. I haven seen people using hands yet and that’s weird.

  “Miss... Gilbert am I right?” the old lady professor pointed the want at me. How does she know my name?

  “Yes ma’am…” I answered standing up from my seat

  “Would you show us how to do the spell?”

  “Ma’am I am so sorry I don’t have my wand...”

  “Ok then I hope you will be having your wand by tomorrow?”

  “Yes hopefully”

  “So you’re new here?” she questioned and everyone turned around to look at me. Some frowned and some were shocked and whispering at each others ears

  “Class silent” she said

  Do they hate me so much? Wow ill be having a hard time dealing with these jackasses.

  “Yes I’m new “

  “That good. Ill help you with catching up the classes”

  “Thank you ma’am” and I sat down trying hard to ignore everyone’s attention

  “I told you so… don care Adriana. “ Nina convinced me not to cry but I was so hurt

  “Ya I won’t. If I’m to survive here I am goner kick some of those asses and survive” I said aggressively

  “Chill girl” she said

  And we spend few more hours in the class and the bell rang for the ext class. I went near my locker which was in the same floor near to my new friends Nina’s locker and I heard few people giggling near me and I closed the locker and turned around to see who it was. A set of girls who I assume were the” IT “girls in our class were giggling pointing at me

  “What’s so funny?” I questioned crossing my arms

  “Everything….” They said laughing

  “What’s your problem?”

  “MUTANT…” one girl shouted out

  “Say it again…..” I was so mad and even more hurt I could really punch someone right now

  “M …. U… T….A…N…T” they screamed their lungs out which grabbed many peoples attention

  “Damn… I’m not here to takeover the school... in fact I didn’t come here because I wanted to…I WAS FORCED... I had no option you know!” I shouted back at them

  Few more people gathered round like its some kind of a serious fight which motivated us to argue more.

  “Go die… this isn’t your place…” they said

  “Don’t call me that... I survived hardly to be here today leaving all what I have back their in NY though I didn’t wanted to come here
. So if anyone dare to call me that again…”

  “What will you do…? MUTAN…..” one girl looked like the leader of the girls came toward me

  Before she said another single word, I was so pissed off I ran to punch her on her face and somebody came and grabbed me from my body, took my hand and didn’t let me go. I struggled hard to escape from that person and punch that girls pretty face I couldn’t I was pressed so hard again that persons body. And I turned around I was Stephan... and few girls came and took the bitchy girls away and the corridors became empty soon with only me Stephan and Nina left alone

  “What were you thinking? What the hell were you thinking? Your first day? Don’t be this hot tempered... told you it will be hard to survive here.” Stephan shouted at me

  “Stephan... that girl… those people were insulting me... how do… expect me to stand that? How?” I was crying and tears were jerking out from my eyes.

  “I don’t know but you will have to” he said

  “That’s right Adriana... getting into trouble like this wont work unless it will be harder for you I the future...” Nina convinced me too

  I hugged Stephan so tight not saying another single work and he hugged me back….

  “Adriana… “I heard a guys voice calling me and I let of Stephan and turned around too see who it was. Mr. Reid was standing near me with a long face frowning...

  “We need to talk Ms. Gilbert” he said

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