Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 12

  He saw her eyebrows pinch and he knew he’d hit a nerve. Shit.

  “She had to sell it when my mom said we were moving to El Paso. She was my dad’s mom and aside from him, we were all she had, so she gave up the restaurant to follow us.”

  Sal parked the car and turned to her. “But Juarez is right over the border. Why didn’t she just keep it and visit you guys?”

  Grace shook her head and Sal saw that her eyes glistened. “She was getting older. My dad had pretty much been running the restaurant for years. She couldn’t do it without him and my mom wanted nothing to do with the restaurant.” Grace opened the door and got out.

  When Sal got out and faced her over the hood of the car, he saw her wipe away a tear. “Hey, I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject for you.”

  “No. I’m sorry. This is supposed to be a happy day. Let’s just not talk about this anymore.” Her forced smile was hardly convincing. “Let’s go see those babies.”

  Damn it. He knew he should’ve stopped when his gut told him to. “Okay.” He said, refraining from asking or saying anything more.

  They walked into the hospital silently. When they reached the waiting room where everyone was, he saw they surrounded a very red-eyed Alex, still in scrubs.

  Sofia turned when she saw Sal. Her eyes were all misty as well. The closer he got the more he noticed everyone was teared up. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes perfect,” Sofia said, hugging him. “Sienna and Savannah—those are the names of your two beautiful nieces.”

  Sal swallowed hard, feeling silly about the lump in his own throat. He walked over to Alex and hugged him hard. “How’s it feel little brother?”

  Alex nodded but was clearly still feeling emotional. “I gotta get back in there. They’re gonna be in the NICU for the first forty-eight hours but the doctors said it’s just precautionary. The girls are actually looking very good.”

  “How much did they weigh?”

  “They were both just shy of five pounds. So as soon as they hit that five pound mark we’re out of here.”

  Their mom hugged and kissed Alex. “You’re going to be such a good father, mijo.”

  After letting them in on a few more of the details about the birth and how Valerie was doing, Alex went back in.

  Sal’s mother finally turned her attention to Grace then looked at Sal. “Mom this is Grace. She’s the one that made the casserole.”

  “Oh,” His mother reached out her hand. “You’re the new cook. Your casserole was delicious.”

  “Thank you,” Grace said, obviously a little self-conscious.

  “She’s a natural in the kitchen, mom,” Sofia [momank yo added.

  “So you’re the new cook we’re gonna have to steal?” Angel said, wrapping his arms around Sarah from behind.

  Alex saw Grace’s face flush a little. She obviously wasn’t used to being the center of attention.

  “You’ll have to go through Alex to steal her. He’s very proud of being the one who discovered her.” Sofia smiled at Grace.

  The only glimpse they got of the babies was through a window but it was hard to really see them since they were in an incubator. They stuck around and waited for a chance to see them up close but after Alex came out to let them know it wasn’t happening tonight, everyone grudgingly started to make their exits. Sarah and Sal’s mom still insisted on at least seeing Valerie.

  Sal and Grace said goodnight to everyone and left. As they exited the hospital, they ran into Romero and his Izzy. Since Isabel and Valerie were so close, Sal actually been surprised that they hadn’t been at the hospital when they got there. “Hey, you out already?”

  “Yeah, we’re not going to be able go in to see the babies tonight. We were already in there for a while.” Isabel’s expression fell. “But you can see them through the window and go in to see Valerie. My mom and Sarah are going to.” Isabel smiled and glanced at Grace.

  “This is Grace,” Sal said, then added, “One of our newer employees at the restaurant.”

  Once everyone was introduced, Romero asked, “So did you get the tickets?”

  “Oh my God. He hasn’t stopped talking about those tickets,” Isabel laughed.

  “It’s the Elite Eight!” Romero looked at her like she was the crazy one.

  Sal started down the stairs of the front entrance, shaking his head. “Not yet but I’ll get them this week.” He turned to Grace who was a couple of steps behind him and felt the crazy urge to put his hand out for her to take but he didn’t.

  She crossed her arms in front of her when they reached the bottom. “Alex looked so happy. Who would’ve thought such a big lug could get so emotional? But I guess seeing your baby for the first time will do that to you. And this was a double whammy for him.”

  “Oh yeah.” Sal turned just as the wind blew a wisp of her hair across her face and she used her tongue to move it away from her lips. He nearly lost his train of thought. “That guy’s always been a softie on the inside. As hard as nails as he is on the outside, when it comes to Valerie and his baby girls they’re all gonna have him wrapped around their fingers.”

  “That’s sweet.” She smiled, making Sal glad she’d forgotten about the conversation when they arrived at the hospital. “As intimidating as he looked that first day I met him I could tell right away he was a sweetheart.”

  Sal pressed his lips together, remembering how he’d immediately noticed how comfortable she’d been around Alex that first day he hired her. Sal had always been far more guarded about showing his true feeling than either of his brothers. Those two wore their hearts on their sleeves whether they were bursting with happiness or enraged. Sal [enrSal was always too worried about being professional even in his personal life.

  They reached his car and he looked over the hood. “So were you surprised we were brothers?”

  “No, you look so much alike.”

  “I mean because I know you weren’t exactly thinking I was a sweetheart when we first met.” She stared at him from across the car and he opened the door and got in.

  “Actually,” she said as she got in and put on her seatbelt. “I meant to apologize for that. I remember you saying something about first impressions and I know I made such a horrible one. I walked in there with this huge chip on my shoulder because I’d been shot down so many times already by other restaurants, you must’ve thought I was such a bitch. And then you find out I lied on my application. I don’t blame you at all for not calling me back.”

  Sal drove out of the parking lot taking in what she just said. “I’m glad you came back.” He turned to look at her. “Really glad. What do you say we start over? I’ve already forgotten about that day and I understand why you lied now. If you can forget what an ass I’ve been we can start fresh.”

  He was beginning to really love that sweet smile of hers. “Deal.”

  The rest of the way they talked about one of her favorite topics—cooking. She told him a little bit about her school but never once mentioned seeing anyone. He hoped for an appropriate moment where he might bring it up, but there never was one. By the time they reached her place, he knew all about how she’d met her best friends Joey and Taylor. He was especially glad that they were in a happy committed relationship because he’d heard of guys that swung both ways and the way she gushed about them he would’ve had his doubts, gay or not.

  “Thank you so much for letting me tag along with you to the hospital. I can’t wait until they’re old enough so he can bring them into the restaurant and I can hold them.” She tilted her head to the side. “And thank you for the ride. You really didn’t have to.”

  “Get used to it. If you don’t have a ride at night, I’ll make sure someone gets you home. I don’t care what you say. The buses are dangerous, Gracie, especially at night.” He got away with calling her Gracie earlier and he liked it. She smiled again, not correcting him. He might never go back to Grace now.

  “If I have to. I will.” She opened the door and got out but leane
d her head in the door. “You can’t make it your job to get me home.”

  “You wanna bet?”

  She shook her head but the smile escaped her. “Goodnight Sal. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Sal sat in his car until he saw her walk all the way into the apartment building. He glanced around the area. A couple of bums were lying out front by the building next to hers and some drunk looking guys walked down the sidewalk arguing. She was nuts if she thought he was going to let her take the bus home. After spending more time with her tonight, his attraction to her was irrepressible now.


  The first thing Grace did when she got to work the next day was corner Oscar in the ba [car0" width="ck room. After spending the evening with Sal, she was certain she felt something from him but she was terrified of getting her hopes up. It didn’t help that Melanie and Julie made him out to be the biggest ladies man they’d ever encountered. “I promise this will be the last time I ask you.”

  Oscar turned to face her. She glanced out the door to make sure Sal wasn’t there yet. “He really said I was off limits? Those exact words.”

  Oscar seemed a little uncomfortable. “I don’t remember the exact words but he warned me to not even think about trying to you know… get with you or anything. Said you were an employee, but I got what he meant loud and clear.”

  Grace took in the new information. That made more sense now. Though she didn’t think he was so bad, Alex and Sofia said he was anal about everything. Maybe employee relationships were frowned upon. Sure, she’d begun to get a vibe from him but for someone who hadn’t made any kind of move, he sure would be taking an awful lot for granted to just blatantly tell another guy she was off limits for any other reason. But then why wouldn’t he take it for granted? Look at him and look at her. She frowned.

  She saw Oscar made a face. “Why? Does that make you mad?”

  “No. I’m just surprised.” She supposed if it were really what Oscar was thinking it should make her a little mad. Maybe if she wasn’t busy trying to keep from reading too much into it, it would. “Thanks, Oscar. Please don’t tell him I asked you.”

  Oscar laughed. “Don’t worry. No way am I bringing that subject up again.”

  She still had a few minutes before her shift started. Grabbing her phone, she went outside. She needed to talk this out with someone. Joey was out of class now. Before she could even dial, her phone rang—her mom.

  Irritated that she’d probably take up the few minutes left before she started work she answered. “Hello?”

  “Hi, mija.”

  Her mother only called her that when she wanted something. “Yes?”

  “Frank is in town. He wants to get together tonight. Nothing fancy like last time. He said just a stroll on the pier and maybe a few drinks at Finny’s.”

  “A romantic stroll on the pier? No way!”

  “How romantic is it going to be, Graciela, with me and Ruben there?”

  “Still, I don’t want him getting the idea that I’m actually into this.”

  “It’s only until Ruben gets the job.” She heard her mom huff. “Fine, I’ll think of somewhere else. But it’ll be casual so don’t worry about changing when you get home.”

  Great, she didn’t have a ride again. Unless Sal insisted on taking her home she probably wouldn’t even be there until almost ten. And she had that final tomorrow morning.

  She stalked back into the restaurant already annoyed. Working fast to pull her apron on she rushed into the restaurant. She was shocked at what she felt when she saw Sal near the bar with that same girl he’d been talking to in the parking lot weeks ago. The girl was blonde and wore a pantsuit—the same kind she’d worn the last time only this one [onlhe was black and hugged her body perfectly.

  She was already tall and she wore ridiculously high heels. But most pointedly she was completely flirting with him and he seemed to be enjoying it. She kept touching his arm when she spoke. It killed Grace to admit it but they looked perfect together. She’d seen pictures of Valerie in the back room. She was blonde, too. Maybe Sal was partial to blondes also. God, what was she thinking? Of course, this would be his type—beautiful and sophisticated. She felt so stupid now. She gulped hard, trying to hold it together but the truth was she felt ready to fall apart.

  He leaned against one of the bar stools and glanced at Grace as she approached. “I didn’t know they were floor tickets—my friend is gonna go wild. He’s already excited about just going.”

  “Oh, it’s going to be awesome. Then after we’re all headed to Brewster’s in Oceanside to crack open some crab legs. Some of the players will be there as well. You have to go, Sal. The whole place is reserved just for our group. It’ll be so much fun. Your friend is welcome to come, too.”

  “Players are going to be there? Shit, I know he’s gonna wanna go.”

  “Good, then it’s a date.”

  Grace turned her back to them, feeling her gut kicked in, then she heard Sal laugh. “I haven’t agreed to anything yet, Melissa.”

  “Oh, but you will.” Melissa’s voice was so suggestive Grace wondered what else he’d be agreeing to on their date.

  Feeling like a complete idiot for even allowing herself to consider the possibility of her and Sal, she rushed to the ladies’ room before she lost it right there in front of them.


  Relieved that Grace had stepped away, Sal was still pissed at the fact that she overheard his conversation with Melissa. He wasn’t sure what was going on with her and whoever she was talking to, but he didn’t like the idea of her thinking he was off the market. He already felt her apprehension about opening up last night when she told him about her dad. The last thing he needed was to put up another wall. Melissa could be that very wall, especially if her crap started up again. Why the hell had he listened to Romero?

  When Melissa finally left, he walked around casually, looking for Grace but she had completely disappeared. She was back at the bar when he emerged from the back room after an hour long conference call. Feeling like a giddy high school kid, he walked up to the bar. “So you have a ride tonight?”

  She turned to him but went back to making the drinks she was working on. “I do.”

  Disappointed he glanced around the restaurant, trying not to show it. “Joey or Taylor?”


  ^onlhet to sh He turned back to her. “Who’s picking you up?”

  She continued making the drinks without so much as looking up. “The RTD.”

  He smiled, feeling relief wash over him. “Nah, I’ll take you home.”


  “Don’t argue, Gracie. You’re not taking the bus. I’m taking you home.” He walked away before she could protest.

  He had to make a move soon. He could hardly look at her anymore without staring at her lips and thinking about how much he wanted to kiss them… taste her.

  Julie informed him they were solidly booked for the night with reservations. He really needed to step up the hiring. He thought he’d gotten better at not being such a hard ass, as Alex put it.

  He walked back to the bar. They were fully covered but the kitchen was lacking. He watched Grace as she so effortlessly made her drinks. “How do you feel about working the kitchen tonight?”

  She looked up at him her eyes suddenly huge. “Really?”

  Jesus, what her bright eyes did to him. “Yeah, really. C’mon.” He motioned with his head.

  She followed him to the back room. “Just put on a coat. We’re getting busy and I need someone that knows what they’re doing back there.”

  She put the coat on and walked right up to him. “Thank you. I won’t disappoint you. I promise.”

  Sal had to refrain from saying what he really wanted to—that at this point, there probably wasn’t a thing she could do to disappoint him. “I know you won’t. Your skill, but most importantly, your ease in the kitchen is truly impressive. Get in there and kill it.”

  He couldn’t ha
ve paid enough for the smile she indulged him with. “That means so much to me. You have no idea.”

  She had no idea what she was doing to him. For the next hour she worked the kitchen as naturally as she had worked the bar all night. He watched feeling a little irritated at how much the other cooks seemed to embrace her so quickly. The rapport she built with them, especially speaking Spanish, was almost immediate.

  A half-hour before closing they had no more customers. It was winding down and Sal was looking forward to his time alone with Gracie when he drove her home. He walked out into the main dining room and saw her on her phone. He went back to the kitchen to make sure it was ready for closing. The busboys had their music on and it was loud in there. “Almost done, Julio?”

  “You bet, Chief!” Julio put his hand at his waist shaking his hips, as the song kicked it up a notch.

  “Just finish,” Sal said, laughing as he walked away.

  He walked into the back room where Grace was taking off her apron. “I won’t need that ride after all, but thanks.”

  Sal watched her as she took her purse out of the c c oudivabinet. “You got a ride?”

  “Yeah,” She nodded, but said nothing else.

  He sat down at the desk, trying not to wonder about who was picking her up but he couldn’t. “It’s not the RTD right, Gracie?”


  Since she was obviously not going to offer more information, he shut down the computer and headed out front to make sure everything was wrapped up. He walked to the front to lock the front door and saw a Cadillac parked right out front and a man leaning against it, holding a bouquet of roses.