Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 34

  With the heated blood racing through his veins he stepped out of his car and walked to his parent’s front door with a purpose. Greeting his mother, who was more than happy to see him calmed him some but very little. He followed her, by request of course, to the kitchen. His mother was determined he’d never leave her house unfed.

  His mom informed him Vince was in the garage and Sal promised he’d be back in a few to eat, walking out the back door toward the garage. Vince had the radio on and Sal turned it down when he walked in. Vince sat up on the weight bench when he saw Sal.

  “You’re not supposed to be lifting without someone to spot you,” Sal said, but before Vince could respond he added, “did you find out anything else?”

  He saw Vince take a deep btake a dreath and then frown, making Sal’s heart beat even harder.

  “According to Rose she’s been telling me they’re just doing business together and since they’re business partners he’s going to be around a lot now but…”

  Sal waited while Vince seemed to ponder on his next words. His normal patience was gone now. It’d been gone since Grace walked out. “But what, Vince?”

  “I don’t know. I saw something today and even Rose couldn’t explain it.”

  Sal gulped, waiting.

  “I got there today just as the dude picked up Grace. They were both outside…”

  She’d been with him all weekend? Sal could hardly stand it anymore. “I don’t have time for this shit, Vince. Just spit it out.”

  “Well,” Vince scratched his head, unbelievably still stalling. “Rose started to say the guy wasn’t there for Grace. Grace was supposedly on her way out by herself and he was just visiting her parents but then…” He took another annoying deep breath and looked away from Sal’s glaring eyes. “It seemed they were about to kiss until Grace looked up and saw us watching. I drove away after that and Rose just shrugged, saying she didn’t know what that had been about. As far as she knew Grace wasn’t at all interested in him but we both knew what we saw.”

  Sal was having a hard time getting any words out. His stomach had bottomed out at the very thought of Grace almost kissing someone else. “What do you mean it almost seemed? What did you see exactly?”

  His young cousin frowned apparently uncomfortable about the question but Sal didn’t care. He needed to know. “I don’t know. I just saw what happens when someone is about to kiss. He put his arms around her and their faces came dangerously close until she looked up and saw us watching.”

  The visual served only to further the anxiety and rage Sal was already feeling. “Did Rose say anything else? I don’t care how insignificant.”

  Vince shook his head. “No. She changed the subject after that, but later when we were at the beach I brought it up casually, asking if she knew where they were moving to. She said she was pretty sure they were staying in Chula Vista. Then I asked if the dude was moving in with them and she said she didn’t think so.”

  This was ridiculous. “How can she not know?”

  “Well she’d seemed pretty sure about everything between Grace and that guy but after today… I did notice she was quiet for a while there after we drove away. Like it had surprised her, too. So maybe Grace is keeping something from her.” Vincent’s face soured suddenly. “Maybe Grace suspects you might be making me pump Rose for info. Damn, I hope she doesn’t figure it out.”

  “She won’t.” Sal began to walk away then turned back. “So that’s it? Nothing else?”

  Vincent shook his head. With that, Sal was off on a mission. Grace may think he slept with someone else but the fact remained he hadn’t. Whether or not he could prove that now, didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered now is that he stop this… thing she had going with the casino guy. He had to do something now. Alex’s words slammed into him. Make a move now before this guy does. Maybe he already had. Fuck! He hurried into the kitchen where his mom was just serving something on a plate. “Whatever it is, mom, make it to go.”

  “What? You’re leaving already?”

  “I gotta go. There’s something I need to do.”

  His mother looked so disappointed he felt guilty but the urgency he felt now was unrelenting. “I’m sorry, mom. This can’t wait.”

  He thought about calling Romero when he got in his car then decided not to. He was done waiting on ev

  eryone else. It was time to take matters into his own hands. Just as he put the phone down in the cup holder it rang—Jason. Not exactly the person Sal wanted to speak at that particular moment but he hadn’t talked to him since the day he called to tell him he wouldn’t be at the wedding.

  In no mood to answer he let it go to voicemail. Jason never left messages unless it was important. Sal would call him later when he was feeling more up to it. For now he had more important things to think about.

  He’d only driven half a block when his phone went off notifying him of a voicemail. Frowning, Sal hit the buttons to the prompts for his voicemail and set the phone back down on speaker. A few seconds later the message started but it wasn’t Jason that spoke it was Kat.

  “Sal this is Katherine. I need to talk to you. It’s about Melissa. She’s been in the hospital all weekend. She overdosed on her medication. The family thinks it was accidental but I know it wasn’t. Jason didn’t want me to call you and I know you want nothing to do with her, but I had to. I really need to talk to you. Please call me back as soon as you get the message.”

  Sal pulled over and sat there even after the call ended, numb from the news. From the moment he heard overdose thoughts of his conversation with her Friday morning came to him. The way he’d gone off on her and worse—he called her a mental case. He rewound the message to make absolute certain he’d heard right. This was the last thing he needed right now.


  Sal braced himself as he waited for Kat to answer the phone. She did on the second ring. “Sal?”

  “Yeah, what’s going on?”

  “You heard my message right?”

  “I did.”

  “First of all I want you to know, because Jason was upset with me about this. I swear to you I had no idea she was on anti-depressants or that she had any of the issues that we found out about today. Growing up we knew she was a problem child. She ran away a few times but since she was an only child we all thought it was the same old thing every time. Melissa was an attentiion whore, always had been. And she was a teenager, everyone said it would pass. It did or so we thought but until today my aunt had never said anything about her being on meds. Apparently she’s had diagnosed psychological issues since middle school but my aunt and uncle never told anyone.

  “Anyway like in the past my aunt was going to keep this to herself too until she broke down this morning because Melissa still hasn’t woken up . She couldn’t take it anymore and called my mom sobbing. She told us about how they’d found her in her apartment Friday after her work called to tell them she’d never showed up or called and they hadn’t got a hold of her. She was out of it when they found her but still semi-conscious. I was totally buying the accidental overdose thing until my aunt said… ” Kat’s voice gave, and Sal heard her soft cries.

  He held the phone tight not sure what to say to her.

  Then she spoke again. “My aunt said she repeated the same thing twice before she completely passed out, ‘Don’t hate me, Sal.’ And that’s when I knew. Her overdose was no accident.” She sniffed but was in more control of her speech now. “Jason didn’t want to involve you in this. He refused to call you when I asked him to but he finally gave in and said I could if I wanted to. I know it’s a lot to ask but I just think maybe if she heard your voice you know. She’s been out for almost three days now and—”

  “What hospital?” Sal started the ignition on the car.

  Kat seemed surprised but grateful and gave him the information. The entire way to the hospital Sal didn’t know what to think. He didn’t even want to imagine the possibility of Melissa dying and having to know the la
st conversation he had with her was probably what threw her over the edge. He knew she was on meds damn it. He should’ve taken that into consideration before he went off on her.

  Kat met him at the entrance. Her face was worn and pale and her pink eyes were an indication of the crying she’d been doing. “Thank you so much for coming.”

  “Not a problem.” He said with a gulp.

  “Your timing is perfect. No one knows I asked you to come. And they all just left to grab something to eat. Only Jason knows and he left to get us something to eat, too. I told them all I wanted to stay.” They walked quickly down a corridor. “It’s better that they don’t know. My aunt would make a huge deal if she knew what I suspected.”

  She stopped before they got to the ICU. “Whatever happens Sal. Jason wanted me to be sure to tell you, I’m in no way blaming you. She’s always had issues I just never knew the extent until now. The only reason I asked you to come was because I thought maybe, just maybe it would help bring her out of this. The doctors said they won’t know anything for days.”

  Sal shook his head. His conversation with Melissa Friday morning was still repeating itself in his head over and over. They walked in and the reality of it struck him when he saw her. She was hooked up to so many tubes and she didn’t look anything like the perfectly groomed Melissa he’d always seen.

  “Melissa,” Kat whispered next to the bed. She touched Melissa’s arm. “Sal is here. He wanted to come by and see how you were doing.”

  Kat looked at him from across the bed and nodded. Sal took the few steps to near Melissa’s bedside. “Hey, Melissa.” Almost instantly there was a flinch in Melissa’s eyelids. Sal lookeds. Sal d at Kat. She was wide eyed and brought her hand to her mouth. He was almost afraid to say anything else but Kat’s expression pleaded with him.

  “I uh… was worried, but I know you’re strong.” They waited watching anxiously but there was no more movement.

  Kat touched her arm again. “I’ll give you two some privacy.”

  Sal had no idea what else to say. All he knew is he wouldn’t be in there with her long. He was beginning to think this was a mistake. Maybe him coming today would give Melissa the idea that this kind of thing is what she needed to do to bring him to her.

  As soon as Kat walked out he decided he knew what he wanted to say. “Listen. I don’t hate you okay? I was mad but I understand now that… you weren’t well. I get it. And I want to make sure you know that. You should just focus on getting well. Don’t worry about anything else.” He squeezed her fingers and for a moment he thought he felt her move them then nothing. “Goodbye, Melissa.” He wanted that to sound as final as possible. “I know you’ll find happiness, but get well first.”

  He walked out and an anxious Kat stood outside. “Did she move again?”

  Sal shook his head, wanting nothing more than to get out of there as soon as possible. After speaking with Kat for a bit longer he finally said goodbye and left before Jason got back. He’d wanted to wait for him and apologize again for not making it to his wedding. Instead he apologized to Kat and left. He just couldn’t stand being there anymore.

  When he got back to the restaurant Sofia was a little too excited to see him. “Where’ve you been we’ve been trying to get a hold of you. How come you’re not answering your phone?”

  Sal patted the phone on his holster as he walked to the back room and remembered he’d put it on silent before walking into the ICU. “I forgot to take my phone off silent. Why? What’s up?”

  He walked into the back room. Romero and Alex both sat at the desk. “Dude!” Romero said when he saw him. “Where’ve you been?”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “You should have a seat,” Sofia who had followed him to the back room said.

  Sal turned to her then back at Alex who shook his head. A feeling of dread began to come over him but when he saw Romero smirk he knew it couldn’t be about Grace.

  “What is it?”

  Sofia pushed the chair next to Romero in front of the computer. “Romero came through. As always. Have a seat.”

  Sal glanced at her then sat and watched as Romero clicked a couple of icons opening up one that started a video.

  “I got more than just proof that you didn’t do shit that night. I got proof that she did more than we thought.”

  The video started panning out across certain areas of the bar where they’d hung out. There was a shot of a group of girls then Romero slowed it down and froze on a girl—Melissa. She was doing something with a shot glass, her back was turned away from the other girls as if to shi as if teld it.

  “So lets go to another angle.” Romero typed something in and there was the same shot from a different angle. “You see here?” He stopped it and zoomed in but the picture got blurry. “So we focus this,” he said typing more stuff in and suddenly the picture was clear. Romero slowed it down so you could see exactly what she was doing in slow motion.

  Sal sat up when he saw what she was doing. She’d opened a capsule and poured a little of what was in it into the shot glass.

  “Okay so we know what she’s doing right?”

  Romero fast forwarded the video until they saw a waitress come by. Sal recognized her as one of the waitresses that was bringing over the drinks the girls sent. At first she seemed to shake her head.

  “I didn’t even catch this part the first time I saw it. It happens so fast but look here.” He slowed down the video and points at Melissa slipping the girl something in under the tray. “If I zoom in you can see it’s a fifty but I want you to see what happens next.”

  Sal watched astonished as the waitress took the shot glass Melissa handed her and placed on her tray. Romero typed in something so they could see from a different angle as she walked away from Melissa to the bar. She picks up more shots but moves the one Melissa gave her to the side then walks over to where he and the guys are.

  “And there you have it.” Romero froze the video on the moment she hands Sal the shot glass Melissa obviously paid her to make sure he got.

  Sal’s eyes were glued to the screen remembering how odd he’d began to feel after the shot and how he’d thought the waitresses had been flirting with him when she handed him the shot. Even knowing now that Melissa had issues he still couldn’t believe she’d do this.

  “But wait,” Romero pointed a finger in the air with a smirk. “There’s more! The bitch wasn’t done yet.

  Sal turned to him flabbergasted. “What?”

  Romero nodded but said nothing grabbing the mouse. “Watch this.”

  After fast forwarding for a while he slows at another image of Melissa spiking yet another shot then she put something away in her purse, picked up the shot glass and walked out of the camera’s view. He typed in something else and a different camera picked up her image. Melissa walked across the bar with the shot glass still in her hand and she went straight to a very wobbly looking Sal and handed it to him.

  “I don’t remember that at all.” He thought hard and remembered being handed shots but not who handed them to him. He assumed it had been Jason or the waitress.

  “You’re lucky you were so wasted you spilled half that shit or she may’ve killed you!” Alex fumed.

  They watched several more videos of Sal walking through the casino and to his room hanging on Melissa the whole way. There was no video of what actually happened in the room. But Sal knew without a doubt nothing had happened, especially not after seeing just how out of it he’d actually been. The only other evidence was that she hadn’t even spent the night. She walked out of his room twenty minutes after walking him there and didn’t return until the following morning.

  < height=/div> Her spiking his drink made total sense now. No wonder the memories of that night were so damn choppy.

  “Are you calling the police?” Sofia asked. “or are you going straight down there to file the report?”

  Sal shook his head still staring at the video Romero had now rewound to the part where sh
e spiked his drink. “I’m not doing either.”

  Both Sofia and Alex spoke at the same time. “Why not?”

  “First of all,” he said turning to face their stunned faces. “This tape would never be admissible in court. Romero could even get in trouble for having it.”

  “Actually there’s ways around that,” Romero smirked.

  Sal was adamant. “Even if there is. I’m not.” If this girl nearly took her own life because she thought he hated her, he could only imagine what she’d do if he ruined her. This would get her debarred for sure. Sal took a deep breath and explained briefly about Melissa overdosing and what Kat had told him. “She’s unstable but having this evidence against her could be enough to keep her away for good. I don’t even wanna have contact with her again but I could pass the word through Jason that if she so much tries to contact me or Grace I’ll go to the police.”

  None of them seemed content with his decision, least of all Sofia. “What about Grace? Are you going to show this to her?”

  Oh he certainly planned to. “Yeah,” he turned to Romero, “but I need another favor from you.”

  For some reason what he needed to know now outweighed any worry he’d had in past weeks about clearing his name. Unbelievably something that had actually made him start questioning his desire to have Grace back in his life.