Read MOSA II Page 24

  Chapter 24

  Good Morning

  It was Saturday. Protter woke up earlier than usual as one car set up a burglar alarm and wouldn’t turn off. For about ten-fifteen minutes, the car was honking. He groaned and put the pillow over his head. It didn’t go off, he and his wife were just waiting for it to shut up, but it kept going and going. Their angers were building up. Suddenly his wife, Mary, got out of the room and returned with a cherry pie from the fridge. She opened the window and threw it on the car. The pie spattered and the whip cream splattered all over the window. Not surprisingly, the alarm got louder. Mary grunted, experiencing nerve damage.

  “You want to eat outside honey?” murmured Protter, Mary merely grabbed the clock and threw it toward the car. The car window crashed.

  “I’ll get my coat,” said Protter and got out of the bed. Mary didn’t do her hair; she merely put the pants on, grabbed the coat and got out of the door. They were heading toward the brunch restaurant. In the car, Mary was still recovering from the shock. She grabbed the cap lying in the corner of the car and put it on; she started snoring.

  “Good morning sir, ma’am,” said the waitress. Protter ordered the pancakes, salted sausage and hash brown on the side. Mary said she wasn’t hungry; she merely ordered the coffee. Her fuzzy hair was pushed under her hat.

  “Very pleasant,” said Protter, pouring the maple syrup on the top of the pancakes.

  “I never drink coffee in the weekend…” said Mary, putting her hands on her forehead.

  “Exciting,” said Protter, half heartedly.

  “Very,” said Mary, yawning. “Don’t you have to drop by the agency today?”

  “Why?” frowned Protter.

  “I saw your text,” said she, stretching herself. She cracked her neck.

  “I’m not going,” said Protter.

  “Very nice of you,” murmured Mary.

  “This case is driving me nuts,” said Protter.

  “I feel sorry for that girl too, yes… such a pity,” said Mary, with a hoarse voice. She reached for her pocket and took out the cigarette. Protter raised his eyebrows, but Mary ignored him and lighted up her cigarette.

  “Honey, we talked about this,” said Protter.

  “I’m not pregnant, baby,” said Mary, inhaling the nicotine.

  “All right, hopefully the waiter doesn’t kick us out,” said Protter, putting some amount of tips under the salt bottle.

  “I feel sorry for the girl,” sighed Mary.

  “What girl?” said Protter.

  “Your case, Nina Polchinski, kicked some ass back in that fucked up country, and ran to the island,” said Mary.

  “How did you know?” said Protter, giving her a dirty look.

  “I bugged you,” answered Mary.

  “Did you bug me again?” said Protter, almost jumping out from his seat.

  “I have my temptation,” murmured Mary.

  “You know that is a serious breach of national security. Do you know how much damage it will cause if this slips?” muttered Protter, almost leaping out from his seat.

  “Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Mary frowned.

  “Baby? Baby?!” shouted Protter, people started looking at them. The waitress came and sheepishly put down the pancakes.

  “I know Ricky have been protecting, well… some of those high political weirdoes, but if he tries to protect her, he’ll be in a big trouble.” said Mary.

  “I’m not talking to you,” said Protter.

  “He’s your friend, and you’ll feel bad afterward if you don’t do something about it,” said Mary.

  “…” Without talking, he shoveled the pancakes in his mouth.

  “Come on, dear,” said Mary.


  “How about Damiew?” suggested Mary.

  “What about him?” said Protter.

  “Well… you know he just got out of the prison…” said Mary, tapping the end of the cigarette on the floor, the ash dropped. “Completely broke, single, trying to take care of his sister… I’m sure you can manage some backroom deal for your friend.”

  “I never wanted my wife to be so demanding,” muttered Protter.

  “Aww… I love you too,” smiled Mary. “Eat, before it cools down.”

  Protter grumbled something under his mouth. Mary smiled and sipped the coffee. Protter had a lot of things on his mind because the movement of pursuing the ancient barbaric world was spreading like a disease across the nation. No longer they cared about the ideology or philosophy, they just did whatever they wished to do. The world became a weird mindless mess, filled with crazy and distorted conquests.

  The creatures were creating a mess inside the other nations, as Veron used local mafias to produce some of the creatures in the underground channel, in an exchange of the drug route that came from him. Those mafias were buying all the local businesses after their values went down. Also ensured a protection for them and charged the high fees.

  Now those creatures are out in the street, all they do was pointing fingers at each other. Although it wasn’t a problem in Basileus Republic, who had a supreme military might. The creatures, after they have been released, began to sprout all over the countries, making a breeding ground. The civilians were attacked and the economy plunged down.

  The citizens of Basileus Republic, however, didn’t really care, it wasn’t a threat to the civilization, some of them looked at it with mere curiosity, rather than the threat to the world. The people didn’t want to send their kids overseas and interfere with what the world has to deal with. The president didn’t care either; he merely sent the forces to Cassandra to stabilize the region. So only the agents in the intelligence agency busily moved to gather intelligence, and did the covert operation.

  They weren’t sure about the new ruler in Cassandra. As the whole hierarchy was destroyed, it became a pitifully weak government. The ruler looked like a mouse thrown into the pack of cats. If they were attacked again by any military group, there will again be war. No one bothered to fight for the puppet government at this stage.

  Protter thought Nina becoming a ruler in Cassandra was not a bad idea, but he didn’t know where she was or whether she is alive or not. And he wasn’t sure other foreign government would let Nina to take over Cassandra.

  But in order for that crazy idea to happen, Ricky and Nina have to become allies. Protter determined he is going to take Nina’s side, and he is going to arrange the meeting.

  “Urrrgh,” he groaned. After he got home from the breakfast, Mary went back to sleep, saying good night. He pushed the button on his cell phone and called the one which he hasn’t contacted for more than eight years.

  Damiew Murph was a Special Force undercover unit working under the intelligence agency; he was a demolition unit bombing various runaway vessels of various warlords. But he had to hide in the prison after his face was exposed during operation.

  But he wasn’t picking up the phone. On the second thought, it might not be a good idea for him to contact him directly. He might not only refuse but try to kill Protter for sending him to prison.

  “Now let’s see, whom I can trust?” murmured Protter. He called another number and the young bright voice came out from the phone.

  “Heeello! Sir!” said one young woman, with a playful voice. “It’s Saturday sir!” she added.

  “Hello Dorothy,” said Protter. “We need to meet, it’s urgent.”

  “Er… Urgent sir?” said she. There was a sound of the frying oil heard over the phone.

  “Yes, it is an important matter,” said Protter, lowering his voice. “Come to the Belly Felly restaurant in front of the Pavery square building at six o’clock today.”

  “Ok, sir,” said Dorothy, the sound of light metal clattering was heard over the phone. “Is this well… risky, sir?”

  “It’s related to Cassandra, but I do not want to talk a…” said Protter.

  “Ok sir, I’ll be there,” Dorothy interrupted.

od,” said Protter, and hanged off the phone.

  Dorothy was a personal assistant of Protter, first started as a young passionate intern wearing rectangular red glasses. She was a hacker. With her group of friends, she hacked into the database in the intelligence agency and posted the pictures of kittens there. After this, her and all her friends were captured and were facing a jail time. At the time, Protter needed some assistance regarding his operation so he has offered her a deal to work for the agency for few years. After she signed the form, she was assigned under Protter since.

  After the call, she put down the cooking pan and put out the scrambled egg on the plate. She picked up the apples from the basket and washed it in running water. The apple crunched between her jaws.

  Later in that evening, she went to Belly Felly restaurant. She was running little late, she was thinking about an excuse inside her head. But before she could approach the door, one man took her hand and they walked past the entrance.

  “Umm…” murmured Dorothy, but before she could say anything, he slid a little USB drive with a piece of paper wrapped around it. Dorothy grabbed it and hid it inside her pocket.

  “Keep walking,” said the man as they went around the corner. “On the end of the street, grab a taxi, and go to the address that is written on the paper.”

  “What is this address?” said Dorothy.

  “You have to meet the man named Damiew Murph, your first case in the agency. Convince him to find Ricky Guido, and give him the drive; we‘ll give you the detail soon,” said he.

  Dorothy’s heart pumped at his name. Damiew was a skinny, handsome man, who she guided his mission for some time in the past when she was new to the agency. Dorothy had a feeling for him as he was kind and really good looking. However, after when his face got exposed to some dangerous organization, he had to stay in the maximum security prison for the safety reason.

  She didn’t hear from him since then, hopefully he is not too mad at her. The taxi driver stared at the address, and grumbled to her that it is a bad neighborhood. He said someone threw a rock at his car window last time he went there. He asked what business does a lady like her have there, as she was wearing a business suit. She merely replied that it is none of his business. He grumbled and zoomed past the cars.

  She paid the fare and the taxi driver nodded. As soon as she got out of the car, he boosted with the high speed and disappeared from the corner of the street. It was a ghetto neighborhood, the wind blew and the empty can made a clattering sound and strolled past her. From a distance there were bunch of young men playing basketball inside the wired fence. Also there was one guy, just standing there on the stairs, day dreaming. She frowned and entered the apartment.

  But when she went up to the room, it was vacant. The door was wide opened and there was a janitor cleaning up the apartment. She asked her where the former resident went and she said she didn’t know.

  She made trip to the office to ask the manager. She was a hysterical looking old lady; her nasty wrinkles were deeply engraved on her face. When she saw Dorothy, she blinked with glittering eyes filled with greed and her lips formed that freakish smile. She asked her whether she came for the real estate business. So, soon after Dorothy spoke, her face became crumpled and grumpy. When she mentioned the name, Damiew, the manager shrieked in terror and started barking at her.

  It turned out that he didn’t pay the rent and threatened the manager with gun that he would kill her family if she contact the police, and lived six months for free. She cut out the water and electricity but he still wouldn’t move out. Afterwards, the police came and dragged him out of the room to the street.

  When Dorothy nevertheless asked her where Damiew went, the manager started throwing stuffs at her. So Dorothy had to ask that day dreaming man standing on the stairs. He stared blankly on the space without looking at her, he just pointed at some shabby building across the street.

  “Ehhh… tha baseman… tha basemat” murmured the day dreaming man. Dorothy said thanks, walked toward the old cracked, grey building and went down. It was a rustic door with a rat hole on the bottom. She was filled with excitement; she knocked on the door.

  “Hey! Damiew! Open up!” shouted Dorothy. She banged on the door and the door suddenly got opened. There was a shabby man with a chaotic hair standing in front of her.

  “What the fuck is this?” said Damiew, holding the bottle of vodka in his hand.

  “Damiew?” said Dorothy, unsure, denying her eyesight.

  “Yeah?” murmured Damiew, gazing at the woman in a business suit.

  “You are Damiew?” asked Dorothy.

  “Waddu you think?” said Damiew, narrowing his eyes. “Wait… do I know you?”

  “No,” Dorothy smiled. “I brought an order from Protter.”

  “I don’t give a shit about you guys. Your boss put me in jail!” said Damiew, slurring his speech.

  “We apologize,” said Dorothy.

  “Wait a minute, you! You are the one who put me there.” bellowed Damiew, spattering his saliva on her face. Dorothy wiped her face with sorrow.

  “Yeah, things happen,” said Dorothy. “What am I supposed to do? Let you die?”

  “You!... You!” shouted Damiew, scratching his head violently, struggling to remember her name.

  “... It’s Dorothy,” murmured Dorothy.

  “Yes! yes! that’s youraa name!” said Damiew. “You’re an asshole.”

  “Thank you,” said Dorothy.

  “Come on in then! No time to be bound in the past, I need work anyway,” said Damiew, waving.

  Dorothy was pleased at this. Smiling a little, she entered the house. Damiew slipped a little as he stepped on the pizza slice on the floor. He offered a couch but Dorothy sat on a small chair. Damiew burped and went to the bathroom, and start taking a shower.

  After about thirty minutes, he got out from the bathroom and grinned at Dorothy, who looked miserable.

  “Coffee?” said Damiew, little sober than before.

  “No,” said Dorothy, sniffing, smelling fungus.

  “Well, I think you need one,” said Damiew, and went up to the kitchen. Dorothy frowned at him, rolling her eyes.

  After a while, he came back with coffee. He sat down, looking at her. Dorothy didn’t touch the cup. They haven’t seen each other for eight years. They stared each other for a while, just sipping coffee. Few minutes passed by, Damiew broke the silence.

  “I’m retired. I have a plan on opening a small shop maybe,” said Damiew.

  “Oh come on, Damiew, you? Opening a shop?” said Dorothy, laughed a little.

  “Why you think I’m so stupid? Even running a small shop?” shouted Damiew.

  “You scare off customers,” said Dorothy.

  “Well… well maybe I’m going to play nice after all,” said Damiew.

  “How about now?” said Dorothy.

  “After you are gone,” he added.

  “Are you interested in work?” said Dorothy, grabbing the coffee and sipping it.

  “Yeah, I guess,” murmured Damiew.

  “Ten thousand.”




  “You are bullshitting me,” said Dorothy.

  “How about a date?” said Damiew, glimpsing at her.

  “A date?” said Dorothy, raising her eyebrows, snorting. “With you?”

  “Twenty and a date, then yes,” grinned Damiew.

  “No,” snapped Dorothy.

  “Why?” said Damiew.

  “Because you are a pervert,” said Dorothy.

  “Why am I a pervert?” frowned Damiew.

  “Are you not?” asked Dorothy.

  “Of course not, do you think all guys from prisons are like some animals?” Damiew protested.

  “Prove it,” said Dorothy.

  “… No, you’re right,” said Damiew.

  “No money, accept the deal, then I’ll go out with you,” smiled Dorothy.

are bullshitting me,” said Damiew.

  “Come on, all is provided, food, equipments. All we need is some guts, show me your love,” said Dorothy.

  “No love, Initial amount and a date, that’s it,” said Damiew, lying back on a couch.

  “Deal,” smiled Dorothy.

  “I just got played here, am I?” murmured Damiew.

  “Yep,” said Dorothy, stood up and without looking back she went out the door.

  “When did she become a fox?” said Damiew and sipped the coffee.

  The agents contacted Damiew the next day; he was brought to the boathouse and given the instruction. He was to be riding on the cargo ship that travels near the area. Dorothy will be his close contact from the boathouse, to assist him on the way. She will provide him the satellite pictures and the map of Ricky’s maze. The agents will send the drone to fly over the island for their communication.

  Still in his house, Damiew was looking at the blue print of Ricky’s maze; the device showed him the map in 3D. He slid his finger at its surface and was amazed at its complexity. Few minutes later he leaned back on his dirty couch and checked his personal handgun.

  “Town made out of trains huh?” said Damiew, smiling, gulping his vodka. Suddenly, the creaking sound was heard from the back. A poor and dirty man appeared from the dark, yawning, stretching his muscle.

  “The floor is wet…” said the man, indignantly. “Now my blanket is wet, man.”

  He dug his hand into his pants and started scratching. Damiew frowned at him.

  “Screw you,” said Damiew.

  “What is your problem man?” shouted Jago. He was a partner and a friend since he first worked as an undercover agent.

  “Well I’m happy, I got a job,” said Damiew.

  “What do you mean you got a job?” said Jade with sleepy eyes, trying to open his eyelids.

  “I’m going on a business trip,” said Damiew. “Tomorrow.”

  “Well, fuck that, you drunkard,” grunted Jago, sniffing at his finger. “I’m going to bed.”

  “Wait I need a favor to ask you,” said Damiew.

  “No,” said Jago; he went into the room and slammed the door.

  “Little insurance is not a bad idea… ” murmured Damiew, and put down the vodka bottle on the table. “I need someone to dig my grave anyway.”

  Next day, Damiew rode a cargo ship and went near the island; during the course, he jumped out from the ship. The lightening struck from the sky. Damiew appeared from surface of the water, stepped on the island.

  “I’m in the zone, I repeat, in the zone,” said Damiew, heavy rain soaked his shoulder. He felt as if he has landed on the dead men’s land.

  “Roger that baby,” said Dorothy from the other end of the connection.