Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 11

  Se wwro“Ear infection. The doctors say if she keeps getting them they may have to insert tubes.”

  Alex winced. “Tubes?”

  “Yeah, it’s actually kind of common. When the ear doesn’t drain, it gets infected so if they insert tubes it helps them drain.”

  “Doesn’t that mess with her hearing?” Alex frowned, standing up.

  “No, but the infections could, so it’s better to get the tubes in, than to risk hearing loss from the constant infections. This is the third one she’s had this year.”

  “Damn,” Sal said. “Is she still in the hospital? You didn’t have to come in, you know.”

  “Nah, she’s home now. I’d rather be here anyway. I need the money.”

  Alex walked out, leaving Sal alone with Oscar. Oscar was busy pulling his stuff out of the cabinet. Sal wasted no time. “So I heard you took Grace home last night.”

  Oscar turned around. “Yeah, can you believe she takes the bus to Chula Vista? She acted like it’s no big deal but shit, that’s far.”

  Sal took a seat, and leaned back, giving Oscar all his attention. “Good looking out then. That is far.”

  Oscar grinned. “You know me,” he winked. “I couldn’t pass up the chance to be the charming gentleman.”

  Typically, this would be Sal’s cue to wink back and grin with him, instead he ground his teeth, and began rocking back and forth in his chair. “I’m sure you couldn’t.”

  “Actually, Grace is pretty hot in a reserved kind of way. They say those chicks are usually freaks in bed. They act all innocent and sweet, but get a finger or two in—”

  “Whoa, what the fuck, Oscar?” Sal stopped rocking and sat up.


  “Can you have a little respect—she’s a nice girl, and an employee. I told you about this kind of shit already. You better not even think about messing with her like that.”

  Oscar lifted his hands in the air. “Dude, this is how I always talk. What’s wrong with you?” He stopped and peered at Sal. “Wait. Are you who she’s talking to?”

  “What?” Sal was still trying to calm himself. He didn’t mean to go off on Oscar, but hearing him say that stuff about Grace made him want to rip his head off.

  “She mentioned she’s talking to someone, and now here you’re getting all crazy on me.” Oscar grinned. “You son-of-a-bitch, you are talking to her. You should’ve told me.” Alex leaned his head in the doorway. “You’re still back here? C’mon, it’s bad enough Sal’s taking forever to hire people. The one useless waiter he did hire is back here chatting it up when we got a full house.”

  Oscar laughed and started out the door. He turned back to Sal who was now lost in thought. “Hey, man, peace.” He held up two fingers. “I know now, so don’t worry about it. Bros before hos.”

  Sal didn’t even respond. He didn’t care what Oscar thought, but he’d given him yet one more thing to obsess about when it came S whabout it. to Grace. Apparently, she was talking to someone. What the hell did that mean?


  Monday and Tuesday completely dragged. It was now Wednesday morning and Grace was mad at herself. She was presenting her menu today for this week’s final at school. A three-course meal that was to be prepared in under forty minutes. She remembered a time when this was exciting. Sitting in class now waiting for her turn to go up, all she could think about was the fact that she might be seeing Sal today. That is, if he showed up.

  She went through the motions of her presentation perfunctorily. As expected, the instructor was thoroughly impressed, calling her menu a little ambitious, but that wasn’t the first time she’d heard that.

  The bus ride to work was torturous. Her insides were a hot mess. This was the first time neither Joey nor Taylor could pick her up and Joey had been beside himself, even offered to call George and see if he could pick her up. Grace assured him she’d get a ride from someone at work, though she had no intentions of asking anyone. She’d taken the bus before in the evening, it wasn’t so bad. Everyone assumed taking the bus was the lowest form of transportation. She’d take the bus any day, over flirting for a ride like she’d seen so many girls at school do.

  Initially, getting to work was a huge disappointment. Sal wasn’t even there. Then she heard Alex say Sal was coming in to close so he could go home early because his wife might be having contractions. Though she felt for Alex, because he seemed so incredibly nervous, she couldn’t help feeling excited. She had to remind herself she was supposed to be getting over this.

  Seeing him when he walked in was more gut wrenching than expected. He wasn’t in a suit like he had been so often lately, he wore jeans and a black polo. She tried playing the busy bartender when she saw him walk in, but it was impossible not to glance over at him. He seemed concerned when he spoke to Alex, but he still turned and smiled at her when he caught her looking.

  Alex left and Sal came over to the bar where she and Melanie were talking in a rare moment of no orders. “I might be an uncle soon.”

  “We heard. Congrats,” Melanie said. “Poor Alex, he was a wreck.”

  Sal laughed, those beautiful dimples melting Grace. “He’ll be okay.”

  Oscar walked up to the bar and Melanie took the order he brought with him. Since Melanie started to make the drinks, Grace had no choice but to give Sal her attention. She smiled, trying to think of something to say but he beat her to the punch.

  “How were your days off?”

  “Okay,” she said, trying not to read too much into the way he gazed at her. “School, homework.”

  He smiled. “I had some of your casserole.”

  “Oh?” Her insides were going wild. This was insane, he was just talking to her. How did those damn women do it and look so in control?

  “It was delicious. Alex is putting it on the menu, so I hope you’re prepared to share the recipe, and train all the cooks on how to make it.on how tӀe it.o

  “Really?” She smiled and for the first time since he got there, she felt excited and not completely love-struck.

  He smiled even bigger. “Yeah, really. Alex and Sofie were completely impressed by your cooking. You’ll be spending a lot more time in the kitchen. I think I’ve been overruled.”

  “Why? You’re still not impressed?”

  Sal leaned over and spoke closer than he ever had. “Oh, I’m impressed, Grace.” There was no denying the undertone of his words. She didn’t know how to respond, especially since he held her gaze and his smiling expression faded into a smoldering stare. Something jolted him and he reached for his phone, pulling his phone from his holster and glanced at it. “It’s Alex.” He answered and walked away. “What’s up?”

  Grace let out a slow breath, her heart hammering away. If this is what it was going to be like from here on she didn’t know how many up close conversations with Sal her heart could take.

  For the following fifteen minutes, Grace did her best to stay busy and keep her mind off of Sal’s last comment. It didn’t mean anything. She had to stop reading into everything he said, but even if it did mean just what he said, and nothing else, that alone was enough to make her heart pound. Sal had been impressed. So what if it was just with her cooking? Her heart inflated anyway.

  She saw him hang up and make another call and then walk back toward her with the smile that had begun to haunt her dreams. “He’s meeting her and her dad at the hospital. Unless the doctors can stop the contractions Alex just may be a daddy tonight.” Sal chuckled. “And he’s nervous as shit.”

  Grace remembered the look on Alex’s face just before he left. She thought he might be sick. “I can only imagine; he’s been so nervous all these past weeks.”

  “It should be okay. I’ll swing by the hospital tonight after we close up. See if I can’t calm him down a little. My parents are already on their way.”

  Oscar approached the bar, wiping the smile right off of Sal’s face. Before Oscar even said anything, someone from the kitchen called Sal. He excused himself and Grac
e started on the order Oscar rattled off. “So how come you didn’t tell me?”

  “Tell you what?”

  “You know.” He motioned toward the kitchen. “About who you’re talking to?”

  Grace glanced back at the kitchen then met Oscar’s eyes again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, I get it.” He smiled, wickedly. “You two are keeping it on the down low.” He picked up the tray with the drinks Grace just put on them. “Makes sense, him being the boss and all.” He took the tray and walked away in a rush.

  Grace froze, feeling the mortification sink in as Oscar walked away. Was she that obvious? She turned to see Sal walk out of the kitchen and into the office. What if it got back to him? What if Oscar mentioned it to Sal? Melanie had told her that Oscar and Sal went way back to Sal’s early college days. She felt her face warm. This was a nightmare.

  Oscar was on his way back to the bar and Grace made sure to get his attention. He walked over to her side of the bar. “What’s up?”

  “Where uh… ” She wiped off the counter, avoiding eye contact and cleared her throat. “Where would you get the idea that me and Sal are…?”

  Oscar laughed. “He told me.” Grace stopped wiping and looked at him. “But don’t sweat it. I won’t say anything to anyone. I need a pitcher of Bud and two mugs.”

  “What do you mean he told you?” She took a step back to grab a pitcher out of the freezer but never once took her eyes off Oscar.

  Oscar shrugged. “Look, I’m sorry. He didn’t say it was a secret; maybe I wasn’t supposed to tell you he said anything.”

  Grace began pouring the beer into the pitcher. “What exactly did he say?”

  “He just asked about me taking you home the other day.” Oscar looked away from her, scratching his head. “He got a little pissy and just made it clear that you were off limits.”

  She finally had to take her eyes off him when she felt the cold beer on her hand from the overflowing pitcher. “Damn it.”

  “Here he comes. Don’t tell him I told you.”

  Grace glanced back at Sal, her stomach completely in knots now. Pissy? She cleaned up the pitcher and put it on Oscar’s tray along with two chilled mugs. She caught the exchanged glance between Oscar and Sal just as Sal reached the bar.

  “Any word on them babies?” Oscar asked, picking up the tray.

  “Looks like they’ll be here tonight. The doctors can’t seem to stop the contractions. The whole crew is down there except Angel who said he might close down early and head to the hospital. I might do the same, so you guys may get to leave early tonight.”

  “I’m off in ten minutes anyway,” Oscar said.

  Sal glanced at Grace. “You’re closing right?”

  “Yeah.” Suddenly she couldn’t look him in the eyes.

  “I’ll let you know.” He glanced around the restaurant. “Looks like it’s slowing down.” He checked his watch. “Yeah, more than likely I will.” He headed to the front and Oscar walked away, leaving Grace there to try to make sense of what Oscar had said. Off limits?

  She hoped to catch Oscar before he left but she got caught up by a sudden rush and before she knew it, he was gone.

  Sal began closing up as soon as the last of customers were out just after seven so she at least wouldn’t have to stand at the bus stop after eight.

  Melanie rushed out and Grace was pretty sure there was no one else left in the restaurant besides her and Sal. Oscar’s words still rang in her ears as she pulled the apron off over her head. He got a little pissy and just made it clear that you were off limits.

  “Your ride isn’t here yet?” Grace nearly jumped, hearing Sal’s voice as he walked into the back room.

  She placed the apron in the cabinet and pulled out her purse. “No. They’re not coming tonight.”

  Sal stopped S Sacomwhat he was doing at the desk and turned to her. “So how you getting home?”

  “The bus.” She smiled but saw the look on his face. “I take it all the time.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll take you home.”

  “No, really it’s okay.” Her heart sped up at the very thought of being alone with him in a car. “I don’t know why everyone acts like it’s such a terrible thing. You have to go be with Alex, remember? Poor guy’s probably falling apart over there.” She laughed nervously making her way to the door.

  “Gracie.” Unlike when Alex called her that, hearing it from Sal made her heart flutter. “I can take you. I insist.”

  “But what about Alex? What if you miss the babies being born?”

  “It’s not like I’m going to be in there when they’re born anyway. I’ll see them



  “I’m taking you, Grace.” He grabbed the keys off the desk and turned off the monitor. “You ready?” The smile nearly did her in.

  She nodded, smiling back. It was just a ride, damn it. So why did she feel ready to swoon?


  Most of the evening, hell most of the last few weeks, Sal had contemplated what, if anything he should do about his obvious growing attraction to Grace. Alex said he’d be okay with it but things would definitely be awkward for the other employees. Then there was the possibility of things not working out. What then? Would he be okay being around her once things were over between them?

  He shook his head. The most glaring obstacle now was the fact that she was talking to someone. He’d been tempted more than once to ask Oscar exactly what she’d said and how the subject even came up. But it could only be one of two things. Either he asked her straight out, which he wouldn’t put past Oscar, or she’d brought it up on her own. She’d revealed very little about herself except that her friends were gay, and that was something he sort of forced out of her with his completely out-of-whack accusations.

  After setting the alarm, he finished locking up. Grace waited for him just outside. “Are you sure about this, Sal? It’s completely out of the way.”

  “Not really. She’s at St. Mary’s.” Sal clicked the car doors open with his keychain. “Don’t worry about it.” He opened the passenger side for her. “I’m taking you home so get in.”

  He saw her take a deep breath just before getting in the car. Sal had just turned the car on when he got a text from Sofia.

  She just delivered the first one it’s a girl! OMG Good luck! Alex will go gray before he’s thirty! lol

  Sal smiled, feeling a little choked up. “She had the first baby.” He turned to Grace. “A girl.”

  The doctors had known for months the gender of both babies but Valerie insisted on it being a surprise so they had no idea. But the one thing they did know was the babies were identical. Which meant only one thing: Alex would be the father of two baby girls. Whoa.

  Gracie smiled bigger than he’d ever seen her smile and she put her hand over her mouth. “Really? You’re an uncle! How exciting. Congratulations!”

  “Thanks. It feels weird.” He texted Sofia back as it sunk in. A new addition to the Moreno clan and there would be another one any minute. “You wanna come with me to the hospital?”

  Her smile disappeared and she blinked. “Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude. It’s just family right?”

  Sal backed the car up. “You’re an employee which, if Alex has anything to say about it, means you are family now.”

  The apprehension in her face didn’t disappear but Sal headed to the hospital anyway. The next text came about seven minutes later. When he got to a red light, he read it.

  Second baby just born and they’re all doing fine. I’m crying! Auntie is SO going to have to come to their rescue when they discover boys!

  He laughed. “Second one was just born. Wow, two girls. Damn, my brother is going to have his hands full.”

  Grace smiled again, looking almost as excited as he felt. “Oh my Gosh. I had cousins in Mexico that were identical twins. They were boys and loved confusing people; only once they spoke you could tell the differ
ence. One was so much shyer than the other, so no matter how much he tried to act like his brother, he never did quite pull it off.”

  “Yeah, well Alex has it coming. I can see it already. They’re gonna drive him crazy.” Sal shook his head. “You have any brothers or sisters?”

  “Just one. A younger sister.”

  “Really how much younger?”

  “She’s fifteen.”

  Sal turned to her when he came to a stop again. “That’s pretty big gap. Are you two close?”

  “Very. Sometimes…” She looked out the window on her side. “Actually, many times it feels like it’s just me and her against the world.”

  That piqued Sal’s interest. It sounded a bit personal but he knew so little about her and she brought it up so he asked, “How so?”

  “Ever since my dad died it’s been just her, me and my mother.” She continued to look out the window, a sign to Sal that the subject was not one she was comfortable with yet she continued. “Until my mom remarried that is. But even before then, my mom’s always been… difficult. So we’ve always stuck close together. There’s nothing we can’t get each other through.”

  Sal knew it was a risk but again, she’d brought it up not him. “How long ago did your dad die?”

  She finally turned away from the window and their eyes met for a moment before she stared straight ahead. “I was eleven. That’s when we moved to the states. My mother didn’t want to be in Mexico anymore. Since she [e. ="4was born in El Paso and was a U.S. citizen, she knew she had a better chance of getting a higher paying job this side of the border.”

  They pulled into the hospital parking lot. “You said your grandmother owned a restaurant in Juarez right? Does she still?”