Read Maid in the USA Page 3

  She dropped to her knees in the dirt and pulled Kylie into her arms. “No, cherie, you’re not going anywhere. Your home is right here with Uncle Pierce.”

  “And you?” Kylie asked, searching Celine’s eyes as if for even more reassurance.

  But how could she promise Kylie that, too? She was only an employee, after all. Pierce could terminate her employment at any time. And if this meddler Sophia Redgrave had any say in it that day could come sooner rather than later. Still, she had to say something to appease the child. She’d already experienced enough confusion for one day.

  “Oui, cherie , and me too.”

  Kylie smiled and Celine’s heart sang. The little girl was going to be all right. Pulling her close, she gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

  “Oh, so you’re a foreigner, are you?”

  Sophia’s words broke into their communion of friendship, making them turn their attention back to her again.

  “You called her ‘cherie’. Lots of foreigners come to this country and then decide they’re never going home. Are you an illegal immigrant or something?”

  Of all the backwards things she could have said, for Celine this was one of the worst. As wealthy and sophisticated as she might be Sophia Redgrave was obviously living in a world of stereotypical perceptions. She was a bigot who needed a curt response.

  But then she remembered. Not in front of Kylie. As much as she itched to put Sophia Redgrave in her place she would not do it at the expense of Kylie’s happiness.

  Taking a deep breath, she counted to ten in her mind then slowly expelled the air. In a calm voice she said, “If you’ll excuse me I have to take Kylie inside now.” Then she quickly gathered up the tools, took Kylie’s hand and walked away leaving the grand Ms. Sophia Redgrave staring after them.


  Pierce groaned and shook his head. Yet another delay and two more hours this time. He looked across at his pilot and the man gave him a shrug and an apologetic grin. There was nothing he could do. If air traffic controllers said they had to sit out the windstorm then that was what they would do.

  Pierce checked his watch. After eight o’clock. Mrs. Simpson would be gone by now and Kylie would already be in bed. He’d spoken to her earlier that day and promised he’d be home to read her a story. He grimaced. He’d broken a promise to a child who was very sensitive right now and needed stability and reassurance. Breaking a promise was definitely not the way to give her that.

  Then his mind went to the woman who had crowded his thoughts for the whole week he’d been away. He shifted in his seat as his loins tightened at the very thought of her. What was it about Celine Santini that turned him on every time? He couldn’t think about her without imagining kissing her till she was breathless, his hands sliding down to cradle her soft, full breasts.

  He shook his head and stood up then he went over to the plate glass windows of the lounge and began to pace. He had to rein in his thoughts. Celine was an employee and he’d better remember that. But, damn, why did she have to be so sexy?

  And there was more. There was something about her that drew him like a magnet. It wasn’t just her physical beauty. Maybe it was her infectious smile or her obvious love for children. There was something good and calm and nurturing about her that made him trust her completely. He’d trusted her with Kylie and even though he’d done his duty and checked all her references he’d known from the first time they met - brief as it had been - that she was genuine.

  He smiled to himself as he thought about getting back home and seeing her again. Of course he wouldn’t see her tonight. It would be too late for that. But he’d be home all day Sunday in the company of his two ‘girls’. He chuckled at that thought. He, the dedicated bachelor, had become a family man in the space of just a couple of weeks. The thought of the responsibility of a family had scared him for years but now he was looking forward to seeing his pretend one. He must be getting old.

  Pierce did not get home till almost two o’clock in the morning. Tired and grimy from his travels he dumped his suitcase in the hallway and climbed the stairs to the master bedroom where he stripped and went straight into the shower. It was only when he was clean and refreshed that he felt the weight of weariness lift from his shoulders. God, it felt good to be clean.

  He pulled on his boxers then grabbed his robe from the hook and shrugged it on and secured it with the sash. Then, barefoot, he headed over to the wing that Celine and Kylie occupied. He wanted to check on them quickly before retiring for the night.

  First, he peeped in on Kylie. In the room was a dim light cast by the softly glowing nightlight by Kylie’s bed. Quietly he padded over to look down at the sleeping child. She was resting peacefully as she clutched her teddy bear, her blonde hair curling softly around her face which was slightly pink from sleep.

  He left the room and returned to the hallway then glanced at the door to Celine’s room. He thought of checking in on her too but quickly dashed the idea. What was he, a Peeping Tom? He couldn’t invade her privacy like that. No, he’d have to be patient and wait till morning to see her again.

  He was just about to turn away when he noticed that the door was ajar. Had she done that deliberately, probably so she could hear if Kylie cried out in the night? Or was she still up? He could see a dim light through the thin slice between the door and the jamb. She might be up reading.

  For a moment he paused then his curiosity got the better of him and he approached the door. He gave a soft tap. Hearing no response he slowly pushed the door just wide enough for his head to go around.

  The bedside lamp was on but Celine’s bed was empty. The covers were neatly spread and the bed looked like it hadn’t been slept in.

  Pierce frowned. Where in the blazes was she? His eyes swung over to the bathroom door but it stood open and the bathroom was in total darkness. Now he was really concerned. Celine wouldn’t have left Kylie in the house all by herself, would she? No. He was certain she would never do such a thing.

  He backed out of the room then took the few steps to the other door down the hallway. Before he even pushed it open he could tell this was where he’d find Celine. As he stood at the door the fragrance of her perfume wafted toward him. He followed the flowery scent, stepping into the sitting room Celine shared with Kylie, and walked over to the loveseat by the window.

  And there she lay, curled up in the seat like a little cat, a book of fairy tales resting on her hip. She must have come into the sitting room after putting Kylie to bed and had fallen asleep with the book still in her lap.

  Pierce contemplated getting a blanket and covering her where she lay. She was wearing a nightdress of white silk and the coolness of the night would certainly give her a chill. But then he realized that wouldn’t be enough. The love seat hadn’t been made to accommodate a sleeper and the steep arm had her neck positioned at what looked like an extremely uncomfortable angle. She’d be sure to have a strain by morning.

  He had no choice but to wake her.

  “Celine,” Pierce whispered softly, not wanting to startle her out of sleep.

  She didn’t budge. Her breathing remained deep and peaceful.

  “Celine,” he said again and this time he touched her arm. It was smooth and cool to the touch. He frowned. The girl needed to be in her bed under a warm blanket. At Pierce’s second try her eyes fluttered but she did not wake.

  He sat on the loveseat, his hip touching the curve of her waist, and leaned over her. “Celine, wake up,” he whispered. “You need to go to bed.” He put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight shake.

  Her eyelids fluttered again and this time they opened. She looked up at him sleepily. “Pierce,” she whispered, her brown eyes cloudy with confusion, “what is it?” Then her eyes widened and she struggled to sit up. “Kylie. Is something wrong with her?”

  “Kylie’s fine,” he soothed, putting out an arm to steady her. “You ne
ed to get to bed.”

  “Oh,” she sighed and relaxed against his arm. “You scared me. I thought something happened.”

  “Nothing at all,” Pierce said but this time his voice was strained and he was finding it difficult to breathe. Celine had slumped against him and he could now feel the weight of one of her delicious breasts. He immediately hardened in response. Christ, what was this woman doing to him?

  The soft silk of Celine’s nightgown slid over the hairs on his arm, sending shockwaves rocketing through his body. His mouth went dry with want. He wanted so badly to kiss her, to taste those lips, to consume her. He wanted to kiss the tops of those beautiful breasts. He gazed into her eyes then he dipped his head, the intensity of his desire making him groan, and pressed his lips to hers.

  Celine gasped and then to his great relief she was responding, tentatively at first then with a passion which almost matched his own. Stirred by her ardor he teased and explored then he took possession of her mouth, kissing her till she was breathless in his arms.

  “Celine, where are you? I’m thirsty.” The tiny voice cut through the sizzling tension.

  Pierce froze. Then he jerked back and jumped up off the loveseat.

  “Can I get some water?” The door creaked open and Kylie stood there sleepily rubbing her eyes. Then the little girl’s eyes widened as she stared up at Pierce. “Uncle Pierce, you’re home.” She ran into his arms and he picked her up in a huge bear hug.

  “Yes, little one, I’m home. I got in late but I made it. Did you miss me?”

  Kylie nodded, her eyes huge and earnest. “Uh huh. I wanted you to come home before my bedtime.”

  “I’m sorry I got in late, sweetie,” he said softly, “but I’m here now. Do you forgive me for being late?”

  She nodded again. “Uh huh.”

  “Thank you.” Pierce smiled and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. “Now let’s go get you some water.”

  As Kylie rested her head on his shoulder Pierce turned around to glance back at Celine. She sat on the loveseat staring up at them, or more accurately up at him, as if in shock.

  “Go to bed.” Pierce mouthed the words soundlessly then before Kylie could start asking questions he took her out of the room and down the hall.

  After Pierce had settled Kylie back in her bed and returned to his room he lay back in the pillows for a long time reliving every second he’d spent with Celine. He ached, thinking of what could have been. He knew without a doubt that if Kylie hadn’t walked in when she did they’d have found ecstasy in each other’s arms. But it was not meant to be. Not this night, anyway.

  He folded his arms behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. His brain was telling him to stay away from her, that he’d acted out of line and should back off. She was his employee, after all.

  But then there was another part of him that wanted to possess her, body and soul. He’d gotten just a taste of sweet Miss Celine Santini and he desperately wanted more…


  Celine sat up in the bed and twisted the blankets in her hands. She stared at the curtains blowing softly by her window. After that episode last night how was she going to face Pierce?

  She could hardly recall how it started. All she remembered was finding herself in Pierce’s arms then he was kissing her and then she was lost. Pierce had expertly awakened her body to a sensual symphony played by his hands, his lips, his body, so powerful and vibrant to her touch. He’d kissed her lips till she melted in his embrace. Thank God Kylie walked in when she did. Somehow deep in her heart Celine knew that if the spell had not been broken she would have been powerless to resist him.

  Taking a deep breath Celine summoned her courage and climbed out of bed. It was Sunday and there would be no Mrs. Simpson to fix breakfast for Kylie so she needed to be up and ready to face the day. Like it or not, she would have to face Pierce D’Amato.

  When Celine went downstairs with Kylie the man who dominated her thoughts was already sitting at the table, cup in hand, reading what looked like the New York Times on his iPad. He turned around as they walked in.

  “ Hello, Miss Bright Eyes,” he said with a smile then set the cup down and opened his arms to give Kylie a Good morning hug. He kissed the top of her head then still smiling, he raised his eyes to Celine who hung back, keeping a few feet of distance between them. His smile seemed innocent enough but in them was a look that made Celine squirm.

  So he was remembering, too. That much was obvious from his look. But where she felt shame at her behavior, at how easily she’d fallen under the spell of his seductive caress, he seemed pleased. There was not a hint of regret in his eyes.

  Celine didn’t know whether to feel angry at his lack of shame or flattered. This was all so confusing. She dropped her eyes and walked over to the stove, anxious to find something to do, anything to keep her from having to meet his eyes again.

  “Good morning, Celine.”

  With his greeting Pierce forced her to turn her attention back to him. She pasted a smile on her lips. “Good morning,” she said and glanced at him then quickly turned back to her task, painfully aware of his eyes trained on her. Furtively she took a quick breath then exhaled slowly, trying to calm her jangling nerves. How was she going to survive a day in his company?

  Celine breathed a sigh of relief when Pierce engaged Kylie in conversation. They began a serious discussion about the merits of each of her toys and which would make the best friend of all, Barbie or Elmo or The Little Mermaid. Celine fixed Kylie’s oatmeal and within minutes she’d set her cereal, orange juice and banana on the table.

  Only then did she turn her eyes to Pierce. “What would you like?” she asked, her voice a lot more controlled and calm than she felt.

  Pierce stared back at her, his look enigmatic, but there was a curl to his lips that told her he was reading far more into her question than she’d meant.

  She felt the heat rise to her face and she was turning away, trying to hide her distress, when he spoke.

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having,” he said then gave a soft chuckle which was not lost on her.

  Celine struggled through a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast with Pierce. It was difficult sitting right across from him, trying all that time to avoid his eyes. Thank goodness Kylie was there to entertain them.

  When she’d collected the dishes and she stacked them in the machine then sighed with relief. Breakfast was over. Now she could escape.

  “So what would you like to do today, Princess?” Pierce’s words broke into her thoughts. “I’m all yours.”

  “Swimming,” Kylie yelled and clapped her hands in delight. “I love swimming.”

  Pierce chuckled. “I would never have guessed.” He looked over at Celine as she stood by the sink. “What say we meet at the pool in about forty-five minutes?”

  Celine nodded. “I’ll have her ready. That would be more than enough time for her breakfast to settle.”

  Pierce cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean, you’ll have her ready? You mean you’ll both be ready.”

  Celine stared at him. He wanted her in the pool with them, he in nothing but swim trunks and she in bathing suit exposed to his gaze? How would she keep her eyes off him? After last night, knowing what it felt like to have those broad shoulders beneath her palms, his warm skin pressed against hers, how would she stay calm so close to his near naked body?

  No, not a good idea. “I…was thinking of catching up on some…reading.” She floundered for an excuse. Lying had never come easy to her. “Maybe you and Kylie could spend some quality time together?”

  Pierce gave her a look that told her he knew she was doing her best to avoid him. Then he shrugged and looked down at Kylie. “Sorry, Princess, Celine doesn’t want to go swimming today. I guess we’ll just have to call it off.”

  “No,” Kylie wailed. “I want to swim.”

  Pierce shook his h
ead and on his face was an exaggerated look of regret. “No can do. Not unless Celine is going to be here to help me with you.”

  “Celine, you have to come,” Kylie cried tugging at her hand. “Please?”

  Celine patted her head and with the little girl distracted she got her chance to glare at Pierce. She grew even more peeved when she saw the wide grin on his face. The snake. He’d used Kylie to force her hand. He knew she’d never refuse the little girl. How could he be so low?

  Apparently he could go that low and quite easily, too. Without any sign that he felt guilty he smiled and said, “Okay, ladies, meet you here in forty-five. Don’t be late.”

  When Celine and Kylie arrived at the pool Pierce was already in the water. His body, sleek and strong, cut through the water as he did laps up and down the pool. When he looked up and saw them he rolled over onto his back and waved.

  “Come on in,” he called to them. “The water feels good.” Kylie was the first to respond. Slipping her hand from Celine’s grasp she ran to the edge of the pool and jumped, almost landing on top of Pierce’s head. He laughed and caught her then waved to Celine. “Your turn.”

  She grimaced and shook her head. Did he really think she was going to jump into his arms? Not likely.

  “Don’t let me come get you,” he said with a grin and hoisting Kylie onto his shoulders he began to swim toward the lip of the pool.

  Celine knew not to play around then. Quickly she let the towel fall from where she’d wrapped it tightly under her armpits, exposing her bikini clad-body to his gaze. Pierce stopped paddling and his appreciative stare told Celine he liked what he saw. She could feel her body go pink all over. Wanting to hide herself as quickly as possible she hurried to sit on the edge of the pool then slid into the water, relieved when it flowed over her body. Of course the water hid nothing from his view but it gave her some small comfort knowing that something, though transparent, was covering her.

  It took all of fifteen minutes before Celine began to relax. Maybe it was Kylie’s shrieks of laughter when Pierce bobbed her up and down or maybe it was this other side of Pierce that she was seeing - so carefree, playful and even mischievous. He thought nothing of playing tricks on poor Kylie, sinking to the bottom of the pool, making her think he’d disappeared, or swimming up behind to tickle her ear. It was like Celine was seeing the little boy he used to be. She could just picture him - active and naughty and loads of fun. Soon Celine was caught up in the horseplay, too. When Pierce almost drowned her with a tidal wave of water she swung after him, trying to give him a taste of his own wicked medicine. But he was too strong and too fast. As hard as she swam she couldn’t catch up to Pierce and finally she gave up and swam back to Kylie who was giggling uncontrollably as she watched from the shallow end of the pool.