Read Maid in the USA Page 9

  “D’Amato. Pierce D’Amato,” Pierce said, rising to his feet.

  The doctor nodded. “You’re Kylie’s guardian, correct?”

  “Yes,” he said quickly, wishing the doctor would just come out with the words. The suspense was torture.

  “As you know, we’ve been working on Kylie for some time. She ingested quite a bit of water but the good thing is,” he turned to Celine, “you got her out quickly and started CPR right away. If it hadn’t been for that we wouldn’t have been able to save her. The paramedics would have come too late. Your quick action saved her life.”

  “So she’s going to be alright?”

  The doctor smiled. “Your little girl is a real fighter. We’ll have to keep her for at least a week for observation but it looks like she’s out of the woods.”

  Pierce could have kissed him, his relief was so great. Kylie was going to be alright.

  He turned and grabbed Celine and hugged her tight, expressing all his relief and gladness in that embrace.

  Then he released her and stretched out his hand. “Thank you, Doctor,” he said and shook the hand of the man who had saved his daughter’s life.

  There, he’d said it. His daughter. And that was what Kylie had come to be for him - a member of his family, his child. He’d been thinking about her like that for some time now and he knew that whatever the future held for him, Kylie would always be a part of it. He would make it official. She would be his daughter.

  “Can we see her?” he asked.

  “Yes, but one at a time.” He nodded to Pierce. “You go first, Mr. D’Amato.”

  Pierce looked at Celine and she nodded, her face flushed with relief. “Go to her.”

  When Pierce disappeared through the swinging doors Celine sat back down and stared at the floor. Thank God Kylie was going to be all right. She didn’t know what she would do if she hadn’t pulled through. She was dying to run to her and hug her close but she would have to wait her turn.

  Then she thought of the role she’d played in Kylie’s near tragedy. Why had she left her alone? She’d moved quickly in the bathroom and had returned downstairs to find the kitchen empty and Kylie gone. She’d gone into the garden, thinking she’d wandered out there but there was no Kylie. Then she ran back to the pool and that was when she saw the open gate. She dashed through and there was Kylie floating face down the water.

  She screamed then dove into the water and dragged her out. She immediately started with the life-saving techniques she’d learned as a teenage babysitter. She only stopped long enough to call the ambulance and then she kept working on her until the paramedics took over.

  All that had taken mere minutes but to Celine it seemed like a lifetime.

  She got up, too agitated to sit still any longer, and began to pace the floor. Then she came to a standstill and leaned her forehead on the cold concrete wall. Her shoulders shook but there were no tears. She was crying again because she knew what she had to do. For the sake of Kylie’s safety it would be best for her to go.


  Kylie came home six days later. Pierce installed her in her bedroom with lots of picture books, toys and games. He spent almost the entire day with her, playing with the dolls on her bed and acting out plays with sock puppets he’d made himself. Celine could see that he was trying to make it up to Kylie for the trauma of the past week, even to the point of overdoing it. It was only when her eyelids drooped that he decided to leave her alone.

  Now that Kylie was home Celine decided it was time to broach the subject of her departure. She asked Pierce to meet with her in the kitchen and then she sat down and laid out her plan. She would stay another week so he could find a replacement but then she would be leaving.

  Pierce was none too pleased with her announcement. “You’re leaving in a week? That’s a whole five weeks earlier than planned.”

  “I know, and that’s why I’ll stay the week to give you time to find my replacement. You and I know it’s for the best.”

  “Best for you? It’s certainly not best for Kylie.”

  “Especially for Kylie,” she cried. “Look what happened to her in my care? I’d never be able to forgive myself if things had been…worse.”

  “Celine,” he said, his face a study in exasperation, “it wasn’t your fault. It could have happened under anybody’s watch.”

  “But it happened under mine. Don’t you understand what that means for me? I almost got Kylie killed.” The guilt swept through her and she felt like her heart would crack right open.

  “Celine, will you stop it?” Pierce’s voice was harsh. “What happened was an accident. It could have happened to any one of us, to forget to lock the gate. I know it wasn’t deliberate.”

  Celine sucked in her breath, her eyes wide with shock. “You don’t believe me. You do think it was my fault.”

  “I’m not saying that.” Pierce was glaring back at her now. “Any one of us - you, me, Mrs. Simpson - could have left the gate open. I’m not trying to cast blame. I’m just saying even if it had been you I would not condemn you for what happened.”

  Now he was changing his story. In Celine’s mind Pierce did blame her. This discussion was only confirming that she’d made the right decision. She needed to go as soon as possible.

  “Pierce,” she said quietly, “I’ve made up my mind. I know you don’t trust me with Kylie anymore so it’s best for all of us if I leave. Please start looking for my replacement.”

  Pierce was scowling at her now. “Is that your final word on this?”

  “It’s my final word,” she said, keeping her face blank even though she felt hollow inside.

  If only she didn’t have to go. She would miss Kylie so much. And Pierce. And even though he’d said she didn’t have to go, even though he said he still trusted her, it was the big question that made her want to flee. How did she know she could trust herself?

  She’d left the gate open, it seemed, even though she could distinctly remember locking it. Pierce seemed to think so although he wouldn’t admit it. She’d been so sure and look what happened. How could she be sure it wouldn’t happen again?

  No, for the sake of Kylie’s safety it was best if she stayed far away…no matter that her heart was breaking at the thought.


  Sixteen days. It was sixteen days since Celine had last seen Kylie and Pierce. She’d thought things would get better with time, that the pain would eventually go away, but it had gotten worse. She was far away from Kylie and it was like being separated from her own daughter.

  This summer she’d had a family, a family very different from the one in France, but a family just the same. And she missed them as she would her own flesh and blood.

  She’d tried hard not to intrude in their lives but she hadn’t been able to resist calling Kylie and had done so almost every day since leaving. But calling was not the same as seeing her, holding her, smelling the cherry blossom fragrance of her hair.

  Celine had made sure to call the house during the daytime when she knew Pierce would not be around. She didn’t know if her heart could take the deep timbre of his voice without breaking down in tears. She missed him too much for words. She’d been afraid that if she ever saw him she would break down and blurt out how she truly felt about him. And what would that achieve? He’d probably be speechless with embarrassment or bolt for the nearest exit.

  Today, though, she didn’t care. She had to see Kylie again. She picked up the phone and dialed Pierce’s cell phone number. At the sound of his voice a tremor ran through her.

  “Pierce, it’s Celine,” she said softly. “Do you have a minute?’ She would hate to know that she’d disturbed a meeting.

  “Yes, go ahead.” Pierce sounded formal, clipped.

  “I was wondering if you’d let me visit Kylie. I’d love to go today if that’s okay with you.” She’d said it all in a rush, wanting to get the words out
before she lost the courage.

  Silence. That was the response on the other end of the line. Total silence.

  “Hello?” Celine said into the phone. Had he hung up on her?

  “Celine.” Pierce was speaking again. Finally. “At what point did I tell you not to see Kylie?”

  “Well…never,” she said, feeling stupid.

  “Exactly. So why do you think you need my permission? You spoke as if you expected me to say no.” Pierce’s voice was cool. It seemed that she had offended him.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to impose-.”

  “What time would you like to visit Celine?” He cut her off mid-sentence.

  “I was thinking two o’clock in the afternoon.” She’d specifically chosen that time because she knew he would not be home.

  “Fine. I’ll let them know to expect you.” And then he hung up.

  He hadn’t given her a chance to say goodbye. Well, so much for him wanting to see her again. He hadn’t even asked how she was doing. It was obvious that any feelings between them were all on her end. Feeling deflated, she gently laid the receiver back in the cradle and got up to dress for her trip.

  Almost two hours later Celine was pulling into the long circular driveway of the house that had been like her home for most of that summer. Her heart quickened in anticipation. She hopped out of the car, opened the back door and grabbed the huge gift bag with the Molly Dolly Set with its twenty-five fashion outfits. She knew Kylie would love dressing her up.

  She bounded up the stairs and rang the doorbell, a bright smile on her face. She was looking forward to seeing Mrs. Simpson, too. She’d always found her to be pleasant company.

  The door opened and Celine found herself staring into the thin, well made-up face of Sophia Redgrave.

  Celine’s smile fled. What was Sophia doing there? Had she used her departure as an opportunity to worm her way into Pierce’s life?

  “Good afternoon, Sophia,” she said when her wits returned. “I’m here to see Kylie.”

  Sophia nodded but as usual there was no smile of greeting. “We were expecting you.”

  She opened the door wider so Celine could enter then led the way across the foyer and down the hallway. “Kylie,” she called. “Celine is here.”

  Out of nowhere a bundle of pink and yellow came flying toward her and Celine had just enough time to drop the gift bag and catch Kylie as she leaped into her arms.

  “Celine, I missed you so much,” she cried and wrapped her arms around Celine’s neck.

  “I missed you, too, cherie. So much.” Celine closed her eyes and reveled in the feel of the little body in her arms. She smelled of strawberries and peaches.

  They were still hugging when they heard the roar of an engine out front.

  “Daddy,” Kylie yelled and wriggled so much Celine had to set her down on the floor.

  Daddy? It had to be Pierce Kylie was calling Daddy but when had she started doing that?

  Then at the thought of Pierce her heart began to accelerate. Despite her efforts, today she would see Pierce again. Thank you, God.

  Slowly, trying to seem casual, she followed Kylie back out to the front porch. Her heart did a somersault when she saw him.

  Pierce was climbing out of a jet black Porsche, sunshades still on his face. The sun glinted on his dark chocolate hair. He looked super-sexy in his black business suit and red power tie.

  Kylie was running to him now. He scooped her up and gave her a big fat kiss on the cheek.

  How Celine wished that could be her.

  Then he looked up and ever so slowly he removed the sunglasses from his eyes. And there they were, those beautiful green eyes that looked like they could see into her soul. He was looking at her and on his lips was the hint of a smile.

  Still holding Kylie with one arm Pierce walked up the driveway and up the steps until he was standing in front of her.

  “Hello, Celine,” he said, looking down at her as she stood staring up at him.

  “Hello, Pierce.” She cleared her throat. “I thought you’d be at work today.”

  “I was,” he said. “I decided to come home early.”

  “Because of me?” Dieu, had she said it out loud?

  “Because of you,” he said and there was such feeling in his voice that Celine blinked.

  “Daddy, Celine’s come home to stay,” Kylie chirped up. “I am sooo happy.”

  Eyes wide, Celine stared at Kylie. Now where did the child get that from? She didn’t want to mislead her. “No, cherie, I’m only here for a visit.”

  “No, you’re not. You came back to be with me,” the child insisted. She began to wriggle in Pierce’s arms. “I want to go to Mommy.” And she reached out both arms towards Celine.

  Celine gasped and quick tears stung her eyes. Then her face crumpled and the tears spilled onto her cheeks. “Kylie, dear sweet Kylie,” was all she could manage, her throat constricted with emotions. She reached out and took her from Pierce and buried her face in the child’s neck.

  “I still love my old mommy,” Kylie whispered, “but I want you as my new mommy now.”

  “I…” How could she tell her that she’d love that more than anything in the world but that it couldn’t happen? “I…” She tried again but could go no further.

  Pierce came to her then. As she held Kylie in her arms he stood looking down into her eyes. “Celine, as you can see Kylie… and I…are having a hard time living without you. When you left you took a part of us with you. We need you.”

  Celine looked up at him, not believing what she was hearing. “Kylie needs me,” she whispered, “but do you?”

  He gave her a smile that told her all she needed to know. “I can’t live without you, Celine. Won’t you come back home, but this time as my wife?”

  Celine had been waiting with bated breath for that question, all her life she’d been waiting and now the man of her dreams was waiting for her answer. Was this all a dream?

  “Are you sure?” Celine whispered. “You’re not still angry with me?’

  “I was never angry with you. I love you. You’ve been my miracle angel since the day we met.”

  “Yaay,” Kylie chortled. “Mommy and Daddy are getting married.”

  “Hold on, Kylie,” Pierce said, laughing. “Celine still hasn’t said yes.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Celine said through her tears and walked into the arms Pierce held open wide.

  And so they hugged - Pierce, Celine and Kylie, all three - happy in knowing they were now a family.


  Kylie was the prettiest flower girl in the world. Slowly and carefully, her face beaming with pride, she left the church vestibule and walked up the aisle with her basket of red rose petals, sprinkling the flowers along the path ahead of her.

  She followed a very nervous ring bearer, a little friend she’d made on her first day in junior kindergarten. In his black suit the little gentleman walked ahead of Kylie, stopping every few minutes to check that she was still there.

  The church was full of friends and family including Claire, Sylvan and Marc. Pierce’s family was there, too - Elizabeth and Carlos from Hawaii and Sharon, her husband and two children from San Diego.

  Mrs. Simpson beamed as she looked toward the back of the church and saw Celine standing there, waiting on the organist to start the bridal march.

  Sophia was in the congregation, too, looking more stylish and elegant than anyone in the church. She’d been Celine’s greatest surprise. At the news that Pierce had proposed to her the woman seemed to have changed her whole demeanor as if she accepted that it no longer made sense to pretend. She did not become warm and inviting but she became a great source of advice to Celine as she prepared for her big day.

  To Celine’s even greater surprise and relief she solved the mystery of the pool gate. It was Sophia who had left the gate open and not Celine. She’d come by early that morning to borrow t
he long net to give to her pool cleaner. It had been too early in the morning to wake anyone. It was only when she heard Mrs. Simpson speaking about the mystery of the gate that she realized her role in Kylie’s near death experience. She apologized in tears and since then had become Kylie’s greatest ally, even at times when she deserved to go to the naughty corner.

  Now it was time for Celine to walk up the aisle. As the bridal march began she lifted her head. Her heart soared as she smiled at the man who waited for her at the other end. Tall, dark and deliciously handsome in his suit and bowtie, Pierce was smiling at her and in his eyes was a light that told her never to doubt his love again.

  And so, as the strains of the march filled the church she stepped forward proudly, ready to start her new life as mommy to an angel and wife to her beloved, Pierce D’Amato.


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  Talk about sexy as sin...

  Arie Angelis is floored when she lays eyes on the handsome hunk seated at the head table at the holiday event she's catering. She literally can't take her eyes off him. She's always prided herself on being the consummate professional, but not this time. But, attracted or not, when she finds out who he is she realizes he's way out of her reach. But you can't stop a girl from dreaming...

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