Read MOSA II Page 23

  Chapter 23

  The Trial

  Sharine woke up in the next day. The strong scent of medical herbs was filling the room; it had that sweet and bitter scent. The tent was pretty big; there was even a water barrel on the corner to take a shower. Sharine looked at Kevin, who was sleeping; he looked as if he’s about to die but somehow he continued breathing. There were new bandage for him and her. It was still dawn, it was misty. The air was chilly. She covered herself with the blanket and stared at the ceiling.

  She was in new clothes made out of wools. It was cozy and comfortable. Her muscle felt like a stone; she hardly could move. She had a hard time before in Cassandra but nothing like this.

  She was thinking about what happens after this. Maybe she will somehow survive and return to the Assassins’ Chamber in Cassandra, or she could find the village and have a normal life with this half-dead guy snoring in front of her. But all these wishes were relying on the chance that no refugees will recognize her face. If they do, they will probably try to execute her in the wilderness. She knew the life in here isn’t going to be like in the village. Her heart stopped when she heard that they were from Cassandra; it was highly probable that they were refugees hiding from Veron.

  She was thinking of escaping from the camp, but seeing Kevin, she gave up. She knew that it was not possible to drag him out from the camp.

  She was the headmistress in the Assassins’ Chamber, and in fact killed many of the rebels under Veron’s regime. They acted purely on profit, didn’t care about anything else. They were notorious for their shrewd and meticulous scheming. They made profit by maintaining balance in Cassandra, stopping one group from growing too large.

  So far, things looked good. These ladies in the camp chatted among themselves about the young couple they have rescued from the wood. They saw she was up, and offered her some meal. She didn’t talk much as she was afraid that someone might recognize her. But it was a useless attempt. About an hour later, Gilbert and two other men, strapped with guns, came in and stood before Sharine.

  “Well, that was fast,” chuckled Sharine, seeing bunch of men who came inside the camp and stood before her.

  “Hello Molly,” said Gilbert. “We have some question.”

  Kevin was sleeping while Sharine was taken. Sharine looked at him, smiled weakly and went out the camp. She was taken in the middle of the open space. The guard threw her on the mud. The big, barbaric guy with a ridiculous mustache grumped and sat on the chair in front of Sharine. The skinny woman strolled along and sat next to him. The crowd gathered around. Some of the kids were shouting to spread the news throughout the whole camp. And then a stupid looking boy sheepishly walked across the space and sat next to the skinny woman.

  Rather than the grudge, Poe was rather entertained at the situation. He sat on a chair, like an old barbaric king, looking down at the prisoner they have caught. His wife leered at Sharine with weary eyes, pouring Poe a drink. The people were angry and had the blood thirsty look. They were screeching to hang her for the crime she has committed in Cassandra. They called her a murderess and the assassin. They surrounded her like a mob.

  “Sharine Pestice?” said one elderly woman, with a trembling voice. The others murmured with amazement and some with fear.

  “She is an assassin!” someone clamored, accusing her.

  “Infamy! The murderess! She killed many of us!” the other shouted in an upheaval. The sounds coming out of them began to rise. Nancy and Diana were among them, worried, looking at one woman on her knees. Tasha and Jake too, watched her. She was a beautiful woman, despite the turmoil she endured in the island.

  “Anything to say Ms. Pestice?” said Poe, gloated, amused at this unexpected gain.

  “Yeah, who am I speaking with?” said Sharine.

  “Call me Poe, Poe Baring,” said Poe, enjoying the situation.

  “I’m guessing your people are refugees?” Sharine taunted, looking at the swarm of angry people.

  “Oh? How did you know?” inquired Poe.

  “Looks and stench,” said Sharine. The crowd reviled and some of them spat to her. They threw the mud and pebble at her. Sharine groaned as few hit her body. The guards stopped them from throwing the rock. Sharine looked at Poe directly.

  “What you are accusing me of, I don’t deny any,” said Sharine, smiling. “I guess we die, when we die.”

  “Arrogant one!” shouted one man, throwing rock at her, which hit her cheek. She screamed and fell on the side. Her head on the mud, she bled from her face. The crowds were going out of control.

  Gilbert just came out from the tent after tying Kevin up as Catherine ordered him to. He went to where people were roaring. And then, Gilbert saw the Sharine lying down on the muddy ground, breathing weakly, shaking. He walked through the crowds to get to Poe. On the way he saw one man taking out the pistol and aiming at her. Gilbert pushed the crowds, ran toward him and twisted the man’s hand. The gun fired at the sky, missing Sharine. The people silenced at the gunshot.

  Gilbert looked at the man harshly. The man, startled, dropped the gun.

  “What’s wrong with you?” said Gilbert.

  “What?” said the man, confused. “She is murderess and I…” But before he could finish, Gilbert slapped him. It made a loud whacking sound. The man fell on the ground, grabbing his face. The crowd murmured.

  Gilbert, breathing deeply, walked toward Poe and stopped right next to Sharine. The crowd saw him and silenced.

  “There is a man dying here and she came to surrender! And we have tied the wounded man and trying to kill the woman!” shouted Gilbert.

  “She is murderess! She needs to be put into justice!” crowds bellowed.

  “Really? Does any of you have evidence that this woman killed anyone who we know?” bellowed Gilbert. There was a silence. Sharine stared at Gilbert with bruised face. But again there were rage of complaints. Seeing this, Catherine stood up.

  “Of course she leaves no evidence! She has done this many times!” Catherine shrieked.

  “Indeed many times!” the crowds shouted.

  “We are criminals! We ran away from Veron Komer in the first place! And you want to kill this young woman?” said Gilbert.

  “How despicable of you to treat us like a criminals!” said Catherine, with contempt. “Are you siding with Veron Komer, along with that filthy little woman who worked under him?”

  The crowds roared in rage.

  “I’m not siding with Veron,” said Gilbert, his eyes beaming. “And Veron’s regime is already gone. There is no reason for this madness.”

  “Shut up Gilbert! I order you!” screeched Catherine, her eyes bulging out. Evan was trembling next to her. “We have the law! We need to follow!”

  Tasha and Jake were horrified at Catherine. They knew Catherine was bitchy, but not to this extent. Diana grabbed them and pulled them to her bosom.

  “For what? Are we that sort of people? You are no different than Veron!” bellowed Gilbert. Catherine dropped her jaw.

  “How dare you!” shouted Catherine.

  The crowds threw the rock at him too. The Gilbert blocked with his arm took out the rifle and shot it on the air. The crowds silenced. At this, Poe stood up, pulled out his own gun and aimed at Gilbert.

  “Put the gun down, Gilbert,” said Poe, grumpily. Gilbert looked at Poe.

  “Not going to happen, Poe,” said Gilbert. The guards cocked their rifles, and aimed at Gilbert and Sharine.

  “What… what are you doing?” whispered Sharine to Gilbert, shaking, not believing what she is seeing. There was a mixture of tears inside her voice. “Why are you…”

  Gilbert didn’t look at Sharine, ignoring her; he merely aimed his rifle at the guards. Sharine didn’t finish the sentence; she dropped her head, sniffing.

  The rest of crowds wearily watched them, the air seemed like it froze. Poe didn’t want to lose Gilbert who led the army and had been loyal to him for all these years. Catherine gazed at Poe with some kind of sick
wish. Evan seemed excited, licking his lips. Poe coughed as everyone stared at him, waiting for his words to come out. The guards continued to aim at Gilbert but were reluctant to shoot him; their leader was about to disappear from this earth.

  “Are you sure you want to let her go, Gilbert?” said Poe.

  “No regrets,” muttered Gilbert, putting his hand on Sharine’s head.

  It seemed like time has been stopped. Sharine could hear her own heartbeat. Gilbert just aimed at one of the guards and breathed calmly as if he is shooting the target for leisure. Poe snorted and let out the long rowdy laugh. The crowds stared at him.

  “Suit yourself,” chuckled Poe and withdrew his pistol. The guards sighed in relief, and lowered their guns too. “The prisoner goes free.”

  Catherine’s face became distorted and started protesting against her husband, but Poe ignored her. Sharine seemed to be dumbfounded. The crowds were getting wild and mad.

  “One more word coming out of you, I will burn you alive!” bellowed Poe, and the crowd silenced.

  Poe grunted and left, Evan followed him. Catherine glimpsed at Sharine loathsomely and went away. The crowds scattered. Seeing that everyone left, Gilbert walked away also. Sharine was left alone on the muddy ground. Sharine hardly realized what just happened. The people left. They all left.

  Later Sharine was brought back to the camp where Kevin lay down sick; his pale face regained some color. He was breathing peacefully. Sharine smiled at him, her senses seemed to be burnt out. The fatigue overcame her; without changing clothes, she just fell asleep.

  When she got up, she realized that her boots and clothes were stained with mud and blood. She took them off and washed her body using the water barrel in the corner. After drying her body, she changed to the garment the caregiver gave her.

  Nancy called Tasha and asked her to sneak in and put some of the food for her to eat, since everyone seems to be reluctant to do so. The people were discussing even to stab her and hide her body in the woods. In the late evening, Tasha went to Sharine’s tent and saw her sitting next to Kevin. She put down the plate full of fruits and left the tent. Sharine glimpsed at Tasha’s back. Sharine looked awfully skinny, wounded and grieved, although her beauty remained.

  Sharine grabbed few fruits and munched them. The sweetness spread inside her mouth. And then she lay down next to Kevin; she could hear his breathing. She touched his face with her eyebrows.

  ‘Did the bravery finally paid off?’ she thought.

  She could hear a song from a distance. Some man was singing a love song, playing guitar. It was sweet; it made her to forget about certain things and to remember some of the things. She felt like her curse has been lifted up and the warmth entered her heart again.

  She sensed that it was the middle of the night; the guards were dozing before her. She thought she could take a walk around. There was no wind at that night, the sky was clear. She breathed in the air.

  Kevin did not wake up next day; he was sleeping like a pig. Sharine merely stayed near bed, recovering slowly. Gilbert was readying himself to go to the creeks with three other guards, but was worried about them harming Sharine after he is gone.

  He actually called Tasha to do the job to protect Sharine. If she heard anything quirky, she was to act as a messenger and run to Poe like a little bird.

  Sharine enjoyed peaceful days. The refugees weren’t that hostile to her. She just slept and ate, waiting for Kevin to wake up. The gossip continued however, often induced by Catherine, they cursed and threatened her to put to the justice.

  Next day, after Gilbert was gone, no one bothered to feed Sharine, so Diana volunteered to bring her food. She didn’t, however, know how to start the conversation with her. She always looked at Sharine’s mystic feature and said “It’s not poisoned.”

  Eventually after four days, Kevin opened his eyes. He looked at Sharine with his mummified look.

  “Hello stranger,” muttered Kevin, smiling.

  “Hi dumbass,” said Sharine.

  “I forgot your name,” said Kevin, chuckling.

  “It’s Sharine,” said she.

  “Well, I think your name is pretty,” said Kevin. “Not as your face, nor as your boobs.”

  Sharine laughed.

  “Come here,” said Kevin, smiling, spreading his arm. She went near him and they kissed.