Read Maid in the USA Page 8

  She glanced at him then looked away again, a sudden shyness seizing her. “I just want to know more about you.”

  He seemed pleased at that and her heart soared. She really did want to get to know Pierce and she had so little time. The end of the summer was fast approaching. When she left his home she wanted to take all these memories of him with her. “What were you like as a boy?”

  He chuckled. “Very much a geek. I was the kid with the glasses who was always hanging around the computer lab begging to be allowed to create new programs.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet,” she said, laughing.

  “No, it wasn’t.” He shook his head. “I can laugh about it now and I can be grateful for all those hours in the lab. I started my software company back in high school.”

  “You did?” Celine could have guessed he was the genius type but he’d far exceeded her expectations.

  “Your parents must have been so proud.”

  “They were, but at the time I almost wished I could have been a normal kid. It wasn’t easy being the school geek.” He shrugged but there was a pain in his eyes that he could not hide.

  “You were bullied?”

  “Yeah,” he said casually. “Like most nerdy kids I was the brunt of jokes. Got beat up a fair number of times.”

  “Oh, no,” she whispered. Her heart went out to the kid he’d been. He must have suffered so much.

  “But, hey,” he continued, “it all worked out great. It was all those hours spent hiding in the computer lab that made me the man I am today.”

  And what a man that was. He was as far from geek as could be. He had a sophistication about him, an aura of self-assurance that made him compelling. And it didn’t hurt that he was extraordinarily handsome. No wonder she found him irresistible.

  As if thinking similar thoughts Celine and Pierce turned to each other at the same time. When their eyes met she knew he was thinking exactly what she was thinking. She wanted him so much her mouth went dry.

  There was nothing she wanted more right now than to have his arms around her, his lips on hers. But as she gazed back at him she knew he would not make that move.

  So she did.

  With newfound boldness Celine slid across the sofa, closing the few inches that separated their bodies. Then before she could change her mind she reached her hand up to touch his cheek.

  He stared down at her, his green eyes sparkling with emotion, but still he made no move. He was waiting for her to take the lead.

  Sliding her hand to the back of his head she tilted it down until his lips touched hers. She moaned as her body tingled in anticipation.

  Only then did he move. Sliding his arms around her he leaned into the kiss, taking full control as she knew he would. She gasped as his tongue slid past her lips to taste her, tease her then plunder her till she felt like her very bones had turned to liquid.

  As they kissed, Celine slid her hands inside the neck of his T-shirt to caress his shoulders and then as the passion of his kiss intensified she clung to him as if for dear life.

  The moment he lifted his mouth from hers she dipped her head and caught his ear lobe between her teeth. She felt a thrill of satisfaction when she heard him groan. She pressed her advantage, sliding her lips down his neck. Then she was lifting his T-shirt to feather soft kisses across the broad muscles of his chest now bare to her gaze.

  She did not meet his eyes. She refused to look at him, knowing there’d be questions there. This time she wanted nothing to get in the way. Just as he’d done to her she moved her lips lower, lower until she’d caught a taut flat nipple between her teeth. When he moaned she smiled and she did not stop. She covered that sensitive part of him with her lips and sucked and nibbled until his chest heaved and his heart pounded in his ears.

  Next, she slid her hands down his taut, muscled belly and stopped just shy of the top of his sweatpants. Dared she go farther?

  Yes, she dared. She loved this man. She knew that without a doubt. And now, whatever the consequences, she was ready.

  She was sliding her hands under the waistband of his sweatpants when she felt firm hands on hers.

  “Celine, stop now or else I won’t be responsible for my actions.” His voice was hoarse, his breathing labored. She knew he was trying hard to resist her.

  But she wouldn’t let him get away. Not this time.

  “You won’t be responsible,” she whispered. “I will.”

  With a groan he reached for her and hauled her up so he could capture her mouth. He gave her a searing kiss that told of pent-up passion and want.

  And then, ever so gently, he pushed her away, sat up and shoved his T-shirt back down.

  Celine stared at him in shocked silence. It took several seconds before she could speak. “What are you doing?” she asked, totally bewildered. “Why did you stop me?”

  Tucking the T-shirt into his sweatpants, almost as if to shield himself from her, he looked at her with an expression she could not figure out. “I had to stop you. I didn’t want you doing something you would regret.”

  “But I wanted it,” she said. “I’m ready, Pierce. I really want this.”

  He stared back at her, his face a reflection of the battle raging inside him. But then he shook his head. “No. You don’t. Not yet.” He got up and when he looked back at her his face was serious and his lips tight. “I’m going to turn in now. I suggest you go to bed.”

  Then he turned and walked to the door and just like that he was gone.

  Celine sat on the couch, unable to move. Tonight had turned out to be one of the worst nights of her life. She’d come to Pierce ready to give him everything, and he refused the one thing she had to give. What else could she give a man that had it all? What else but herself?

  But he’d rejected her most precious gift and now she knew it was no use trying. She’d never be good enough for Pierce D’Amato.


  The days that followed were difficult for Celine. It was hard having to put on a cheerful face, laughing and playing with Kylie, when inside she was dying. Each time she was in the same room with Pierce she felt the heat of embarrassment rise in her face as the memory of his rejection came rushing back. Each time he spoke to her she avoided his eyes, not wanting to see amusement or scorn reflected there. She would not be able to live with that. When she left she wanted to remember the good times she’d had in this house. She did not want to spoil those memories any more than they’d already been blemished by that night.

  By the following week, though, things began to improve. She’d finally accepted the fact that outside of their working relationship there would never be anything between her and Pierce. Of course, she’d known that from the beginning. Still, she’d been stupid enough to let herself fall under the spell of their situation living under his roof, spending so much time together. She’d forgotten her role. Now, though, things were back in perspective. She knew where she stood and she would never let herself forget it.

  After that talk with herself things got a whole lot better. She began to laugh again and Kylie, who’d had to put up with her distraction, looked relieved that her old Celine was back. As for her interactions with Pierce, she kept them light and amicable. She did not seek out his company but she no longer avoided being in the same room with him as long as Kylie was there, too.

  Being alone with him was another matter altogether. Her body seemed intent on betraying her, her breath growing shallow and her nipples puckering anytime he came near. But she did her best to hide her response to him. She only hoped he could not sense the depth of her inner turmoil.

  Then one morning something happened that made Celine realize that she wasn’t the only one who was suffering. She woke up to the sound of soft sobbing and sat up to find Kylie curled up in the bed beside her.

  “What’s wrong, cherie?” Celine’s heart lurched. Had Kylie been hurt? She threw back the covers so s
he could see the child’s body. No, she looked fine. She pulled away the hands that covered the little face. “Are you hurt?”

  Kylie shook her head and began to sob louder.

  Celine gathered her in her arms and hugged her close. The child’s tears soaked through the top of her nightgown. “Hush, hush,” she soothed as she rocked her in her arms.

  “I miss my mommy,” Kylie wailed then began to cry anew, the force of her sobs making her whole body shake.

  Celine felt like a knife pierced her heart. Poor Kylie. She’d been so absorbed in her own problems that she hadn’t been there for the child as she should have, keeping her so busy she would have less time to dwell on her loss. She cursed herself for being so thoughtless. “Oh, Kylie, I know you do,” she said softly, tears filling her eyes. “Just cry, cherie, let it out. I’ll take it all. Just cry.”

  It was like Celine’s words burst a dam of sorrow inside the little girl in her arms. She clung to Celine and bawled. For several minutes they stayed like that, woman and child, hugging each other like they’d never let go.

  When Kylie’s shaking finally stilled and her sobs died away Celine gently stroked her hair and hummed a lullaby, one she’d loved as a child. She hoped the soft sounds would provide some soothing comfort.

  It took a long time for them to get out of bed that morning. For a while they lay there, quiet and thoughtful, not needing any words at that moment, just resting after an emotional cleansing.

  The release of that flood was an obvious source of relief for Kylie. Celine could see it in the way she relaxed against her and began playing with her fingers.

  For Celine, though, it had the opposite effect. It reminded her how much Kylie would still need a shoulder to cry on. There would be more emotional outbursts and who would she turn to? She wanted to be there to comfort her but how could she?

  Celine’s heart lay in a painful place right then. She’d resolved to live the rest of her life without Pierce but how could she stifle her love for Kylie?


  Pierce watched from his bedroom window as Celine and Kylie sat on the bench in the shade of the old oak tree in the backyard. Both heads were bent, one sleek and raven black, the other curly and golden. They were busy with Kylie’s morning lesson, going through the story of the day. Celine had told him they’d be reviewing simple two and three letter words. Now Kylie was deep in concentration as Celine guided her through her world list for the day.

  Every time he saw them together he thanked his lucky stars for the day she walked into his hotel room. While he’d been in the hotel shower that day Kylie had been on his mind and he’d been up to his ears in frustration, tired of the long list of candidates the agency had sent him, none of whom could connect with Kylie. He’d walked out of that bathroom praying for a miracle. The thought hadn’t even had time to lodge in his mind when there she stood in front of him, an angel in maid’s uniform.

  He chuckled as he thought back to that day. His first memory of Celine was of her screaming and backing away from him, her eyes wide with fright. And yet he’d known the moment his eyes landed on her that she was the answer to his prayers. Strange as it now seemed, at the moment he’d had absolutely no doubt in his mind. And that was why he’d made sure she didn’t escape before he made her an offer she would find hard to refuse.

  Now as he watched his ‘girls’ together he had absolutely no regret at his spur-of-the-moment decision. Celine had been a Godsend in more ways than one.

  And that was why he’d decided to take it slow with her. She’d told him she didn’t take sex lightly so when she’d come to him he knew it had been in a moment of weakness. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he’d taken advantage of that moment. Even though it had taken a hell of a lot of willpower he’d saved her from herself that night and he did not regret it. She probably hated him for it but it was the right thing to do.

  And although she was annoyed with him right now he would make it all worth the wait. He smiled as he thought about it. That day would be soon.

  Next day Pierce left for the office early as usual to avoid peak hour traffic. He had a full day ahead of him as he was expecting a cadre of programmers from Japan who would be consulting with him on a special project. It was a big deal for his firm, one that could lead to an explosion of growth in the international marketplace.

  He was in the middle of his meeting when his administrative assistant knocked on the door of the conference room. He frowned. Lynette had been with him for years and she knew better than to interrupt such an important session.

  She hurried over and leaned down to whisper in his ear. At her words his blood ran cold. Kylie. Pool. Hospital. Ambulance.

  At that instant all thought fled his mind except for one. Kylie. He had to get to Kylie.

  He shoved the chair back and with the briefest of apologies he was up and out the door. Lynette would have to do the explanation. He had no time to spare.

  He jumped into his car and tore out of the parking lot, tires screeching as he went. Within fifteen minutes he was pulling up in front of St. Mary’s Hospital. He’d parked the car in the tow zone but he didn’t give a damn. They could have it. All he wanted was to see his little girl.

  He dashed up to the reception desk and almost reached out and throttled the nurse when she calmly told him to take a number and sit down. When he growled at her and demanded to see Kylie immediately she jumped and looked like she was about to call security but she must have seen the desperation in his eyes because she called for an orderly who escorted him to the intensive care ward.

  There Pierce saw Celine. She was sitting all alone on a long bench and she was twisting her hands in her lap, tears streaming down her face.

  He dashed over to her. “Celine. What happened? Where is she? Is she…” He could not say the word.

  Celine hopped up and turned red, puffy eyes toward him. “Pierce. Mon Dieu, Pierce. I’m so sorry. So sorry.”

  That stopped him in his tracks. It was a stake hammered right into his heart. The words were a confirmation of his worst fear. Kylie was gone.

  The words sucked his strength, the very life out of him. He collapsed onto the bench and stared at Celine in shock. His Kylie, his sweet little Kylie, was dead.

  He’d meant to make life so good for her, give her a family, and now it was too late. Too late, too late. The words rang in his head. Oh God, he was too late.

  He dropped his face in his hands and the tears seeped through his fingers..

  Celine came to him then. He felt when she sat on the bench beside him and then her arms were around him, hugging, comforting him like she’d done once before.

  “We have to pray,” she whispered. “Pray for Kylie, Pierce. Just pray.”

  Pray? What was the use of praying? Praying wouldn’t bring her back so he could hold her in his arms again, so he could feel that bundle of energy, his little girl, so full of life. Celine could pray all she wanted but he just wanted Kylie.

  “We have to be strong for her, Pierce. Help her pull through.”

  It took a moment for the words to sink in. What was she saying? Kylie was…alive?

  He lifted his head and stared into Celine’s eyes, willing her to say the words. “Kylie?” he said.

  “They’re working on her right now,” she said.

  Pierce’s shoulders sagged with relief. Thank God.

  The gigantic rock that had landed squarely in the middle of his chest began to crumble, leaving pebbles of fear behind.

  “What did they say? Will she be alright?”

  Celine shook her head and her eyes were full of sadness. “I don’t know.”

  Pierce looked at her and then away. Had he been given hope just to have it dashed? No, God would not be so cruel. He clung to that thought, that hope, and only then was he able to breathe freely.

  Pierce took Celine’s hand in his. Her palm was damp. He could only imagi
ne what she must have gone through, dealing with all of this without him. He stroked the back of her hand, trying to give her some small comfort. They sat like that in silence.

  Finally he asked, “Celine, what happened?” He knew it would be traumatic for her to relive the experience but he had to know.

  Celine’s hands gripped his tightly and then she pulled it away. She drew in a trembling breath.

  “Kylie and I…we did some gardening this morning and we got all muddy so…I took her upstairs and gave her a bath.” She drew a deep breath then let it out in a heavy sigh. “There was still mud splattered on my leg so I fixed a quick snack for Kylie and set her at the kitchen table to eat. I told her I’d be down in five minutes. I just wanted to take a quick shower.”

  “Why didn’t you leave her with Mrs. Simpson?”

  “She called a little after you left this morning. Her grandson was sick and her daughter called on her suddenly to babysit while she went to work.” Celine bit her lip. “I was alone with Kylie.”

  She was silent then and Pierce could imagine she must be blaming herself for that one slot of time when she’d let Kylie out of her sight. He spoke then. “But how did Kylie get over the fence around the pool?” He’d had that fence installed the same week Kylie moved into the house.

  Celine sucked in her breath. “That’s what I don’t understand. I know I locked the gate last night and we didn’t go anywhere near it all morning. I know Kylie’s way too short to get anywhere near that latch so the gate must have been left open.” She shook her head, her eyes distressed, her face dark with confusion. “I know I locked that gate. I’m sure of it. I did, Pierce, I did.” She covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

  “Hush,” he said and put his arm around her shoulder. “I know.”

  It took several minutes for Celine to calm down and then they sat together in silence, the moments ticking by. Each time the door leading to the operating room opened both turned as one but each time it was a nurse or an orderly going about their various duties.

  Finally, after an exhausting two hours a doctor dressed in green scrubs stepped through the door. “Miss Santini,” he said as he approached, “and Mr.…”