Read Lush (a YA Dystopian novel) Page 21


  Chapter Eleven

  Debut Video

  I looked into the camera and spoke with a loud, clear voice. Determined not to blink under the blast of bright lights, I stood tall and tried to look strong, confident, and dutiful.

  “Hello, Citizens of Concord. My name is Bluebell and I am blessed to be a descendent of one of the original twenty Council Members. My grandfather and my father are current members of The Council. I guess you could say that Concord Council runs through my veins.

  “I wear my Citizen Brand with pride, as we all do, though mine is different. Mine is special. At the end of Incorporation, it was discovered that I am Lush. I am not simply fertile. I am Lush with life. It is expected that I will be able to successfully bear multiple children… those children will grow to be healthy and strong and will serve Concord with pride. You see, I have always followed the directions of my parents, my trainers, and my doctor. Because of my dedication to always live within the boundaries that Concord has set up for us, and my parents’ hard work during my early years, I have been rewarded.”

  At that point in my speech, I was told to hold my left wrist up high, showing my Lush Brand to the camera. I knew it would zoom in on the five circles, so I tried to hold my arm steady.

  “The Council is proud of my Brand. My mother and father are proud of my Brand. I am proud of this remarkable Lush Brand. I wear it with dignity, respect, and for the honor of Concord. Concord Reigns!”

  I paused, holding my breath, waiting for Cimarron to hold her hand in the air, which would signal that the video was no longer recording. A few seconds later, I was given the signal and my whole body responded with a slump.

  “How was that one?” I asked.

  “It was very good,” Cimarron assured me. “We don’t have to do another take. Three is definitely enough. The editors can take the best parts of each speech and mesh them together seamlessly. They are masters at that.”

  “Oh, good,” I sighed. “I don’t think I could do another one.”

  “You performed perfectly. Now this will go to editing, like I said. They have also put together some of the scenes we filmed this past week; you at the gymnasium, you at the CEC, you at a restaurant, you at home with your parents - and they will add in some music and artful angles. It will all blend together to create one captivating video about the glamorous life of a Lush Citizen. I can’t wait to see the finished product,” Cimarron smiled.

  “Neither can I,” I admitted. It had been a very busy week, but also one of the most exciting weeks of my life. Having a video camera following me around had made me feel special, like I really was something to look at and envy. “I can’t believe the video will be ready to be seen tonight.”

  “Believe it, Bluebell. It will interrupt all other tablet and wall screen activities at precisely eight o’clock this evening for a mandatory viewing, in Concords One to Four. Your face will be instantly recognizable.”

  “I feel bad that this is airing the day before The Pets’ Gala. Won’t I take attention away from their special night?”

  Cimarron shook her head. “Tomorrow night does not belong to Petunia and Petals, it belongs to Concord. Petunia and Petals will receive their own attention when we bring out the two sets of brothers the Marriage Broker was able to find for them. The Council is still trying to decide how to select the winning set. You will be making your first public appearance after the Lush video announcement. So, yes, you will be drawing some attention your way. But it is fine. The Pets, as you like to call them, are well aware of The Council’s desire for it to happen this way. It is a shared event, Bluebell.”

  “I guess.”

  “Go home, Bluebell. Gather some friends around you and watch the video together. Be proud of your hard work and your dedication to Concord. You are a good girl.”

  “Thank you, Cimarron. Will I see you at the Gala?”

  “Of course,” she replied with a smirk. “Who else would be able to guide you in the proper way to behave throughout the evening?”

  “See you tomorrow, then.” I waved and started to walk backward toward the door.

  “See you tomorrow.”