Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 35


  The next morning Sal got two calls: the first one was a relief; the other one his worst nightmare. Kat called to thank him again for coming to the hospital and told him Melissa had woke up just hours after he’d left. As much as a relief that it was to hear that news he still had one not so pleasant thing to do when it came to Melissa. He asked Kat if he could speak to Jason. First he apologized again for not making it to the wedding.

  “Don’t worry about it, man. I get it now. I wouldn’t have wanted to be there either if I was in your shoes. But you gotta know I would’ve never pushed for you to go out with her especially a second time if I had known about all this.”

  “Of course I know that,” Sal said. “But believe it or not there’s more. Can you put me on speaker because I want Kat to hear this too?”

  Sal told them everything. About the Vegas stunt to the fake pregnancy and then dropped the big one about her spiking his drink. “Don’t ask me how but I have it on tape. I just want to make sure you guys know that I’m not going to the police with this yet. When she’s better I need for you two to make sure you tell her that I’m willing to overlook this. Let it go and we all know this is huge.” The thought of it was beginning to piss him off again. “But I’m willing to not ruin her career and possibly throw her ass in jail so long as she stays the fuck away from me and my family. I don’t want her anywhere near my house, the restaurant, anyone I know and I donnow and ’t want her contacting me in any way.”

  After the initial shock of it both Kat, but even more adamantly Jason, agreed they’d make sure Melissa had it straight. And Kat thanked him repeatedly for not going to the police.

  Sal sat back in his chair when he got the second call. It couldn’t have come at a worst time. Once again he had a meeting that day with the investors. He was just waiting for Alex to get out of class and come relieve him so he could leave and meet with them. But Romero threw a wrench in those plans.

  The night before Sal had asked him if he could find out a little bit more than what Vincent was giving him about Grace and this Laughlin guy. He’d remembered a part of the conversation he had with Grace the day they left the hospital when the twins were born. When he asked her why she’d come back to the restaurant even though she was so adamant about not being hired as a bartender she’d said “sometimes necessity makes people do things they might not otherwise.”

  Without a job, Sal knew Grace must be in a bind. She’d told him she wasn’t attracted to Frank in any way. And she’d told Rose she wasn’t interested in him either. So if she was sleeping with the guy now—the thought alone made him squeeze his eyes shut so hard he saw stars. But if she was it was for one reason only—money. Sal knew no matter what he could never respect someone like that. Grace said she wasn’t like her mother but... necessity. She sure as hell hadn’t wasted any time after they broke up to take a vacation in Laughlin.

  Sal knew there was no way this guy would be buying her a house and going into business with her if there was nothing else involved. As much as it killed him he had to know.

  He answered Romero’s call on the first ring. “Hey, man. I don’t have much yet except one little, yet very significant, thing that’s gonna piss the fuck outta you. But I thought you should know.”

  Every muscle in Sal’s body went taut. “What?”

  “Well you said the dude was down here this weekend right? And he drives a newer model, beige Cadillac with Nevada plates?”

  “Yeah,” Sal’s jaw was already working in anticipation.

  “I had a job near Chula Vista early this morning. I got here a little too early so I thought I’d drive by her place, you know to check out what might be a good place to get the best angle if I decide to stake it out.” He paused for a second before continuing. “The car was there, man. And if I had to guess because it was so early, we’re talking just after five, it was there over night.”

  Sal bolted out of his chair in reaction to that news. The guy was there all fucking weekend and he’d spent the night at her place? He ran his hand roughly through his hair. “And you’re sure it was Nevada plates?”

  “Yep, I mean it could be a coincidence but—”

  “Nah, it’s no coincidence that’s his car.” Sal couldn’t believe he could be so wrong about her.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so either. So whatta ya want me to do? I could still look into it but I mean… this pretty much says it all.”

  Sal stopped pacing and shook his head. “No. Don’t waste anymore time on her. I don’t neeI don’d to know anything else. But thanks.”

  The second he hung up Sal picked up the coffee mug on his desk and flung it across the room. Hearing it smash into a million pieces was what he needed at that moment. But it did little to calm him.

  Oscar rushed in the room. “You okay in here?”

  Sal could barely breath straight much less talk. He nodded and pointed at the door. “Just close the door will you? I need a minute.”

  Oscar stared at him for a moment without moving.

  “Close the fucking door!”

  Oscar flinched at Sal’s booming voice but reached for the knob an

  d walked out closing the door behind him.

  By the time Alex got there Sal had done nothing but obsess about Grace with that guy and even though he’d told himself he’d want nothing to do with her if she was sleeping with him he needed answers or he was going to explode.

  Alex stopped and stared at the coffee stain on the wall and then the shards of coffee mug all over the floor. “What the hell? What happened?”

  Sal grabbed his keys and phone. “I’ll explain later. I gotta go.”

  He rushed past a still stunned looking Alex and out the door.


  After hours of trying to figure out how best to handle Grace’s latest dilemma she finally had to change the subject. She was so drained from this topic already.

  “So Rose is mad at me.”

  That obviously surprised both Joey and Taylor. “I thought you said you haven’t told her.”

  “No not about this. It’s about Vincent.”

  Joey nodded knowingly. “Ah, what happened?”

  “Yesterday after she got home—mind you she spent Friday evening with him and most of the day yesterday—she asks if it would be okay if he picked her up from school instead of taking the school bus. So I told her no. Three days in less than a week is a bit much, don’t you guys think?”

  Taylor made a face and she knew he would. He, as always, was on Rose’s side. God, he loved spoiling her. Before he’d start stating why he didn’t agree with Grace, she lifted her hand. “Remember, Taylor. She’s only fifteen.”

  “But if they’re just hanging out and if you know you can trust her, and you know you can Grace, then I don’t see the issue.”

  Joey shook his head. Finally someone was on her side. “I think you’re forgetting, Taylor, what it’s like to be a sixteen-year-old boy. Too much time together could be trouble. Not to mention that his own cousin warned Grace about him.” Joey turned back to Grace. “So she’s mad at you, sweetie?”

  Grace nodded a bit saddened. “I hate for her to be mad at me but I told her it was for her own good. I knew the time would come when she would rebel even against me. I just didn’t think it would be after only a couple of times of hanging with him.”

  “You really think she’ll rebel? Like maybe get sneaky?” Joey asked.

  Grace hadn’t thought that far ahead but the thought was alarming. What if she did? As if she really needed more to worry about.

  The knock at the door was loud and severe, making all three of them turn at once. “Grace? You here? I need to talk to you.”

  Sal’s voice was ominous—demanding. Rose was the first thing that came to mind. School had been out for over an hour and she hadn’t checked in like she normally would when Grace wasn’t home at that time. Grace assumed it was because she was mad at her but with Sal banging at the door she wasn’t sure what to think. She j
umped from Joey and Taylor’s kitchen table where they’d all been sitting the entire time.

  Without even thinking she hurried to the door and swung it open, her heart at her throat then feeling the all too familiar rush of emotion at the incredible sight of him. She barely managed to say the words. “What happened? Is Rose okay?”

  A strange expression washed over him. “Rose?”

  “Isn’t that why you’re here?” Her heart and mind raced at the same time.

  His expression went suddenly hard. “No. I’m here because of that asshole you’ve been with all weekend.”

  With the relief of knowing this had nothing to do with Rose, suddenly the anger and hurt that she’d worked so hard to keep sedated over the past month began to emerge. The front she had to put up for everyone else’s sake, out of fear of worrying them she could no longer contain. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  Sal didn’t back down instead he stood even taller, every word more looming than the last. “Is he here?” Sal eyes searched the small apartment. “I saw his car out front. Are you seeing him now, Grace?”

  “That is none of your business.”

  “Are you? It’s been what? A fucking month since we broke up?”

  “What I do now is none of your business! Do you understand? You have a lot of gall coming here—”

  He took one step forward cupping her face in his hands weakening her resolve just like that and she went speechless, staring into his frightened eyes. “I didn’t sleep with her, Grace. I swear to you. She concocted the entire thing. I have proof for you. But I need to know what the fuck is going on with you and this guy? Why is he here with you? And why’ve you’ve been with him all weekend. Are you…”

  His words seemed to catch while Grace tried to make sense of what he’d just said. “You have proof…” She almost allowed herself to believe it but caught herself. “No!” She pulled his hands away from her face. She wouldn’t fall back into this. “You said you did. You can’t just take that back now.” Feeling what she’d known all along she’d feel if she ever had to be around him she could barely speak now. “You need to leave. I told you I want nothing to do with you anymore.”

  “Just tell me. Is he here?” He looked around again eyeing the hallway to the bedrooms. “Is he fucking hiding?”


  “Then what’s his car doing out front? I know I can prove to you I didn’t do a damn thing with Melissa, but you’ve been with this guy all weekend.” The fire in his eyes was ever blazing and she knew she should be mad but he sounded so determined when he said he could prove his innocence it gave her mangled heart an ounce of hope.

  “I’m driving his car. He loaned it to me.”

  Grace could see that only added fuel to his already lit eyes. “What? Why?”

  “Because we’re going into business together. He’s helping me get my restaurant going.”

  She hadn’t thought it possible but the ferocity in his eyes went up a notch and he took a very deep breath. “Really? He loaned you his car and he’s getting you a restaurant, too? In exchange for what, Grace? Your business partner nearly kissed you yesterday… or maybe he did. You wanna explain that?”

  “Grace,” Taylor spoke up. “Maybe you should tell him.”

  Sal’s suddenly alarmed eyes finally pulled away from the glaring hold he had on Grace to look at Taylor. “Tell me what?”

  He turned back to Grace and she bit her lip, the words still unbelievable even to her as she thought them, but she forced herself to say them. “I’m pregnant.”

  The look in Sal’s eyes was not what she expected. She knew he’d be surprised and she didn’t exactly expect him to be thrilled but she wasn’t expecting the devastating expression he wore now. His eyes full of questions, he asked the last thing she would’ve imagined he’d ever ask. “Whose is it?”

  Before she’d even allow the massiveness of what he just said to her manifest, she slapped him so hard it stung her hand.



  Even with the heat of her hand still stinging his face, two thoughts buzzed in Sal’s head loud enough to almost drown out the words Grace now yelled at him. Grace was pregnant—with his baby.

  “I said get out!”

  Sal snapped out of his daze and reached out for Grace’s hand. She pulled back but he reached for it again and held it firmly staring into her tear-filled but angry eyes. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I just… I don’t know. You were with this guy all weekend. It made me so crazy.” He pulled her to him and thankfully she didn’t fight him. “This whole time without you I’ve been going insane. I don’t know what I was thinking. I didn’t mean that—”

  “What else could you mean?” Even though her words had lost their wrath her eyes bounced from his eyes to his lips but she was still insisting on one thing. “I need you to leave.”

  Unable to control the incredible urge to taste her lips again, he kissed her softly and though she didn’t really participate she didn’t push him away. “I think we both know I’m not leaving, especially now. Not without you anyway.”

  “I can’t.”

  Joey who had jumped from the kitchen table to come to Grace’s aid or maybe Sal’s when Grace slapped him, but stopped in the middle of the front room when he heard Sal apologize finally spoke. “Grace you should talk.” She turned her attention back to Joey. “Whether things between you two work out or not, you still have to talk about some kind of arrangement. You may as well get it over with now. ”

  Sal knew exactly what was going to happen between them because nothing was keeping him away from her now but he’d keep that to himself for the moment. And the only thing they were getting over with was this damn relationship—business or not—she had with the casino guy. It didn’t matter what Joey said if he could convince Grace to leave with him, Sal would bite his tongue.

  Grace glanced at Taylor. “But—”

  “But nothing,” Taylor said. “I’m with Joey. Put your feelings aside for just a moment and think of what’s best for this baby. The rest will work itself out.”

  The baby. Sal had been so strung out with his thoughts of Grace and the other guy it hadn’t really registered yet. She was having his baby.

  She turned back to Sal who could barely restrain himself from taking her and smothering her in his arms. But he managed to refrain and instead said, “We do have a lot to talk about.”

  “I’m in Frank’s car.”

  Sal’s jaw tightened at the sound of her saying his name. Before he could spit out what he was thinking, Joey once again had the answer to that protest. “Taylor and I can drive it back to your place, or Sal can bring you back later.”

  “Take it back.” was Sal’s immediate reaction. If he had it his way he wasn’t bringing her back. Not tonight—not ever.

  Taylor nodded. “We can do that.”

  Grace still seemed very apprehensive. She turned and their eyes met again. “I can only talk for a few minutes but then I have to go home and check on Rose.”

  She pulled her hands from his and walked back to the kitchen. Both Taylor and Joey watched Joey wd and if Sal wasn’t mistaken, though they weren’t blatant about it, they seemed pleased. That only gave him more hope that if he couldn’t convince Grace to come back to him maybe he could count on them to help. He knew they wanted nothing more than for their baby girl to be happy. He wasn’t crazy about hearing Joey refer to her as that the first time but at the moment he loved what it meant. It meant Joey would love nothing more than to make sure Grace was happy and taken care of. Which was exactly what Sal planned on doing.

  They were barely to his car when he pulled her to him. She began to protest but he felt her body slowly give into him and he leaned against his car pulling her to him.

  “You said you have proof,” were the first words out of her mouth.

  “I do.”

  He told her about the video and Melissa and how she’d spiked his drink.

  “I went to see her yesterd

  Grace jerked away from him. “You went to see her?”

  “In the hospital, Gracie.” He pulled her back to him. “She overdosed... on purpose.”

  Grace’s eyes grew wide and got even wider as he filled her in on everything about Melissa and how unstable she was. “When I figured it out finally this past Friday, I really told her off. I called her a mental case. I shouldn’t have but I was just so fucking pissed. All the hurt you had to go through for nothing.” The enamel on his teeth was going to wear out from all the grinding he’d done ever since this whole nightmare with Melissa started.

  Grace seemed to ease up but Sal could still see the apprehension. “Did she send the texts that night?”

  “I’m fairly certain. When you see how out of it I was that night you’ll know there was no way I could’ve verbally put two coherent words together. Much less text them.”

  Grace frowned but didn’t say anything at first. Then she looked him in the eye. “I didn’t believe her when she first told me.” She shook her head her eyes welling up a bit. “I just couldn’t believe that you would…”

  “And I didn’t. You know that now.”

  She breathed in deeply and nodded. “But when you said you did…” she looked away.

  The hurt was still there and he didn’t want to, but he hated Melissa for that. He thought of what he felt when Romero informed him Frank’s car had been at Grace’s all night so he knew what Grace must’ve felt—remembered the desperation in Grace’s voice over the phone when she begged him to tell her he hadn’t slept with Melissa and he couldn’t. It choked him up just thinking about it and he brought his arms around Grace hugging her tight. “I wish I could take back all your pain. I swear to you I do, baby. But at least it’s over now.”