Read Maid in the USA Page 2

  They were walking past wide French doors now, and through them Celine saw a huge swimming pool, its water glistening brilliant blue in the bright sunshine. And there in the pool, his back to her, was the man who had occupied her thoughts since the day they met. Pierce was standing in the shallow end of the pool, the skin of his shoulders and back deeply tanned by the rays of the hot sun. His hair, wet and slicked back, gleamed in the sunlight.

  Celine almost stopped walking. Her eyes fixed on the broad shoulders she remembered, the narrow waist, and those lean hips now encased in black hip-hugging swim trunks. She could see the outline of firm cheeks through the wet material that clung to his body. For the second time in two days she was seeing this man without his clothes on.

  Celine bit her lip to keep from smiling. If she were totally honest she would admit that neither experience had been painful.

  She caught a glimpse of a little blonde head just by Pierce’s hand and realized that he was in the water with the little girl she’d heard about. He was probably giving her a swimming lesson. For a man who made it clear how busy he was it came as a surprise to Celine that he was spending a weekday afternoon entertaining a child. She admired that. She smiled and kept on walking.

  Mrs. Simpson was right. Pierce did not take long to appear at the office door. She’d been sitting there less than five minutes, just enough time for Mrs. Simpson to bring her a cup of herbal tea, when Pierce arrived fully dressed in white button down shirt and navy trousers.

  “You’re early,” he said as he walked over and gave her a nod of greeting. “I didn’t expect you for another half hour.”

  “I’m sorry,” Celine said. “I wasn’t sure what the traffic would be like so I decided to give myself ample time.” She laid the cup and saucer on the table beside her. Pierce sounded quite formal. This was a job interview, of course, and she would be as professional as he was.

  He turned those intense green eyes on her. “Thank you,” he said with a smile. “I appreciate punctuality. Now let’s bring you up to speed on what this job requires.” Pierce gave Celine the details on Kylie’s situation and the kind of help he was looking for. Kylie’s mother, a cousin of his and a widow, had been in a serious motor vehicle accident and had sustained severe head injuries. Now she lay in a coma with only a fifty percent chance of recovery. The little girl had been at the daycare center when it happened. Not having any close relatives, Kylie’s mother had listed Pierce's name as the emergency contact person. And so it was that he became an overnight surrogate parent.

  “What about Kylie’s father?” Celine asked, her heart going out to the little girl who was now without her mother. “Why doesn’t he help?”

  Pierce shook his head, his face solemn. “Sadly, he died when Kylie was only two. He had congenital heart disease. Had a heart attack and died when he was only twenty-seven.”

  “Oh, no,” Celine whispered. What a tragedy for a child to experience. First, the loss of her father and now a mother who was barely clinging to life. What must the little one be going through?

  At that moment Mrs. Simpson came in holding the hand of the little girl who’d been the subject of their conversation. She was dressed in a white puff sleeve summer dress with a yellow bow. She looked like a delicate little daisy.

  “Here she is, Mr. D’Amato. Kylie is ready to meet your guest.” Mrs. Simpson smiled at Kylie and gave her a little push toward Pierce. The child walked slowly up to him and with a serious little face she rested her tiny hand in his outstretched one.

  Pierce gave her a gentle smile then said softly, “There’s someone I’d like you to meet, Kylie. This is Celine who came all the way from Cambridge to meet you.” He turned the child to face Celine. “Why don’t you go over and say hello?”

  Kylie hesitated and turned wide blue eyes up to Pierce as if seeking reassurance. Then, at his smile and nod, she looked at Celine for the first time. She took a quick breath then walked over.

  Celine felt her heart melt instantly. There was a world of sadness in Kylie’s eyes but she did not flinch and she did not cry. She went to Celine and took her hand and did not utter a word of protest. What a brave little soldier she was. Celine felt like pulling her into her arms and hugging her till she felt only love and peace. It was so heartbreaking to see grief in the eyes of one so young.

  Celine slid off her chair and kneeled in front of the child so their eyes were level. “I’d like to be your friend, Kylie,” she said, making her voice as soft and comforting as she could. “May I?”

  The girl remained silent, staring back at Celine with eyes filled with uncertainty. Then slowly she nodded her curly blonde head and lifted her thumb to her mouth.

  “May I have a hug?” Celine tilted her head and smiled.

  Kylie didn’t wait for Celine to open her arms. She simply popped the thumb out of her mouth, took the two steps she needed to get to Celine, and wrapped her arms tight around her neck. No words were spoken but Kylie buried her face in Celine’s neck and began to cry softly.

  “It’s okay, ma cherie, it’s okay,” Celine soothed as she rubbed the child’s back and held her close. “I’m here for you.”

  For almost a minute Kylie clung to her until finally she quieted and lifted her face. “I’m glad you’re my friend,” she said in a tiny whisper then rested against Celine with a sigh.

  Celine lifted her head, her eyes pricking with tears of sympathy, and when she looked at Mrs. Simpson the woman was dabbing at her face with a dainty handkerchief. When her eyes wandered over to where Pierce stood, his hands shoved deep into his pockets, his face was somber and dark with emotion. They’d all been affected by Kylie’s innocent plea for comfort.

  When Mrs. Simpson left the room taking Kylie with her Celine looked directly at Pierce. After meeting the child there was no way she would say no to this job. How could she deny her the attention, sympathy and love that she so desperately craved?

  “I want this job,” she said and her voice cracked on the last word. She cleared her throat, trying hopelessly to hide the depth of her emotions. “I want to be here for Kylie. When can I start?”

  Pierce nodded and although he did not smile his eyes told her he was pleased with her decision. Still, he asked, “Are you sure?”

  “I want to help Kylie,” she said, her voice earnest. “I can’t explain it but I feel a connection between us.”

  Pierce nodded again and this time the smile reached his lips. “I could tell. Don’t ask me how, but the moment my eyes landed on you I knew you were the one. I knew you’d be perfect for Kylie.”

  Celine sat back in her chair, surprised at the strength of his confidence in her. How could he have known that? He hadn’t even known a thing about her before that day. And even though she’d emailed him her resume and references after they spoke on the phone he still didn’t know that much about her.

  And what about him? Was she perfect for him, too?

  Celine’s breath caught in her throat and she stole a guilty glance at Pierce. Where had that thought come from? Why in the world had she even gone there? She meant nothing to this man, absolutely nothing except someone who’d make a great nanny for his charge. If she was going to survive at this job she’d better reign in her unruly emotions.

  If it was one thing she knew it was that she and Pierce D’Amato were in two totally different classes and unless she suddenly won a few hundred million dollars in the Super Lotto never would their two worlds meet.



  Pierce watched as Celine climbed into her car and drove away. He thanked the stars he’d found her when he did. Kylie needed someone like Celine in her life. And then there was him. What was it about the girl that drew him to her, made him determined to get her under his roof? It had been weird. That first day they met he’d heard the scream, dropped the towel and found himself staring into the liquid brown eyes
of a startled and stunningly beautiful woman. No matter that she was in a maid’s uniform and had her sleek black hair pulled into an old fashioned bun. He’d felt a jolt of electricity run through him, a shock that made him freeze. What the hell, he’d thought. He’d never reacted to a woman like that before.

  And she’d appeared just when he was praying for a miracle, just when he’d almost given up hope of finding the perfect nanny for Kylie.

  He remembered seeing her fright and saying something or other to reassure her but he’d been so startled that seconds passed before he remembered that he was still standing stark naked in front of her. By that time she was already turning to flee. Good thing he’d stopped her from leaving the suite altogether. Now because of his quick action she would be working for him under this very roof. He couldn’t help but smile at the turn of events. He was looking forward to getting to know Miss Celine Santini.

  When Celine’s tail lights disappeared Pierce went inside in search of Kylie. He found her watching cartoons.

  “Uncle, can I have ice cream?”

  Pierce went over and tousled her hair. “Of course, Kylie. And it’s ‘may I have ice cream’, okay?”

  “Okay,” she said as she stuck her thumb in her mouth and looked up at him with big blue eyes, her little face as solemn as a priest. Pierce knew what that meant and his chest tightened in sympathy. The thumb in the mouth meant that Kylie was really missing her mother right then. Her thumb was her source of comfort in a world that had turned upside down.

  “Come on, sweetie,” he said and lifted her up in his arms. “Let’s both go get some ice cream.”


  A week had passed since Celine arrived at Pierce’s house with her suitcases and few possessions piled into her car. Thankfully, she would be able to spend the next five months or so focusing on Kylie and her needs since she didn’t need to check in at the university until October. Since her arrival Kylie had spent every waking moment with her and slowly, tentatively, the little girl began to open up like a tender flower in the morning dew.

  The first three nights were difficult. Kylie had cried herself to sleep each night, refusing Celine’s attempts to comfort her. On the fourth night, instead of trying to read a bedtime story, Celine pulled toys from the box and acted out the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs right there on top of the little girl’s blanket. Kylie laughed so hard she had to wipe happy tears away with the back of her hand.

  After that she insisted that Celine pile the toys onto the bed each night so they could act out Cinderella, the Bremen Traveling Musicians and all her other favorite bedtime tales. Celine was happy to oblige and when Kylie asked her to climb into the bed with her she pulled the child close and they cuddled until the little head dipped onto her shoulder and Kylie slipped softly into sleep.

  Next day Celine woke to the sound of birds whistling outside her window. It was going to be a great day, she knew, because it was sunny and bright, it was Saturday, and Pierce would return home.

  She knew it was stupid of her to feel the way she did but she couldn’t help it. She was actually looking forward to seeing Pierce D’Amato again. She was sure that a man like him would have women flitting around like moths to a flame. He probably had myriads of female admirers in every city he visited. He certainly wouldn’t notice her, a simple nanny working to make a living.

  Even though she knew there was no way she could compete for his attention Celine could not stop herself from feeling a jolt of excitement at the thought of seeing him again. With a smile on her face she hopped out of bed and padded across the hallway to Kylie’s room. She tapped on the door and went in then leaned over to tickle the little girl’s cheeks.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead,” she said with a laugh as Kylie stretched and opened her tiny mouth in a yawn that could swallow an elephant. “Time to get ready for a fun day.”

  Half an hour later Celine and Kylie were in the kitchen having a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, strawberries and yogurt. They were racing to see who would finish first. They had a full day scheduled. First, Celine would review letters and numbers with Kylie then they would take a dip in the pool then do lunch and then gardening.

  Celine knew that working in the garden, planting seeds and nurturing the flowers were all excellent therapy for her little charge. She was in her second year of the PhD program in Psychology and much of her research involved child development, motivation and counseling. There was something about working with your hands that calmed the nerves, and working outdoors in the fresh air surrounded by the beauty of nature were like magic to soothe the spirit and comfort the soul. This was what Kylie needed in her life right now - structure, physical activity and a feeling of accomplishment.

  After lunch Celine plopped a wide-brimmed straw hat onto Kylie’s head and they went out to the garden that circled the back patio. The little girl was armed with a miniature garden fork and shovel while Celine followed with a watering can.

  “Race you,” Kylie yelled and took off across the grass, laughing as she ran.

  Celine ran after her, laughing too, happy to see that she was in a cheerful mood.

  When they got to the far end of the garden Celine flopped down onto the grass, panting and laughing, then she slid a finger across her brow, pretending to wipe sweat away. “Wow, you’re a really fast runner,” she said, opening her eyes wide as if in amazement. “I couldn’t catch you in a million years.”

  “Really?” Kylie asked, eyes wide with wonder. “Did I run that fast?”

  “Yes, you did,” Celine said and reached over to tickle her. “You’re my Olympic champion.”

  After that they settled down to some serious gardening, with Celine digging the holes and Kylie dropping the seeds in and covering them with earth. Then it was Kylie’s job to water the seeds while Celine weeded out that section of the garden to make sure they didn’t choke the seedlings when they popped out of ground.

  They were so absorbed in their task, working together in comfortable companionship, that they both jumped at the snap of a twig behind them. They whirled around to see a tall, blonde and exquisitely beautiful in woman in a cloud-white summer dress staring down at them. Celine put up a hand to shade her eyes from the sun and that was when she saw the woman’s face, perfectly made-up with crimson lips that curled in what looked like disdain.

  Celine, taken aback by the sudden appearance of the stranger, took off her garden gloves and rose to her feet. She was at least a couple of inches taller than the unexpected visitor but somehow she felt almost intimidated in her presence. The woman was looking at them with such an unfriendly expression that it was as if they were the intruders and not her.

  “Hello,” Celine said, still feeling a little off balance. “May I help you?” She felt Kylie move closer to her and she put a reassuring hand on the child’s shoulder.

  “So you’re the new maid,” the woman said, her eyes flashing with something akin to dislike. “I heard about you but nobody told me you were beautiful.”

  “Excuse me?” Celine said, unnerved by her statement.

  “Pierce told me he got a nanny for his new…responsibility.” She turned her eyes on Kylie and from her look Celine could tell that, for some reason, the child was a source of annoyance to her. Then she trained her flashing blue eyes on Celine again. “But I thought it would be somebody like Mrs. Simpson. He never told me you were young.” Her brows settled into a frown that made it obvious that this was a major problem.

  Celine raised her eyebrows, unable to hide her surprise. “And you are?”

  The woman’s eyes widened as if shocked that she would ask. Or maybe she was shocked that she didn’t already know of her. Celine didn’t know which.

  “I am Sophia Redgrave and I own the home next door. Pierce and I have been friends for several years.” The woman said the words with a haughty sniff.

  Celine did not miss her deliberate emphasis on the word ‘friends’. Sophia
Redgrave was obviously sending her a message. Her relationship with Pierce was a whole lot more than just friendship.

  Celine didn’t know what deflated her more, the thought that Pierce was involved with the woman or the thought that there was any possibility of Sophia Redgrave getting involved in Kylie’s life. The woman obviously had a problem with the child’s presence at the house. Heavens, what if Kylie became Pierce’s charge permanently? And what if Sophia became his wife? What would happen to poor little Kylie? She shook her head, trying to dispel the horrible thought. She gave the woman a cold stare, as chilly as the one that had been directed at them. “Is there anything I can help you with, Ms. Redgrave?”

  “No, there’s nothing you can do for me,” she said and raised a delicate hand to brush away the wisps of hair that the soft breeze had blown into her eyes. “But I’ll speak to Pierce about the activities of this child. Why do you have her out here digging in the dirt? Shouldn’t she be in school?”

  “There’s no school on Saturdays. Besides, she’s only four. Whatever she needs to learn I teach her at home.”

  Sophia frowned. “You? Teach her? What would a maid know about what’s best for a child? She needs structure in her life. The best thing that Pierce could do for her is to get her into a good boarding school.”

  Celine gasped. “Boarding school? Are you mad?” The words were out before she could stop herself. She could not believe the woman would suggest such a thing.

  Sophia’s lips tightened and she glared at Celine. “I would ask you to remember your position.” Then with a look full of scorn she said, “I went to boarding school in Europe all of my young life and it did me a world of good.”

  Celine could just imagine the good it had done her. That was probably what had turned her into the world-class bitch she was now. The nerve of her to even think of putting dear little Kylie into boarding school.

  “Celine, am I going away?”

  She looked down to see Kylie gazing up at her with huge, scared eyes, the hint of tears already appearing in the corners.

  Celine felt like someone was squeezing her heart. How could she have been so thoughtless? She’d been discussing Kylie’s future with this woman right in front of the child as if she weren’t there.